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I know they are nationalist but are they genuinely racist? Everyone says American Republicans are racist but that isn't true.

I feel /jp/ would know best about Japanese nationalists.
So what if they're racist? It's better to keep the scum out and forsake a few good people, than it is to bring the scum in for the sake of appearances.
>Everyone says American Republicans are racist but that isn't true.
Yes it is.
Same thing as your mother.
>>10834280 (OP)
The black vans are racist, yes, and it’s scum.
That doesn’t mean any Japanese nationalist is racist, not every Japanese nationalists is the same.
What's wrong with being racist?
>I feel /jp/ would know best about Japanese nationalists.

And you feel wrong.
Nothing. Anybody who says otherwise is either a goody two shoes in denial, or just scared to admit it because of the stigma behind it.

There's nothing wrong with shunning a group of people that are different and largely problamatic when they're a threat to your own country and people.

It's a shame that the west is now so indoctrinated that they are unable to accept that.
How are white Anglos a threat to anyone's country when they do nothing but bring business and knowledge to everywhere they step foot?
Racism against people who are your superior is bad.
>modern whites
It's not the 1800's anymore.
Have fun with your obesity and genetic defects.
I'm Aryan and I lift.
Are you a blackskin or a libtard?
Tribal ax-grinding mentality is exactly what prevents the world from finally getting rid of this heavily malfunctioning joke of an economical model.

Let us imagine a country where everyone's a Ph.D. or equipped with equal capabilities and knowledge. How do you think things will be managed? Will there be a ruling minority that'll desperately try to keep the impulsive hedonists out of harms way by giving them something to do?

Have you ever visited a night club? If not, please do so. What you'll see over there is real.
>have you ever been to a nightclub
You sound like a genetic failure to me. What does your inability to get laid have to do with economic models failing, my impoverished friend?
>Let us imagine a country where everyone's a Ph.D.

There go the liberal religious beliefs about everyone having innately equal intelligence again....
The funny thing is it's only white people who believe in this "we are all the same" nonsense.

What logic is there in pretending that race doesn't exist and mean anything in a world where everyone else thinks it does and acts according to that axiom?
This is the part where /jp/ tells us how intelligent it is.
>Tribal ax-grinding mentality is exactly what prevents the world from finally getting rid of this heavily malfunctioning joke of an economical model.
Groups with lower average capabilities will be an issue whether you're capitalist, communist, syndicalist, anarchist or living on a post-scarcity space station, really.
>What does your inability to get laid have to do with economic models failing, my impoverished friend?
Why would I want to pop out kids into this kind of insanity, my pretending-to-be-retarded friend? The world laughs at the absurdity of the British-American tuition systems. The most valuable company in the world is solely focused on reinventing the wheel in the form of consumer toys.
If you are a successful capitalist, you use less intelligent people as your manufacturing/service class while keep them far away from yourself.

See /jp/ and their ostracization from the successful sections of their respective countries.
A strong-willed, mentally-capable, hard-working, sensible empire will never happen so long as we continue letting those subhumans in and putting others above ourselves.

People who are "liberal minded" have proven to be misguided, toxic, and illogical cretins time and time again.

What we must do, as the two strongest races, is focus on ourselves and remove our own undesirables before even thinking about accepting those of lesser races.

How are we, as humans, supposed to evolve when we remove competition and constantly enable our inferiors?

Think about that for a while, white boy.
Surely then, you'll be able to understand that pleasing your inferiors is only going to lead your race down the path of destruction.
>Groups with lower average capabilities will be an issue whether you're capitalist, communist, syndicalist, anarchist or living on a post-scarcity space station, really.
If you had actually visited a university you wouldn't have the guts to write something like that. Or what do I know.
Wasn't aware that fucking a chick at a nightclub was synonymous with having kids, my ugly poor friend.
>why would I
Good question. An autistic parent will only have autistic children.
>If you had actually visited a university you wouldn't have the guts to write something like that.
That's because Universities these days are just breeding zones for disgusting liberal behaviour.

yep, this is the truth. it seems like we did a much better job dealing with the inferior races in the past. Jim Crow was more fair to blacks than slavery, and more fair to the superior racces than what we have todoay.
How is this otaku culture?
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uh, yeah a university would be filled with liberals who think we can solve all the worlds problems by stealing from the rich and giving to the incapable. I wouldn't go to baltimore and complain about niggers, and i wouldn't go to a university and complain about liberals.
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Racism is essential otaku culture
Do you know what I'm laughing at? I hear or read about "liberals" maybe once a year. I was just mentioning some real things and suddenly I'm getting drowned in that non-word.
>real things
>people being equal

Pick one.
Only heard of them from HOTD, where right wingers are badass and left wingers are delusional pussies.

If you are opposed to wealth redistribution, then you are not a true and NEET, and if you are not a true NEET, then you should leave this board
>people being equal
Alright. Let us assume that attaining a Ph.D. is a task that you grind for. Once you have done that, you're a Ph.D.

How often do people who have read that much go around doing stupid things such as crimes? Is it because they're so amazingly brilliant or is it because they've studied and understood why certain ethical principles are worth adhering to? Could it be that they're actually used to their calm lifestyle? How come all the rich kids booze like monkeys and bomb a hefty portion of their freshman courses? What kind of sense does relative grading make?

Many people believe that a bad social environment is a major contributor to crime. They believe that if people of all races had the same education, income, and social status, there would be no race differences in crime rates. Academic research, however, shows that these differences persist even after controlling for social variables.

In fact, the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic accounts for crime rates more than four times better than the next best measure: lack of education. Furthermore, even controlling for all three measures of social disadvantage hardly changes the correlation between racial mix and crime rates. The correlation between violent crime and the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic is 0.78 even when poverty, education, and unemployment are controlled, versus 0.81 when they are not. In layman’s terms, the statistical results suggest that even if whites were just as disadvantaged as blacks and Hispanics the association between race and violent crime would still be almost as great. It may seem harsh to state it so plainly, but the single best indicator of an area’s violent crime rate is its racial/ethnic mix.
You're talking like a big boy but you're forgetting to cite your American sources.
>It's totally ok for me to make a dozen naked assertions in every post I make, but if you do the same I'll demand proof!

Why do liberals think that stuff like "poverty causes crime" and "we're all equally intelligent" somehow doesn't require substantiation.
Liberals don't care about the truth, they only care about their ideals and their own personal reality.

There's no point in arguing with them, they are toxic defective people who will jump through mental hoops just to avoid admitting the truth and being seen as wrong.
You were talking about academic research. I was asking questions that I've been thinking of because I've seen some disturbing things in real life.
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"Who are you quoting, anon?"
Citation needed
>DSC 3583.jpg
I hate nail polish.
>I was asking questions that I've been thinking

So you don't actually have any concrete reason to believe in the things you believe in?

Ok then.

Liberalism is highly resilient to reality.

Look at how long it has taken us to get them to acknowledge that intelligence is partially genetic.
Girls on /jp/ need to be raped and raped and raped.
>So you don't actually have any concrete reason to believe in the things you believe in?
I'm sorry but I can't read without trusting my eyes. I've never tried, but I could vapidly guess that it gets difficult if you don't look at the text.
what the fuck does this thread have to do with doujin games, touhou, visual novels, or niche otaku interests
You have no evidential reason to believe in what you do. You believe that you can "create countries where everyone is a PhD" because that's what you've been taught, that everyone is infinitely malleable.
what the fuck does this post have to do with doujin games, touhou, visual novels, or niche otaku interests
It serves a pretty important mission. It contains all of /pol/ shitposting on /jp/ in one place.
>You have no evidential reason to believe in what you do. You believe that you can "create countries where everyone is a PhD" because that's what you've been taught, that everyone is infinitely malleable.
Please, who has taught me? Tell me about my parents and life. Where have I been, what have I done?

I guess that one guy taught me something in high school. He kicked the back of my chair during a chemistry lesson and said out loud "I wonder if that guy has ever gotten laid?"

There was complete silence before and afterwards. The guy's mother was a chemistry teacher and he usually got a 10/10. Too bad his success with the other subjects wasn't as great.
>Please, who has taught me?

Schools, Universities, the Media, the Press.

Egalitarianism is the post-Christian religion of the West.
>Schools, Universities, the Media, the Press.
What media? What press? Which schools? Do I read newspapers, and how often? Is there even a television in this house?
I can't even figure out what you fucks are arguing about anymore.
We are defending racism in japan right now.
Very otaku thing to do
An additional question: if the university has taught me so well, why did the 50-year-old professor make a joke about my mother when I replied properly to his question?
Because you're an assburger.
Because he's a funny motherfucker.
Because your mother's a whore.
All of the mainstream institutions.

You're free to pretend that's not the case though, even though we live in an age where every inequality in outcome between race and gender is assumed to be environmental in origin, and where even population geneticists can be accused of being RAYCISS for research.

The Snyderman-Rothman study covers this bias in more detail.

For the moment you're welcome to continue believing groups isolated for much of their evolutionary history are entirely the same even though it's obvious from superficial features that they aren't.
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Good goy, trust the Animus... He-he...
The army doctor told me that I'm completely healthy.


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