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Got my first dakemakura today...

General dakemakura thread!

What were your firsts, favorites, least favorites?
Post a picture of yours.
>What were your firsts, favorites, least favorites?
I always thought people would buy just one dakimakura of the character they love.
I guess I'm too much of a romantic.
I initially did that. I only had one for quite a while, then started buying more just for decoration. Up until recently, I only slept with my first one, but I was always deathly afraid of ruining it, and eventually wearing it out. I can't find it anymore, so buying a replacement in the future would likely be near impossible. I switched her with one of the others, but now it pains me that I can't sleep with her anymore. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
I have multiple, but they're all of the same character.
Good thread OP, I started my own similar thread tonight here: >>11199582 → . Where did you order from? What kind of material is it?

Have you ever considered getting a custom daki made? Someone in my thread informed me of HobbyHeart, which can do reportedly custom prints for only $50.
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I don't have a camera. Sooo here. :D
I thought about it, but I don't have a large enough image of it to do that.

I don't plan on buying another one. I got one of my waifu.
> :D
Get out of /jp/.
Arts beef has customs for like $30.
It's so hard to find a non lewd one where she doesn't look like she's about to get raped.
I bought one off there a while back to see what it was like, it was pretty shitty. I'd rather buy one from eBay.
I don't even know why I bought it

She lays on the other side of the bed and gets dirty, I don't even hug her
It's pretty bad when even the official covers don't meet that requirement.
Is anyone aware of some artist's forum where they would be willing to commission a dakimakura-appropriate illustration or two (not lewd, ie., character is lying down)?

I got mine from hobby heart. Their $60 one is made of 2way tricot which is supposed to be some of the best material you can get for a dakemakura. It's definitely worth it.
What's it feel like? Are we talking Egyptian cotton quality?
It looks like this isn't very well explained. Here is a link to the custom daki HH page:


If you click the "Material" tab, you see macros of each of the fabrics. To me, it looks like 2WT has the nicest image quality and ~highest stats~ but this thread


discusses the textiles too, and they mention that 2WT is delicate (?) and that peach skin might be more durable in the long run. Plus, it looks quite nice too.

Where to people find these big illustrations to custom print? (1417x4252 res)

Can't help it. Asians a bad disease.

Ah. Thank you for the insight. I'll definitely look into it then.


It's soft. Probably not the softest thing I've felt. It's smooth too. I'm not good with describing how things feel.

You can probably just go on danbooru or something and look through all the dakemakura art.
Try yande.re
It has higher quality.
I can't remember of the other image board, but it has huge sized ones in a little less quality.
good calls, thanks.
Why don't they make dakis where the girl on the cover is sleeping?
Because that would make sense.

It really is dumb that most of them have at least one side where the girl looks like she's about to be raped.

No problem. It sucks that you can't pair up two searches together like, "dakimakura" "insert character here" to search. So you'd have a lot of sifting to do.
seriously. i'm looking for a two-sided one, one where she's her normal happy "canon" self, and then maybe she's in pajamas or something on the reverse?

it would really skeeve me out to sleep with some of these in my bed. a lot of them are just repulsive.
The trick is find two sides that you like, from two different dakimakura. Find the image of each side and vector it, or find someone that can do it for you. Then make a custom dakimakura.
Will somebody buy me one?

I'm a poorNEET ;_;
I don't understand
Are you a lesbian?
What daki do you want?
A cute one that I can also do lewd things with.

Maybe Kagami from Lucky Star. Never really watched the show but she seems pretty cute
or one with black (or dark purple) hair and red eyes.

No cows. Medium to small breasts

Are you hoping I'm a lesbian?
I thought you had someone in particular in mind.
No. I just want to hug and rub against something soft and lovely so I can pretend I'm not alone in this world
You need something more substantial to direct your affection towards

Do you not have a waifu?
You can buy me one of those too if you have the means

Suika is my waifu but I don't want to defile her like that.


that one is pretty cute. Who is it?
I'll do it if it's your waifu. You don't have to defile her though. Just treat her with affection.
Misaki Mei from Another
She'll get plenty of affection if you know what I mean
I have two of the same character. Both are bootlegs, unfortunately (though the artist that did one of mine is Chinese and I haven't seen it on Japanese sites doujin or otherwise). I want a proper circle one, but it's a little pricy and worst of all, it's lewd on one side and I really don't know how it would sit with my parents.

But she's in a wedding dress! I think when I get some money I'll just go for it anyway.

Also, what's up with all this "waifu" talk? This isn't /a/; don't trivialize a beloved character with a joke-label.
>I really don't know how it would sit with my parents.
Chances are, they really won't give a shit.
waifu is only a joke label because of /a/ Don't let them ruin something for you. I don't really know what else to call them anyways. Fictional character I love?
Only 40 NEETbux, eh? I thought they ran more than that.

God bless little Chinese kids and their factories of death
My mother has always been quick to reprimand me or caution me about eroticism ever since I was young. Even now that I'm an adult she treats even mild sensuality or risque humor as outright pornography.

But I could get away with it. I just don't have very good luck and I don't want awkward moments in the future.
I wish my family was like that. My grandma and mother openly talk about slut shit even in front of my 12 year old sister that is reaching the point where she will decide if she wants to be a slut or not.
No, waifu from its etymology is a joke. IIRC, it comes from Azumanga Daioh.

I just tend to call her "her" online as to avoid saying who she is, but otherwise, I call her by her name. Or you could use any manner of loving names. Beloved, Darling, Honey, Love, My One and Only, Wife? Whatever. It's a little sappy, but at least it isn't a joke, you know what I mean?

I mean, I used to call her "waifu" as well because I wasn't sure what to call her, but I realized how offensive that is when you actually care.
>My grandma and mother openly talk about slut shit even in front of my 12 year old sister that is reaching the point where she will decide if she wants to be a slut or not.
That's truly the worstest. I guess my sister and I are lucky in that regard. We have fairly "proper" views on actual sexuality.

Unfortunately, I think it's turned me into a huge deviant to the point where normal sex has no appeal to me. I remember being attracted to loli and watersports since I was 13 or so. My sister is a shotacon. Causal connection? I'm not sure. I'm happy, though.
>>11199607 (OP)

Pizza and milk?

Milk with those frozen pizzas isn't that bad, since they're nearly half bread anyway.
I don't know. Milk is a pretty shitty drink.

The only exception is strawberry milk.
>not drinking banana milk
>not know who I am quoting

Chocolate milk is pretty good

I always get nose bleeds shortly after drinking it though, which is unnerving.
Banana milk is pretty good, but not as good as strawberry.

Who are you shrexting by the way.

Don't be lige that, man :DDDD.
I dunno what he meant either but it sounds gross and lewd
It's a portmanteau of shrek (green) and texting.
What's portmanteau? Sounds like a cheese.
Why don’t you learn French, nerds?
Portmanteau is a combination of two words.
Shrek texting
Another quality thread here on /a/.
>I mean, I used to call her "waifu" as well because I wasn't sure what to call her, but I realized how offensive that is when you actually care.
Using a different word for her (even if it came from a silly TV show) so as to acknowledge the obvious difference between your relationship with your "wife" and most people's relationship with their wives is not particularly offensive.

I'd rather have a lewd dakimakura of my love than to get one of one I don't love as much. Do it. Get one of her. Do it for her. Suika is waiting for you.
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where's the fucking janitor
Eh? Pretty sure daki is on topic, man. By pretty sure I mean "I know".
That looks like a very happy family!
Get out.

Get the fuck off this board.

Wow. You guys just rekt that nerd. I almost feel bad for him
durr durr durr wrekt durr durr nerd durr irony durr
Are you having a stroke?
you sure showed that guy.
Whoa, I haven't seen the “durr” meme in years! Please do another old meme!
i'm fitting in

wait a second let me confirm my worth to you all

normalfags amirite. i shit in a bin and think sunlight is gay
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You don't have to be reach to be a normie.
I mean 'rich'.
master degrees aren't normal. neither is wealth, a billion friends or success in general.

the most normal thing of all is for someone to be a little bitch and blame society at large for their problems while suckling the teet of their supposed oppressors.
it's not even a meme it's just a word representing the dumb shit that is often contained it posts made by idiots such as yourself.

durr durr ebic meme durr durr am i funny durr *shits pants*
it's exaggerating the differences between normal people and the people here. therefore they're all rich, educated, dress normally and are in some way connected to society at large
It's teat, you'll never throw off the chains of your oppressors without proper spelling anon.

I don't think normally people blame society for all their problems. If you do, I don't know what to say. Most people are in denial and don't want to admit that a big purpose of modern society is to keep people beaten down.

Maybe before you want to tell other people how to live their life you should take your "never be a bitch" stance and actually engage someone in these posts rather than shadowboxing strawmen you set up for yourself.
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lets put it like this.

this guy has a job. is he normal?

millionaire, are we normal yet? come to think of it he had a job too.

the guy in the pic was dressed well. normal right? wait it's a serial killer.

'normalfag' is meme bullshit
>actually engage someone
I don't even want to commit because nobody changes their mind anyway and it doesn't matter I guess.
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Check out this normie

pls go
Derogatory terms are not 100% accurate and are always to be taken serious? Wow, you sure told me!
>Derogatory terms are not 100% accurate and are always to be taken serious?

things like nigger, jew, nip? those are all real things and not an imaginary enemy invented to make lifestyle choices more legitimate.
but it's a joke, you retard. It's a joke expressly based on the fact normalfag is meme bullshit. You're so on guard you can't even realize it's an image that essentially agrees with you.
I want to have an argument on the internet and for the first time in history people are refusing. accept that I feel unfulfilled and upset.
Look, these boards are anonymous so no one will know you made such stupid shitty posts and sounded like a complete fucking idiot, but, you're going to know it. So why don't you just unplug your keyboard and put it in the kitchen drawer and clean your room or go outside?

You couldn't argue with cleverbot in your current state. Your brain is feces. You couldn't be dumber than you are at this moment. You don't understand anything so your excuse is to argue with people. Just fuck off.
Now the normal pretends he was trolling.

I haven't seen something rekt this hard since the twin towers. Damn.
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>>11199607 (OP)
my favorite dakemakura is: get the HELL out of here, crossie
>You couldn't be dumber than you are at this moment. You don't understand anything so your excuse is to argue with people. Just fuck off.

ohh you're pressing my buttons now.

A nigger is a clear and visable thing. A normalfag isn't. Checkmate.
It's hard to find a non lewd one of Reisen.

Even slightly non lewd.
I want a Mikuru Katsuhara daki, but apparently nobody in the world gives a damn about Eden of the East and Micchon...
>not lewd

I hate to be the one to tell you this but you are doing it wrong. No bullying. It's just better you hear it now rather than later
I know but there's a lewd side and a nonlewd (Also maybe clothed somewhat) side.

Reisen is just all naked all the time.
You're trying to argue with ironic shitposting while using ironic shitposting? cause that's fucking ironic man.
Oh. I gotcha. You are correct so ignore my little attempt to school ya heeh
Why not just get a body pillow? Why does it have to have some design on it? They feel the same.
Honestly curious.
Why not just fuck a hole in the wall? Why does it have to have some body attached to it? They feel the same.

Just trying to make a comparison that a normie like you can comprehend.
Oh you fuck them? I thought they were for hugging and comfort. That actually makes sense.
>Just trying to make a comparison that a normie like you can comprehend.
Well you sure fucked up that part huh?
I guess living your life as a fucking idiot stings a little less if you can use your astounding dumbiness to stymie people on a message board.
>I guess living your life as a fucking idiot stings a little less if you can use your astounding dumbiness to stymie people on a message board.

Calm down, how can you be so mad in a thread about pillows of all things?
He's a normalfag, I've heard normalfags get worked up about things on the internet. Don't worry about him too much Anon.
I like you Anon-kun. I'm going to pretend you are my close friend

It's kind of like saying, Why do I need to paint the interior of my house? It's just a house and as comforting as any other house.

It's not necessarily a feeling other people share. Some people want a design because they end up taking pride or they know they'll find enjoyment in their dakimakuras. I know it's kind of a poor analogy, but it's early in the morning and I'm too tired to think of anything.
If you're not mad at shitposters you're not paying attention.
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Shop offers dakimakura cases with 2WAY and A&J 2WAYトリコット material.
Would that be A&J be worth of "upgrade"?
Forgot to give prices:
A&J 2WAYトリコット is $47 and
2WAY is $34.

I'm really confused. Why is there a 2way and an A&J 2way. Isn't A&J just a company?
>>11199607 (OP)

I sent http://dakemakura.com/ mails from 3 different adresses, both in japanese and english. And they didn't respond.
I asked an internet friend to email them for me. And they didn't respond.

After 5 months of emailing I gave up and resorted to using a proxy a week ago. The order status hasn't updated. (well they only print daki the first decade of each month and the proxy is probably just lazzy, but still, I'm worried)

How did you get them to reply to you? When did you contact them and when did they reply?

Or are you just silly and dont adhere to the: dakimakura = 抱き枕 & dakemakura = http://dakemakura.com praradigm that makes conversations on /jp/ limpid and free of misunderstandings?

Because 2waytricott (as far as I understand it) is just a way to weave, like taffeta and satin; the material used is typically 100% polyesther (think microfiber not PET bottle).
A&J 2way triccot changes the raw material from 100% polyester to a 85% polyester 15% lycra blend; pearl roica and other types of "high grade 2 way tricot" also do this.

Also A&J released "like tron" around january 2013 which is suposedly even smoother, higher quality picture but more frail. Some reitaisai daki use it.

I never ordered from there. I bought mine from Hobby Heart. They were pretty fast on shipping and kept me updated when I had questions. I really enjoyed their service. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I've been a little confused with the dakimakura/dakemakura.
It does when the term fully assumes the connotation of the joke, which is now apparent everywhere.

I guess when you really grow attached to her it bugs you that a label like that holds those connotations so it's natural to seek a new term. I'm just so tired of hearing stuff like "holy shit X is now my waifu lol" from people who obviously don't give a shit, and it hurts when it's the girl you love.
>I'm just so tired of hearing stuff like "holy shit X is now my waifu lol"

So we should stop using the word "otaku" because some people go "holy shit im so otaku right now xD"?

Get real, you moron. Nobody is going to interprete "waifu" as a joke used in the right context as the denotation is not joke-material. Hell, it wasn't even used as a joke the first few years it sprung on /a/, it's only post-split /a/ with all the cool and hip reddit kids that it became an epic joke.

The way you fiddle around with which term to use is akin to transexuals using "Hir" instead of "he/her" or some other fuckery.
And it's also an insult to our inteligence as it implies that you have to take extra measure or we'll act like complete retards because you used this word and not another (while this is true when it comes to the shitposting crew, I'd like you not to lump all of /jp/ together with them)

All in all, your intentions are probably nice and all, but you sound like a complete retard making a fuss out of something stupid and probably are a troll trying to stir up some drama in one of the few actually otaku culture related threads on /jp/.
And I'd like you to stop because I don't like it.
It was originally a joke.
>So we should stop using the word "otaku" because some people go "holy shit im so otaku right now xD"?
I use it when appropriate.

>Get real, you moron. Nobody is going to interprete "waifu" as a joke used in the right context as the denotation is not joke-material. Hell, it wasn't even used as a joke the first few years it sprung on /a/, it's only post-split /a/ with all the cool and hip reddit kids that it became an epic joke.
For the past few years now, it's ONLY been taken as a joke.

Why cling to such a useless, easily misinterpreted term that holds no inherently positive connotation for the one you love? A term that began FROM a joke? The same term now associated with (to quote you) "all the cool and hip reddit kids".

>All in all, your intentions are probably nice and all, but you sound like a complete retard making a fuss out of something stupid and probably are a troll trying to stir up some drama in one of the few actually otaku culture related threads on /jp/.
I'm sorry you feel that way. However, when the root of the term stems from a joke itself, and becomes fully realized as a joke by the majority in the modern context I personally think it's time to use something else. I'm not speaking for anyone but myself.

Go ahead and use it if you want. I just don't want to tie her up with the "epic" bullshit in those collages, those stupid games that /a/ plays, and the idiots that drag their dakimakura through the mud to show the world their "waifu".
Nobody force you to use it though.
Personally I was in love with her before even knowing the word waifu or 4chan, so I just call her like I ever did.
>Nobody force you to use it though.
I know that. I was only sharing my feelings on the matter.
Your mom was originally a joke, nerd.

Because it takes less characters to write, is less strainous to read than "2D significant other".
And even, since it doesn't get mistaken as an "epic meme joke" when I'm not talking whith retards I have no reason to substitute it with something else.
Maybe you should stop talking with retards instead, that'll make your life better.
You're so cool.
Because "2D wife", "my beloved", "her", her name, or any other more intimate substitute is so difficult to use. Instead you use a joke. Great.

What were you saying about retards?
Are these non-natives or is the average person's vocabulary really this shitty in recent years or something?
>Because "2D wife", "my beloved", "her", her name, or any other more intimate substitute is so difficult to use. Instead you use a joke. Great.
I doubt you're actually married, so she's not your wife. The others may suffice, but if you actually want to communicate with people in the outside world, it's better to use a term that people will understand.
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Says you.
Get your Korean courts out of here.
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Fine, here's a Japanese.
>I doubt you're actually married, so she's not your wife
Yes, it's used as a term of endearment in this case. See, sometimes people refer to dear ones by intimate names in order to show affection. Calling a girl "honey" does not actually mean that she is, in fact, honey!

>but if you actually want to communicate with people in the outside world,
I don't particularly communicate with people outside, and when I do she does not come up into conversation.

And how would they understand "waifu" unless they're familiar with online culture? And if they did, what are the chances that they know that I'm not joking? Why am I talking to them about a character I'm hopelessly in love with? Silly.
Really, that's just rude. What are all those people dating Anegasaki-san going to do now that she's married?
They have to find new girls. She's a very committed girl.
There is an Anegasaki in everyone's heart, anon. May everyone find love.
There's nothing wrong with being in love with a character, but don't call her your wife.
I mean "outside" as in "taking place outside of your head," as opposed to whatever internal conversation you have with your lovely lady. There you can call her whatever you like, but in conversations with the rest of us (such as the one we are having now) you will want to use a term people will understand.
W-we can still get coffee together from time to time, right?
Only if you bring your own wife so it's a double date.
Do you NEETs fap to your waifu?
Please stop abusing the term NEET.
Might I ask why? Especially when "waifu" is...well, you know.

I see. I usually just say, the "character I love", and then with each successful post, I refer to her as "her". I don't think confusing, especially when the threads it occurs in are about fictional love or characters.

Nigga, please.
>tfw you have no waifu because you can't imagine that a girl would ever love you
I fap to you're waifu.
see >>11204324
I just think it's weird, and this is coming from a guy genuinely in love with an anime character.
Well I heard waifufags never fap to their waifu so I was asking
Why would you have a waifu and not fap to her? That's like having a (real) girlfriend and not getting any, you know.
Ah, I see. However, let's be honest here, she's an abstract concept truly realized only in my mind and heart. Unique to me. And for everyone else, they too realize her in their own special way. No two understandings are exactly alike. By this logic, everyone can share the same joy I have.

It's also in this sense that the character I love is not really the "canon" character (i.e. the author's), since she develops uniquely as I get come to know her.
Madonna-Whore complex.
To be fair, nobody but the author experiences the "canon" character in its full truthness.
Welcome to headcanon.

A character has as many overlaping versions as there are people who know that character. Just think of it like parallel universe if you need an analogy.

otaku A likes version A of 2Dgirl X and otaku B likes version B of 2Dgirl X; and it goes on and on. Sure, there might be two variation that are very similar, or even completely the same, but they'd still be different, not the same person per se.
Which also perfectly give sense to >>11204324.
Also, in the same motion, for every rape doujin of you're 2hu waifu, she doesn't get actually raped. Unless you want her to, that is.

/jp/ - semiology
That's a pretty burlesque thread we're having.
>A character has as many overlaping versions as there are people who know that character. Just think of it like parallel universe if you need an analogy.
Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to say.

I don't know, I always come across people who are like, "LOL WHY U NO HAVE WAIFU" and since then I just called the one I love waifu.
Don't call them "waifu". Call them your "wife".

But I only have one wife...
Calling them your wife is misogynist. Please refer to them as your Favorite Bishoujo.

Is "anime gf" okay?
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One day my precious A-10, one day...
That implies looks are their defining feature, which is much worse in every aspect.
No. That's objectifying them, because they cannot consent and if they could they'd clearly reject your ugly ass.
I want to be a lonely girl's damimakura.
What about a lonely boy's? It might be nice...

I have 12 dakimakura covers. I'd love more but I just can't afford them anymore. Unless I can get a holy grail I'll probably just get well-made bootlegs from now on if I can.

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