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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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>try and buy doujin to purchase support artist
>card gets blocked
>call in to get card unblocked
>finally download it
>open up .rar
> .dlst file extension

This is fucking infurirating. Please tell me that there's some way past this devil's extension other than to have to download this horseshit program
who are you quoting?
Please do not misuse the quoting feature.
Please use the suicide feature.
are you quoting a thread on another board? I am confused
why green text isn't it for quotes i don't understand
I think we have it covered now.
sage AND mad?
>>being this butthurt

Sage is a part of /jp/. Please lurk more before posting.
see >>10910786
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Buying images? Weak, bro.
Why don't you just admit you use it as a downvote feature? There's nothing wrong with that.
But that's what it's for.
What's the difference between buying a fictional work and buying anything else?
Is this a joke of some sort? This is a common way of explaining a situation on 4chan

I thought I would support the artist instead of waiting for it to be free. If I knew it was going to be like this, I probably wouldn't buy it again
Some people can't adapt to changing trends and have to cling to the past.
Why do you say "fictional"? That seems like a really specific choice.
I haven't found any, but I haven't looked very hard and I'm sure there is.
I feel your pain, though. Its fucking retarded. Yeah, DLsite, that's how you cut back on piracy; make your products only usable through your shitty program and still be impossible to work with.
Not on /jp/. If you want to post a thread here, you have to follow our customs.

Sage is not used as a downvote feature on /jp/. It is used when you don't think your reply warrants a thread bump.
Oh, well I didn't know that.
I'm sorry.
Please do not use the crossboard feature.
What is this some kind of crossboarder get-together?
Please take your time getting calm and collected in order to make a proper post. Do not put emotions ahead of logic, as such is detrimental to your argument.
But that's how we used it long before /jp/ existed.
Just ignore them. They're incredibly hypocritical by demanding posters follow a certain etiquette while being completely outside their own society's etiquette since they're on /jp/.
These threads are my favorite kinds of /jp/ threads because of the absurdity of it all.

It's not even used like that on /jp/ most of the time. People will gladly tell you they use it that way when in reality they just use it all the time or pretty much at random. Take a drink everytime you see someone make a legit contribution to a /jp/ related thread yet still using sage.
A+ thread everybody, keep up the good work. ^_^
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It appears to me we have a non-comformist in the room. I am slightly impressed with how bold you are at this juncture. As your peer, I feel compelled to make a toast in your honour.

*raises glass*
*old man at the back of the restaurant gets up, clapping slowly*
*rest of the room follows*
*clapping turns into an emotional cheer*

This one's to you, good old chap!
>pretty much at random
This is what I do. I don't even know whether I'll sage or not yet as I type up this post.
Fuck off and stop trying to ruin /jp/. We don't need any of this greentexting bullshit here. Or anything else the other boards do, for that matter.
/jp/ is like a zoo where 4channers go to laugh at oldfags and observe them in their natural habitat.
Where can I buy glasses like yours?
I'm pretty sure you would need to go to a graveyard to laugh at oldfags.
>>try and buy doujin
>>card gets blocked

Not surprising, human trafficking is illegal. Next time, stick with doujinshi.
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>mfw this autist is still trying to force his meme
my sides are gone
Do you even know Japanese?
>implying gook is a useful language
Depending on your hobbies, it might be.
Please explain how it is objectively bullshit and in fact detrimental to the quality of this board.

Nice try, bandwagoner.
It's difficult to read incomplete sentences lined up like that.
Best thread I've seen in days.

*pulls out sunglasses*
*attaches them to my face*
Burden of proof lies on you, not him.
By the time you actually learn Japanese you'll be an adult and too old for any of these hobbies.
That's not true, I consider myself an adult and I don't know Japanese.
That's what lazy weebs keep telling themselves.
>attacks quality of sentence rather than the content
I see.
Someone says your sister is an ugly cunt. You respond with why he thinks so. He responds with PROVE ME WRONG BITCH!

See how that works? Or doesn't in this case.


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