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/jp/-centric apps thread? There's a lot of this stuff buried in the Play store. Unfortunately some of it is region-specific.

I was looking for a good, trustworthy Nico app and I finally decided to give this one a try. It had around 1m DLs but is there anything else that someone feels is superior?

I will say though, being able to take Nico videos around is fucking amazing.
Nice wallpaper, dude.
Fancy phones confuse and frighten me.

I am always afraid I'll hit the wrong button and be charged a million dollars for it because I'm roaming or out of anytime minutes or something like that.
No reason for smartphone.
It's not like you ever leave your home, so why do you need a phone.
"Smart phone" users do not belong on /jp/.
download pocket and get the browser extension. take /jp/ out for a ride.
What a clever bump, neurotypical-kun!

If you dislike neurotypicals, why are you on 4chan of all places?
Also forgot, vlc player beta to play any file. ymmv because it's buggy as fuck. works well when it does work, even with soft subs.
I just a bunch of japanese apps that I'll never touch. I also found out that there's a japanese input thingy from Google now.
What sort of /jp/sie has a smartphone?
>>10367514 (OP)
What's the dream club app, specifically? Is it a dumbed down version of the main game?
i have a smartphone
Fuck phones, I using a tablet.
I got one, it is good for when you leave your room and need internet. Now there is no time that I am not on /jp/.
The typical ``NEET lifestyle'' poster.
This thread is acceptable because it has "/jp/-centric" in the OP.
>Mirai clock
GTFO Danny
oh jesus christ
i've got no fuckin landline man
Please stop trying so hard to fit in.
That type of quotation punctuation has been around forever, dude.
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Too low.
fucking nobu
gets me every time
ESPN was a nice touch. The cherry on top of the troll sundae.
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good for /jp/
It's nice two have a second device which I can stuff with VNs I'll never get around to reading
I really like downloading all of those weird and badly made free VN's from the App Store. There were several Booru apps on the App Store a long while back but they might have been taken down by Apple.
The ones that sacrifice their free time so that the other /jp/ people can take it easy.
Yeah, but most VNs look absolutely terrible on my iPhone 5. I actually searched for VN's on the App Store for the first time in months because of this thread and I am surprised to see how much they have exploded on iOS devices and not surprised to see a few taken down.
Cellphones are enemies of your freedoms.
Yeah but, what are you going to do without them. They make communicating soooo, much easier.
Uh. Just avoid communication as usual. What else would anyone do?

This is a very /jp/ app.
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You're not a truNEET until you can browse /jp/ from your bed.

Be it your monitor, your tablet, your phone, or whatever, it doesn't matter.
I prefer my comfortable as HELL leather desk chair. It reclines and shit.
Beautiful CRT > portable, or large LCD. That guy has it good, but I still prefer my chair.
btw that monitor fell and he died.
I refuse to have a cell phone because they are tracking and surveillance devices. They all enable the phone system to record where the user goes, and many (perhaps all) can be remotely converted into listening devices.

In addition, most of them are computers with nonfree software installed. Even if they don't allow the user to replace the software, someone else can replace it remotely. Since the software can be changed, we cannot regard it as equivalent to a circuit. A machine that allows installation of software is a computer, and computers should run free software.

When I need to call someone, I ask someone nearby to let me make a call.

What to use instead? The most obvious alternative is a long-distance phone card. They are quite cheap nowadays, and they work with any phone.
If I don't care my ISP is tracking every website I'm going to, including looking at loli erotica, I don't care that my cellphone that usually just stays in my room has a tracker.
I could just use my Kindle for that.
Do flip phone users belong here?
I'm still using a phone from early 2000.
See rockplayer or moboplayer. aldiko for LNs, calibre for syncing. Also, Xiia or TuneIn for japanese radio.
lemme check my nexus 4:

bakareader for light novels... sorry that's all I have aside from manga readers (mangawhat, scviewer) for doujin.
Are there any /jp/ apps besides readers?
Preferably free ones.
Smartphone is computer. Nobody uses smartphone as phone. According your logic, computer users don't belong on /jp/.

Only /jp/ related apps I have on my droid are Bakareader, VNDS, Janryumon and Espgaluda II.
No. Smartphones are portable computers. Dumbphones are communication devices. All the people complaining about smartphone users need to realize it's the people with Nokia 3310s who can do little more than make phone calls that are the problem. I know you're out there.
What if all you do with it is play the shitty mobile version of Pac-Man?
Shame there ain't an app for tae kim's guide in the store.
You can have either of the smart-, feature- and "dumb"- phone in a flip factor.

>Smartphones are portable computers. Dumbphones are communication devices.

And only one of them performs its function well. The other is just bought for show. People who want to show off don't belong on /jp/. People who realized pre-paid mobile is cheaper than a landline do.
>>10367514 (OP)
>cant watch live
>The other is just bought for show.

Nah, people buy toys to play with them.
What about all the fig collectors that buy them to seal them inside glass cases forever?
I bought my phone because it is good to have the internet everywhere you go, I don't I get 3 phone calls a month at the most.
Figs aren't toys, nerd. Toys are supposed to be played with, figs aren't. This is an important distinction and it has come up on 4chan many times, which is why figs go here and not in /toy/.
Play Kaku-San-Sei Million Arthur.
not on /jp/, in here only tryhards who try to look cool and edgy use them.
He meant this, not the toys part:

>The other is just bought for show. People who want to show off don't belong on /jp/.

This description fits the figs completely.
You're either not a figure buyer or you doing it completely wrong
Just saying
i was at one point, but then i stopped. it's too expensive, i don't have money anymore.
If you need internet on the go, get a smart phone but if not you really don't have a reason to unless you really want something that looks nice. I have some shitty flip phone that can't even do anything beyond texting but it's gets the job done and no one outside of family ever contacts me.
Rock and mobo are very old news. I'm not sure if they are even relevant anymore. Diceplayer and MXPlayer both have hardware acceleration for HD playback, both do mkv, and MXplayer has really good subtitle support.
>Toys are supposed to be played with, figs aren't.

Really? I've been doing it wrong all this time.

What's the point of them having articulated limbs if they're not supposed to fight each other?
So that you can play house.
Is there a way to play flac files on iPhone? Don't tell me to convert to Apple Lossless.
there's not much else I can see myself downloading anymore for my android.

Is there anything free that's good for reading manga? best thing I've found so far is perfect reader.
I think I'd be content after that
There must be a way, and i'm sure the solution is on google, but fucking why
I was using SCviewer. There really isn't much to it, its very simple, but I'm not sure if its any good in comparison to alternatives that I never tried
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Does the mobage app counts?
Most of my collection just happens to be in flac and my iPhone is 16GB which is currently wasted by nothing. Haven't been able to find a solution but it's ok.
What kind of a humongous OTACOOL faggot would you need to be to buy figs for the purpose of showing off? Or anything /jp/-related, for that matter?
the kind that puts their figs in those huge glass cases, as if they wanted them to be noticed.
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Thank you
this is exactly what I wanted

Videos like this always give me so much hope for the future

godd damm it japan... don't make me want an Ipad even more than I want right now ;_;
I love DigInfo.

Did that machine that simulates kissing an idol go anywhere?

I've used my PSP to browse /jp/. Get on my depressing level
I think I'll only be happy when full virtual reality happens where I can do whatever I want but I just know I'll never live long enough to experience something like that. Makes me sad.

The best android app.
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I don't know what's funnier, the fact it costs money or the comments.
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I don't really have an one of these fancy android or ios phones, but if I did, this would surely be my favourite otaku culture app.

Don't give up man

I'm new to the android shit, every apk site is sketchy as fuck.
The shmup? On a phone? How would that even work?
There are multiple CAVE games on android, I've never played them but I assume it would work decently but still lack the precision of a real control system
>>10367514 (OP)
How did you get japanese apps?
>Did that machine that simulates kissing an idol go anywhere?

I'm also interested in knowing this.
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>these apps
>then Scorecenter
We need to start talking japanese learning apps. Human japanese is the only decent one I've found.
Market enabler, probably.
he has to fit in with the normals that talk about sports all day
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007JWK6RO this + cave games
who are you quoting?
It lets you run ONScripter-based games on Android. Pretty useful since I was able to get Higurashi (untranslated since Mangagamer completely screwed up the game engine) working perfectly on my Android tablet. Does anybody else know some VNs that use ONScripter aside from Umineko?
>I refuse to have a cell phone because they are tracking and surveillance devices
You can turn off those features in the cell phone. I have it done with mine.
im quoting
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You can not know the true function of non-free software, because the user does not control it.
Reverse search, crop to your liking.
Yes I can confirm that you can't turn off tracking completely. The most you can turn off is everyone but "911" as mine says. Position is shared with emergency services and "additional services depending on your service provider". You didn't really turn off much of anything, you just have the illusion of more privacy. Good thing I don't even take my phone everywhere anyways and don't have anything on it anyone can gain anything from on it.
Where can I get that wallpaper?
learn to google, scrubs.
google doesnt give me shit
It gives me over ten pages of results, including booru websites that have links to the Pixiv page.


Learn to internet.
I used that dumbass. You didn't post the full picture. You posted picture inside a phone so it didn't give me any hit backs.
So crop.
Gameboid + any ROM in japanese.
I once used Apple Lossless

I have never been able to get over the shame
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live2d for windows

>>10367514 (OP)

nexus suck
The amount of normals in this thread is enormous.
The entire board has been taken over by them in the past few months.
/jp/ has been full of normals ever since it was created.

Most of them just kept quiet out of courtesy.
Can I have your wallpaper?
Her sad face is cute.
Many thanks!
Narcissu, maybe.
Anything similar to JPTV or Keyhole as an android app?
Why would you buy a 'smart phone' when a computer costs less and is like 10x better in hardware power.

Like for the same price I boguht a gtx670 and a
2560x1440 monitor instead.
Kill yourself faggot.
There was a time when this place was free of you neurotypics. You ruined usenet and you did 4chan just the same.
My HTC cost me $300. It fits in my pocket. I can shitpost on /jp/ with it while sitting on the toilet and when I am in bed. My desktop is/does none of these.
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Since when did Apple stop region locking apps? I could have sworn I tried downloading this when it first came out and I got blocked.
Fuck off kike
Are there any more like this?
I just got an android the other week.
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Yeah, there is an alarming amount of stuff like this on the App Store. This one doesn't apparently support my iPhone since it borders everything off.
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/a/ collected this last year, it's a good jump-off point

But it's all about this one
If you root, you can dig around the secure data and unlock all the dlc. It's worth it for the imouto and masochist voices.
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File is /data/data/com.wani.talkin2/shared_prefs/pref.xml you can get it with a decent file explorer that handles root, like total commander. Just make sure to force stop the app before doing it so it doesn't overwrite the new data.
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Buying DLC is for suckers

You need to replace this file in the /data/data/jp.co.d3p.dreamclock00.amane/files directory (you will need your phone rooted and a root browser for this, it's not on the sd card but the internal memory)
And then change its permissions to 666 (rw-rw-rw-) so that the app can work with it.

That'll unlock all the features and the different costumes, if you want to give drinks and presents you need to edit that file, look for
replace false with true and -1 with a number from 0-14 to give one of the items from the presents list when you next start the app
Same deal except 0 or 1 for the number.
holy heck what app is this? i need fucking some otaku apples apps.
No can do. You should've gotten and android phone like every sensible person did.
i asked for one and i got an iphone i'm sorry.

a legend.

>>10367514 (OP)
OP links to your jp related apps please
is there any rhythm based games worth mentioning in the PlayStore?
i only have osu! and i am a huge sucker for those.
a shame nothing jubeat-like is there.

have my smartphone since december.
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Got anymore?
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The Queen's Blade game
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not on pics:
space deadbeef
japanese 1 (jlpt n5)
What are some cute apps for someone who doesn't speak Japanese.

I can't understand half of these apps but I really like the learning ones!

Also why does DRACLOCK only try and wake you up once. It just says what it says a single time
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I'm waiting for Love Live! and Chaos TCG mobage to be release by Bushiroad.
>apps for someone who doesn't speak Japanese.
stuff like defense witches, mirai clock 3, pripri marron, my neighbor girl, my girls camera, bug timer, crunchyroll apps.

>learning ones
check out the realkana and anki apps

i don't really know, i just turn the volume up before going to sleep.
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I have one to browse the internet while pooping. I don't actually use it as a phone unless my mother calls me to take out meat to defrost or load rice into the rice cooker.
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So apparently the guys behind the original booru app dropped it and just made an entirely new one.

>>10367514 (OP)
Bada user here, plz end my suffering
Obenkyo has his grammar guide built in. Though a web browser or pdf reader should work just fine.
Um, stupid questions. If I root my phone, do I need to get it reactivated? It's not on any warranty or anything, so that's no problem. But activation fees are probably a pain.
It's a pantech marauder I got as a gift. How do I root it? Are there risks?

Region locking and market shit is being a pain when it comes to moon applications.

corean ass shit
Can't be helped. Was a gift.

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