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Mods are asleep.

Post net chars.
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4chan board-tans > OS-tans > Nijiura Maids > Microsoft-tans.
Why do her thighs look so soft and fleshy, hnnnggg...
X is shit though.
>how do I summon a succubus ? lel -ELG
>slenderman smiledog great mother marblehornet EPIC XDDDDD
>ded bort, ded spengbab EPIC CRYPEEPOASTA
>is dis paranormal gais? xDD

Some good threads burried in a torrent of shit.
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ELG was hilarious.
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Board-tans are great, if only for the crazy variety.
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Number 1 OS-tan.
I like freedom.
Yeah, support Google's products
Too bad I don't use any Google products.
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