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Do you think Meiling would make a good older sister.

/jp/ likes younger sisters, what about older ones?
I like onee-sans and Meiling would be a sugoi onee-san
Would she have sex with me, though?
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>A-anon! Siblings aren't allowed to do that!
>>10572622 (OP)


she didn't even protect her "little sisters" from getting invaded in EoSD
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>>10572622 (OP)
She has the best onee-san potential out of all touhous. Of course she'd be a great one.
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It's because she's shitty at danmaku.
Play EoSD again.
Imouto is for entry level casuals. Onee-san is the real thing.
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It's true.
I love that artist's style.
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What about Mokou?
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I love Oto-nee.
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China would? Hahahaha, good one OP.
>Implying you could stop that crazy witch or the terrifying shrine maiden
Please do not misuse the quoting function.
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Older sis, younger sis, mother, daughter, girlfriend, wife or best bro and partners in crime.
I don't care what our relationship is, I just want to be with Meiling.

As long as there's sex involved, right?
Please keep your sluttiness to yourself

Nothing wrong with having sex with Misuzu!
Is meiling one to enjoy the company of inexperienced young men?
Meiling likes to teach! Didn't you see >>10572726? You'll be a master in no time with Meiling's tutoring!
I want Meiling to teach me kung-fu
I think yoshika would be a good sister.
She wouldn't really know what's going on or what she's doing but she'd try her best and that's good enough.
And then you'd realize the cheerful onee-san you know is nothing but a façade and that she locks herself in her room writing emo poetry.
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It doesn't even matter if you're her sibling, she'll act sisterly towards you.
You'd only have to cheer her up

I want to try her meat buns.
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She sure is sexy, though. That could be troubling for any younger siblings.
How can you cheer her up when you're the cause of her sorrow?
I like older sisters, even though I have an older sister I don't like.

I wish Meiling was my sister instead.

Does that mean you want to have sex with her?
I dunno, I guess Meiling would make pretty good meat buns.
Cook her a lot of food and talk to her while I comb her hair.

I guess she'd need help brushing her teeth and wearing pajamas too.
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I bet they taste great.
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God damn, look at her. I don't think I could bear her being my sister. I won't do incest, so...
I like to imagine she's a good big sister to Flan and goes along with all of her bullshit.
You would handle it. Siblings have absolutely no sexual urges towards each other.
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But...but...look at her! How could I NOT be attracted, even as a brother?

Meiling is pretty and stunning!

I like your filenames, Anonymous.
Imagine if she lets you sleep in her bed if you got a nightmare.

I don't think I could control myself.
Even sleeping in a bed normally with her would be too much for me. Sorry Meiling!
But you'd ruin her trust in you and damage your relationship.
Also I imagine being slugged and tossed through the bedroom door would be painful.
You sound like my acquaintances, anon. I thought you were different...
I don't want to have sex with neither my sister nor Meiling.

I just think Meiling would be a kind and fun onee-san.

I think my sister is even less fond of me than I am of her, so it wouldn't make much difference if we were strangers instead of siblings.
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I'm glad.
I'd let her be my Onee-san any day, she probably wouldn't want to though.
Maybe if I was still younger and cuter.
I think OP meant if you were of cute younger brother age.
Meiling is a youkai! She is hundreds of years old! You're cute and young to her!
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No idea what you're talking about.
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>I don't want to have sex with [...] Meiling

There's something wrong with you, Anonymous.
Then she'd probably agree.
I could never see her trying to train a bunch of sweaty, fat neckbeards.

What do they do with fatasses in Gensokyo?
There isn't much meat on them.
They all used to say the exact same thing about my sisters!!
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I love the older sister concept, despite only having an imouto myself.
To be loved, protected and cared for--to have a female "knight in shining armor" who loves me-- is my dream.
I always fantasized about what it would be like to have a tough nee-san to beat up the bad guys for me...
She's beat 'em up and then we'd snuggle together.
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If your sisters look like Meiling, I'm not surprised.
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having a barely employable bum as your older sibling would be a huge pain
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china butt
ur a barely employable bum and a huge pain
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Don't remind me.
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joke's on you, i'm completely unemployable
then don't talk shit about Meiling, homos. or i'm gonna kill you. and i already killed people before
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But I WASN'T talking shit. I love Meiling!
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You fools! Don't separate Meiling and Sakuya like that! They're both my onee-san!
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This is a silly thread.

Meiling can't be your onee-san because she has duties and is loyal to her mistress.

But you can come by the Mansion every once in a while and chat with her at least.

And sex, maybe?
I wonder if you were her little brother, would she train you to guard the gate as well?
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Why does it have to come to that every time?

Do /jp/ers do anything but masturbate, think about sex, and shitpost all the time?

She'd want a better life for you. She'd save her wages so that she could afford to send you to a proper school in the human village.
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Why the heck do you have to insult me like that? Of course I do more than that! I also post pictures of Meiling!
I want to give her a hug.
I bet her hair smells nice.
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Maybe if they took a kick to balls by Meilinf they would think differently
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Just seems natural to want to have sex with beautiful girls.
this is an awful image
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This amused me.
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Meiling a cute. The typical stereotype of a silly and kind-heart girl.

But her dress is made of folded paper.
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She would be a better sister than any of us deserve.

Meiling is one of those touhous I'd just like to hang out with all the time, even if it's just as friends.
What happens when you find out that your sisters are gay for each other?
I'll grab some popcorn.
Jokes on you, I'm a masochist. I'd love for meiling to beat the shit out of me
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This. Though I wouldn't mind Meiling as a bodyguard.
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i want a big sister who bullies me but still loves me deep down, but i can't decide if it should be meiling or yuugi
Yuugi will always try to push you beyond your limits. And try to give you alcohol poisoning.
Not him, but I like it when girls get me blind drunk, so that'd be awesome.
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Why not both?
I have 3 older sisters....but they're still technically little sisters because I'm BIGGER than them. That's what you fetishfags don't understand. They still act subservient and babyish to me because they're bitches. Also I have a very hard time masturbating to them.
I'm bigger than my mother, but that does not make her my daughter.
>I have a very hard time masturbating to them.
But you still do it, right?
Not as "frequently" as you're suggesting. I've done less than a dozen times out of thousands of faps and it was mostly accidental.
I have two older sisters and I masturbate to the thought of them pretty frequently. Would fuck. I don't really understand people who say that there's no way anyone would be into brother-sister incest if they actually had a sister. Seems pretty projection-heavy to me. My sisters are the only living women on this earth that I would put my penis inside of.
>My sisters are the only living women on this earth that I would put my penis inside of.
You should tell her that.
>mostly accidental
keep making excuses, pervert. just remember, sisters are for hugging, not humping.
Yuugi, Meiling would dote over you after Yuugi beats the shit out of you.
I want to be the middle sibling of an older and younger sister.
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This. I want a cool onee-san to protect me. I'm sure there's a word for this, I don't know what.
Actually she got her imoutos, who are actually her employers, some friends to play with.
I want a shy older sister with a sadistic streak she tries to hide.
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>Meiling thread
This pleases me greatly

Do they have nice tits?
I want Meiling to teach me how to please a woman in bed.

You probably love your sisters more than I do. I like incest in 2D but it doesn't really do anything for me when real people are involved.


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