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I never said thank you to you guys for helping me out in Tokyo (18th July). Thanks for helping me get a lot more out of a poorly planned holiday than I otherwise would have.
>>9715334 (OP)
Did you go to any cities or towns while you were in Nippon?
>>9715334 (OP)
Good choice on the Neptunia pic d00d

Did you keep my promise training with your katana everyday?
Has /jp/ always been full of such shitty posters? I can't open up one thread without seeing dumbasses like these two shitting everything up.
はい。 私を刀毎日!ありがとございますアノン様。
Has /jp/ always been full of such shitty posters? I can't open up one thread without seeing dumbasses like these two shitting everything up.
Not OP but HK doesn't have as much anime merchandise as Japan obviously. They do however have a lot, lot more than most places in America or Europe and will be a lot closer to the prices in Japan, plus or minus a bit.

There's even an Animate on Nathan Road, the one that's rather prevalent in Japan.

There's also a Miku concert this month but sadly I'm not over there at the time.
Streets in Japan are cleaner than most British homes.
>>9715334 (OP)
Where did you go and what did you do? Did you meet other /jp/ers? Tell us all about it!
>Streets in Japan are cleaner than most British homes.
They're also cleaner than most British people.

Thanks guy. It's been somewhere I've wanted to go for a long time as I have vivid memories of when I was a kid and my country gave HK back to the Chinks (which is probably definitely the reason why China is so prosperous). Definitely somewhere I will have to go before I kill myself at 30!!


fuck you shitposter go post a spurdo thread or something if you don't like to see /jp/ers discussing things
You never went inside a Japanese house without that they are prepared ?

I haven't meet a Japanese person who has a well cleaned Kitchen and organized Bathroom
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