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/v/ just updated their Team. Also, we were wondering if this is seriously your team.
Yes. We take forum games VERY seriously.
Not only do we not care, that is perfectly fine as it is. Now fuck off.
Yes this is seriously our team now fuck off and take your shitty thread with you
What the fuck. It can't possibly be more than one guy making these threads.
I will make a serious team so you retards can FUCK off to hell.
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Just put in MarsMatrix onto everything.
Yeah this is our team, fuck off now.
Counter sage

Also, that team isn't our true team.
Yes, that's /jp/'s team, get out please.
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fuck you say bitch?

Don't listen to these retards, OP's pic is our team. Now go go gooo
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Need Spanky
Elder God Demonbane is the strongest, we'll win!!!

Plus it's Yukari, better than /co/ buttman who got owned by a swamp monster.
this post serves only to void your sage

Fuck you say bitch?

Don't make me rape you into a different timezone.
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Sonic wings a shit
There were some astoundingly more retarded teams that were proposed.

You should just run with that one.
Oh shit I'm sorry

Don't listen to these obvious tryhards, that's not our team. Here it is.
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>Board Fight
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I represent /jp/
I like this
Sorry for what?
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Yukari and Demonbanes
I can't believe there is actually someone here who gives a fuck about this.
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This is an important battle, why wouldn't you care?
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The only worthy ones to represent this place.

Just run with this

Because Yukari + (all Demonbanes) > Fiction
/mu/ has the best team.
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Tokiko represent mother fuckers
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I hope you go away now
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/jp/ loves Satun therefore
How can you not run China as guard?
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It's not a real board fight without /b/ rite guise? XD
fucking this
I like China a lot, but Yorihime is stronger than the entire Gensokyo, aside of Yukari, and maybe one day Reimu.
Is there some kind of thread for this? I want to laugh at the neckbeards who are discussing this shit.
/m/ stole the demonbane again.
Tell them to fuck off.
Where the fuck is Sudo?
Definetly Tokiko the true embodiement of /jp/.
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>/jp/ doesn't give a fuck and throws in Great Old One Yukari Piloting Elder God Demonbane

This thread is so fucking bad. It gets worse when you nerds try to make a serious one.
Tokiko for lyfe man we will never forget you.
He would make the ultimate guard.
I made a serious one because they keep creating these shit threads and I want them to go away so I lost like 1 minute of my life to make a powerlevel team.
obviously this guy has the right idea
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He is always there watching over you.
why sniper isn't Reisen?
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Just go already
+1 for tokiko ;D;D;D;D;D
Eh, that's a good idea, but Utsuho has such a ridiculous power with the nuclear shit, so I couldn't think of anyone else aside of her.
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Sudo for guard
Aww yeah
Fuck Tokiko,

Sudo is where it's at.
Steamshitposter group for support
I wonder if Sakura could beat Urza

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