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  • Attention extension/user script/archive developers: 4chan's new HTML will be going live tomorrow, Sunday the 13th, at approximately 12:00PM ET. Please have your new versions ready to roll by then.

    Attention everyone else: GET READY FOR EXCITEMENT!! On Sunday we'll be rolling out our new imageboard HTML/CSS. Everything has been rewritten from the ground up and replaces code that is nearly a decade old. The designs will be 100% the same, but this should allow us and other developers to more easily modify and create add-ons for 4chan. Large threads should also render more quickly, and we also have a new mobile view for those on mobile phones. And a few other goodies.

    We expect the migration to be pretty painless, but expect some wonkiness tomorrow afternoon. The Official 4chan Chrome Extension will be updated immediately, and has a bunch of new features and runs 3x faster than the old one, so be sure to grab that in advance.

    File: 1336891430.jpg-(52 KB, 500x326, n4f8faa3fed160.jpg)
    52 KB Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)02:43 No.9003641  
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)04:50 No.9004055
         File: 1336899012.jpg-(36 KB, 278x278, circryplsre.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)05:04 No.9004108
    When this thing hits 88 miles per hour, you're going to see some serious shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)05:18 No.9004159
         File: 1336900709.jpg-(95 KB, 800x600, 1335020474856.jpg)
    95 KB
    Nitori a kawaii
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)06:17 No.9004366
    Keep up the good work.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:15 No.9005205
         File: 1336918513.jpg-(838 KB, 1440x823, 1334876602590.jpg)
    838 KB
    cant we have a nitori thread?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:19 No.9005218
    Girl, why you gonna wear rubbers boots then let the water flow right into them?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/12(Sun)10:20 No.9005220
         File: 1336918801.png-(61 KB, 600x800, honk honk.png)
    61 KB

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