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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File: 1333756705.jpg-(57 KB, 526x424, 457456758568.jpg)
    57 KB Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)19:58 No.8812825  
    So, how is your Elin doing so far, /jp/?
    >> Moe !TRONurrVj. 04/06/12(Fri)20:01 No.8812831
         File: 1333756874.jpg-(99 KB, 697x382, j.jpg)
    99 KB
    Ive had 3
    theyre all dead.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)20:06 No.8812851
    I'm not gonna bother paying for terra but I modded them into skyrim.

    Before anyone even asks. Voice packs aren't working for me unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)20:14 No.8812868
         File: 1333757658.jpg-(1.49 MB, 1920x1080, TERA_ScreenShot_20120402_00040(...).jpg)
    1.49 MB
    Waiting for EU beta patiently.
    And launch.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)11:27 No.8815188
    Suffering censorship depression, currently.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:27 No.8815703
    Use the decensor mod.

    Also, while I'm quite sure it's not very hard to get a CBT5 code. I still have 3 in case anyone wants to try it out before it closes tomorrow.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:31 No.8815714
         File: 1333823491.png-(2.83 MB, 1920x1080, TERA 2012-02-08 07-06-50-61.png)
    2.83 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:38 No.8815729
         File: 1333823892.jpg-(91 KB, 800x440, shit.jpg)
    91 KB
    Played american closed beta. Everything looks so sterile, all quests are kill x shit and bring me x shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:53 No.8815779
         File: 1333824820.png-(2.11 MB, 1024x768, TERA_ScreenShot_20120407_15483(...).png)
    2.11 MB
    I'm just a useless little bunny...
    only good for my sex appeal~
    >> KING OF /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/07/12(Sat)14:54 No.8815783
         File: 1333824864.jpg-(45 KB, 576x768, 1305125783737.jpg)
    45 KB
    how about I bring you this
    *grabs dick*
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:55 No.8815784
         File: 1333824933.png-(2.21 MB, 1024x768, TERA_ScreenShot_20120407_15481(...).png)
    2.21 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:55 No.8815785
    *opens mouth and gets ready to suck 300 pounds of cock*
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:55 No.8815786
    Doing well in lvl60 dungeons.
    >> KING OF /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/07/12(Sat)14:57 No.8815791
         File: 1333825028.jpg-(105 KB, 1024x768, 411.jpg)
    105 KB

    Kiss Kiss Kiss !!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:02 No.8815811
         File: 1333825347.jpg-(616 KB, 1920x1080, 8my[1].jpg)
    616 KB
    Great-o. Can't wait for next week. First thing I'm doing is uncensoring it to get rid of these baggy pants and installing a Japanese voice pack.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:07 No.8815840
         File: 1333825674.png-(2.19 MB, 1024x768, TERA_ScreenShot_20120407_15494(...).png)
    2.19 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:08 No.8815843
    I wish people would convert their screenshots to jpg before posting.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:12 No.8815852
    Stop using dial-up.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:14 No.8815857
         File: 1333826042.jpg-(487 KB, 1920x1080, 72u[1].jpg)
    487 KB
    I'm not. It's just pointless, annoying and rude.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:20 No.8815880
    It makes the server slower.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:58 No.8816025
         File: 1333828736.png-(50 KB, 504x54, foc[1].png)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:26 No.8819483
         File: 1333880807.jpg-(1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 3nh[1].jpg)
    1.02 MB
    I love games with heavily varied and colorful environments.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:42 No.8819724
    I hate games with monster spawns that just walk in a circle waiting to die. Nothing says "this is a grinding game, please grind now" louder than that.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:51 No.8819750
    Which games don't have those?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:01 No.8819770
    Loving the beta so far. Much better than SW:TOR or Guild Wars 2.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:03 No.8819774
    I must know where can i find those.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:10 No.8819785
         File: 1333887029.jpg-(74 KB, 800x600, screenNew Iris326.jpg)
    74 KB
    Get on my level nerds.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:11 No.8819787
         File: 1333887082.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 74 KB, 800x600, screenNew Iris327.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 74 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:14 No.8819795
    I was quite disappointed when found out that elins/popori lost in race skill lottery so badly. And this doesn't even makes sense to me. They are the most unique races introduced so far, why can't their race skills be little less scaring to players?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:35 No.8819852
         File: 1333888532.png-(115 KB, 347x324, 1329938840788.png)
    115 KB
    Open world styled mmos? I don't know, but I'm sick of it. There's gotta be a different way. I mean the only reason why they still do that is because nobody wants to give every monster non-combat AI.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:43 No.8819874
    Do you even know what MMOs are for? People don't really need brilliantly realistic AI when everyone will likely only pay attention to other players.
    I guess SWTOR tried to change that and failed miserably because for quality AI in MMO you'd need impossibly high amount of time and effort.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:49 No.8819906

    I played that thing for 6 years and loved the fuck out of it, but I can, with tears in my eyes, say that whoever still plays after Renewal is either retarded or can't let go of his characters/guild. ;_;

    As of my Elin, still to be created.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:52 No.8819921
    Well the problem with that are level/equipment gaps. You can't play with your friends or do what you want with or without them unless you get grinding. Lets face it, an MMO is not supposed to be the game where you compete over higher numbers. It's supposed to be a cool fantasy/sci fi/whatever world that lives and breathes and you're part of it. If everything but the players is vegetable braindead, it's just not very impressive. GW2 is trying to break the mold, but we'll see how well they actually do.

    I personally would toss extensive AI out the window since it sucks anyway and aim for a full player mmo. It'd need a ton of players and entirely finite resources (no generated gold/items from every "monster kill") and everything following the law of conservation of mass (minecraft kinda does this already) and is most likely doomed to fail, but I'd play it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:54 No.8819929
    Check that /vg/ tera OP. It has the links in it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:55 No.8819933
    Ultima Online was like this. Too bad there's no spiritual sequel of some sort.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:59 No.8819943
    Yeah they both have truly useless skills but all in all, all races have rather weak (or if good then paired with a huge cooldown) racials which is a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:03 No.8819958
    I still play mabinogi. That is my mmo.

    I'm sorry.

    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:16 No.8819999
         File: 1333890976.jpg-(20 KB, 569x578, 1299023849312.jpg)
    20 KB
    >We thought it was fantastic. We'd spent an enormous amount of time and effort on it. But what happened was all the players went in and just killed everything; so fast that the game couldn't spawn them fast enough to make the simulation even begin. And so, this thing that we'd spent all this time on, literally no-one ever noticed – ever – and we eventually just ripped it out of the game, you know, with some sadness.

    This is why AI would never work. Players are too bloodthirsty and everything's too easy that everyone just focuses on trying to be so strong that they can just solo everything in the end anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:18 No.8820010
    Stop replying to the Arenanet marketing drone shitposter. His kind always invade MMO threads and shitpost about how GW2 is amazing and other MMOs suck because they have a subscription fee (and therefore content).
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:21 No.8820023
    >Arenanet marketing drone
    >shitpost about how GW2 is amazing and other MMOs suck

    >GW2 is trying to break the mold, but we'll see how well they actually do.

    Doesn't sound very drony, but more cautious and skeptic. Take your shitposting elsewhere TERAdrone.

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