03/17/12(Sat)17:56 No. 8717839 >>8717677 I
don't really regret returning to university, honestly. I tried going
before, picked a very stupid major, and ended up fucking up the entire
year (due to a combination of getting sick at a critical point, anxiety,
and my ever present lack of anything resembling motivation, as well as
realizing I gave no fucks about my major) - getting out of it with one
class passed, only. Managed to get paperwork done to have all the failed
classes erased off my record and get back into the university, but by
then it was too late to get into that year, so I ended up NEETing it out
for a year... It wasn't fun. I ended up wracked with anxiety/depression
for a large part of it, mostly due to my parents, with daily repetitive
lectures about getting a job, etc etc I'm sure you know the deal. Also
tried to get a job during that year, even though I didn't want to, must
have passed out a hundred resumes and went to like three different job
agencies, met with complete failure. After I returned to
university, I even managed to do pretty well and normal it up for most
of the time. Didn't go out with friends or anything, but for the first
year and first semester of the second year, I attended basically all my
classes and everything was fine. And then the insane amount of workload
in one of my classes caught up with me, the anxiety returned, I stopped
going and failed out of it, and I've been struggling along since.
Doesn't help that I've recently realized I don't particularly care about
my new major either. Though, thanks to Asperger's $yndrome and
returning to university, I have my own place to live. I'm actually a lot
more stable than I was when I was back at home - less anxious, less
depressed, and more relaxed. And hey, I didn't have any way of knowing
it would turn out like this. So no, I really don't regret going back.