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Got it.
02/26/12(Sun)22:19 No.8625187 File: 1330312783.jpg-(11 KB, 259x325, 1233988841677.jpg)
 >>8625092 /a/,
today is my 23rd birthday. My mom came over today, and the only present
she brought over was a box of condoms. Then she asked me why I haven't
introduced her to any special girls yet.
I took a slight sigh and
told her I didn't need the box of condoms. She replied "Well just take
them anyway, for whenever you need them". I told her "No really, I don't
need them. Just give them to my brother, I'm sure he'll find use for
it. He is 17 after all..."
My mother gave me an annoyed look and
asked "You are practicing safe sex...right?...". I knew she wouldn't get
the hint unless I told her, so I said "Look, I haven't even kissed a
person yet, much less even date one. I really don't need them, they'll
just expire with me." |