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    File: 1330032947.jpg-(92 KB, 799x597, dde6a2b55371c568568ab17b25e297eb.jpg)
    92 KB Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:35 No.8609410  
    why is it that this community of shut-ins that so strongly insists it is rejecting all the standards of the outside world enjoys parroting the most childish and cruel of its stigmas against minority religious, ethnic, and sexual groups? is it because the majority of us simply haven't had adequate contact with those who aren't exactly like us? has our own self-loathing completely deadened our sense of empathy?

    what about our sense of irony, then? when it comes to minority groups, internet shutins are about as small, politically powerless, and universally reviled a group as they come. why do you enjoy playing one of the meatheaded intolerant idiots of the world? they're the same fucking ones who want to criminalize your loli doujinshi.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:39 No.8609425
    Because it's funny and we like to get a rise out of people.

    If you notice, we also make fun of OURSELVES.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:40 No.8609428
    Because the REASON our world is shit is because of these people. Literally every single evil ever done can be traced to them.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:44 No.8609441
    It's just a couple slav faggots, don't mind them
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:44 No.8609442
    Because Jews declared war on Germany over 15 years before the start of WWII
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:45 No.8609445
    >is it because the majority of us simply haven't had adequate contact with those who aren't exactly like us?

    The opposite, you see we actually were forced to interact with the outside world at one point. It really is funny how the anti-racist claim to be the worldly ones while those that actually grew up around chimps are labeled "ignorant", hate to tell you but just becuase you knew some suburban nigger who didn't go ape shit, it doesn't account for much. 黒人 a shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:47 No.8609456
    reported for pro-jewish propaganda thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:49 No.8609460
    Contemporary age is shit because of self-centered stupid caucasians' expansion.
    I dunno, I'm a minority myself in many aspects.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:52 No.8609471

    I've always wondered, why do americans hate niggers so much?

    I live in a country full of mestizos and black people and no one seems to give a fuck about them
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:59 No.8609499
    it's the country's particular history

    Self-justification for maintaining slavery in the south -> bitterness over the civil war -> discriminatory laws, customs and police forces -> riots and civil rights movement -> federally imposed non-discrimination laws, affirmative action policies -> ongoing white backlash
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:00 No.8609503
    It's VERY different in the US. I grew up in Argentina, and our blacks, whites, and metizos just get along perfectly for the most part.

    I moved in the US at around age 15 and I started to notice problems. People put too much emphasis on race first of all.
    If you don't give special treatment to the kids they start to yell "das racis!" and stuff like that. They speak differently too, and it's on purpose. They intentionally try to not fit in to keep their culture rather than assimilate. If plenty of other black and hispanic kids can act normal, so can the other ones. Same as a white kid pretending to be black.

    So it's not that they really hate blacks or hispanics here, they just hate their culture.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:00 No.8609507
    Racism is a religion, man. There isn't much sense to questioning it since they won't give you any plausible answers, and any undounded reasoning will work for them because that's simply what they want to believe in.
    But basically, white americans forced black people into living on unfavorable terms for ages and won't accept the responsibility for its repercussion. Pretty much like people believe pigs are disgusting animals because we force them to live on a sty.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:01 No.8609509
    Ive seen some charts saying that on a per person basis they are responsible for roughly three times as much violent crime and robbery as any other minority.

    Whether or not this is actually accurate I have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:03 No.8609519
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    Why indeed, when all they do is commit crime, leech, and breed.

    They'll also make your school experience a living hell might I add, you better hope you're into nigger things if you grow up around niggers. Reading aloud in a senior English class is grand too, when they still can't read a paragraph and ask "what dat word be?" every other sentence.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:07 No.8609534
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    JIDF plz go.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:07 No.8609536
    >white americans forced black people
    But that's wrong. The first recorded permanent slave in the US was by another black man. You're also implying that all white Americans did this. Slaves were very expensive, and only the few elite could ever afford a massive plantation and plenty of slaves, along with the means to feed them all.

    Something that is interesting, is that black slaves were bred like farm animals. The smartest were killed and only the strongest and dumbest were kept to breed with other strong ones. Do this for a century and you have a group of people who are obviously going to end up being inferior. This isn't the case in places like the UK where blacks are just like everyone else for the most part.

    You don't inherit responsibility, and it's asinine to believe so. After the civil war nearly the entire south was in shambles and was flooded with northerners, meaning that nearly all of the very few who actually gained a lot from slave labor lost it all and were not able to pass it down to their children and grandchildren.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:07 No.8609537
    Black people are in jail in hugely disproportionate numbers. In part that's because the law comes down observably harder on them. Crack cocaine (used by poor black people) carries huge sentences compared to the stuff celebrities use. Another element is that they're disproportionately poor and get shitty education.

    of course, there is a huge amount of resentment and anger about their present and past situation
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:08 No.8609544

    Now I see, so basically black people is quite dangerous in america
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:11 No.8609548
    God I love that image. Seriously, that image will always be my favorite anti-nigger image.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:11 No.8609549
    >>This isn't the case in places like the UK where blacks are just like everyone else for the most part.

    No they aren't, who do you think started and participated in the London Riots?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:13 No.8609559
    Scotts and Gaelic scum in the kingdom. Should throw NI away.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:14 No.8609566
    >has our own self-loathing completely deadened our sense of empathy?
    i could never feel empathy for anyone but 2d girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:15 No.8609568

    Racism is a religion? Multicult is a fucking religion. You're shitty social experiment has failed for over 60 years, how much longer until they start acting civil, please tell me, when will the madness end?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:17 No.8609572

    Speak for yourself, I've accepted my faults and I won't apologise for them.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:17 No.8609574
    Hey guys, let's say I live in a latin american country, but my entire familly for both sides father and mother have spanish surnames, and phisically my skin is white and my eyes are green.

    How pure is my breed?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:19 No.8609579
    Sometimes I don't like /jp/ because I feel like I'm discriminated against for not cross dressing or wanting to fuck men.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:19 No.8609580
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    when I read stuff like this, it's always refreshing to remember that there is a black president of the united states with an IQ higher than the 3 of you combined
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.8609586
    Such a great comeback to their points, an ad hominem.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.8609588

    Half-nigger, and you clearly don't understand outliers. Why would you look to an anomaly instead of thinking in aggregate?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.8609591
    Don't be silly, you secretly want to suck a loli's cock too
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.8609592
    >The first recorded permanent slave in the US was by another black man
    So what? White people perpetuated that business, that's just denying responsibility just as I thought. And your reply just reinforced the fact that they were forced to unfavorable conditions. Their method of thinking has nothing to do with their colors, but with their environment. They passed through ages in lack of education and social inclusion, then it's just obvious their separate comunity would behave like this in present times. Still, that doesn't give you the right to attach that feature to all black people, like racists do.

    >You don't inherit responsibility, and it's asinine to believe so
    The responsibility IS inherited because the process of thought of most american whites haven't changed, and therefore, it's not like blacks receive that much indifferent treatment nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.8609593
    Its funny because that comic pretty much shows the history of the Irish under the British.

    I guess you haven't heard of the Bell Curve right?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:22 No.8609595
    Because he is too dumb to understand, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:22 No.8609596
    Yes, and his father was not a Black American. Your image sums it up very well, since his father side of the family did not go through that ordeal.

    His mother was white so she did not either.

    When you BREED people like that, then yes it will be genetic. There are still many who rise above, but the problems are still there. You're just as racist for blaming it all on white Americans. Slavery of Africans was done all over the world and by many peoples, not just Anglo whites.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:23 No.8609600
    Actually, racism correlates with lower IQ, so it's an informed estimate.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:24 No.8609605

    Don't worry man, we'll protect your minority rights by making straight, and manly thread quotas, and we'll also sticky your threads so they aren't unfairly bumped off the page by the evil status quo.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:24 No.8609606
    Except making informed statements and analysis is not racism, no matter how much you may call it so.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:25 No.8609607
    Not taking this as valid reply.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:25 No.8609608
    >The responsibility IS inherited because..
    I didn't want to say it, but you're just a fucking idiot. I don't even know the names of my great grandparents, and you want me to be held responsible for shit they did? How about I hold YOU responsible for Congo and Zimbawe genocides? You're not against racism, you're just against whites.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:26 No.8609613
    Funny how well Asians and Middle Easterners do on those "white biased" tests.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:27 No.8609618
    I like to think that they are against logical thought. They don't seem to grasp anything no matter how many arguments you make or points you raise against them.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:28 No.8609621
    > informed statements
    Did you even read those posts? Half the 'information' in this thread is outright bullshit taken from some stormfront sticky - find me a single reputable source that supports the contention that 'slaves were bred to be stupid.' The other half is completely out of context statistics that are not adjusted for poverty levels.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:29 No.8609623

    Why what's you're problem? I think your a faggot. Spelling errors are always a great cop out to avoid an argument. Ball's in you're court.
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)17:31 No.8609630

    Just from glancing that, I know it's BS because a lot of more recent studies have shown testosterone doesn't affect people in the way that's popularly held.

    That and racists are almost always less well spoken than "anti-whites".
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:31 No.8609633
    >reputable source

    Yes, and anything that doesn't push an agenda and is accredited by those same group thought sectors will be marginalized.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:31 No.8609634
    >I don't even know the names of my great grandparents, and you want me to be held responsible for shit they did?
    You're profiting from what they did in the form of greater access to educational opportunities, a more secure home environment, and more favorable employment odds. On the abstract, social level, it is not unreasonable to suggest you compensate the less fortunate in some minor way for the privileges you enjoy by the accident of your birth.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:32 No.8609637
    It's funny because everyone is a fucking racists.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:33 No.8609639
    Okay, it's obvious you're trolling now. 8/10 I guess, whatever.

    And now, it seems another problem I can't ignore has appeared.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:34 No.8609648
    First, nobody fucking cares, and second, none of us are agitating for laws that criminalize being black.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:35 No.8609650
    You don't seem to get the point. It's not phisicaly inhererited, but the responsibility is still there because history repeats itself all over, always bordering the law. The pinnacle of hypocrisy, indeed.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:35 No.8609651
    >greater access to educational opportunities
    There are no white only scholarships. My nation of birth thankfully qualifies me to file under Hispanic and claim the same benefits people in similar economic situations but of different races have available to them.

    >a more secure home environment
    You're assuming I have money. This isn't a race problem, it's an economic class problem.

    >privileges you enjoy by the accident of your birth.
    Please tell me those benefits. I'm already ineligible to many things because I am not native in this country. I'd love to have something to push me over the edge in any way, because I sure don't see any, especially based on race.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:38 No.8609658
    Because that mistake in particular is a notary joke, maybe? I wouldn't mind other typos.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:38 No.8609663
         File: 1330036731.png-(388 KB, 843x843, Transracial adoption study.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:38 No.8609664
    Not taking this as valid reply.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 02/23/12(Thu)17:39 No.8609667
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    A few years ago on /jp/ an Anon told me that Stormfront and otaku culture in general are both rallying points for beta males (real beta males, not the 4chan definition who simply can't get laid) and it stuck in my mind ever since. Thus some overlap is only natural.
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)17:40 No.8609670
    >There are no white only scholarships.

    Completely incorrect. Not only are there white-only scholarships, whites are more likely to get scholarships in general, even when adjusted for grades(which is in of itself a cultural problem until Stormfags can come up with a solid genetic link between race and intelligence, not just "well black kids in good families did well too" people are constantly told what to be because of who they are by the media)

    White only scholarships are obnoxious as all hell though, because it's missing the point. It's not rewarding someone for being a member of a particular ethnic group, it's meant to help counter institutional bias against them and give them a leg up. It's a more practical solution to ending issues apparently posed by "multiculturalism", and sure enough crime rates in most multicultural countries are dropping.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:41 No.8609675
    I guess he pointed 'you' as in 'your group'. We are talking about generalized groups here, no one cares about your personal life.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:41 No.8609677
    'Scholarships' are an inadequate, minor tool to fill the gaping hole between the schools attended by black children and those attended by white children. If you were genuinely poor, of course, race-neutral scholarships would also be available to you.

    Blacks are disproportionately in lower economic classes as the result of persistent structural discrimination. I'm discussing averages among racial groups, because that's what this is about. This is not about your particular circumstances.

    I support welfare and race-neutral social programs to support the struggling and poor regardless of their ethnicity. Specific benefits for african-americans are nonetheless in order because of the unique structural problems and distrust they face. If you want to pretend that this doesn't exist, that's your own bag of oblivious.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:43 No.8609689
    As I said, I don't care about typos or grammar mistakes. Just stop spreading those fucking memes in this board.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:44 No.8609693

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:45 No.8609698
    Because white people always think they deserve more and are better for being white. When you're white and have pretty much nothing except whiteness, you lash out at others in order to convince yourself you are better than everyone else. It's sad really.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:45 No.8609700
    I took a quick glance. I'm sure the sample size for such a study was far too small to make an accurate representation, but what I gather from a quick look is blacks are terrible parents?
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)17:46 No.8609703
    The truth is that a lot of groups don't get on purely on the basis of being marginalised. It's one thing conservatives don't realise as they deal with social conservatives and right Libertarians, to varying extremes, neither of which really give a fuck about marginalised people, and that's mostly it.

    Because "Liberal" means diverse, you can get all kinds of group that conflict. For example a lot of black rights activists may be homophobic due to the "manly" or highly religious nature of the culture they grew up up in, and a lot of radical feminists(though I don't like radfems anyway, and I wish people would learn to distinguish them from sane, sex positive feminists) spend most of their time attacking transsexuals.

    So someone who may identify as socially liberal or "pro minority groups" in some regard, or be a victim of the kind of persecution social liberals stand against, but there's always going to be stupid in-fighting and an element of "Well at least we're not THEM".

    Also, keep in mind that most nerds are pretty far from being tough guys, and being racist, homophobic or misogynistic is a boost to their image in that regard.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:47 No.8609708
    The President is black because of institutional bias.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:48 No.8609712

    And you clearly didn't even look at it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:48 No.8609713
    yeah, otherwise they'd repainted him to white long ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:49 No.8609718
    >unique structural problems and distrust they face.

    The problem being the same they cause. Over time as these kids get "whitewashed" and drop the shitty poverty inducing and gangster culture, they'll be better off.

    Unless you're somehow trying to claim they're inferior as a race as anon is, you'll understand that this is an economic class problem faced not only by blacks. So it is about my and similar circumstances on a large scale.

    >f you want to pretend that this doesn't exist, that's your own bag of oblivious.
    Most universities even keep quotas, although now that's leaning against Asians. Give it a few years for them to hit high and some new groups will start blaming them as a race, rather than the base economic problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:49 No.8609720
    >Adopted, two white parents: 101.5
    >Adopted, two black parents: 83.7
    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:52 No.8609736
    Jesus Christ, just shut up PotC.

    >Also, keep in mind that most nerds are pretty far from being tough guys, and being racist, homophobic or misogynistic is a boost to their image in that regard.
    What I find hilarious is that all of you niggerlovers can only think of these reasons for why we may hate them. You simply CANNOT accept the fact we may hate them because they are the source of x times more crime, violence, murder, etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:52 No.8609737
    Why don't you internalize this!

    *grabs dick*
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:54 No.8609746
    >Because minorities always think they deserve more and are better for not being white

    Fixed that for you. Whites (more specifically, straight white males) don't have special rights and privileges protecting them like every other group. Any self-righteous prick crying "persecution" in modern countries is just flat out ignorant. Sure, there are some teenagers up north who think it's funny to draw swastikas on bathroom stalls and say "nigger" on /b/, but that's not a valid example of "widespread, institutionalized racism", or "anti-white racism doesn't exist", or any of that other shit I hear constantly.

    No matter what group you're born into, there is always going to be some people that fucking hate you for no reason. No amount of counter-persecution, laws, or childish butthurt will ever change that.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:54 No.8609748
    Boost to their image part was a real kicker.
    As if that didn't make us even much worse off socially just for having those viewpoints.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:54 No.8609751
    To quote the author of this study:
    "The results of the transracial adoption study can be used to support either a genetic difference hypothesis or an environmental difference one (because the children have visible African ancestry)."
    It's just as easy to interpret this data as supportive evidence for economic-independent institutional racism in American education.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:55 No.8609754
    You should learn to hate the roots of the problem instead and effectively deal with it. Stop treating a disease by curing its symptons.
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)17:56 No.8609757

    If anything, that graph is hinting at cultural issues having far more of an effect than anything else.

    Again even if you can say "even blacks with white parents do less well", keep in mind that they're still living in an institution where "black" means something, and they feel something is expected of them being black.

    The media markets minorities - if you're gay, you have to be camp, if you're black or hispanic, you have to be a gangsta, etc.

    Sounds ridiculous? But we already have such structures that people rarely question exist - gender roles.

    Two male, masculine parents can still very easily raise a very feminine female child. If that girl sees everything on the TV and in movies wants her to be like the Popstar flavour of the month, that's what she'll internalised.

    It is the exact same thing with minorities, or at least, if it happens with gender, I see no reason why it can't happen with other things. Societal structure isn't "who your parents are", or even where you grew up.

    I have never seen a Stormfag actually address this head on, for all their shiny statistics they're meaningless without a real genetic link between intelligence and race - of which there is none, and if there was, it'd be too small to be relevant.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:56 No.8609760

    You really are retarded aren't you? You can't even read. All the children were adopted by upper class, white families. They were BORN to two black parents, or BORN to one white parent and one black parent, or BORN to two white parents.

    And it just so happens, the mixed kids were smarter than the black kids, and the white kids were smarter than the mixed kids, but according to faggots like you the only thing that should matter is the environment so why aren't the nigs right up in top tier with he whites?
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)17:56 No.8609762
    One thing people miss in both arguments with regards gender & race is that a demographic *cannot make a choice*. All these posts about how most black people simply act like "Niggers" in the US, etc., they're not to blame for that. In fact, it's very hard to blame anyone directly for that(though I';m sure some political leaders throughout history could claim a Lion's share), but racism certainly doesn't make the problem better.

    When you're dealing with one person, it's psychology. A group of people, it's sociology. And both of them can make people act in ways they don't intend to, or fail to realise is incorrect. You can't just blame American blacks(or Americans in general, really) for being worse than Argentinians, or whatever. There has to be some kind of cultural or societal factor at play, because choice and personal responsibility only works at an individual level.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:56 No.8609765
    Why don't you internalize this!

    *grabs dick*
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:57 No.8609768
    >institutional racism, institutional racism
    You really believe all of America has it out for you, don't you? Except the brotthas, right? Gotta look out for the brotthas!

    (Queue the statistics showing blacks have more to fear from other blacks than from whites.)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:57 No.8609770
    Tripfags being devout neo-liberals, how surprising.

    Can we get some more Frankfurt School dogma please? Maybe a quick Freudian sermon for the sinners among us?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:57 No.8609771
    You should really see a therapist and a psychiatrist.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:57 No.8609773
    Do you not understand that the color of your skin is a fucking massive 'environmental' element in America?
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)17:59 No.8609780

    And do you have proof that those things are down to genetics, and not cultural bias?

    I'm not talking about parental studies. I already pointed out how it makes no difference in the case of gender roles, so there's no reason why "culture" can't run deeper than your parents(a silly notion) in terms of your race.

    Showing a complete lack of society for how culture & society work doesn't make me want to place my bets on you being honest.


    Read my posts that are comfortably sandwhiching yours.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:00 No.8609784

    No shit becuase "institutional racism" is a far more batshit conspiracy than anything you can accuse us of.

    Well I'm quite done here, if the fact that niggers are generally trouble isn't already self evident then there's no hope anyway. Fortunately, I don't have to convince you, I just have to convince onlookers who haven't lost every ounce of sense.
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)18:00 No.8609788

    It's funny, because anyone with any experience with psychology would probably agree with me.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:01 No.8609794
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    >hurr durr society made me do it!!! not my fault u racist/sexist!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:01 No.8609795
    >sex positive feminists
    Don't know if serious.
    Sluts generally have serious issues.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:02 No.8609800
    Well that's what I've been trying to say since the 10th response in this thread, but "YOU'RE NOT BLACK YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND AND ARE EVIL!!"

    I bet that other guy is American too. Less of a melting pot and more of a bunch of side dishes separating themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:02 No.8609802
    Occam's razor.

    That is all. Keep trying to find new ways out, girl.
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)18:03 No.8609805
    >No shit becuase "institutional racism" is a far more batshit conspiracy than anything you can accuse us of.

    You claim a genetic predisposition towards more violence and less intelligence. You have no peer reviewed studies conclusively saying this.

    It's not a conspiracy, and you'd have to be unbelievably stupid or sheltered to think that institutional biases of all kinds don't exist.

    Merely the fact that people are more likely to suspect you of violence or low intelligence based on the colour of a skin is enough to be a serious bias factor. The fact is that when there are so many different factors in play here, you can't say it's genetic until you've ruled everything out - which you're never able to do.

    If gender roles exist independently of upbringing, so too can racial archetypes.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:03 No.8609806
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:03 No.8609809
    I don't that means what you think it means.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:03 No.8609810
    >No shit becuase "institutional racism" is a far more batshit conspiracy than anything you can accuse us of.

    Institutional racism is not a conspiracy and it is not an intentional plan drawn up by men in smoky rooms. You simply do not understand what this term means.

    Institutional racism is the product of inertia - racism not of individual people, but of the STRUCTURE within which they operate. Read the wikipedia article.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:05 No.8609820
    Just trying to be friendly.
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)18:06 No.8609827

    Occam's razor means that the simplest solution is preferable; one should assume it in the face of extraneous details. It doesn't mean the simplest solution is right. We're not dealing with a blatantly simpler solution here though. I'm not proposing "Genetics plus SECRET AARDVARK SOCIETY".

    Also, it would be a simpler solution in of itself if there was just an equivalent of gender roles for race. There's nothing remotely implausible about that. You see black people being marketed as gangstas all the time, and you have black people being gangstas.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:06 No.8609829
    So you do believe everyone has it out for you.

    What do they call this again? Paranoia?

    Maybe PotC is right that this is a psychological issue.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:08 No.8609837
    It's kinda stupid to be obsessed with racism, I mean who cares niggers are more stupid? However I think it's just as stupid for people to be offended everywhere for some random fucker over the internet expressing dislike for a group of people.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:08 No.8609838
    >You see black people being marketed as gangstas all the time
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:08 No.8609841
    Yes, because all educated people will agree with someone as brilliant and enlighted as yourself, and anyone who doesn't is an ignorant goon.

    I'm still not even sure if you're being serious. Are you actually a teenager with a severe victim complex, or are you just fucking with us?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:09 No.8609853
    You need to be a certain age to have yourself castrated because you believe you were actually meant to be born a female. At least he wont reproduce.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:09 No.8609854

    You seriously can't argue with he leftist, they're too far gone, no matter what proof you show them, no matter how clear and concise they'll latch on to some ridiculous excuses that'd can't be disproven objectively, like "institutional racism" anything to keep their dogma flowing.

    They're too far gone.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:09 No.8609856
    The only thing I care about is idiots coming up to me and basically saying "You are white. White people in the past did bad things to black people. I'm black, so now I want your money."
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:11 No.8609866
    So this group of guys resorted to "trolling" and posting reaction faces? No kidding!
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)18:11 No.8609868

    I don't know, who owns most of the major record companies, who controls the media?

    Also, I can prove my case with one word: Wiggers.

    That's right. Wiggers.

    Wiggers are white people who've essentially "contracted" Cultural Blackness. Wiggers(compared to regular whites) are generally untelligent, tend to hassle people, etc. etc.

    You can say "Oh but that's cheating, they're trying to emulate black people".

    But black people are trying to emulate black people too - since they're black after all, and need a frame of reference. And where do they get their examples from?
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)18:13 No.8609877
    >Yes, because all educated people will agree with someone as brilliant and enlighted as yourself, and anyone who doesn't is an ignorant goon.

    If you have a good argument, make it. "u jus say dat cuz u disagree wit me" is a lazy as fuck argument that only stupid or dishonest people use in this context. Racism, homophobia, sexism, whatever, aren't just "opinions", they actually affect people in the real world.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:13 No.8609879
    But that's wrong it's the jews.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:13 No.8609884
    Except what they really say is this:
    "You are white. Due to a complex mix of historical circumstances and economic realities, you are more likely to be given a job than a black person otherwise identical to you in every way. As a result, some tiny chunk of your tax dollars will go to help resolve the institutional gaps that perpetuate this situation."
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:14 No.8609888
    Oh and one more thing. The mules in that study were thought to be full black by their parents, and yet they did better than the full niggers. Why would that be? Don't tel me it's because the racist institution just so happened to innately pick up the fact that they were half breeds!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:15 No.8609891
    It's a fallacy to believe only local problems regard you. We are not fighting the people, but the ideology itself, because that's what brings trouble to a global level.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:15 No.8609893
    >I don't know, who owns most of the major record companies, who controls the media?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:15 No.8609895
    Alright, you're seriously trying way too hard to sound like you know what you're talking about. Thesaurus abuse doesn't make you look intelligent, it makes you look like don't understand English very well.

    (This is the part where you pop in some pseudo-intellectual response about how there's nothing wrong with the way you type/talk, and only a cretin would have a problem with it.)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:15 No.8609897
    So basically, the same thing but in more words.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:16 No.8609903
    Why are /pol/ threads in /jp/ always such shit?

    Well, I guess /pol/ is actually a gigantic shitheap so it can't be helped.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:16 No.8609904
    Op is such a stupid monkey and so bad at writing a proper paragraph that he failed to get a single point across to any of us
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:16 No.8609906
    If you care about things on a global level, or non-egoistic level, I'm afraid you are not taking it easy enough and would suggest to do so or kindly leave /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:17 No.8609908
    I can't take it easy when people start thread like this, man.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:18 No.8609909
    >believe only local problems regard you
    It isn't when the same belief is held on a large scale. Those with influence enforce their belief, and then we have people who think that all others actually think that.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:20 No.8609917
    >As a result, some tiny chunk of your tax dollars will go to help resolve the institutional gaps that perpetuate this situation.
    But we already have that. It's called welfare.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:22 No.8609925
    But, I wasn't making an argument. I'm just pointing out that your arguments are little more than you continually reinforcing your own opinions and sense of self-worth, mixed in with some ad hominems for good measure (see: your glorified "ur dumb" response to me).

    And in this case, yes, your perceived prejudices against you are your personal opinions. You've provided nothing but pure conjecture as proof.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:23 No.8609929
    i don't think they'll be that nice and use so many big words while they're robbing you on the street.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:24 No.8609932
    Grow up. Manchildren shouldn't be accepted, even in /jp/. My hobbies have nothing to do with your autism and desire to only interact with other social failures. Furthermore, the sole existence of this thread proves that people in /jp/ still have a link to the outside world somehow.
    >> Princess of the Crystal !!icIm/7OlYEI 02/23/12(Thu)18:24 No.8609934
    >"institutional racism"

    You've shown no understand as to what "institutional racism" actually is.

    People think of you and treat you differently because of the colour of your skin. This is unavoidable. Calling it a "conspiracy" shows a level of delusion that goes way off the Paulbot charts.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:24 No.8609935
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    Does NAACP stand for "Niggers Are Always Causing Problems" or "Now Apes Are Called People"? I've heard both but I'm not sure which one is legit.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 02/23/12(Thu)18:25 No.8609937
    Same here dude, I don't know how people can be like this.

    I'm socially retarded as balls but even I know skin color doesn't matter. I'll treat everyone the same regardless.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:25 No.8609939
    you have to fight your autism, son. press the hide button and the bad thread will magically disappear.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:26 No.8609946
    Me too. As normalfagglets trying to take my loli and kill my fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:28 No.8609955
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:28 No.8609958
    Your hobbies have very well something to do with whether you're a manchild or not and as long as you aren't taking responsibility for anything and just spend your days with Touhou and VNs, you are a manchild. If you're not an manchild and don't do that, get out.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:29 No.8609960
    Hell, I don't give two fucks about race myself. About a third of my friends are African American. Still, there's nothing valid about the bullshit that PotC is spewing. What a clown, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:30 No.8609965
    Except it's not just skin color but a mix of hereditary traits including bone structure and brain capacity.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:31 No.8609968
    Aight, then since we're all puppets being controlled by society as a whole, then I'm not at fault for making racist remarks.

    >grow up

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:33 No.8609974
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    hilarious, but not for the reason you thought
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:33 No.8609975
    Why I hate darkies

    1. Just look at them. They still resemble the apes that they were derived from. Same ape-shaped face, wide fucking nose, massive lips, and same nasty looking paws.

    2. They are welfare hogging pieces of shit. When someone actually needs a little bit of help from welfare, they usually cannot receive it due to all the spooks living off of everyone else’s work.

    3. Why not hate them? What purpose do they serve on earth, other than to make it unsuitable for everyone else?

    4. They stink extremely bad.

    5. They can barely speak properly. I hate listening to those ebonics speaking pieces of shit and trying to decipher what the fuck they are mumbling about. Maybe if they’d take some time away from stealing, robbing, raping, and ruining the world for everyone else…they could spend some time getting an education.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:34 No.8609979
    This. Skin is just skin, but the package tells about what's inside.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:34 No.8609981
    We should deport all racists for having a low average IQ.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:34 No.8609982
    No, they don't. But rather, the extent of time and relevance they hold within your routine, but then again you could be a manchild no matter what hobby you possess. Do you wish to be grouped with vagabond skaters, for instance? I guess not.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:34 No.8609983
    6. They make me mad seeing them on TV. BET? Why is it necessary to devote an entire channel to them? Do we really need to see them trying to make “music” while jumping around on stage just like their ape ancestors? No, we don’t. Maybe if they’d remove stupid shit like this, then maybe future niggers wouldn’t try to imitate these idiots.

    7. Those stupid fucks wearing pants that are falling down to their knees. Um, hello you stupid niggers. It’s bad enough that we have to see your stupid faces and other uncovered regions. We really don’t want to see your nasty lower regions being exposed. If we wanted to see that, we have zoos and Animal Planet to get our fix for those who have a fascination with looking at apes exposed.

    8. They walk around constantly grabbing their dicks. Why is that? Are they secretly
    scratching at their venereal diseased cocks? Or, are they just trying to imitate their ape ancestors?

    9. They ruin cars. Have you seen these idiots who sell crack to make enough money to put 24 inch wheels on a car designed for 14 inch wheels? They make them look like some sort of monster truck or something. STOP IT NIGGERS! Just because you have the minds of chimps doesn’t mean you should be entitled to destroy automobiles.

    10. They ruin sports. It’s pretty bad trying to watch a sporting event and all you can see is a jersey/uniform on the screen. They are the reason they had to start putting names on the back. Who the fuck can tell them apart? When all you see is a shiny black image, it’s really hard to tell them apart. You stupid spooks.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:35 No.8609985
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:35 No.8609990
    Okay, copypasta is coming in. Thread ruined (haha).
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:36 No.8609993

    I don't like niggers, I don't like living around niggers, but honestly they're the least of the problem, you can't blame a creature for what it is. I just don't want to have to accommodate them, and I want simple facts acknowledged. That's really it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:36 No.8609995
    If you're deporting people based on IQ (which isn't even a remotely reliable way of measuring intelligence, by the way), wouldn't you have to get rid of most "minorities" too?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:38 No.8610002
    Indeed, it's mostly about time. But prefering your hobby towards your life is generally seen as a unresponsible thing and thus you're not an adult. People on /jp/ usually have nothing but their hobby in their life.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:39 No.8610005
    A plague spreads that turns everybody into niggers when bitten. The only safe state is Kansas.What do you do to survive?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:39 No.8610007
    I don't even mind many black people. There are nice black people too. I just hate people who feel they are entitled to shit just because of who they are. Same with women or Muslims or any of those "we are oppressed, now pay me!" people.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:39 No.8610008
    Cohabitation with black people is very easy, let me teach you how.

    1) Make sure all valuables are safely secure when outside your line of sight. Wallets should be kept in inner pockets at all time or wedged between your ass crack when sleeping.
    2) Personal space must be respected at all times. Do not step on his shoes, take the stickers off his hat, or try to shrink his over sized shirts for him.
    3) The first impressions count the most. Have you brought a fresh watermelon in for you both to enjoy? ( Extra Credit:
    4) Personal hygiene only applies to you. Do not try to tell him he smells, or comment that there is enough oil on his du-rag to combust the room if a spark went off.
    5) Bonding. Bond about your youth how you would rob rape and steal from old white women who were walking their grandchildren in the park. This will allow you to become Homies.

    Anime should be watched in the closest with earphones on. Manga read under the covers at night. If you want to convert him then try Afro-Samurai or what other god awful anime revolves around mindless violence and little or no plot (Dubs only). If he says "yo that some pussy as fagot shit" simply say its a lot better when your high and burn a joint together. When he is high he wont give a fuck.
    Eroges are unfortunately out of the question. You may get away with Anime saying its a "funny ass cartoon" and Manga as a "comic book" but the moment he hears Japanese moans and a cartoon pair of tits pop up "shits gunna get real".
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:41 No.8610015
    Can't get a job because aspergers: /jp/ thinks a few thousand a month entirely reasonable

    Can't get a job because you live in a slum with 50% unemployment and rampant drug gangs: /jp/ thinks you should PULL YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:41 No.8610017
    This times a fucking thousand. I never had a problem with African Americans nor any other "minority", just the ones that won't shut the fuck up about how horrible white men are and how they deserve special treatment.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:43 No.8610020
    Cry me a river you self-proclaimed victim. Nobody mentioned anything about /jp/ or NEETs in that post.

    Stop attacking straw men.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:43 No.8610023

    At least /jp/ doesn't claim to be victims who deserve it. They're just cunts.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:44 No.8610028
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    Hey Faggots,

    Bob Doles name is Bob Dole, and Bob Dole hates every single one of you. Bob Dole thinks all of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any votes? Bob Dole means, Bob Dole guesses it's fun making fun of people because of Bob Doles own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than referring to yourself in third person.

    Don't be a stranger. Just hit Bob Dole with your best shot. Bob Dole is pretty much perfect. Bob Dole was United States Senator from Kansas from 1969–1996, and the longest-serving Republican leader. What politics do you do, other than "jack off to naked drawn japanese people"? Bob Dole is also special counsel at the Washington, D.C., law firm of Alston & Bird., and have a banging hot wife (She just ran unsuccessfully for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2000 and was elected to the United States Senate in 2002.; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening to Bob Dole.

    Pic Related: It's Bob Dole and his bitch
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:45 No.8610032
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    Medio, awaken from your slumber!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:47 No.8610041
    We should also deport those who don't understand irony.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:48 No.8610042
    >a few thousand a month entirely reasonable
    A few THOUSAND? You obviously have no idea what you are talking about here.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:48 No.8610044
    The most entitled people I've ever met in my entire life have been, uniformly, rich and white. They complain when they get speeding tickets they deserved in the BMW their daddy bought them for their birthday. They complain when their totally mean professor gives them a B on a paper that deserves an F. They complain when the taxes on the money they inherited from their dead great-grandfather goes up half a percent.

    By contrast, the black scholarship students at that same college - the ones every stupid white kid with a 1200 SAT score bitches about taking the spot they are entitled to - were hard-working, studious people with perspective on life who valued the chances they got.

    If you think you've somehow 'earned' the social position you were born with, you are the one who's entitled, not the people who are looking for a leg up from shitty circumstances.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:49 No.8610047
    Pretty hard to detect irony when plenty of people in this thread would say something like that and mean it seriously.

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