If Cirno is KoG's waifu, why is it called ALICE in Spaceland and not CIRNO in Spaceland?Hmm?
because autism
Thread reported.
*Lights go on*Teacher: Now that, children, is why you don't go into stranger's houses, especially when they look like dolls you had when you were a child,Children: O.O
Why do Alice and Cirno both have exactly 5 letters in them?
KoG is a Zionist hoax.
Can somebody tell me who KOG is??
every post in this thread that isn't using the sage function is kog samefagging his thread
>that feel when this thread is leading up to KoG getting the quint 4s
>>8544370>>8544374Normally I wouldn't say this because I hate pseudonymity and e-penis, butGet the fuck out and/or lurk more.
Alice in Spaceland is a pun on Japanese ZUN's "Alice in Shanghai Land".
kog is a jew
what? what?! WHATT!?!? I NEVER LOSE!! I NEVER DO!! T^T i lost.. i never lose >:(
>>8544382Or maybe both are a pun on Alice in Wonderland?
If you change Cirno's hair from blue to yellow, she looks a ton like PC-98 Alice...
>>8544387I think he's the one posting the vocaloid and random posts in order to speed up the process.You know what this means dude. H0mu for 444 GET.
>>8544399Jamaican bride conjuring SAGE
>>8544394Actually that was me. Was just bored and thought they were funny. Copy paste comments since I'm not that creative to make something so autistic.
I hate GETs, but I will use my script and take KoG's 4s just to piss him off.
I don't see why KoG bothers when he's friends with a mod who has access to #reserve
>>8544414>#reserve>twitter hash tagsGet out.
incoming autism
>>8544419No, it's a command like the various capcodes.They probably pre-date Twitter, actually.
Eye can has asperger?
>>8544444Epic win!
>>8544445>>544445H0mu GET.
>>854444522 kB > 3 kB you baka.
>>8544444>>8544445And all is right with the world.
>>8544426The autism is already here
>>8544444kog's autism is unbeatable
Why is our janitor so shitty?I know he's here since he just deleted my shit thread. So why is he leaving shit threads made by his IRC buddies up on the front page?I'm e-mailing moot about this shit.