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  • File : 1327491942.jpg-(1.45 MB, 2340x1316, 1209553655022.jpg)
    1.45 MB Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:45 No.8469042  
    How do you other Hikkis/NEETs manage to continue living like this? My family is constantly fighting with me, demanding I get a job and stop sitting around the house watching anime and playing games all day. I usually just ignore them, but they've been getting increasingly angry at me lately. I need some NEET tips, /jp/, help.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:47 No.8469045
    It doesn't really work in western culture. Japan has a much stronger sense of familial responsibility, and are usually pressured by the culture to support their family no matter what. In the west, the pressure is the opposite: to stop supporting your family as soon as possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:47 No.8469046
    I don't think how other people in the same, or even worse situation, would be able to help.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:49 No.8469051
    Can we all agree that in a totalitarian society where the only family you have is the state would be one that modern day hikkis could find peace in?

    You wouldn't even need to be bothered by too many options involving your career, the state would make sure whatever you're trained for assures your maximum utility.

    Wouldn't that be great?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:49 No.8469052
    I don't know*
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:50 No.8469053
    Yeah, I know, but I know there's some American NEETs on here, so I figured I'd ask.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:52 No.8469057

    They're probably milking their respective welfare systems.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:52 No.8469058
    Tell them you're going out to look for a job. Take a 4 hr long nap in the park. Then come back and tell them you asked around in different stores and malls.

    You don't need to do this every day, only a couple of times a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:53 No.8469061

    I agree. I think the merits of a non-democratic government are overlooked because of propaganda. Freedom isn't always a good thing, especially when there's no sense of responsibility to your fellow person.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:54 No.8469063
    "NEET mode is not a mode you enter, but a mode you come out of occasionally."
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:54 No.8469064
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:55 No.8469067
    I already am.

    But then they would MAKE me work, and fuck that shit. That cuts into my anime/gaming time.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:55 No.8469068
    If you're an American, you don't really have a case. American families kick their children out at 18 like unloving savages. Maybe you could argue that the economy is bad and you can't get a job/don't have the experience for the job/don't want to put yourself in the ponzi scheme that is college debt. This will only work for so long, though.

    Sorry, my NEET friend. Maybe you could collect disability or welfare money.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)06:56 No.8469074
    Hello #japanese-bird.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:00 No.8469078
    I'm 24, so I guess I've been successful for a while, haha.
    And man, I don't have to worry about college since I never graduated high school (I quit because they were gonna fail me in 11th grade over bullshit that was their fault). I guess that also means I'd have a hard time getting a job in the first place, hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:01 No.8469079
    To me the freedom I have today has become synonymous to being able to indulge myself in consumerism.

    I can waste time playing flash games and eating junk food, freedommmmmmm.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:03 No.8469082
    Are you Canadian?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:03 No.8469083
    Wish I could help you OP. I went through the same shit last week with my father, so I went out and got a job yesterday.
    I wish you the best of luck.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:03 No.8469084
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:12 No.8469100
    Sucks for you. I actually have parents that love me.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:18 No.8469115
    Thanks... I'll need it...

    I'm not really whining. If they throw me out on the street, then that's just what will happen. I believe that the structure of our society is inherently flawed and I refuse to participate in it. Not to mention that, you know, I have games to play and anime to watch, but that's more of a secondary thing.

    Gee, that'd be nice. I've only seen my father twice in my entire life and my mom is a rotten bitch who constantly blows our money on drugs. My uncle has to bail us out half the time 'cause she spends money on shit that makes our situation worse. We'd probably get by just fine with what we get from the government if she didn't waste it all.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:18 No.8469117
    Move out.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:20 No.8469122
    Don't got anywhere to go, 'cept to my uncle's place, and he's outright stated that if I don't get a job, I'm not welcome to live with him.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:23 No.8469129
    >I've only seen my father twice in my entire life
    Is he in jail?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:26 No.8469137
    What I hate about these situations is how out of touch with reality parents in their 40s and 50s are.

    Back when they were young (Vietnam era) it was easy to get a job. Both my parents already had desk jobs lined up for them even before they finished highschool. Competition with cheap south east asian labour was more or less unheard of. Today the real unemployment rate in most western countries is over 20%. For those between 18 and 24 years of age, it's over 40%. And in my personal opinion, it's probably even higher for the males in that age gap. Getting a job is NOT easy. In this day and age, there are legitimate reasons for why so many young males become NEETs and hikis. If a parent wants his son to leave the house, he should use his decades of work experience and networking to get him hired instead of expecting him to beat all the odds by himself.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:29 No.8469144

    >my mom is a rotten bitch who constantly blows our money on drugs. My uncle has to bail us out half the time 'cause she spends money on shit that makes our situation worse.

    Sounds like you shouldn't be NEETing it up with her around anyways. I know some anons work for a while to save up money and then quit their jobs to NEET it up while living off of their savings for a while. You should consider this if you can't get on welfare or get some kind of disability money.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:39 No.8469170
    It's kind of a long story, but...
    Okay so, my mom and dad were dating. They fuck, she gets pregnant, she tells him she's pregnant... and he skips town that very same day. By the next day, nobody had any idea where he was.

    It took my mom 11 years to find out where he was (she had the government looking for him and they couldn't do anything for 11 fucking years), and only managed to do so because my friend's dad Googled him (well, back then, it was probably Yahoo'd, right?) and pulled up his address.

    So my mom found him, took him to court for child support, and of course, had a blood test done to make sure I was his kid. Of course, I was.

    Anyway, the first time I met him was at a fucking McDonalds halfway between his house and ours (he lived like 2 hours away) and we ate lunch.

    The second time was when I went to his house and met with his other family, including two half-sisters and a half-brother. Of course, I've only seen them once each.

    After that, his company went under, his wife left him and took the kids and he took off to fucking Thailand for work and we haven't heard from him since. That was like, 12 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:40 No.8469173
    Not your blog.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:41 No.8469175
    Told you about freedom.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:44 No.8469179
    He was asked and didn't just write it out of the blue though, you should save that for other replies.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:45 No.8469182
    >After that, his company went under, his wife left him and took the kids and he took off to fucking Thailand

    Living the dream.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:48 No.8469191
    I actually do get disability. I have really bad asthma and messed up legs (I used to sit on my knees a lot when I was little, for no particular reason really, and now my knees are all fucked up.) We don't get food stamps though. We've tried but they always deny us.

    Hey man, he asked.

    I know, right? He could be dead now for all I know.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:51 No.8469203
    >imypling this thread isn't just a blog thread disguised as a neet/hikki thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)07:53 No.8469206
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:03 No.8469241
    Starting Saturday night, I took a lot of cock, adding up to 15 total loads, all of them poz. I'm fucking incoherent right now and smell like cum and piss and both my cock and hole are dripping with jizz. Feels good...really slutted myself on this weekend. And I'm going to bed in my cum stained sheets, covered with dry cum and spit and a little bit of piss from very early on. I should sleep like the whore that I am tonight.

    Got one more top on his way...guess I wasn't done yet. can't move, but oh well.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:04 No.8469247
    Since we don't need more threads about this I'll ask here:

    Do any of you guys take anti-depressants? Have they worked? Or maybe worsened your condition? I was prescribed Amitriptyline but I don't know if I should take them.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:04 No.8469252
    Ultimate weeaboo victory, being a hikki while living in Europe/America.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:04 No.8469253
    Uh... what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:07 No.8469261
    OP here. I had to take various anti-depressants over the years. Don't do it, man. Even though it might make you less depressed, chances are you'll feel dead inside, like you're just watching a video of yourself instead of seeing out your own eyes.

    I don't believe in using mind-altering substances (including drugs and alcohol) because of it. I'd rather be miserable than feel like I'm dead.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:07 No.8469264
    I've been on over 10 different meds in the past. None of them worked for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:08 No.8469270
    Dude, I know what you mean man.. was ..almost too much.. but we did good

    You wasn't invited, huge /jp/ party with cake and everything
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:09 No.8469271
    This is true.

    A friend of mine has started meds recently, triggered a hardcore manic episode that lasted over the last month or so and now they are crashing very badly.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:13 No.8469286
    23 year old NEET here, my mom and dad split when I was 18 and since then I've been under 0 pressure to find a job. I've considered going on welfare and/or disability, but I have no idea how that works in Canada.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:14 No.8469293
    Man, when I got sick of feeling like a zombie and straight up quit taking my meds, I fucking lost my shit. I felt like I was losing my goddamn mind for like 2 weeks straight. I couldn't sleep, I was constantly furiously angry, I would suddenly break down into horrible hours-long crying sessions over nothing and I had a pounding headache the whole time. Seriously, when they tell you to wean yourself off of an anti-depressant instead of just dropping it, fucking LISTEN.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:26 No.8469338
    I can sympathize with you, don't worry. I really don't recommend medication. In all honesty I would start with finding a good therapist as a lot of the issues I assume /jp/sies have aren't quite as usual as a major depressive episode. Hating society as culture, not wanting to take part in the social game etc. All these things aren't so easy to get rid of with meds, assuming one wants to get rid of these values.

    That and I don't like the idea of fucking around with brain chemistry using meds more or less experimentally.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:27 No.8469345
    Pick up a bag and something sturdy from the garage then wander around the woods till you randomly encounter and battle wild life. Save your gold coins and sell dropped items in the local grocery or hardware stores.

    If your level is too low to take down some monsters try recruiting companions at the homeless shelter.
    >> ‮ egdelwonK iluohctaP‪‪‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬ 01/25/12(Wed)08:28 No.8469353
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    Killing your parents will get rid of them for sure!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:53 No.8469483
    Is this really okay? I've considered this in the past, but I was afraid of being arrested for vagrancy.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:55 No.8469492
    take a handheld with you instead of taking a nap.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:08 No.8469730
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    I attempted to live NEET style several times, but usually with results ranging from suboptimum to disasterous. My most recent attempt involved working a super shitty call center job for about 6 months, which allowed me to save up about $2500 (could have been more, but I was dating a girl from there at the time and so had to spend a lot...mostly on gas.) I was then fired for generally not giving two fucks about my job and letting slip my intent to quit soon. Anyhow, my scheme was to throw all my funds into trading silver and gold on the forex market, and thereby attempt to grow my savings while not leaving home. My plan was on track for a month or so and then gold/silver trading was suddenly declared illegal by the government (amerifag here) and all my open positions were closed, which resulted in my losing basically all of it. Had to hit the unemployment office for emergency funding, which I barely managed to live on (along with sparse handouts from my parents) until eight months ago.

    The work/save/NEET plot is a risky one; might work, might not. Try at your own risk.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:12 No.8469738
    Enjoy Cancer. Enjoy aids.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:13 No.8469740
    Enjoy Copy. Enjoy paste.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:15 No.8469743
    your gay
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:41 No.8469799
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    almost 5 year year hikki here, and the answer is government funds. been trying to meet other /jp/ers who are also hikikomori, but everyone is just a part time NEET of some sort.

    they're left alone by their family since they're young or get pestered constantly. the amount of adults who manage on their own while being a NEET or hikikomori is abyssal on current day /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:51 No.8469827
    Be suicidal. Most parents don't want their children to die because of their decision to throw you out.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)12:41 No.8470087
    You have to stop being a NEET. Either that or just put up with their anger and continue as always until they finally kick you out.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)19:10 No.8471707
    Has this number of adults ever been significant on /jp/?
    Merely curious, I'm pretty new here.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:05 No.8471974
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    31 here, been a hikki/NEET since 25. I'm pretty lucky at this point. My mom died when I was 28, moved in with distant relatives. They are on disability so they don't pressure me muchl. But since they are distant relatives, its not a secure thing. I could be tossed out on the street at any time. I've accepted when that eventually happens my life is over.

    I tell them I look for jobs online but I never leave the house or my room for that matter to fake looking for a job.

    I've always been shy, and freak out social situations. Pretty sure I got SAD. Been thinking about trying to get on disability for it, but that involves having to leave my room and be JUDGED by people. So pretty sure that will never happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:09 No.8471993
    I don't know what you guys are talking about.

    I was on Adderall and Wellbutrin for some time and I never had a problem. I suppose those aren't really heavy-duty meds, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:09 No.8471994
    Why haven't you used your wizardry powers to conjure up money or moved to Middle Earth to live with your waifu?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:20 No.8472035
    I live on my own and my only contact with the outer world is my little sister who calls me once a week. I don't know why she does that though, we hardly ever talked back when I still lived with her.
    >> Sudo !Tohsaka8ks 01/25/12(Wed)20:21 No.8472043
    SSI and an enabling mother.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:23 No.8472055
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    >I actually do get disability. I have really bad asthma and messed up legs (I used to sit on my knees a lot when I was little, for no particular reason really, and now my knees are all fucked up.) We don't get food stamps though. We've tried but they always deny us.

    Okay OP, what you gotta do is stretch the truth with food stamps. I've been on foodstamps since 04, you really gotta play up the fact that you have absolutely no income. Also, tell them you help your relatives pay for the bills and have no money left over for food.

    MedicAid is more difficult to obtain if you've never had a job, since they always want paystubs. If you ever end up on your own and are sick, go to the hospital. They will send you bills and may call you, but they CAN NOT take you to court. Shit tons of poor people go to the emergency room for medical care since they can't afford overpriced private practice doctors. I can't even tell you how many hospital bills I have racked up.

    Unemployment is right out unless you've been employed and lost your job. You have to be working for at least six months at a job, and then you have to get fired (not quit) to get unemployment. I once was wrongly fired for a medical condition, and was able to live two years on my own on unemployment and foodstamps.

    Anyway, hope this helps a bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:42 No.8472139
    /pol/ here.

    You are the cancer of society, if your family knew what's good for you, they'd throw you out on your ass and burn all your shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:48 No.8472166
    NEET/hikki threads are blog threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:48 No.8472168
    The whole board is here?
    Get out of /jp/, /pol/.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)20:56 No.8472214
    >You are the cancer of society
    Compared to the human debris that congregates around /pol/, I think OP's doing all right for himself.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:27 No.8472335
    Society is the cancer of itself. The entire system is flawed.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:35 No.8472367

    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:47 No.8472397
    I used to do that all the time when I was skipping out on highschool. Id park somewhere out of the way and sleep off the day. Only once did I ever have to deal with a Cop for it, and they only asked why I was sleeping in a private parking lot. I just said I was between two jobs, didn't want to waste gas on the way home and wanted to take a nap, found a secluded parking lot to sleep in, didnt know it was private. No more questions asked, aside from seeing my license. Aside from that, never had any problems. If you got a local truck stop or high-way rest area, those are even better spots, cops will NEVER bother you there, assume you're taking a nap during a long trip.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:59 No.8472429

    >Sorry, my NEET friend. Maybe you could collect disability or welfare money.

    I should try that again. I actually have problems but was denied (while most of people on my family tree that I don't have anything to do with get on it with no actual problems).
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:01 No.8472439

    I know how you feel. It's like my dad thinks you can still walk into any place you goddamn please and come out an hour later with a job.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:04 No.8472448

    >I have really bad asthma

    You can get on with that? Shit I should have tried that. I think I may have it, it's linked to my uncontrollable acid reflux. Probably couldn't though, it's appearance and severity is not consistent. Sometimes I can eat a pizza with no complications, other times I'll eat three potato chips and get an asthma attack so bad that I think I'm going to die.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:34 No.8472612
    25 year old NEET living a constant lie. After high school, I went off to college in another state only to drop out after two semesters, but continue living there while my parents kept sending me cash. I eventually fessed up, moved back home, ran away from home, got a job while failing miserable at managing my money and having my mom bail me out a couple of times on rent.

    Fast forward to 3 years ago when I quit my job to go back home (family relationship smoothed out). I'm back, but started doing the same thing again. I'm suppose to be taking college classes, but I just go to the library for about 3-4 hours a day. My "graduation" is at the end of this year. Would have been last year, but I bullshitted in another year to extend my time. Non-existing scholarships pays for tuition (my Asian parents aren't very knowledgeable on how stuff works).

    This whole thing has been stressing me to the point where I have noticeable pieces of white hair. There will be times when I cry myself to sleep, beating myself up emotionally, vowing to change, but the next morning, I lose all that motivation and return to status quo.

    tl:dr; I'm a scumbag leeching off his unsuspecting parents.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)22:44 No.8472647
    He's only first level. All you get for that is magic missile and hold portal.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:00 No.8472713
    Hey. Here's some boot straps, thread. Now pull on them until you're standing up and are a semi-capable human being.

    Alternatively, grow a pair and end your sad existence now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:07 No.8472743


    Hey, just stop stressing yourself. You have money and lots of time to internet/anime/games for now, so just enjoy it and try not to think about the unavoidable clash that is coming. That's what I do anyway.

    When the time comes, there's only two outcomes:
    1) Everything works out and you go on with things like they are/finds some acceptable alternative;
    2) Gets fucked up, and either change you life out of pressure/kills yourself and is finally truly free.
    Not reason to stress out about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:49 No.8472904
    I attend university and make it somewhat manageable due to being able to take a lot of online classes. I will actually graduate soon, but I have no plan to get a job. Instead I will say "Oh hey dad I need to get a masters degree first" and then all take it all online. And then I'll get that and still not get a job. After that I do not know what to do. But I refuse to leave the house after getting masters degree.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)23:52 No.8472915

    Funny thing is knowing how asian parents get (if they are the sort that immigrated from outside the U.S) they probably brag to to quite a few people that their kid is on a full scholarship to some college.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:03 No.8472959
    I might have gone this route if my parents weren't the kinds of people who would find about it immediately and I didn't live in such terror/awe of my parents. As it stands I dropped out (technically indefinite leave) instead. Right now I'm trying to finish my degree at a different university.

    I sort of know where you're coming from because the semester I was failing was something like that, telling them I was doing fine when I had a 0% in every class I was in. I tried to catch up lost work but it didn't happen and I was pretty much a self-hating wreck (when I wasn't losing myself in games) because of it. For me the charade fell apart at the end of the semester, though.

    Unfortunately I don't know what advice I can give to you. The people in charge of dealing with students like me kept reminding that eventually it would all be over one way or another, but it was unimaginable for me. In my situation I later ended up seeing a psychiatrist who helped me reduce the self-hatred I had, which might have helped me. I don't know. Maybe keep a daily notebook detailing certain things, anything, what you think of yourself, what your long-term goals, medium-term goals, and short-term goals are, and what you plan to do tomorrow when you get up in the morning.

    At the very least it might stop you from going over the same things over and over again once you realize you write down the same thing for the fiftieth time.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:50 No.8473153
    I don't see any point in being anything more than a NEET when the world is going to end by the end of the year anyway. And no, I don't mean that stupid Mayan bullshit. Our government is trying to form a police state and soon, people are gonna get sick of it. Society is gonna fall apart, civil war will break out, the economy will die, which in turn will lead to war with other countries, which will lead to nukes and everyone dying.

    So yeah, just working on my backlog till the end of the world. I'm not too concerned about what people think of me. They're the idiots wasting their time preparing for a future that will never come.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:52 No.8473163
    This is stupid, you are stupid. If you were smart you would realize that it's a simple enough solution to move to Canada, nobody is going to nuke Canada, and surviving fallout isn't the most difficult thing to do in the 21st century.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:59 No.8473187
    >This is stupid, you are stupid. If you were smart you would realize that it's a simple enough solution to move to Canada, nobody is going to nuke Canada, and surviving fallout isn't the most difficult thing to do in the 21st century.

    I'm not the same guy, but I'm of a similar mindset, and it pisses me off when my mom bitches at me about "preparing for my future" when she adamantly denies anything that would invalidate her worldview.

    Canada isn't exactly safe either, and you kind of forgot the whole "Societal collapse" bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:00 No.8473191
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    I'm saving up what little money I can get my hands on (inheritance + mindnumbing internet jobs) and then I'm going to buy an acre of cheap land in the middle of the wilderness and live in a little log cabin for the rest of my life.

    Plenty of pretty nature to enjoy, won't have to deal with people, and very inexpensive once you get the initial cost out of the way. Sounds like the perfect life.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:04 No.8473205

    >Move to Canada
    >Go to jail over drawings
    >Canada will do what the U.S. tells it anyway
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:07 No.8473217
    But... what about electricity!? AND THE INTERNET!?
    ...and water, for that matter...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:07 No.8473220

    Just have to hope that you don't get too ill to take care of yourself and die with no one around to help you. Also, hope for a good internet connection.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:08 No.8473224

    >...and water, for that matter...

    A well.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:10 No.8473234
    Canada is just as bad. Thanks to the dumbass who voted for the cons and gave Harper a majority.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:11 No.8473238
    the board was made 3+ years ago. most people were 18+ years old usually around 24+. now the board is filled with a bunch of 18 year olds and 19 year olds. when the board was made they weren't even legally allowed to browse the board. you tell me if the age has dropped.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:15 No.8473248

    >But... what about electricity!? AND THE INTERNET!?

    Honestly, I think I would be happier without the internet. Solar power might be something to look into, but most of the time it just feels like the internet is a depressing distraction.

    Living out in the beauty of nature and working with my hands would give me a purpose in life and the lack of distractions would give me plenty of time to hone the hobbies that really make me happy. Sitting inside for hours every day and mindlessly lurking around 4chan is a pretty unhappy existence, it's just that the alternatives require interacting with people and that's even worse.

    Living in the wilderness sounds good.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:16 No.8473253
    I've been a hikki since I got out of highschool. Almost didn't finish because of problems related to being a hikki. I'm 21 now and if you use steam it would be nice to have another brother in arms to talk with.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:22 No.8473268
    Freelancing on some freelance websites. I make 500 dolars a month doing iPhone/Android apps, you have to be good at it though.

    After the first couple of costumers, you can get constant income. I can't live with this shitty payment, but my parents aren't bitching about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:26 No.8473279
    Your familiy annoying you?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:28 No.8473285
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:29 No.8473288
    Like what? Rent-a-coder?
    I can't really underbid those Indians
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:31 No.8473291
    Well, it is better than working at McDonalds (if OP can even do that). Also it is more fun, I really enjoy programming. That is the only thing I do honestly, apart from consuming Japanese media
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:32 No.8473292
    Not everyone is autistic enough to enjoy coding.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:33 No.8473299
    Sure, let me get right on that, except I have no money and no job.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:37 No.8473306
    Go and starve to death on the streets

    or live as a tramp stealing internets, electricity and maybe rob random bystanders for money

    cause that's what i'm going to do if i get kicked.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:37 No.8473307
    OK, then enjoy being kicked out of your house because you a lazy bum.

    Seriously, if you don't make an effort you will end up dying. It is not that you care too much about it probably, you are a failure at life who can't even get enough money to buy a camper or something.

    The only way out is doing programming related jobs, I don't think you can interact with people.

    I am saving all the money I get to buy a camper and live there for the rest of my life as a hermit. At least I have to some goals and attitude, you don't. I hate people like you.

    Probably I am overeacting but I hate people like the one I am quoting. I even hate myself, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:41 No.8473322

    Find a fucking job
    you'll work 8 hours a day or something
    but you'll have a peace of mind
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:42 No.8473324
    So you're really underbidding those indians?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:43 No.8473326
    Sounds awful
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:43 No.8473328
    I clashed with my parents when I was first taken back home. Got into a big argument with my dad. I was regulated to being treated as a kid (can't do this, have to know where I am at all times, can't leave the house w/o permission). Granted, I didn't deserve much after spending two years spending their money living as a NEET in another state.

    My problem is the fact that I'm very comfortable where I am. I'm fed, got a roof over my head, I occasionally get some money to buy stuff. I've been spoiled my whole life, I know that and I've just taking advantage of it.

    I've had this problem ever since I moved back home 2 years ago. I keep telling myself to get a job, but I keep putting it off. I can't even bring myself to learn something I would be interested in (programming, game making). I would have killed myself if that in itself didn't burden my parents. I'm always looking for the easy way out. If I'm not doing something on my computer or watching TV, then I just daydream and fantasize about things that will never happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:45 No.8473334
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    They threw me out once last year when the temperature got down to -10 fahrenheit at night.

    I checked into a hospital with moderate frostbite and ever since then my mother has never forgiven herself.

    She was thoroughly convinced I had friends to stay with when she threw me out.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:47 No.8473339

    >Well, it is better than working at McDonalds

    Wouldn't McDonalds be better than freelancing work? Bidding over exhausting, low paying jobs with indians sounds terrible. At least with McDonalds you can just zone out and try to imagine you're some where far away and you still get a paycheck regardless of if you slack.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:48 No.8473342
    Peace of mind my ass, I like my job as much as I could possibly like it and I still hate the shit out of working.

    I work all day, get home, finish eating around 7 and then I have to go sleep at like midnight - 1am at most to get ready for the next day.

    I don't have time to do anything at all. Fuck working, I wish I could get autism bucks.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:48 No.8473343
    >you still get a paycheck regardless whether you slack.
    Sounds like you need a job working for the US government. It's hard, damn hard to be fired from a job Uncle Sam gave you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:51 No.8473348
    There sure is a lot of awful advice here. Well here's my share: try some drugs.

    I'm probably one of the most anti-social people ever and rarely post but with a little adderall I can't help but feel talkative. It made me feel awful afterwards but in the short duration that I used it, I got more done than I had an entire year prior. 2 small doses pushed me enough to send out two rounds of job applications and another 2 doses got me through 2 interviews. I'm looking at a job offer starting end of the month even though I'm usually too shy to do anything other than lurk.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:52 No.8473352
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    Sounds interesting.
    After I travel around a bit I'll probably do the same.
    Recycle rainwater/well, get some solar panels, plant a bunch of food, a satellite dish for internet if necessary.
    I could probably make enough money off random internet shit to pay off the few bills I have. I hear some guys were doing the google ads thing and making quite a bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:52 No.8473353

    poverty moe

    street urchin moe
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:53 No.8473354
    I have a bunch of adderall, concerta, ritalin, and some other stimulants sitting on my shelf that I have yet to take.

    My headshrinker constantly prescribes ADHD medication to me but I only ever end up taking 1/3rd of the pills before I give up on it because I can't drink booze and I can't sleep whenever I take them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:56 No.8473358
    >acre of cheap land, zero fucks given
    If this calls to you but you're not sure you want to commit, you can live in a van (down by the river).
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:58 No.8473360
    I was on adderall some time ago and also had the problem with a bit of sleep deprivation, but that goes away after a short time of maintained dosage.

    If you think adderall is going to help you, I'd say just take it for awhile. Sooner or later(~1 month or less?) you should be sleeping like normal.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:58 No.8473361
    I feel the same way, getting prescribed 30 10mg a month but it takes me about half a year to go through them. Nonetheless I still get so much done during the few times I take them. I'll take 10mg every time I plan on leaving the house and 20 for big stuff like interviews.

    The only other times I ever feel sociable are times like this when I'm sleep deprived and most of my inhibitions must have shut down.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)01:58 No.8473362
    Give it some time, you get used to not sleeping.
    It's better there, it really is.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:00 No.8473366
    Do you ever get used to that horrible comedown feeling from adderall?

    I take about 20mg of adderall and then I'm suddenly flying off the walls and filled with energy, but then about 6 hours later I suddenly want to kill myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:03 No.8473375
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    Do you have severe anxiety?
    Mental disorders?
    Panic attacks?
    Fear of people or too self-conscious of yourself?


    Get the fuck out of your house and get a job you lazy sack of shit. You sound pathetic, not getting a job cause it cuts in your anime/manga time? Get your fat ass up and get a job, your a NEET because your a lazy ass faggot. I'm surprised your parents didn't kick you out already.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:05 No.8473380
    I think it could help me quite a bit. The only reason I don't work is because I'm afraid of failure and I take constructive criticism too hard and usually want to kill myself. Not to mention I fail at everything I do.

    Whenever I took 2 or 3 pills, I would always masturbate furiously until my dick bled and it hurt too much to continue. I hate that stuff sometimes. I also get incredibly jittery and nervious whenever I take it, to the point where I can barely construct a sentance without stammering, which is unusual because usually I'm a pretty clear speaker, even if I do talk really fast.

    Every goddamn time. I start off feeling ecstatic, but when it wears off I crash and just want to lie in bed and stare at the roof as I plot to kill myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:06 No.8473386
    Can't say I really remember anything like that.

    Did the sleep problem never go away for you?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:06 No.8473387
    I haven't, but then again, I don't take it regularly enough to be sure. I think the sleep deprivation and loss of appetite is worse, it seems to last a lot longer for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:09 No.8473400
    >The only reason I don't work is because I'm afraid of failure and I take constructive criticism too hard and usually want to kill myself.

    Adderall makes me overconfident and not give a fuck. Of course after it wears off, I want to kill myself for the things I did or said while I was on it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:10 No.8473403
    i do use steam. everyone i've met is living on their parents conditions and forced to go outside. a hikikomori doesn't get forced outside by their parents to go shopping.

    not to be rude, if you're kinda, sorta, a halfway hikikomori i don't want to talk. i have a strong desire to talk with someone who's similar. that may seem elitist, but the difference between a one month shut-in and 2 year shut-in is the difference between a normal and one month shut-in.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:15 No.8473410
    kinda funny that the after effects of adderall for you guys is staring at the wall/ceiling plotting your own death when thats my everyday life cycle.
    alternatively I was on like 100mg of the stuff and it did absolutley nothing for me even after a month
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:17 No.8473412
    >2 year shut-in
    How have you not killed yourself yet?
    That's not a needlessly cruel question -- if I locked myself away in my parents' house for a year, I'd eat a bullet.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:17 No.8473413


    Is wrong with you people?!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:18 No.8473415
    Get out of /jp/, normal. This party is not for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:18 No.8473416
    That's nothing. I've only left the house on a few occasions since 2007.

    one of the occasions was a week stint in the psych ward after trying to kill myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:18 No.8473417
    >Get a job

    If only it were that easy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:18 No.8473419

    >that may seem elitist, but the difference between a one month shut-in and 2 year shut-in is the difference between a normal and one month shut-in.

    Try being a 5 year shut-in. I can barely even relate with /jp/ anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:19 No.8473420
    I leave once a year for holiday stuff but there's no way I'm up to talking to someone one on one.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:20 No.8473421

    i know that feel

    recently been trying to improve myself, but it's tough
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:20 No.8473422
    The only job I'm allowed to try getting is a shitty McJob, even though I've been able to cook up some bad blogs for easy ad revenue in the past. Fuck you, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:21 No.8473424
    I used to be on adderall... I can't remember that year very well, but I can remember that it basically didn't help anything, except making me less sleepy and less hungry. Felt great for the first couple days after I ran out of pills though. I have a legitimate ADD diagnosis, none of these medications have really seemed to help me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:23 No.8473431

    i, too, have a legitimate ADD diagnosis

    what's your dosage?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:23 No.8473435
    it's pretty easy since i'm not a normal living an empty life desperately trying to fill a void.
    i don't need to try since i'm not living on the whims of a parent. i'll hit the 5 year mark soon enough myself. i completely understand what you mean by not even being able to relate to /jp/ anymore. i'm completely disillusioned with "NEET" and current day /jp/ myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:25 No.8473440
    That was like five years ago and I don't take it anymore, can't remember. Hell, I can't even remember the names of all the drugs they've stuck me on by this point.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:25 No.8473441
    Adderall is by far the most unpleasant drug I've ever taken.

    Feels incredible for the first three hours, but then that depression and apathy that kicks in is absolutely unbearable. Not to mention the lack of appetite, dry mouth, heart palpitations, anxiety from being overly aware of heart rate, and general feeling of burn out and exhaustion that comes after it wears off.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:28 No.8473446
    Used to be on adderall as well, I would get awful crashes where I would be so stressed out I'd just cry until I passed out. I don't think it's good to take if you have anxiety, it just made everything worse for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:28 No.8473447

    Normalfag? I speak from experience. No, more like I speak because the OP and I are similar in more ways than one. I'm a loser shut-in, a failure of a human being. But I don't stay like this because I just want to be a lazy fuck and sit around watching anime and fapping, I have such a terrible anxiety and deep of depression that I'm plowing through anti-depressants and therapists trying to fix myself. I threw away my friends and sought solitude.

    But what does that accomplish? Nothing, I will probably be a failure for the rest of my life, but that's fine because it's my own fault. Get a fucking job OP, get support from your family, get help from friends. You turn those away and you will truly be scum of society. If you plan on doing that, then just kill yourself and save the world of another failure.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:28 No.8473451
    Its bad but,
    >depression and apathy
    is probably something that most hikkis feel every day. The main difference is that you can actually get something done.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:30 No.8473460
    How do you live? I mean, what kind of autism bucks do you get and what are your living conditions? Bare bones apartment?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:30 No.8473461
    I can't say I identify with any of you on the other side effects of adderall. My only experiences were inability to sleep much during the initial period of taking and loss of appetite(I considered this to be a positive thing...).

    Then again, I was on Wellbutrin and Adderall. Perhaps that's why I didn't experience burnout with depression. Then again I can't say I really felt major change, either, so maybe my dosage wasn't high enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:31 No.8473463
    4 year NEET here. Have really bad ADHD and have been a shutin for the last 3 years. When I got out of high school I had a job handed to me, and a girl I knew from school wanted to go out with me. After two months I quit my job because couldn't do my job right (I didn't pay attention at all during training, and it came to a point where I had to be self sufficient and I fucked everything up.) and I dumped my girlfriend because in the three months we were going out, I couldn't even work up the courage to kiss her.

    As of late I've been seeing a psychologist, who has tried me on a myriad of ADHD meds, sleep meds, and anti-depressants to no avail, as I still can't force myself to leave the house and try to get a job.

    I've accepted that there is something seriously wrong with me psychologically and I'm not really destined for happiness.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:31 No.8473464

    It's definitely different though. Normally I'm depressed and apathetic, but I can still find some joy from playing an eroge or other things that I enjoy. Adderall comedowns just make you feel completely incapable of feeling happy about anything, regardless of the situation.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:31 No.8473465
    Not that guy, but, assuming you dont live in some huge city, its actually quite enjoyable. I was a drop out for the first few years of highschool, I spent my time reading, playing video games, taking hikes through the woods, studying, and generally enjoying myself.
    Now that I'm in my first year of college, and doing everything for "real", its dreadful. You have no idea what its like to wake up looking forward to your day, instead of dreading it, or to spend 16 hours a day doing whatever you want, instead of 6 hours plugged into the TV trying to get your mind off work.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:33 No.8473474
    >I can't say I identify with any of you on the other side effects of adderall

    I can't even identify with anyone on the main effects of it. It never did anything that pronounced for me, anything it did was too subtle to really notice, aside the hunger/sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:34 No.8473477
    I'm surprised that so many of you tried meds. It took me 2 years to work up the courage to talk to a doctor.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:38 No.8473487
    The people I knew who tried antidepressants told me it filled their head full of cotton and fuck. It was like the most interesting part of them had been flushed out.

    My mind is all I have. I'm terrified that I'll get drugs to "cure" me, and that I'll end up accepting them because it will make me normal.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:42 No.8473499
    I used to be somewhat normal for quite a number of years. Also my parents forced me to while I was still living with them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:43 No.8473503
    I took Wellbutrin in conjunction with Adderall and this happened to me:
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:46 No.8473512
    They had me on wellbutrin, concerta, and clondine once when I was 14. I flipped 10 million shits the second day and had to be restrained by the school police officer.

    It was a year later that I dropped out.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:49 No.8473523
    Has anyone else on here tried Prozac? I thought for sure it would fuck me up, but it really just ended up stabilizing me. It does make it so it's harder to feel happy, but at least it also makes it less likely that I'll fall back into the deep pit of depression again.

    Maybe it could help one of you, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:50 No.8473526
    850 or so in government funds. it's a one bedroom and bathroom apartment. the rent is subsidized otherwise i couldn't afford it.over 550 per month of the money goes towards food or whatever i want. i don't even eat much so i usually buy over priced groceries so i'm not just blowing money on shitty video games or something worthless.

    i live very comfortably. i didn't come from upper middle class family having a silver spoon in my month so it's great.
    in neo-/jp/ this is true, but these threads weren't filled with talk about depression and other such crap previous. what happened to NEET pride? getting doped up on meds and whining about your depression is what normals do. i really wish these threads would just go to /r9k/ now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:53 No.8473532
    insomnia and loss of appetite are the big ones for adderall

    i've never really experienced the comedown, but then again my dosage is 20-25mg

    it's not a magic fix or anything, it just puts things into perspective for me, makes me analyze things more carefully, and helps me to brush off annoyances

    if anything, i enjoy adderall because it makes me less angry, as the things that normally frustrate me become easier to ignore and brush off

    i don't take it every single day though, because i personally feel it's psychologically healthy to return to a "default" state no matter how troubled you are

    basically, it's important to never forget yourself, otherwise how can you ever put things into context?


    well, good news for you, most psychiatric medicine cannot and does not cure

    depression comes and goes, if you're extremely lucky, then the cause is due to a gland or whatever and it can actually be fixed

    but most people who suffer from depression simply have a tendency to get into that state of mind, and it's one of those things that you either learn to cope with or you take some drugs to help you cope
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:55 No.8473541

    How did you get the autism bucks? Was it hard? I haven't left my home in years and I'm extremely paranoid so I'm pretty much crazy, but I don't know if I got autism.

    I sure would love some government money though.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:59 No.8473552
    >in neo-/jp/ this is true, but these threads weren't filled with talk about depression and other such crap previous. what happened to NEET pride? getting doped up on meds and whining about your depression is what normals do.

    Some of us are just talking about our pasts. I haven't been on drugs in years and don't want to be on drugs. I do suffer from depression spells occasionally/randomly, but whatever - sometimes I can go weeks without them showing up, etcera.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:00 No.8473555
    I'm surprised no one has considered the fact that overall, if you manage to get even a full time job and become self sufficient (or close to it), that you will probably be living a longer life in which you can spend more time overall watching/reading a far larger variety of anime/manga. Just imagine what could come out in the next 50 years and how much the free time adds up. Don't you guys want to live to see all that cool shit and maybe have some money saved up to get it? Yeah it will be less hours per day, but I don't get why every one is trying to cram as much in so little time as possible... Relax and enjoy your vices, give yourself some time to mull the material over in your head. Anime/manga/touhou ect... makes all my work days way better as I have something to think about and look forward to. I don't care how big my backlog gets and I have no real drive to get it all done now either.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:03 No.8473561
    But you see I, and many others on /jp/, have genuine fucked up mental states. I for one have no goals in life and wouldn't give a fuck if I were to drop dead in the coming seconds. With no motivation to even apply for a job, or attend school, the only hope for a liveable life comes from the opportunity to leech off the government.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:06 No.8473574

    No, pride is for normals.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:07 No.8473575
    I used to be like you, in a way I still am.

    What changed it for me was finding something I love doing that is also a marketable skill. I landed an amazing job, and can pretty much do whatever I want. I do work a lot, but I'm more satisfied with my m-f 8-5 normalfag routine than my previous ways.

    I was also on meds when I was young and had social issues back then. I was on aderal, welbutrin, and zoloft. (forgive spelling)

    Today I am charismatic, and I can focus. The path to happiness is a tough one, it differs for everyone, but if you want it bad enough you will find a way.

    Regardless of what you want to do with yourself, make sure you are happy. fuck everything else. you only live once afterall.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:07 No.8473576
    How is there hope to live if you don't care if you die in the coming seconds? Seems illogical to me. Sounds like you hope to live at least a little.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:09 No.8473577
    I've gone through several states of being both a hikki and neet. I'm currently attempting university again (at 27) hoping to break my cycle. Depression is still a heavy burden but I'm working on it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:09 No.8473578
    What is your job? If you don't mind saying.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:10 No.8473580
    Have been a Hikki for almost a year, from Oct 2004 to Sep 2005 to be exactly. Never want to make this experience again. Maybe it's fun for one or two months, but after that it gets extremely boring.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:10 No.8473582

    It really depends on how much work you have to do. You have to figure it out and consider if you're going to spend more time working than spent doing what you enjoy. With most full-time jobs you barely have any leisure time left over because of how exhausted you're going to be whenever you're not working.

    Full-times jobs are a scam in my eyes. The way I see it is that there's a lot of easy sacrifices a person can make that will allow you to work a minimal amount of time (basic part-time work) and still have a massive amount of time to pursue the hobbies someone on /jp/ is likely to have. You really don't need anything more than an efficiency apartment in a rural area and that's very cheap, only buy the minimum amount of food needed to survive, pirate whatever you can, and maybe buy less dolls.

    This leaves you with a roof over your head, food for survival, a computer to do whatever you want with, and most importantly a job that you only have to do for a few hours a week to afford all this.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:10 No.8473584
    >how do I continue to live like a lazy piece of shit all day my parents are yelling at me help me get free money from the government because I have autism waaahh

    You all make me sick.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:11 No.8473587

    Congratulations, you win this month's Vague and Pointless Award.

    Wait! Yeah! I also turned my life around!

    See, I met this guy one day. He told me some stuff. Then I started making money. Now I'm very happy. You, too, can be happy! If you make money!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:11 No.8473588
    OP here. I was in the middle of typing up this big long thing to explain all my mental issues, social phobias, etc that would have taken like 3 fucking posts to post. I explained how I'm severely depressed, terrified of large crowds, have no friends, everyone fucking hates me, I fucking hate myself and I fuck up everything I fucking try to do no matter how fucking simple it is.

    And then Windows has a pop up right when I'm in the middle of typing, which causes me to instantly confirm to restart my computer for fucking updates. I lose this whole fucking wall of text. I swear, if I didn't have fucking bad luck I wouldn't have any at all. See? I can't do anything fucking right, I CAN'T EVEN TELL EVERYONE EXACTLY HOW I CAN'T DO FUCKING ANYTHING RIGHT WITHOUT SOMETHING FUCKING GOING WRONG!

    Now I probably sound like some angry ranting emo kid when I previously had a carefully written explanation about my feelings and problems, but now, just fuck it, I'm not typing it all up again, especially since no one will fucking care because nobody ever gives a shit about how I feel anyway.

    Fuck I hate my life.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:15 No.8473595
    I would've read your blog OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:15 No.8473599
    I would have read it, anon. And that's happened to me too before.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:15 No.8473601
    I have I bunch of investments. It is tempting to sell everything, then live as a NEET&Hikki until I run out of money and then kill myself. Maybe not NEET if I could do remote contract work, but that would make running out of money (and killing myself because of it) harder.

    >I don't want to live, but dying is such a hassle.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:16 No.8473603
    If you have something you want to say, just say it. I got nothing better to do, so go on, lay it on me. I'm all ears/eyes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:17 No.8473605
    I like reading NEET/Hikki stories (or I wouldn't be in these threads), by all means, go ahead.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:18 No.8473608
    I'd read your blog, anon.

    If it makes you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:18 No.8473609
    I wouldn't have read it.
    This is god's way of telling you /jp/ isn't your blog.
    I probably would have read it and made time for a kind remark for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:18 No.8473612

    that's okay man, i actually got done typing up a long post detailing all the shit that happened to me, the reasons why i don't have any self-esteem, that sort of stuff

    but then i deleted it all, because quite honestly, it's enough that i thought about it

    not everyone is capable of introspection, i'd even go as far as to say that introspective people are a minority
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:19 No.8473614
    That little glimmer of hope is most likely impossible because of my social disorders. If by chance I somehow get on SSI I'd probably just kill myself when I got sick of my lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:29 No.8473639
    I told my mom when that if I lost financial, either if she died or kicked me out(she only threatens to cut off internet instead of kicking me out though) support I'd just end up wandering. I'm not above petty theft and I know how to survive in the wilderness. It's been working for 5 years now. Though I do wish I had more money.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:31 No.8473644

    that's really ignorant

    we lack direction and expectations, being alive has nothing to do with it

    even normals don't ever "hope to live" unless they're about to lose their life to some thug with a gun

    the difference in that example is that a NEET/hikki is constantly aware that people are violent and brutish and ugly, while normals try very hard not to think about these things (and have mostly succeeded in doing so)

    the state of mind we inhabit is basically one in which we can no longer be surprised
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:37 No.8473662
    Alright, I guess I'll sort-of rewrite it. I'm not going into all the detail I did before, so here's a bullet list of more-or-less what I had typed up.

    - I have no friends.
    - Even when I did have friends, I only ever had 1 or 2 at a time before they would outright tell me they didn't want to be around me anymore.
    - I've had friends tell me that the only reason why they were my friends in the first place was because they felt bad that I didn't have any.
    - Even my online friends barely talk to me anymore.
    - I can't do anything right.
    - I can't even cook something harder than ramen without somehow ruining it in some spectacular manner.
    - I can't do simple tasks like cleaning without screwing it up and not doing it well enough, to where someone has to come and fix it, which does wonders for my self esteem.
    - Speaking of self esteem, I don't have any. At all. I feel as little as possible, inferior to everyone else, but I always project an air of superiority just to cope with my actual inferiority complex.
    - I have severe panic attacks in crowded places. When it's one on one, or even small groups, I can deal, but I can't even go to a restaurant without feeling like everyone is watching me and judging every little thing I do.

    Field too long...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:38 No.8473664
    - When I was in school, the panic attacks were so bad that I would often have trouble breathing from the stress of being in a hall with so many kids.
    - I was bullied all throughout school. There was not a single year when I wasn't someone's personal punching bag. In some cases, I'd have 3 or 4 people chasing me down the halls every day so they could beat me up. I never did anything to these people. People just hate me.
    - I have ADHD and Bipolar 2, and that's only my official mental disorders. I also think I probably have high functioning autism or aspergers, I do have pretty much all the symptoms after all.
    - All I really want in the world is to be loved by someone. I would trade everything just to have a woman hold me and let me cry against her chest and tell her everything I've felt and been through, but I know that I am too disgusting, too worthless and too scared to ever be able to have a relationship.
    - There was tons more but I can't fucking remember it. I have the memory of a goddamn goldfish, that's another thing.

    So there, Anon who said that I clearly had no problems and just wanted to sit around all day and play video games and watch anime, it's not that simple, I just didn't want to make /jp/ my personal blog and have everyone hate me for that too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:42 No.8473672


    I was forced into a job (literally) a while ago, and instead of spending my paychecks on "normal" things I spent it all on military gear, guns, and ammo.

    Pretty sure I don't have a job anymore, and my father's probably going to lose the house soon because he's as big of a shut-in as I am.

    Thankfully I've spent an unhealthy amount of time preparing for the worst (best) case scenario, so if I lose the house before something happens I'll just go lay low in some forest.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:46 No.8473680
    I don't talk to/see any of my old friends anymore and I totally understand that feeling of wanting to be loved. For me, even online relationships don't really do it for me. I've always prefer to be face to face when I was with my friends.

    Being alone is truly suffering.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:46 No.8473682
    So it is mayan bull shit. I don't think they specified how the world would end, other than some earth changing apocalypse. Nukes definitely alter the earth when used en masse.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:47 No.8473687
    I have read your thread and come up with the ultimate answer. If you really think your worthless, commit suicide and stop your stupid posting on /jp/. I mean this in the meanest, snobbiest, and elitist way possible. GTFO
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:52 No.8473698

    wow, someone who believes in that crap 26 days after the world should have ended
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:52 No.8473702
    At least you have online friends.
    I have none.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:57 No.8473718
    >December 2012 marks the conclusion of a b'ak'tun

    It's got 11 more months hombre. I don't believe in it but I want too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:05 No.8473739
    I'm pretty sure you have cancer. You should get that shit checked out.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:06 No.8473742
    Stop bullying my friend pooptaster.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:10 No.8473755
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    >Do you have severe anxiety?
    >Mental disorders?
    >Panic attacks?
    >Fear of people or too self-conscious of yourself?

    Lol. The irony in this post is thick.I don't have a problem with you losers making shit up to get autism bucks-I'd do the same if I thought I'd be happy living off of welfare for the rest of my life-

    But if you seriously think having severe anxiety, panic attacks, or a fear of people/being self-conscious are grounds for not having to work a day in your life, then fuck you. Mental disorders-like what? Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease is the only legitimate shit I can think of off the top of my head. As for actual autism-the severely autistic should be euthanized, and the functioning ones put to work on farms. People with downs syndrome should work on these farms too. Spergs will be put into cubicle farms and forced to code for the rest of their life.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:21 No.8473778
    I wish I had some sort of mental disorder so I could blame everything on it.

    It's harder to realize that you are such an inferior person that nobody wants to be your friend, nobody wants to hire you, nobody wants to be around you, etc. I never did anything wrong but society kicked me out for whatever reason. Even my mother has noticed how people look at me mean when I go into public.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:30 No.8473801
    adderall fucked me over, I accidentally OD'd on it once and now I've got heart palpitations for the rest of my life.
    NEET for 3 years so far, though I do leave my house once or twice a month max.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:34 No.8473818

    You fucked yourself over by accidentally ODing. Them's the breaks.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:35 No.8473822
    Guys, I'm 18 and about to wrap up highschool, I come from a rich family, and will get at least 7000 dollars per month just from the family business, but I just got accepted into quite a few nice colleges, and I'm wondering if I should go ahead and study/get a job for a while, so I can make some more money and become a NEET king by about 27, if my cousing are anything to go by I could become a millionaire in 5 or 4 years, then I could just pour it all into savings and buy as many figures as humanly possible...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:36 No.8473825
    surely you can't blame the psych ward that gave me more doses than I should have had.
    'accidental' OD
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:37 No.8473827
    I hate you.
    All of my envy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:41 No.8473837
    Make a shitload of money and make the /jp/ mansion a reality.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:41 No.8473838
    Do it, build massive scenes with all those figures. Post pics.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:46 No.8473852
    21 year old neet in ontario here.
    sended out at least 60 resumes through out the year and still nothing came up. shit sux, all entry level too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:51 No.8473861
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    >im a bigger loser than u haha take that

    Not that guy, though. It just sounds very funny.

    By the way, the easiest thing to do is to leave home with a laptop and some clothes. Forever. There ARE people who travel the entire world with no money. Google it. I'm doing this soon. The plan is to get some inspiration and start something of my own that will bring in money somehow. Fuck if I know how.

    Look at it this way. You already know how it will all end if you keep going the way you're going. Nobody is going to save you. Those who have been shut-ins 5+ years will assure you of that. You also face the 100% chance of death. Okay, so you're terrified of socializing. What happens when you go outside and see another person? Do you shake in fear? Alright. Do it. Shake in fear. What's wrong with that? Then, once you've acted out that response, you keep going.

    At least you will have way fewer regrets upon death. You will know the world. You will know that you've seen pretty much everything that there is to be seen.

    Believe it or not, the key is always believing in what you want. Your mind will tell you that it's impossible. Just ignore it and act totally "irrational", "ignorant" and "idealistic". You won't even have to be surprised when your dreams come true.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:54 No.8473871

    Them's the breaks. Could have asked what your prescribed dosage was.

    I hope you've since become an information junkie.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)04:57 No.8473880
    These threads make the idea of dressing up a /jp/sie and raping them so much more pleasureful. All of you are so vulnerable and weak you'd make the perfect women.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)05:01 No.8473886
    We already are all little girls here, no need for pretending!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)05:17 No.8473925
    Develop bad migraines. That's how I do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)05:45 No.8473974
    This post pisses me off.

    Fuck you. No seriously, fuck you. I am a charismatic individual. People will want to be around me regardless of how negatively I treat them. I can easily make myself the center of attention and can make friends easy and I'm all fucking alone.

    People are very very very shitty. After all the contact I've come into with a plethora of different people from a myriad of different backgrounds I've just come to realize I'm always going to be alone because humans in general are terrible.

    I have like one person who isn't complete shit that I can talk to, and even he sometimes is kinda shitty, but so the fuck am I we are only human.

    And once you start making compromises to basically try to fix the loneliness, it just makes you more fucking lonely because you are around terrible fucking people you can't relate to whatsoever. Every time you meet a new person who you should click with you are quickly disillusioned.

    Why are people so fucking terrible? That's why I am anti-social. People, by and large are very fucking terrible and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. I don't have an inferiority complex, I don't have social anxiety, I have the misanthrope fucking flu and it's impossible to get rid of because nobody will ever give me a reason to get rid of it.

    So fuck you you, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:01 No.8474002
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    God bless the American dream.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:03 No.8474009
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    I just got another year without having to work by failing a class. I have 3 classes left in order to finish college but I want to be a student forever.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:03 No.8474010
    You are actually worse than op, since you are leeching money for medicines and therapists that don't even work (spoiler: it's up to you to make it work)
    >just kill yourself and save the world of another failure
    Who the fuck cares about the world?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:13 No.8474051
    Well, I have met a lot of people who aren't what I would consider shitty, but neither are they remotely interesting. They tend to make me want to claw my eyes out rather than spend time with them.

    I am currently in "play pretend" mode. I laugh at their stupid jokes, and try to phrase things so that I'm not bluntly pointing out how retarded their questions are. It unnerves me that it has started to become involuntary though... whenever I catch myself asking a question I don't care about the answer to, or laughing at a joke I don't find funny, I just feel this strange resignation. Luckily most of them are not interested in becoming closer friends - it's always awkward avoiding repeated invitations without letting on that you just aren't interested in spending time with them.

    Sometimes I feel very far away from myself -- it's like I'm watching someone else live my life. Though I miss being a shut-in, I can't just choose to go back to that life, because I have proven to myself that I am capable of surviving the outside world. As long as I have the knowledge, I will just feel guilty. It's not really that bad most of the time anyways, just really tiring.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:17 No.8474066
    >Who the fuck cares about the world?
    Anybody who is over 15, not starving and has even a little bit of brain functionality.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:28 No.8474102
    That's the difference between you and me then, because I'd much rather live my life true to myself even if it means minimal social contact then living a lie everyday just to get by.

    I still do the things required to survive, but even then I try to minimize human interaction.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)06:40 No.8474133
    Until i was 21 i lived at my parents place and took it easy, then i tried studying at university but failed. I took a part-time job (20h/week) in a supermarket then and due to the well developed social systems in my country i can maintain a rather neet-like status. I earn about 400€ at my job, which is enough for supplying food and the basic things like maintaining my pc and whatnot and the rent is payed by the government (kinda). Oh my apartment is about 65m².
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:03 No.8474165
    So you think the vast majority of men values "the world" over their own individuality?
    How nice would it be! Too bad you are delusional.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:05 No.8474167

    65m2? Goddamn, rent this space to like 3-4 other people.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:08 No.8474172
    unique snowflake here, I value neither the world nor my individuality.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)14:13 No.8475579
    >>All I really want in the world is to be loved by someone. I would trade everything

    Become my slave/pet human. You can spend the rest of your life just playing games and watching junky animu on the internet. You will have to clean and do light housework. No need to go outside, just be a cute little hikki indoors.

    Will have to be ok with being fucked by a guy frequently. Will have to exercise to be physically fit; you can just ride a stationary bike indoors for half an hour a day or something. Will have to be able to take female hormones to become like a trap, and possibly eventually get a vaginoplasty.

    In exchange you will never need to work or worry about money. Just chill in a one bed room apartment doing your hikki things, and you will be loved and care for by someone for the rest of your life.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)14:21 No.8475611
    I can't believe that people here could actually feel lonely. Or are in any way disappointed with their lives.

    Pathetic. You can turn to dust and die now!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)14:27 No.8475634
    > I'd have 3 or 4 people chasing me down the halls every day so they could beat me up
    I never run from a bully.
    I'd even encourage them, I considered it training.
    True story.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)14:41 No.8475698
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    you are all pussies. get a job or kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)14:50 No.8475726
    I could never really relate to most of the things people talk about in NEET threads. Not once in the 7 (or 8, I can't really remember) years of not leaving my house have I felt lonely or depressed and I have never been in financial problems despite my family being relatively poor. I just take it easy and enjoy games and whatever else I find and enjoy on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)14:50 No.8475727
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    Some days I wanna just pack a bag, hop on a bike, and leave everything behind. Just wander the earth until I die or become a better man.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:02 No.8475768
    I figure all of those who are lonely have no or little contact with their family that could turn anyone into a plant
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:07 No.8475784
    Terrible thread. I can imagine a Bawson behind every single SO RONREY post in this thread.

    Go get a fucking job. I used to be a NEET living on inheritance, but then I got a job as a late-night clerk. I barely meet people, have plenty of time to read books, and have more money to spend on shit like food and figurines.

    Also go to a 24 hour gym. You'll feel better overall from lifting weights. Everytime you read a post by some faggot on the internet making fun of your hobbies, you can think to youself "I bet that faggot doesn't even lift."
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:09 No.8475792
    Getting a job is easy, stop being so lazy.

    Unless you dropped out of high school, in which case, kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:10 No.8475796
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    You became a slave to the system and got yourself a security blanket, is what I'm hearing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:16 No.8475823
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    >slave to the system

    So? Since when do anons care about having dignity/freedoms? By being a "slave to the system," I have:

    - more money
    - better food
    - better security to continue with my hobbies

    MEANWHILE, in your life:

    - no money to spend on hobbies
    - compromise on having a digital collection of torrents with no BD boxes/figures/merchandise to show for
    - eats shit food everyday because no money
    - is afraid of the future
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:26 No.8475849
    Well, I dropped out of high school, but even if I didn't, my social anxiety and sleep disorder make it impossible for me to actually go to work, even if I do somehow manage to get a job.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:27 No.8475854
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    But I have more than enough money to spend, and most of it is spent on things I wanted on a whim that I never ended up using. Enjoy working for things that I'll get regardless of whatever the fuck I do.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:28 No.8475859

    If you have all of the money you want, why are you in this thread?

    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:29 No.8475860
    I wish I could be NEET, but I don't have any way of getting a source of income without working for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:31 No.8475865

    Welcome to /jp/ where everyone is a pathetic piece of shit, I only come here for the vn threads but I never say I'm a jper because I don't want to be associated with such filth
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:32 No.8475867
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    >Assuming that's not from the gay porno I was watching just now and I didn't just add the tags afterward
    - more money
    - better food
    - better security to continue with my hobbies

    Btw these things most people already have in a first or even second world country are you kidding me

    - no money to spend on hobbies
    Playing hockey is expensive, accessories and all, probably fun too if you like ice that smells bad and showers with sweaty men - like you assume everyone does.
    - compromise on having a digital collection of torrents with no BD boxes/figures/merchandise to show for
    Show to who, the internet?
    - eats shit food everyday because no money
    If you didn't waste money on worthless stuff like hockey you could just grow your own food and be like, independent
    - is afraid of the future
    I'm not the one clutching a security blanket here.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:33 No.8475874

    Eco-terrorist hippie detected
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:38 No.8475893
    Think about it. Farming.

    Not the most attractive thing in the world. Not being a dependent piece of human excrement. Using that excrement to saw and harvest is more than what could be asked of excrement itself of course.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:39 No.8475898
    Guide to living on practically nothing:
    You need some kind of start-up money, save all your autism bucks for a year or so.

    >Buy a van/RV, biggest you can drive.
    >Get solar panels for the roof.
    >Get a 3G contract.
    >Eat out of supermarket bins.

    Your total living expenses will be far below welfare/autism bucks, put it all into savings and watch it grow.

    If you're OK with breaking the law a bit, ignore vehicle tax and park near people's houses and steal Wi-fi.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:43 No.8475910

    Farming is extremely unpractical for me. I live in the tundra, and my diet consists of frozen fish, canned fish, dried beans, and dairy.

    Being a piece of human excrement who chooses to live on less than 50g of shit-tier proteins from vegetables? I think I'll take dependent piece of human excrement.

    Besides, every human being is dependent on society in some aspect. Growing your own food doesn't make you more superior and less dependent on society than somebody who lives in society as a slave to the large corporations who make things like the internet possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:46 No.8475920
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    for all those who says getting a job is easy should just kill themselves right now.
    fucking retarded dickheads have no idea how hard it is to get a job at all.
    i completed highschool and i am currently in university, but i can't find shit >>8473852
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:49 No.8475928
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:50 No.8475931
    >Growing your own food doesn't make you more superior and less dependent on society.
    But it does, because society essentially depends on the production of food. Internet is cool because it can provide you with knowledge, if you want, necessary for this to happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:50 No.8475933
    Tell them to take it easy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:51 No.8475937
    I'm in college but I feel like I might be wasting my time and won't be able to find a job. My dad has told me though that I can always live at home as long as I'm in college or otherwise trying to improve myself, but I suspect even then he won't kick me out just because of how good a person he is. I might be able to pull off being a NEET for a while after I drop out/graduate, but I'll feel crazy guilty the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:53 No.8475943
    For ones saying it's impossible to get a job get off your lazy ass and go to local mcdonalds. I bet you fags can at least get a minimum wage job.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:53 No.8475946
    After I got a windows 7 certification I was offered a job from over a dozen places in the past 3 months, just through the school I went to. I didn't even make a resume yet. They all said similar things "hiring X0 microsoft/PC techs ASAP"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:54 No.8475948
    I wish I could be a worthless piece of shit and leech off my parents, too. Instead I'm wasting time at university pretending that I'll ever do anything with my worthless degree.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)15:58 No.8475963
    No offense, but that phrase is laughably idiotic.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:00 No.8475977
    I despise hikkies like that.

    I udnerstand being a NEET because that's your lifestyle, you're living the life you want to live, you're happy etc.

    But being a NEET and hating it? If such life torments you, why the fuck won't you change it!?
    You'll never be a wizard if you won't choose your own path conciously.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:01 No.8475978

    >But it does

    I could argue with you all day, but I've been on the internet long enough to simply not give a shit.

    You're a superior man for growing your own food. You're so fucking manly. You must be so proud of yourself.

    Meanwhile, I'll flaunt my own superiority of having the ability to not give a shit, and being able to adapt to society to meet my needs.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:05 No.8476002
    Yeah, pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:14 No.8476020
    How? Where?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:14 No.8476021
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    wth is a windows 7 certificate?
    mcjob is one of the first places i handed my resume to.
    all i know is its filled with niggers. in fact i still go hand in my resume there every half a year or so. never get any reply what so ever from them.
    racist niggers?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:16 No.8476024
    Where the fuck do you guys live in that you can't find jobs?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:18 No.8476027
    i live in toronto canada
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:21 No.8476038
         File1327612918.png-(129 KB, 534x396, Mana_Walker.png)
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    Agreed. Most of people I met IRL are retarded. That's why I too avoid social contact
    That can change in the future. Your current IRL community is retarded? CHANGE community. Study japan at university. Plenty of otaku there. More. Move to japan. Even more otaku there. And most of all-never give up. Keep walking.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:22 No.8476039
    So girls, how do I grow my own food?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:22 No.8476041
    First world countries obviously. Fucking hard to find a job here with enough payment to be independent from social systems.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:25 No.8476048
    How to get a job: lower your standards
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:26 No.8476055

    Spain. It'd probably be easier for me to sell my organs.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:27 No.8476058
    >How to get a job: become prostitudes
    fixed for accurcy
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:28 No.8476061
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:28 No.8476062
    How long have you been hikki for? In a lot of cases the family will fight it at first, but after a while back off, when they realize there's not a whole lot they can do short of kicking you out to the street.

    Of course, some families will, faced with that situation, do just that. It really depends.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:28 No.8476063
    What kinda organs fetch the largest price?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:28 No.8476065
    The way I see it there are only 3 options:
    Get a job I enjoy
    don't work at all
    or kill myself.

    I'm currently trying out option 2, since I'm not competent enough for option 1.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:29 No.8476075
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:30 No.8476079
    I kinda want a dead-end job where I'll never get a promotion, but I'd pretty much have a secure job if I kept my mouth shut and did what I was told. I wouldn't have to talk to anyone, just do my workload for the day and go home.

    It would pay enough to live with a certain amount of comfort if I live alone in a subpar apartment.

    I just want some secure ground to stand on.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:30 No.8476082
    Germany here. Get your shit together and start cutting costs already, lazy bakas.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:31 No.8476084

    I'm not sure, but lurking in the Deep Web, I found out kidneys are the most demanded.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:35 No.8476104

    Enjoy having to rescue this shitty country from bankruptcy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:36 No.8476108
    I'm glad I'm gay. I can just fuck desperate guys and stay at their places.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:40 No.8476122

    Accounting or pharmacy.

    Retail pharmacy require a bit of interaction with people, but there are mail order pharmacies where you don't have to deal with the customers at all.

    Both would require a 4 year college degree and passing some type of exam afterwards for a professional certificate.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)16:52 No.8476145
    >selling your own organs
    There's a reason god invented hobos
    >> ‮ ylohcnaleM enicideM‪‪‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬ 01/26/12(Thu)16:57 No.8476159
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    Being a pharmacist is TERRIFIC! It's almost like I get paid to do nothing all day except eat, sleep, and deal drugs. Not even prescription drugs either. There are a few schizophrenic meth heads that drop by every now and then with some good cash. The only thing more leisurely than a pharmaceutical career is the job of a security guard. I make about $6000 a week.

    I'm not sure where you're getting that criteria from, because I became a pharmacist without any problems or speed bumps. No college degrees, no exams, no certificates, no nothing. I must also mention that I'm a proud highschool dropout.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)17:00 No.8476169
    /jp/ - Your Personal Blog
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)17:00 No.8476171
    Never heard of IT certifications? Microsoft (and other big names like Cisco and CompTIA) all have certifications, which are titles awarded when you pass a certification test. A certification is supposed to prove you have a good amount of knowledge about a given subject.

    A windows 7 cert means I studied and learned microsofts requirements. I bought a book for Windows 7, and found a free video set, studied for 2-3 months and got a cert. Pretty simple.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)17:01 No.8476172
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)17:11 No.8476211
    That's terrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)17:13 No.8476216
    MCTS and MCITP here.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)17:16 No.8476238

    >lol none of these things are true
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)17:25 No.8476281
    >a halfway hikikomori i don't want to talk.

    i feel like this a lot too. i haze steam but only a free account, so I can't add you. Please respond.
    >> ‮ ylohcnaleM enicideM‪‪‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬ 01/26/12(Thu)18:12 No.8476525
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    Sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction. I'm high on Adderall, Xanax, and Seroquel right now, plus I'm about to finish dunking this 40. Put that on your medical thermometer and smoke it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:18 No.8476546
    Why are you so mad?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:50 No.8476671
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    Why must you lie on /jp/? Save it for your parents.

    Pharmacists are required to have university degrees. Unless you live in some shitty third-world country, but I doubt that if there are methheads coming in.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:51 No.8476676
    Fuck off tokiko
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:53 No.8476681

    Fuck you. I took a 40 hour in-class security course, wrote the PSIS test, sent an application, and got a job literally 2 days after my license came in the mail.

    Also what have you been applying to? There are literally 10 new job postings/hr on kijiji for the service industry.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)18:54 No.8476687
    I don't know. I see a lot of Beaners working the counters at the local pharmacy, and quite frankly, I doubt they have anything above a middle school education really. They can hardly understand English and they always misplace orders. I would believe his experiences, but the $6000 per week is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:22 No.8476989
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    He's just cutely saying he's a drug dealer. You people are getting trolled.

    Also, pharmacist's the one who looks at your script and OKs it. They more or less run the pharmacy. The people who you deal with and pay when you go pick up your prescriptions are at the most a phamacy technician (high school education + passing the pharmacy tech test), sometimes just a cashier.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:25 No.8476994
    >He's just cutely saying he's a drug dealer.
    if he was actually trying to be witty like that i doubt he would have used the exact phrase "deal drugs."
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:29 No.8477007
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    I know, I'm just trying to preserve a wee bit of dignity for the people who can't read.

    Nevermind, I just remembered where I'm posting.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)20:54 No.8477088
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    I truly don't know. We are a family of immigrants and our status is not exactly good. I have been reclusive for a long time and now it has gotten a lot worse. I'm taking antidepressants and my doctor wants me to talk to a psychiatrist. My family is angry, very angry. They never really cared about me and didn't ever try to help me. I simply started ignoring them. They constantly shout at me and they made it clear that they don't care about what happens to me but that they do care that I drag down the whole family with me. My mom started ignoring me completely recently, she stopped talking to me and she leaves the room whenever I enter. I very rarely go out and never talk to anybody, especially about myself. It's such a pain, I simply want to disappear. I'm afraid to do something with my life and continuing like this is no good. I cannot give any tips or try to help. It's fucking hard. I'm the incarnation of the word pathetic, don't mind me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:03 No.8477122
    Mine just leaves me be. I don't get any grief off them bar the occasional complaints that I never eat anything, but I don't really want to be costing them money, on the other hand I'm not getting any help. No meds, no income, no therapy, not that I have any desire to fix my "problem" - but I'd be happier with enough money to live on my own without being a burden to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:12 No.8477166
    How do you people have such wonderful apathetic parents?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)21:18 No.8477193
    I see there's a few Canadians here who're looking for entry level work. What kinds of positions are you guys looking for and what are your qualifications? Have you guys considered temp jobs (part time or otherwise)? I graduated and started working 2 years ago and don't think that our job market is as bad as the US so long as you're reasonable and go where the actual demand is (med/nursing, acc, trades etc.).
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)23:21 No.8477634
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    What kinds of positions are you guys looking for
    >I see there's a few Canadians here who're looking for [bold]entry level work. [/bold]

    and what are your qualifications?
    highschool diploma, in university.
    Have you guys considered temp jobs (part time or otherwise)?
    >I see there's a few Canadians here who're looking for [bold][bold]entry level work. [/bold][/bold]

    idk where you graduated from, nor what job you have. but to me the definition of ENTRY LEVEL job means ANYWORK at an level that does not require an certification nor much experience.

    also who ever mentioned kijiji being liable job search site must be either trolling or got lucky.
    most of the stuff on there are just pure ads and the jobs aren't even legit. i never heard of someone posting a job opening with only 1 sentence description.
    unless you spam sending 20 resumes to random employers you mostly won't get anyhting back.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)23:30 No.8477656
    I spend all day alone in a server room at work, then go to my house (rental) and spend all day alone there. I often go weeks without actually speaking to anyone, since I get into the office before everyone gets there, and leave after everyone leaves (dat overtime). So while I'm not a real hikki, I am alone like one.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)00:16 No.8477801
    and how much did that class cost you?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)00:34 No.8477854
    Sending resumes is an extremely passive and often unsuccessful way of getting in. You have to go out there and network. Go to a job fair and meet/talk with the recruiters. You're in uni so there are lots of other opportunities to know these people through events that they hold/sponsor like competitions and job shadowing for a day. Join a useful club (even as a reg. member) that has links to these people. Make sure they know your name and that you are legit. Frankly you've already technically got an advantage since alot of recruiters are alumni as well. That's how I got my acc job with a big 4. Joined acc association and met the target recruiters. They saw me do very well in a competition and broed it up with the alums. Worked for them for 2 summers and they quickly offered me a job in 4th year so I was able to take it easier for my last year.
    The point is to make sure they know you at more personal level (name/face not just a bunch of lines on paper) and what you can do. Interview talk alone is cheap (hence why some fin/acc firms even sponsor pre-interview mixers). Everyone they meet will say they're self-driven, reliable, a team player etc. etc. in that interview.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)00:47 No.8477890
    >meet/talk with the recruiters
    You forget that most people on /jp/ have social anxiety and/or autism.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/12(Fri)01:26 No.8477998
    seems like a normal fag to me

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