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  • Server issues today were 100% related to an operating system upgrade (Mac OS X 10.7 Lion) gone wrong, and has absolutely nothing to do with CloudFlare. The CloudFlare pages you see are cached versions that only show when the backend servers (our servers, a Mac Mini cluster) go down. Every single CloudFlare error in the past month has been on our end—not theirs.

    I think it's finally time we ditch Darwin for Windows Server 2008.

    File : 1326736471.jpg-(248 KB, 675x937, 908070.jpg)
    248 KB Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:54 No.8422691  
    Why is it that so many Pixiv people pic one character and draw her over and over again? They should be more diverse and draw other characters, including males, too!
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:56 No.8422701
    You made me physically nauseous.
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:58 No.8422711
    You have no respect for Waifu-age.

    >cute is justice
    God Bless Japan!
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:59 No.8422718
    Another question: Why are there so many images of feet on there?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:02 No.8422730
    ikr? like and all these chinese cartoons? whats up witrh thaty? A bunch of wierdos of u ask me lOl
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:08 No.8422757
    Why is Miu sleeping while Chika is awake? That would never happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:16 No.8422786
    Absolutely not. You will not deny me my moe.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:17 No.8422798
    So samefag it hurts.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:23 No.8422828
    Moeshit faggot detected.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:24 No.8422834
    YOU FUCKING FAGGOT RETARD. I made one of those posts and neither of the others. Stop pretending you are a mod, or actually know shit about anything. You are such a fucking idiot. I love it when stupid faggot little dipshits with tiny dinks like you do those "Same person" line-ups and are totally wrong. Suck my big hairy cock you pathetic know-nothing little queer bait. I'll make you wear a fucking dress. What a stupid fag you are. hard to believe. Fag.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:25 No.8422840
    Mods, please delete this shit
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:27 No.8422847
    So new it hurts.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:30 No.8422863
    /jp/ is one of the more actively moderation boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:31 No.8422872
    It's asking for moderation that exposes your newness.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:34 No.8422884
    I'm not him.
    Though I think he was being tongue-in-cheek.

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