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  • File : 1326328019.png-(1009 KB, 905x800, 077.png)
    1009 KB Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)19:26 No.8396178  
    Why not put sage in the name field? Before you scroll down and laugh this thread off as a troll thread, at least go through my reasoning.

    The only reason why people use sage on /jp/ is as a status symbol. They don't care about the harm it can do a thread and only care about the ``elitist'' status it gives them. However, entering sage in the name field rather than the email field truly gives the intelligent anon several benefits:

    Firstly, and most importantly, it tells the reader that the poster's a no-nonsense kind of reader right off the bat. It can be used with noko and without third party add-ons while getting the same message across. It can even bump a thread to the top of the page and let an even wider audience read a witty and well-thought out reply.

    Secondly, it doesn't abuse the email function. I find it quite ironic that "bluenamers" are just as guilty of abusing the email field as "greentexters" are of abusing the quote feature.

    Thirdly, it lets the enlightened anonymous post twice as quickly. On 4chan, an "age" can be made once every 30 seconds. But with a "sage", you have to wait 60 seconds to post again. Not a lot of people realize that.

    Just something to keep in mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:27 No.8396182
    >what is nokosage

    I don't know who I am quoting.
    >> sage sage 01/11/12(Wed)19:28 No.8396184
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:28 No.8396186
    That is rather interesting but why not put my cock in your mouth dude?
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)19:29 No.8396192
    A nokosage combines all of the best features of a noko with all of the worst features of a sage.

    Are you the "who are you quoting" guy? You need to make a picture for your spam too.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:29 No.8396196
    I only put sage in the e-mail field when I judge the thread too irrelevant to be in the first page or when my post doesn't contribute at all to the thread. What's the problem with that? Seriously.
    >> nokosage nokosage 01/11/12(Wed)19:32 No.8396206
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)19:36 No.8396227
         File1326328574.png-(8 KB, 280x382, 199.png)
    8 KB
    >when my post doesn't contribute at all to the thread
    If your post isn't contributing the thread, you shouldn't post at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:37 No.8396234
    Why don't you follow your own advice, then?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:38 No.8396241
    Well, what if I have a question that's not really relevant to the subject, yet it's loosely related to it? I think that something that it's a little different from the subject, yet maintaining a small connection with it, should have sage in the E-mail field. And also, for example, in an OC thread, when you're requesting something, in my opinion , it should have sage, because what is really contributing to the thread is the image, yet requests are somewhat important, but not as much important as the OC itself.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:39 No.8396245
    Tokiko is so clever and beautiful, why do you hate him, /jp/?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:40 No.8396250
    He actually seems really stupid. Like Sudo level stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:43 No.8396262
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:44 No.8396264
    I like to nokosage my posts so I can go back to the shit threads I saged.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:44 No.8396266
    Bullshit, I just posted with sage and I had to wait 30 seconds.
    >> sage 01/11/12(Wed)19:47 No.8396276
    I thought he was dumb at first for not using a tripcode, but that just made me realize that more people will post with his name.

    Also, have you realized that most of his threads quickly devolve into metathreads or posts about him rather than the topic at hand?

    Try posting twice in the same minute. Look at the timestamps.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:47 No.8396277
         File1326329232.jpg-(508 KB, 670x974, e230bcffbef3bd718d143dc190dc3b(...).jpg)
    508 KB
    >this thread
    >> sage sage 01/11/12(Wed)19:49 No.8396285
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:50 No.8396292
         File1326329447.jpg-(2 KB, 99x126, wayq.jpg)
    2 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:51 No.8396293
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)19:51 No.8396294
    >Secondly, it doesn't abuse the email function
    what does that even mean?
    >> sage sage 01/11/12(Wed)19:51 No.8396296
    Sadly you can't say it goes in all fields anymore. "You seem to have mistyped the verification" and all that.


      ∧_∧   ∧_∧    ∧_∧   ∧_∧    ∧_∧
     ( ・∀・)   <丶`∀´>  ( ´∀`)  ( ・ω・)   ( ´ω`)
     (    つ┳∪━━∪━∪━━∪━∪━∪━┳⊂     つ
     | | |  |This thread is fucking terrible.  | | | |
     (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)19:53 No.8396301
         File1326329621.jpg-(137 KB, 500x700, 182.jpg)
    137 KB
    > should be used for quotes, the email field should be used for emails.
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)19:56 No.8396313
    clearly, the email field is meant for sage also.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:56 No.8396314
    Well do we wonder if someone else is deliberately replying to Tokiko with Tokiko, or if it's Tokiko replying to himself. Nah.

                 ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) CRUSH THIS THREAD
            γr――‐、 γ     1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:57 No.8396316
                 ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) FOR THE LOLILAND
            γr――‐、 γ     1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)19:58 No.8396318
    Why not put Tokiko in the name field? Before you scroll down and laugh this thread off as a troll thread, at least go through my reasoning.

    The only reason why people use names on /jp/ is as a status symbol. They don't care about the harm it can do a thread and only care about the ``elitist'' status it gives them. However, entering Tokiko in the name field rather than the email field truly gives the intelligent anon several benefits:

    Firstly, and most importantly, it tells the reader that the poster's a no-nonsense kind of reader right off the bat. It can be used with noko and without third party add-ons while getting the same message across. It can even bump a thread to the top of the page and let an even wider audience read a witty and well-thought out reply.

    Secondly, it doesn't abuse the email function. I find it quite ironic that "bluenamers" are just as guilty of abusing the email field as "greentexters" are of abusing the quote feature.

    Thirdly, it lets the enlightened anonymous post twice as quickly. On 4chan, an "age" can be made once every 30 seconds. But with a "Tokiko", you have to wait 60 seconds to post again. Not a lot of people realize that.

    Just something to keep in mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:59 No.8396324
                 ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) WE WILL DESTROY THIS THREAD
            γr――‐、 γ     1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:02 No.8396334
                 ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) /jp/ MUST BE DEFENDED AT ALL COSTS
            γr――‐、 γ     1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:03 No.8396342
                 ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
            γr――‐、 γ     1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:04 No.8396345
            ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) I AM NOT VERY GOOD WITH AA BUT I WANT TO HELP!
            γr――‐、 γ     1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:05 No.8396348

                 ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) THE WAR HAS ENDED WE WIN
            γr――‐、 γ     1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Later... Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)20:07 No.8396357
             ∧,,∧    ∧,,∧
      ∧,,∧   < `∀´>  <`∀´ >  ∧,,∧
     < `∀´>  (∪ U)   ( つと ノ  <`∀´ >
     | U) ∧,∧ u-____ ∧,,,∧   (∪ ノ∧∧  You are surrounded!
      u-u < `∀> .(  (⌒ (´・ω・`)\  <∀´ >
         (   ∪  \ ヽノ(,,⊃⌒O~⌒ヽと   ノ
           `u-u'    \ //;;;::*:::*:::*:::*:ヽ`u-u'  ∧,,∧
              ∧∧ ( (:::;;:*;∧∧*.:::*::*:::∧∧ <∀´ >
          ∧∧   <    > \::;;;::<   ,> *:::*::<∀´ >と  )
          < `∀>  (  ∪  .\ι   ) ─~と   ) - u'
      .   | U)   `u-u'    `u-u'  ̄ ̄~.`u-u'
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:07 No.8396360
    OMG when is someone going to cyber bully tokiko to suicide already?!
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)20:08 No.8396364
    Never. I have more cyber friends than cyber enemies.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:09 No.8396370
    Because he is a bully. Did you know he called Fukune: FUGune? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:09 No.8396372
    I agree with you Tococko, but nobody here will admit you are right. Especially >>8396227 is the best argument against posting with sage, but they can't accept it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:09 No.8396375
             ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) YATTA
            γr――‐、 γ     1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:09 No.8396376
         File1326330594.jpg-(209 KB, 740x740, 1322549818061.jpg)
    209 KB
    I love you, Tokiko!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:11 No.8396381
    I hear so much about this Fukune girl that apparently Tokiko broke up with? How can I contact her?
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)20:11 No.8396383
    He blocked me again.

    7:25 PM - Tokiko: sup fugune
    7:25 PM - Fukune☆: why shouldnt i block u again
    7:25 PM - Tokiko: Why should you
    7:26 PM - Fukune☆: so many reasons
    7:26 PM - Fukune☆: next thing you say had better be a good reason
    7:26 PM - Tokiko: Go with your gut, then
    7:26 PM - Fukune☆: ok bye
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:11 No.8396385
    This is a troll thread.

    You have all been trolled.
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)20:12 No.8396390
    Steam and Formspring?

                Oh jeez…
       (__)~∞~∞~~∞~∞~∞~∞~~∞~∞~\         ∧__∧
      <丶`∀´∩ ┌┴┐ ̄   ̄ ̄| |_゛____  /    \      (・∀・;)
      / ヽつ丿    / _/.__| |_       ∠―\  /      (     )
      > > > 丶 ~∞~∞~~∞~∞~∞~∞~~∞~∞/       | | |
     (__) (__)                              

    ≪ ∧__∧ ≫
          <丶`∀´> kekeke…                        ≪(゚∀゚ ;)≫  ACK !
          (     )                             ≪⊂  
          | | |                              ≪ < <> >≫
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:13 No.8396392
    didn't read lol
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)20:13 No.8396394

              人                              人
             (__)                            (_
            (__)  ウンコー                 ウンコー  (__)
           ∩<丶`∀´∩                        ∩`∀
            〉    _ノ                          ヽ    〈
           ノ ノ  ノ                              Y  人
            (_」 J
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:14 No.8396398
    Scratch that. More tanks.

            γr――‐、 γ ATI  1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!

                 ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) Stupid ATI tank has no driver
            γr――‐、 γFERMI 1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:16 No.8396407
             ∧ ∧
            γr――‐、 γ     1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:18 No.8396419
    Oh I just thought she was a trip user.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:20 No.8396428

                 ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) Understood!
            γr――‐、 γFERMI 1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |   17 |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:21 No.8396430
    He is
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:22 No.8396438

                 ∧ ∧
                ( ・ω・) My tank number was wrong
            γr――‐、 γFERMI 1┐
     0ニ)ニニニニニニ)(。((  |  1.7  |. |
        / ̄/___/ ̄/___/ ̄/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄""``ー---,,,,,,
    _0)n =)7_____0)n∠ _____________i
     (≡(( ( (   ( ( (≡(:::o:ヽ:::==0::::::::::==0::::::::::==0::r=y
      ヽ≡ヽ-ヽ_ヽ_ヽ_`ヽ≡ヽ,,ノ,,ーilij-、 ,,ーilij-、. ,,ーilij-、`-',!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:30 No.8396474
    Eat shit and die
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:47 No.8396553
    did anyone honestly read a word of that shit
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:48 No.8396558
    > Elitist in faggot quotes

    That's just the fucking icing on the cake isn't. I thought you were serious up until that point.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:52 No.8396585
    One more stunt like this Fukune gets it. I swear to god don't push me, man.
    >> Tokiko 01/11/12(Wed)20:55 No.8396600
         File1326333324.jpg-(243 KB, 300x600, 225.jpg)
    243 KB

    Are you talking about the guy that spammed the board and spread rumors to defile the Tokiko name because I turned him down on Steam after he confessed to me because, quote, "3DPD. 2D is all I need."? He's such a child at times.

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