What does /jp/ think of Nyan Cat?
p ebin as fug :----DDDDDD
>>8389055That's not how /jp trolls.This is how /jp/ trolls.
kawaii as HELL
>>8389089WCH2HUWLDFQU?Something for a change.
>>8389064What the fuck is with that retarded Dracula mask?
>>8389095I would let Youmu fuck me. I think she would be gentle.
>>8389064Can somebody here post the last trollface in that picture for me?I've been searching for that like crazy
>>8389055Why is the troll wearing a yaranaika mask? Is he pretending to be a homo?
>>8389137People think that yaranaika is pokerface these days.
>>8389110Just Youmu? A bit stuck-up aren't you.
no one remembers the origin of the song except /jp/ ;_;
>>8389157>no one knows the origin of the song except /jp/ ;_;
>>8389157It's one of those Hat-soon-ay Meek-you songs, isn't it?