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  • File : 1325378151.jpg-(314 KB, 1600x1200, - 14647 close neon_genesis_(...).jpg)
    314 KB Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:35 No.8325499  
    >That feel when you stay offline tonight so your online "friends" think you're out celebrating New Years with real "friends".
    I'm so depressed right now I think I'll just go back to sleep and wake up when it's all over.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:37 No.8325506
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:37 No.8325508
    Haha what a faggot misusing greentext

    OP(a faggotLOL) status:
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:39 No.8325515
    I don't quite know that feel, but I'm very disappointed in my online friends when they go offline for new years because I assume they're out with actual real friends that really, they shouldn't have, if they're truNEETs like me.

    But maybe they're only doing what you're doing.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:39 No.8325518
    Why are you so mean to me?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:40 No.8325520
    >That feel when you don't even have friends online.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:40 No.8325521
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    I should go offline soon
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:42 No.8325531
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    I wish I didn't know that feel mang.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:42 No.8325533
    Tried logging into my msn account after not logging in for 6 motnhs to check my e-mail and apparently my password has been changed. It was my main mail account aswell.
    At least I can talk to all 0 of my friends on steam.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:43 No.8325536
    Online friends are always busy with something. I wish they would start conversation with me some more.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:45 No.8325547
    >that feel when your friends/colleagues ask you what you did for new years
    >that feel when you tell them you went out to "town" with some friends and got far too drunk but it was all a lie.
    I don't want to live in this world any more.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:46 No.8325550
    Heh, I will do that with my MSN but still keep Steam open.
    Maybe play some Dark Souls.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:46 No.8325552
    They're ignoring you bro. Even your online friends think you're lame.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:47 No.8325558
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    >> Herro Eberinynan~ ヽ(^ω^)ノ !autISm86eM 12/31/11(Sat)19:48 No.8325559
    Pretty much all my friends on steam are from 4chan so they're online as well, most of them anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:48 No.8325564
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:50 No.8325572
    I knew that feel once.
    Then I added a shitton of people from /jp/, you guys should do the same!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:51 No.8325577
    I'm too afraid to have online friends, /jp/ calls me a faggot all the time and whenever I talk about my tastes I get negative responses. Like this, at least I can disappear after every post. Nobody follows me around. Nobody knows my name. But if I got friends, I'd have to have a name they use to identify me. And then I might get called out whenever I post because people have become too familiar with my wording and my style. I don't want to become a figure /jp/ mocks, knowing full well the history of me. I just want to continue being a figure /jp/ mocks on a post-by-post basis.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:53 No.8325586
    I'm against randomly adding people.
    I've had people send me invites after playing a few rounds in a game with me while never even saying a word. Ignored all of them.
    I kind of want to know what kind of a person I'm adding.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:53 No.8325589
    All my friends are from /v/, some of them don't like to be associated with /v/ anymore, though.
    Only like 3 people from /jp/ and we rarely talk.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:54 No.8325593
    All my internet friends are online in my chat

    Have higher standards for your comrades
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:54 No.8325594
    Wouldn't you have a lot in common with people from /jp/?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:54 No.8325595
    You can't know a person until you talk to them. Even then, you won't really ever come to know them. Forever isolated in your box.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:55 No.8325598
    It's New Years? I don't pay attention to such petty things.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:56 No.8325607
    I wouldn't add completely random people either, but at least I know if they're /jp/edos they asomewhat share the same mindset as I.

    I have talked a bit with almost everyone that added me/I added.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:58 No.8325619
    I don't even have online friends, other than /jp/. Why even have friends you can't be completely honest with?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)19:59 No.8325625
    Add me if you want.
    We may play one game, someday.
    >> dntf**kwitmeormyfriends-chan !avY8p6wIiQ 12/31/11(Sat)20:00 No.8325629
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    come back dvine we miss u
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:01 No.8325631
    Happy New Year /jp/~
    From England.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:02 No.8325640
    Fellow Englandstanian here. Can you text me wishing me a happy new year? It would make me happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:03 No.8325641
    4chan is my only friends online. Also, OP is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:03 No.8325646
    I actually managed to be completely honest with some people on WoW. Knowing that you'll never meet someone in real life helps me talk about myself.
    I could tell them almost anything about myself.

    I don't really know how to talk to people from /jp/. I'm too shy to randomly start talking to someone.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:05 No.8325655
    > I actually managed to be completely honest with some people on WoW. Knowing that you'll never meet someone in real life helps me talk about myself.
    > I could tell them almost anything about myself.
    That's nice. I think anonymous boards have spoiled me; I feel I'm not significant enough to start rambling about myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:05 No.8325656
    I know who you are. I even have a name for you.

    It's your real name.

    You think posting anonymously means you can escape me? Don't make me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:05 No.8325657
    Sure let me recharge my phone first

    but don't expect much, I'm socially awkward
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:07 No.8325666
    Thank you sir.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:08 No.8325671
    T-that's not true... You're scaring me, anon.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:09 No.8325674
    not everyone is going offline because of reasons like the op. what if they just want to be alone and welcome the new year by themselves? i'm a hikikomori before a truNEET and always enjoy time by myself. being by yourself is the best way to sort out thoughts sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:11 No.8325683
    I thought you were replying to me for a second there. Phew.

    You're fucked.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:11 No.8325684
    I think my one friend finally gave up on me. I've messaged him a couple of times the past week and he hasn't responded once even when I know he should be seeing them.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:12 No.8325687
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:14 No.8325699
    Is that you Joe?
    You're too good a friend and I don't deserve to hang out with you for the new year.
    I also wanted to play Mario Kart 7.

    Maybe we can do something next year when I've regained my confidence and if we haven't both given up on each other completely
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:15 No.8325703
    If you sleep with a girl but nothing lewd happens an you hug and hold hands does this count as losing virginity? It feels like a more pure experience than sex so I think this is a valid question.
    >> Labarador !!iuszTExGCNs 12/31/11(Sat)20:17 No.8325716
    No, you're still a virgin thankfully.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:22 No.8325735
    You're the best kind of person. You have achieved the height of human interaction without giving into primitive hormones, AND you still have a shot at being a wizard.

    You should be proud, Anonymous!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:29 No.8325764
    /jp/, will you be my friend in this upcoming new year?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:30 No.8325779
    Of course.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 12/31/11(Sat)20:33 No.8325800
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    That feeling when there's no need to pretend to be offline.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:34 No.8325808
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    That's because you never talk online, you shy nerd.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:39 No.8325830
    I know that feeling, even though I dislike acknowledging your existence in any way.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:43 No.8325855
    That feel when mic-sex with zunbar on steam
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:45 No.8325860
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    I celebrated New Year's with my mother and I'm not ashamed of it at all. We had cocktails, smoked cigarettes and watched the fireworks together. I had a great time.
    I'd probably have shown my face to my friends if I could, but one just came out of hospital and is bedridden, and the other has to go to church at 9 in the morning, so I was kind of stuck home. Still, had a nice evening, won 130 euros in the lottery, it's generally been an enjoyable day.

    Happy new year, /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:46 No.8325862
    I kind of wish I had a mother like that.
    I don't even feel comfortable letting my parents know I'm drinking alcohol (even though they're fine with it and I'm old enough).
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:52 No.8325886
    I don't know this feel. I'm playing TF2 with them right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:54 No.8325894
    No one really cares about what you are doing.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)20:57 No.8325906
    I was playing TF2 earlier on my usual server.
    But then the other frequent players there started discussing what they would do later together and I felt awkward and left.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:03 No.8325926
    My bro stayed with me until midnight and then he went to hit on his new bitch. My other friend was also online at midnight, while the rest of my contacts ignore me, which I stopped caring about a long time ago. I would give my email, but I feel too awkward to keep a conversation going when the other part doesn't help, even though I like to make long winded posts like this one.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:26 No.8326058
    I kind of want to post my Steam ID so I could maybe meet some nice anons, but at the same time I don't want to act like some /soc/ asshole.
    >> Tokiko 12/31/11(Sat)21:27 No.8326061
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    I'm Tokiko-JP, add me and look at my friend's list.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:32 No.8326085
    My friends went home early because they've got exams, jobs, and other important real life things to take care of during the following days.

    I could have stayed at the party we went to, but it kinda feels really awkward if it's just me and a bunch of random people there.
    Not that they aren't nice or anything like that, I just don't know what to do with myself other than sitting around, drinking some beer, etc.
    If I had chosen to stay, at least they were all girls who didn't seem totally out of control. Maybe I should have stayed.

    Oh well. Here I am. 3:30. /jp/ time.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:37 No.8326440
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    One anon I added asked me what I was planning to do, told him I was going to a party and just set my status to offline later. Feels kinda pathetic
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:39 No.8326456
    /jp/ is the new /soc/
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:40 No.8326464
    Earlier I added the first person ever on my steam friendslist.
    Well okay, it was only to trade a game and he instantly removed me after it was done, but it still counts, right?

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