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  • File : 1325032950.jpg-(34 KB, 300x300, Nanairo Generator.jpg)
    34 KB Moe Thread Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:42 No.8301790  
    Let's draw our own *-tans!
    For example, this is Windows 7-tan. (I'm still working on mine.)
    I'd like to see what the rest of /jp/ would come up with.
    Science, math, programming, food, countries, anything goes. Let's create our own moe personifications!
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:44 No.8301795
         File1325033046.jpg-(18 KB, 420x315, ruri1601.jpg)
    18 KB
    Fuck off.
    Bakka Baka.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:45 No.8301800
    We already have Meido,OC-tan and Cornelia
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:46 No.8301804
    Those belong to /a/, you silly /jp/sie.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:48 No.8301812
    I thought they were from ebaums.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:49 No.8301814
    Nanami really looks like that green haired nobody from im@s.
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !yFBUixGIig 12/27/11(Tue)19:49 No.8301816
         File1325033354.jpg-(308 KB, 1280x960, Windows 7.jpg)
    308 KB
    oh neat
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:50 No.8301818
    >No fun allowed.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:50 No.8301823
    >there should be a quote-tan/quo-tan
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:52 No.8301837
         File1325033543.png-(20 KB, 378x427, cinnamonrosetan.png)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:56 No.8301856
         File1325033773.png-(20 KB, 565x653, 3304744.png)
    20 KB
    Knock it off and get back to work, Otonashi.

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