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  • MERI KURISUMASU!!!!!!!!!

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    518 KB Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:08 No.8300642  
    So how serious are you guys about the whole NEET/hikki thing? Sometimes I feel like it's all a big joke I'm missing out on, and other times I think I'm on a board with some of the worst-off people on Earth.

    Basically just blog at me and tell me your situation and how you ended up this way. I'm genuinely curious.

    Also general NEET/hikikomori thread I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:09 No.8300645
    >Sometimes I feel like it's all a big joke I'm missing out on

    when you get out of your teens you will understand

    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:10 No.8300651
    >hurr jok durr were actually normals

    Fuck off OP, there are some people who live that way. It's not a status symbol, it's not a hobby, it's just how some people are, what exactly is there to discuss?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:11 No.8300652
    The short version is that growing up I always liked to stay home from school and go on the computer.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:14 No.8300667
    I have an antisocial mental disorder and other shit like this.
    That's why I'm a NEET.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:15 No.8300671
    In the UK we have to use a website to apply to University. UCAS.

    As my final year came to an end, 18 years old it became my sole responsibility. I had to take the initiative if I wanted to go. Everything.

    I just ran away, mentally. I wasn't there. It wasn't happening.

    Fast forward five years and I'm still listening to this:

    I just started learning Japanese though. I didn't give up completely.

    ah ee oo eh oh
    ka ki ku ke ko
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:15 No.8300673
    But I'm in my twenties!

    That's not exactly what I was getting at. I just mean many people seem to brush over it for such a serious lifestyle. Maybe I'm just a little paranoid and autistic.

    Same here.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:16 No.8300678
    I am still listening to this.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:17 No.8300684
    > I just ran away, mentally. I wasn't there. It wasn't happening.
    Oh god I completely understand you. Unfortunately for me I ended up GOING to university, THEN this feeling fully kicked in. The result is that I'm now a university drop-out with £6,000 of debt. What makes it worse is that I could have actually shaved off a few grand because my parents are poor and there's some Educational Maintenance Grant thing, but I was too scared or lethargic to apply for it, I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:22 No.8300704

    The closest I got to going was the year after. My parents told everyone I was on a 'gap year.'

    When the year was up I was dropped at the nearest Uni to beg to join.

    I did just that, went up to the front desk, asked if I could join. They looked at me like I was batshit insane, handing me a booklet and I ran away.

    It was such a big place. These perfect people sat with books and coffee, clean clothes and fancy calculators.

    I was bearded and wearing my bucket hat.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:22 No.8300709
    Once upon a time, there was a young man by the name of Anon. Anon was a sensitive kid, who tried to look intimidating on the outside so no one would bother him. Not only was forging bonds with others hard for him, but he cut people out of his life willfully as well. As Anon grew older, he wasn't able to cope with the stress and responsibilities of the real world. He couldn't stand being around all these other people, all of them looking down on him and laughing at how pathetic he was. So Anon ran. He ran back to his room and locked his door. He sat there and thought to himself how impossible everything is and will be in the future. Anon decided school was impossible and dropped out. It was okay, Anon felt comfortable at home in his own room and felt like he could live happily like this. So he did.

    Time passed by at an incredible rate, before he knew it, Anon had spent a large amount of time in his room. As he reflected on the years he began to feel depressed, trapped and hopeless. Anon had developed severe agoraphobia from being indoors too much and refused to ever step outside again. This is when Anon realized, *now* it's impossible to do anything, and he should have taken action when he was younger and more capable.

    And so Anon stayed in his room, terrified of his fears of the outside world, waiting, believing that inaction is the only action he could take.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:24 No.8300720
    I feel the same way, OP, and am curious in the same way.

    If it's not a status symbol and /jp/ thought there was nothing to discuss about it, then no one would have the idea that /jp/ is full of shut-ins, because no one would ever talk about it. Plus, I see things to the effect of "lol get out normals" all the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:25 No.8300727
    Poor Anon.
    Don't worry: it's better this way.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:28 No.8300735
    And so the transition from NEET thread into depression/therapy thread starts. What the hell is it lately?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:28 No.8300736
    I'm pretty sure the NEET/Hikki thing here is a joke, or at least not too serious. In reality, it's nothing to be proud or happy of, and it's only suffering. Also, autism bucks and money for social anxiety are not easy to come by, and any story you hear about it here is almost always a lie. If anyone gets money for such things, it's highly likely that it is no one on here. Anyone flaunting their NEET/hikki status here, especially during December-January, are just college/high school students in for winter break. Now I'm not saying everyone here is normal, it's just that most of the time, the people that actually stay at home year-round here are 20+ year olds still living with their parents, and get money and everything from them. "True NEETs/hikkis" live on their own, or that is what I've heard from such threads. Also, having a job doesn't automatically make you normal. You can still be an antisocial shut-in, self and society hating bipolar person with schizophrenia and still have a job. When you are on your own, you need money to live.

    Now I shall brace myself for a bunch of shit flinging from an army of insecure legion of "TRU NEETs and hikkis" of /jp/ for being spot-on correct.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:29 No.8300741
    Gee it's almost like there's some strong connection between the two or something.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:31 No.8300750
    I haven't held a non-class related discussion with anyone for at least a year, excluding my family.

    I stay inside as much as I can, and I only go outside to go to class.

    I skipped 3 classes last term because I didn't feel like going outside.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:31 No.8300753
    > Anyone flaunting their NEET/hikki status here, especially during December-January, are just college/high school students in for winter break.
    The horrible part is, you type completely different to the guy who usually says this. Look, if someone says they're Not in Education, Employment or Training--even on an anonymous board--there's a good chance they're Not in Education, Employment or Training. I don't see why you think there's some TRU NEET conspiracy or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:34 No.8300763
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    went to college but never found a job in my field
    kept working at shitty retail job
    company i worked for folded
    now on unemployment & food stamps
    nearly 30 and a neet, trying not to move back in with parents
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:35 No.8300767
    The only time I have ever felt depressed was when I was in school or working. I've been NEET since I was 17 and have been happy ever since.

    No idea what's wrong with you guys.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:35 No.8300768
    >depression/therapy thread
    Shit, almost forgot my pills, thanks!
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:36 No.8300772
    I wish I had a good idea for a startup. Now seems to be the time to do it. I'm sure a lot of people fail, but sites like Hacker News are full of success stories about how User #58426 sold his Web application to Google and now he never has to work again for the rest of his life.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:38 No.8300778

    Mine are all the way downstairs though.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:39 No.8300787
    inb4 as many replies as there are stars in the Milky Way.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:40 No.8300793
    My social life is dead, aside from IRC and a certain trip on a different board, but my family know I'm not dead yet. I don't hallucinate or have many anxiety issues and take relatively good care of my body, so my mental and physical status aren't as low as most on here. No job, living off autism bucks and savings; looking to get into this mechanic/technician college that has a "scouting-type" program, where the top 5 or so students are brought directly over to a certain company's factory to be trained further there. I still have a chance to get out of hikikomori. I guess I'm one of the better-off people on here.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:44 No.8300807
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    Pretty much the same thing.
    I even stopped trying to even make acquaintanceships.

    The people one could say were friends of some kind stopped talking to me or even started avoiding for reasons unknown to me. I mostly burned whatever remained of those bridges.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)15:48 No.8300817
    Being anonymous doesn't mean that everyone will be telling the truth. In fact, it increases the chances for the opposite. But giving them the benefit of the doubt is always nice, so I can't blame you.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)16:09 No.8300893
    Look at the older neet threads. It's always been this way. Recently it became this big dickwaving contest over who hates the outside most, and how many years you've not left the house in.

    At least with me, I didn't want to live this way, it just sort of happened. I think I'd be okay with it if I lived on my own, but I don't know. And even if living this way is sort of depressing, living out there is far more so.

    Yeah yeah, TRUNEET 4 LYFE
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)16:29 No.8300948
    > Recently it became this big dickwaving contest over who hates the outside most, and how many years you've not left the house in.
    Am I the only person not seeing this? I see plenty of people COMPLAINING about it, but I've never actually seen anyone "brag" or say anything irrelevant. I guess a few people might seem a little histrionic but that's because they want to share their story, and that's fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:06 No.8301615
    Recently I applied for SSI, and "public assistance" until that kicks in. Unlike the rest of you I actually do have a psychological illness that makes me throw up when I get anxious, which happens really easy. I want to work, but to say the least I've lost quite a few jobs to vomiting on the job. It'll take 12-18 fucking months for SSI, but until then I've got public assistance which is strict but decent I guess.

    Whatever, we're all in the same boat ultimately. Got 100-200 bucks in food stamps a month, apparently, and my family's giving me cleaning/hygiene stuff so I don't have to buy that. The pain is that it literally kicks you out of your subsidized housing if you get a job, even one with a few hours a week, and only gives you 150 a month, 30 of which needs to go to a bus pass if you want to go anywhere. There's also internet I have to pay for, and a phone, so I'm pretty strapped for cash to say the least. Trying to find a way around this.

    NEET's easy-going, but getting the right amount of money and managing it is a bitch. Once I get SSI I'll have more cash. Either way, being a NEET isn't all it's cracked up to be.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:10 No.8301633
    dropped out of college, was a NEET for a year and hadn't heard of 4chan, went pretty nutty taping blankets to the windows to get sleep after long nights reading manga and the like. Now I'm a music major.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:12 No.8301647

    I had applied to Exeter to study Physics. It was around the end of September and the start of University.

    My grandmother was driving me (I don't have a a mother/ father) and we stopped at the last service station before reaching the Uni. We both knew I wasn't going to go through with it and she just drove back home.

    Fast forward 3 years
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:15 No.8301655
    Was in college studying Law. Gave up and dropped out. That was back in 2009. I've been a NEET since. Only assistance I can get from the government is free bus passes, which I don't fucking need because I never leave the house. If I had a gun I would have blown off my head a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)19:16 No.8301656
    Is anyone else worried about how they'll fund themselves in the future?

    I live with my single father and I pretty much leech off him. He doesn't force me out to work because I'm really his only family/friend he has. I try and help him as much as I can by doing simple things such as cleaning the house and cooking for him and I try to prove my worth.

    I just can't see myself going out into the world for a job. I have such a horrible case of anxiety disorder when I'm around people I don't know. I've even tried to explain this to my father and I think he understands, He doesn't push me to do anything I want.

    I really started to think about what I'll do when he's gone though.. I can't say I'm ever lonely now because I have him to talk to even if we don't talk very often. We do stuff like eat together and maybe watch a movie at home together once and a while. I guess my situation is different than other shut-ins because I actually have a decent relationship with my dad and it's going to tear me apart when he dies.

    Just thinking about when hes gone.. It's going to truly be lonely. And besides that I have no idea what I'll do to fund myself.
    >> PRINNY !nLFbzB/0pw 12/27/11(Tue)19:19 No.8301671
    I took a 3 day vacation from school, which evolved into a week, then a month, then I stopped giving a shit and do whatever I feel like in my own room.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:04 No.8301896
    Same as me.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:06 No.8301913
    >It's not a status symbol

    Some people here like to think that it is. That's the part I don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:14 No.8301953
    > Unlike the rest of you I actually do have a psychological illness that makes me throw up when I get anxious, which happens really easy.

    I didn't know that was a disease. When I was a kid, I used to throw up when I was nervous, which was every morning or so before going to school.

    I mean, who doesn't get nausea when nervous or scared?
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:17 No.8301971
    I dropped out of highschool when I was 15 to shut myself off from the society I despise, and I haven't done anything since. That was 6 years ago. I've been living off of my grandfather since then. When he dies and I am forced to reintegrate into society I will commit suicide. For now I just take it easy and try not to think about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:21 No.8301985
    Freelancer here.
    Basically I work on and off and take huge break where I just laze around in my house.
    I would be a NEET whole year long if I didnt have financial obligation.
    It is not everyday you can find parents to feed you and pay for your apartment. I dont know why you guys think being a NEET is depressing, the working lifestyle is just not suitable for me. I rather be a NEET whole year long.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:25 No.8302005
    Those living with their parents haven't experienced how harsh the real word is. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:35 No.8302046
    How the hell is it only suffering? You get to do whatever you want whenever you want, you should be happier than the average person.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:41 No.8302068
    >You get to do whatever you want whenever you want
    You don't. You can't afford it.

    You can only settle for posting on /jp/ and playing Touhou, and that's only if you live with your parents, or somebody else is paying for your Internet and electricity at the very least.
    >> Anonymous 12/27/11(Tue)20:42 No.8302070
    Not really.
    People driven into being hikkikomoris/NEETs are generally unhappy before doing so. You don't get to be one if you are well adjusted person(most of the time anyway)

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