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    File : 1321436823.png-(68 KB, 500x373, whatareyou.png)
    68 KB Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:47 No.8112558  
    So, /jp/, which one are you?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:48 No.8112563
    Why is cancer all the way at the 2010 line?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:49 No.8112564
         File1321436949.png-(133 KB, 689x744, 1310708078679.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:49 No.8112565
    I found /jp/ on SA back in 2004. I remember back before we had all these greentexting /b/uugums from /a/v/b/. I never clicked on another board in my life (most proud achievement in my life) but I know they're all filled with nothing but reaction images and memes. I clicked on 2ch once and they didn't have any reaction images. Why do only baka gaijin use reaction images and memes? I wish I was Nippon.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 11/16/11(Wed)04:51 No.8112569
    2003-2004 was Type-moon memes brah. Though Rozen Maiden also started late 2004. /b/ had like 3 Suigintou sickies in a row January 2005.

    Everything afterwards is a blur though until the great 2hu War of 2007. And here we are now at 2012.
    >> Nanaya !yrBrqfF1Ew 11/16/11(Wed)04:51 No.8112572
    This chart is completely unfair! People who came in 2011 gets to be a futurefag? I want to be from the future as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:52 No.8112576

    >I found /jp/ on SA back in 2004
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:53 No.8112577
    2003. No idea why you have our dearest boatlights-chan there and not teh rei or cracky.
    desuspamshitstorm was later.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:54 No.8112580
    It's all cockmonglers from start to finish, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:54 No.8112582
    Indeed. 2006 or 2007. Somewhere around the original airing of Haruhi.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:55 No.8112586
         File1321437338.jpg-(70 KB, 600x791, 1171053563592.jpg)
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    You mean greenman?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:55 No.8112587
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    2004 from ADTRW
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:55 No.8112588
    Pretty sure it was 06. Other friends of mine came to the site at that time and started watching Rozen Maiden as a result.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:56 No.8112590
    Where's Osaka?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:56 No.8112591
    Japan, Kansai region.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:57 No.8112593
    I was afraid you'd say that, so I started weeping ahead of time.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:57 No.8112594
    Why isnt 2011 on there?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:58 No.8112595
         File1321437489.jpg-(13 KB, 281x260, CouncilB.jpg)
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    Thar be no 2011

    Does that mean I win since I starting /jp/ing a month ago?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:58 No.8112596
         File1321437502.gif-(36 KB, 141x160, 1220161797267.gif)
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    Right next to Turkeyhandle Porkslope.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:59 No.8112598
    I'm pretty new to the /a/ scene, but I've been around /tg/ and /g/ for some time.

    Can anybody explain what implications Haruhi had on the /a/ community? Was it the madoka of 2006? What was it like during the 4 weeks of time loop reruns (ep15 - 19)?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)04:59 No.8112599
         File1321437596.gif-(729 KB, 360x390, 8d2635227e543893b09814ae2aa2e5(...).gif)
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    Early 2006.

    August 23rd, nevar 4get
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:00 No.8112601
    They posted that "I want to taste a dick!" doujin endlessly.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:02 No.8112605
         File1321437726.png-(195 KB, 612x678, grrsefcfh.png)
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    Where am I in that timeline if I knew about 4chan when it was created but didn't give a shit until 3 years later?

    I was more interested in the Gen[M]ay forums back then. Any of you remember the video of the guys driving around book stores shouting Snape kills Dumbledore? That came from Gen[M]ay, and I was in the back seat of the car.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:03 No.8112606
    I'm from '06 and I don't consider myself an oldfag at all. I remember everyone in /a/ back then complaining about how everyone who came during SaiGar was cancer. Desu spam also started around that time I believe, not before then.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:03 No.8112607
    I was here before captcha
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:03 No.8112610
    Haruhi was the first huge shitstorm divisive anime. It was extremely hated, and also had a big following.

    Lucky Star followed shortly after.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:03 No.8112611
    That was 2006? I remember SaiMoe being big on /a/ in 2006, but didn't that happen in 2007?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:05 No.8112612
    It was early 2006 that it really took off. Just had a look at some of my old /b/ archives to see when the DESU spam started. But I do remember desu desu being used earlier than that but just not as frequently.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:06 No.8112614
         File1321437971.png-(68 KB, 282x322, 1309938511884.png)
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    November 2004. I don't even remember how I found this cesspit. Something about harbls and washing machines and soaking.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:06 No.8112615
    haruhi>code geass>lucky star>gurren lagann
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:06 No.8112616

    What happened when the time loop episodes were airing?

    I just marathoned Haruhi (being new to the anime), and I felt bad watching what were essentially re-runs.

    I felt like I was being trolled or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:07 No.8112618
    The first one was in '06 I believe, but there were also '07 and '08 tournaments.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:08 No.8112620

    >code geass

    I think it's because dirty gaijins on /a/ couldn't handle being racially discriminated in anime of all things.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:09 No.8112624
    SA thread mentioned /jp/ some time around C74. 2008?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:09 No.8112625
    You used the "greater than" sign there friend, I think you meant to use the "less than" sign.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:10 No.8112626
    2004 oldfag.
    No one gives a shit.
    >> Anonymous of Germany !WvzhzxDiIQ 11/16/11(Wed)05:11 No.8112627
    First time in /a/ was 2005
    Picked up my trip in 2006

    Didn't Desu win Saimoe in 2006? Anyways, fun times.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:11 No.8112628
         File1321438276.gif-(319 KB, 320x240, 1143847252677.gif)
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    Desu should be in the blue section.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:11 No.8112629

    Yes, and it had absolutely nothing to do with the 2ch raid.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:13 No.8112634
    I forgot when I started coming here. It was when /r9k/ and /fa/ were just created. 2007?

    I did browse other imageboards before this one, though. Usually ones with lots of loli.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:13 No.8112636
         File1321438416.png-(58 KB, 500x373, Untitled-2.png)
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    Here, I fixed it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:14 No.8112639
         File1321438456.jpg-(73 KB, 433x440, 1273177354922.jpg)
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    >implying the usage of this term itself is not cancerous

    I'm quoting your fucking cock.

    I don't give a fuck if you think I'm some fresh off the boat immigrant to /jp/. I've been here long enough to not give a fuck. I spammed desu more times than I can remember on /b/ and /a/.

    I just don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:14 No.8112640
    He's denoting progression of divisive series, not quality or how much he likes it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:15 No.8112642
    I don't think anyone actually read the then-niche-and-animeless Rozen Maiden manga back in 2003.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:15 No.8112643
    Late 2007 because Pedobear.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:15 No.8112644
    I wish I didn't take the internet so seriously
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:17 No.8112647

    >I've been here long enough to not give a fuck.

    Holy shit, I'm going to use this phrase everytime I greentext or do something questionable on this board.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:19 No.8112652
    2005, I first started lurking.

    And I didn't post until late 2006 when I turned 18 because I actually respected the idea of "lurk moar" and not being an underage faggot.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 11/16/11(Wed)05:19 No.8112653
    What do you spam now (if anything)?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:19 No.8112654
    But that would denote that you actually give a fuck. Is that OK with you?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:20 No.8112656
    Pretty sure there was only one SaiGar that actually finished, and that was in 07.

    We tried to have a second in 08, but it quickly descended into a proxy-voting shitstorm and the owner did the same thing as Eksy and dropped the whole thing with a "fuck you guys" message.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:21 No.8112657
    >I spammed desu more times than I can remember on /b/ and /a/.

    So you admit you're the original cancer. Nobody but you underage autistic fags new to imageboards thought the spam was funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:21 No.8112659
    It feels weird seeing people who came here during the habbo raids called oldfags. That's when the lejuun faggotry started and made everything going downhill.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:22 No.8112661
         File1321438966.jpg-(33 KB, 500x682, reitea1.jpg)
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    Started actively browsing in 2007

    Started posting in 2010
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:23 No.8112662

    I don't give a fuck.


    Hey I think the DESU was pretty hilarious.

    Can you imagine /jp/ without Flanfly? Or the daily dose of chubby.jpg? It just isn't the same.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:23 No.8112664
    The first time I came to 4chan was late 2005 and the first thread I saw was about naruto cosplay. I left and didn't come back for a while.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:25 No.8112666
    That better be sarcasm or I'm going to have to tell you to get out of /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:25 No.8112668
    McRoll in 2009
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:26 No.8112669
    I feel kind of ashamed if I'm considered an oldfag by modern standards, because even if I have been here for five years I know I originally just came here for the lol so randum memes, which looking back on are mostly horrible (especially desu).
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:27 No.8112670
    Endless Eight aired in 2009 (it was a part of the bonus episodes added for the two-cour rerun), so you can check it yourself in the archive.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:27 No.8112671
    What year was Happy Negro? I kind of miss it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:29 No.8112673
    >>8112659 habbo raids... That's when the lejuun faggotry started and made everything going downhill.
    Agree completely. Around mid 2005 after the huge influx of newfags due to the habbo raids /b/ really turned into shit. Early 2006 /b/ died completely for me, far too much CP was getting posted.

    /a/ on the other hand in 2006 really came into its own, creating its own memes with discussion and not just a place to dumb OS-tan pics.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:29 No.8112674
    Just around 6 years wasted on this bullshit website. Started coming here originally for /d/ and /h/, eventually ventured into /b/, /a/, and /v/. Didn't last more than a year in /b/ before I got tired of it.

    I don't particularly want to be here for a seventh year. I'm already done with this place.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:30 No.8112676
    I don't think anyone thought it's funny.

    It did, however, piss people off, which is all that matters to some posters.
    Can you imagine /jp/ without a hourly dose of Japanese Bird? Oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:32 No.8112677
    I can remember when I started really hating memes. It was around the Hobbo raids and I saw seeing someone spam desu in WoW. I had always kept 4chan seperate from everything else, so it was very annoying to see that being spammed, and knowing where that guy was from and exactly what he was like.

    I have disliked memes and people who use them ever since. I haven't posted a reaction image since I left /a/ for /jp/ when it was created, and I have never greentexted like /a/b/v/ once. This usually leads to my posts being overlooked because they're too long and people are paranoid about being "trolled" by kopipe.

    This brings me to another thing that annoys me. What's everyone's fascination with trolling? What they're doing isn't even trolling.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:34 No.8112680
    I blame those Fate/Stay Night comics Velox did.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:37 No.8112684
    2009 for me. Prior to that I was at /v/ and when it started going downhill I hopped to /a/ to find that it was even worse, so I settled here.

    Though I originally came from Animesuki, I must have started browsing there during 2003 or so. I'm surprised it still exists to be honest, back then it had a lot more traffic and fansubbers were more strict on not fansubbing licensed titles. Nowadays everything gets subbed and tracker is much superior for fansubs.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 11/16/11(Wed)05:38 No.8112686
    >>What they're doing isn't even trolling.

    That's the whole point. They just say it's trolling so they can troll others. Similar to the whole "shitposting" meme.

    /jp/ just operates that way.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:39 No.8112687

    >brought to you by ZUN!bar, PhD, MSc, specialist and veteran in troll culture
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:39 No.8112688
    Baaaaarely an Old Fag. Late '06 here.
    Of course, I still consider myself a Newfag, and always will. All those "lurk more"s were painful, and ego-shattering.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:41 No.8112691
         File1321440063.jpg-(87 KB, 850x850, autism.jpg)
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    you posted this story before. we get it, okay? you're an oldfag and you don't like memes. guess what? there is plenty of older users who like them.

    >mfw kids don't realize greentext didn't rape their mother and it's a way to talk in second/third person.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 11/16/11(Wed)05:42 No.8112695
    Ex-troll. I was really bad when I was Anon. I mean I even cursed at people. I don't even like thinking about it now.

    Actually one of the main reasons I started using a tripcode was so I'd troll less. IMO it worked and I'm glad I did it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:43 No.8112697
    alt.kibo or fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:43 No.8112698
    '07 summer

    I was watching Lucky Star and the subbers brought it up. They were [a.f.k.] if I recall.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:44 No.8112699
    >I still consider myself a newfag
    As you should.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:45 No.8112703
    Yeah, [a.f.k.] did LS and Haruhi.
    And [Eclipse]. [Eclipse]. That's all.

    What the fuck were we thinking?
    >> *anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:46 No.8112706
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    I am not a fag, but I started browsing late 2006. Thinking about it now, /jp/ wasn't very good back then either!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:46 No.8112707
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    Funfact: Every year spent on 4chan shrinks your penis by one inch.

    So for most of you, 3 or 4 years will give you a vagina.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:47 No.8112708
    beginning of 2007
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:47 No.8112709
    I started going to /b/ in 2006 when a friend told me I could find jailbait there. I laughed at all the memes until 2007 when I realized they weren't actually that funny and stopped going to /b/ because it was full of faggots.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:47 No.8112711
    2004, came for the porn.
    I don't remember actively posting until 2005 though.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:47 No.8112712
    2005 here.

    Why must you remind me how long I've been browsing this place?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:48 No.8112714
    >I am not a fag
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:51 No.8112720
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    2006 here.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:52 No.8112722
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    A comprehensive guide.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:56 No.8112729
         File1321441014.png-(12 KB, 406x376, 1317564529983.png)
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    These imitation trollfaces are wonderful.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 11/16/11(Wed)05:57 No.8112732
    Need a /jp/ version from 2008 to 2011.

    2011 would have h0mu I guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:59 No.8112736
    I came here in 2006, but didn't start browsing regularly until 2007.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:03 No.8112742
    Don't you mean Saten?

    Wait, don't you mean genericlongblackhairedslut?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:08 No.8112749
    2003. I hate desu spam, I hate habbo raids, I hate people coming over from gaia/animesuki/ann and then posting about how they suck so they can get 4chan cred, I hate EFG and that stupid guy fawkes mask, I hate people using the terms oldfags and newfags, I hate endless summer, I hate LEIGUN, I hate rules 1&2, I hate milhouse, I hate not being able to say epic and legendary anymore, and I hate pretty much anything related to /b/ from 2005 on. It was about that time I hid in /a/ and discovered Nanoha and pretty much started seriously watching anime (as in downloading it and not just watching whatever on TV.) Also /v/.

    /v/ became pretty bad over time, and I can't stand /a/'s taste nowadays.

    /jp/ is pretty much my last refuge. As in literally the only site I regularly visit online anymore. I'll probably just quit the internet and go back to playing video games when it falls to ruin.

    I want to say I hate memes too, but the truth is I hate new memes that are bad. Too many of them are forced stupid shit people spam over and over instead of funny things and in-jokes people hooked on to. Also retarded over-detailed faces out of context of the comics they were posted in are not memes, nor are they funny to toss into other comics.

    Though I can't talk since I like going >/jp/ and those autism macros because they so accurately capture the way some people on /jp/ act. Which is my other problem with memes- in jokes are funny only in the context they were created. They are not funny to randomly shout in public or create websites about. What I hate is this generation that thinks internet is real life and serious business and not just a source of entertainment completely detached from any real relevance.

    I don't honestly know why I'm here anymore. I wish moot really HAD banned my entire isp that one time.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:11 No.8112752
         File1321441881.png-(41 KB, 355x288, autism.png)
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    /jp/ edition
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:12 No.8112755

    At least try
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:13 No.8112756

    >I hate not being able to say epic and legendary anymore
    >discovered Nanoha
    >I like going >/jp/ and those autism macros

    >/jp/ is pretty much my last refuge

    You're part of the problem, why are you on /jp/ if you're not going to contribute to danbooru imagedumps or VN discussion?

    Go to VNDB, pick out a VN that you might find interesting, acquire, read, and tell us about it. Nobody is going to give a fuck if it's babby's first VN, it's much more preferable to discuss 5 year old VN than talking about autism.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:15 No.8112760
    2008 was overfilled with 2hu-threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:18 No.8112765
    I'm just guessing because I have no sense of when all this actually happened but:

    07 - Japanese Bird
    08 - Bawwson
    09 - Katawa Shoujo
    10 - Are you frustrated?
    11 - madoka a shit

    Touhou hasn't been called 2hu since very recently.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:18 No.8112766
    I heard of 4chan at 2009. Visited the site sometimes in 2010. A regular user this year.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:18 No.8112767
    i was around sometime between 100k and 200k get on /b/. that's all i can really mark myself as.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:19 No.8112768
    I don't really know, when I first started lurking 4chan.
    At first I came for the porn. Eventually started lurking /b/.
    The earliest image I found on this computer is from 2007, but I lurked a long while before starting my 4chan folder.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:22 No.8112769
    Just out of curiosity, why do you hate rules 1 and 2? I mean obviously they're pretty moot nowadays, but they had a purpose back then, no?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:23 No.8112773

    Because he like to use the words EPIC and LEGENDARY. He probably liked to talk to his friends about how /b/ was involved in some EPIC shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:23 No.8112776
    I was here early enough to see post #1 in /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:26 No.8112779
    That's the worst list I've seen in quite a while. Japanese cooking bird wasn't posted on /a/ before /jp/ existed and it wasn't even posted regularly when /jp/ was first made.

    2hu may not have been a coined term back then, but it was called lots of other stuff like toehoe/twohu and similar names mocking it.

    The only problem /jp/ has is too many kids taking out their angst here because they get bullied at school or whatever. /jp/ wasn't made so you could complain about everything you dislike.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:28 No.8112783
    and yet that's what happens, I still vote for /jp/'s deletion, maybe all the spammers and shit will just go back to their other epic activities.

    It would have been fun if there had been some screencaps/archives from that far back. Though I doubt anyone knew it'd get so big back then.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:28 No.8112785
    I remember the single-digit million GETs in /b/. Good times. I wish I was as old as you though!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:33 No.8112794
         File1321443218.png-(18 KB, 1128x254, 2012jp.png)
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    Do you guys notice how nobody really talks about touhou anymore? Just look at the fucking catalogue:

    - 5 cirno images, none of them actually talk about cirno
    - a dozen threads pertaining to homu
    - >greentext
    - frodo5.jpg
    - random shit

    If /jp/ gets deleted we'll be talking about Touhou non-stop in /a/. It'll rekindle our interest in the rich, diverse lore Gensokyo has to offer.

    Man I miss talking about Touhou. Too bad everything has been done to death already.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:34 No.8112796
    /jp/ hasn't had actual spammers in a while. All the people complaining are the nearest thing to spammers on the board. An off-topic thread will disappear but all the kids angst and cries for attention have persisted for the last year.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:35 No.8112798
    >they had a purpose back then, no?
    Yeah, to aid in that stupid raiding spree LOL SAY WE'RE FROM EBAUMS GUISE

    4chan is not some secret club.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:36 No.8112801
    Same way no one talks about old VNs on here. Try to discuss something that's been discussed by other people and you're run off. While I don't support newfags and their inherently immature habits, stagnation is worse.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:38 No.8112805

    >Same way no one talks about old VNs on here.

    What about the non-stop frodo question threads that gets spammed here, all of which are clearly answered in F/S N?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:38 No.8112806
    You mean you'll have rich discussion on pooshlmer? They already image dump once in a while on /a/c/b/c/tg/ and other boards. The non-existent touhou discussion isn't going to magically appear on /a/. /jp/ was created because people were image dumping in 10+ threads doing touhou hijacks. There is no easy way for them to do it with captcha so they won't.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 11/16/11(Wed)06:39 No.8112807
    >>/jp/ hasn't had actual spammers in a while.

    What. Squiddy was boning /jp/ daily with JAPANESE servers, simulations, that ugly smiling dog, and PAY THE DENBS Greece until somewhat recently.

    Now he posts LotR and Frodo threads. Surely you've seen those. Although he doesn't spam those just yet. We only get a few threads a day or so.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:39 No.8112809
    Discovered 4chan 2006-2007 ish. Stayed for /a/, /b/, and porn. I remembered back when /jp/ was created, I thought to myself, "haha, what fags. what the fuck is the purpose of the damn board anyway?" The irony. Nowadays /jp/ is the only place I go to on the net.

    Oh, fuck you OP for reminding me how much time I've lost in this cesspool.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:39 No.8112810
    >While I don't support newfags and their inherently immature habits, stagnation is worse.
    I wish /jp/ was a place that created original content, but all it does is run the OC thread guys into their ghetto and hate anything that falls outside touhou and shitposting. I know this isn't /i/ or /ic/ but it'd be nice to see some support. Maybe some community made flashes or games.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:41 No.8112812

    i remember originally coming here because the 'clock crew' hated this place so much.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:42 No.8112813
    I think it was 2004, when there was a raid against Ebaums world from 4chan, Something Awful and YTMND.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:43 No.8112816

    I remember just LAST MONTH where we had Alice megathreads that lasted days. What happened to /jp/?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:43 No.8112818
    You forgot homu and raildex spam, you shitposter.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:44 No.8112819
    Since when did a couple threads qualify as spam? Are you a grandma who just discovered the internet? 3 threads you don't like doesn't qualify as spam. Stop ruining these terms which have meaning.

    The board /a/ has actual spam. There is autistic child spamming accelerator threads every 15 seconds once he comes around. Before he was bombing threads he didn't like. That's spam, grandma.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:45 No.8112821
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    That shit's actually funny though
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:45 No.8112822
    A. Site is popular; joining members balance leaving members
    > Site lives until either B or C happens
    B. Site isn't popular enough; leaving members outweigh joining members
    > Site dies slowly
    C. Site is too popular; joining members outweigh leaving members
    ->1. Servers can be maintained by owner/donations
    >-> Site becomes shithole due to dilution of tenets (see: 4chan)
    ->2. Servers cannot be maintained by owner/donations
    >-> Site dies a quick death
    ->3. Servers cannot be maintained but site is made invite-only for anyone not in the existing userbase
    >-> Site lives pretty much forever or until the owner abandons it
    >> *anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:45 No.8112823
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    He doesn't mean those threads, he means things like other boards invading /jp/ and Chie spam.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:45 No.8112824
    First lurked 2005, maybe even late 2004. First post? Probably end of 2005, I have a hard time remembering anymore, its been so long and I've changed so much since then that I don't even regard myself as being the same person when such large intervals of time are considered. At first I used to go on /s/ for 3DPD and then /b/ for entertainment (with visits to /h/, /e/, /c/, others). I was watching animu at that time as well, but I can't recall going to /a/ too much. After a while, /b/ become quite fast and high-traffic (not nearly as fast as it is today, maybe about as fast as /a/? Not that I've been on /a/ in a while now) and I decided to visit /a/, whose pacing was maybe slightly faster than /jp/ (threads could last 1/4-1/2 a day to a day at best, but hitting the bump limit wasn't that unusual). I stopped visiting most other boards frequently and mostly stayed with /a/. In the meantime, I did get involved in fansubbing and that led me to read some of the very earlier VN translations and eventually got myself involved with some projects which I'm not going to mention here as it'd just be attention-whoring. After more time than I can remember, mods were cracking down on touhou hijacks, loli manga, various off-topic discussion, VN threads and whatnot on /a/ and /a/ kept having metathreads about starting a /a/+/b/ kind of board as /b/ by that time was no longer the /b/ that used to be ("anime"-themed originally), mostly because of the heavy "censorship" that went on in /a/ (non-anime/manga-related threads, which were quite seemingly /a/-related, but not quite).
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:45 No.8112826
    Is he still doing that? I haven't seen him around recently.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:46 No.8112827
    > continued
    Not that much time after that (maybe days, or maybe a week or two, I can't recall) moot made /jp/. /jp/ in its early days was quite adventurous and was quite directionless (acording to moot's opinion at least). /jp/ did develop quite a varied culture and we had the first full archive, as well as a posting etiquette that was quite fervently defended. In the passing years, it seems spammers got more and more prevalent (especially anime screencap ones) and defying our janitor more and more. /jp/ isn't as much fun as it was originally for me, but it's still irreplaceable, so I keep on visiting it, along with one world4ch textboard that we all know about. Obviously I skipped many developements over the years, but they're in our memories and enumerating them will require having to split this post into more than 2 parts, which I don't feel like doing now.

    Let's hope /jp/ continues to live a long and prosperous life!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:49 No.8112838

    I stayed in /a/ and seldom visit /jp/, though. Just came to ask about Angel Core here >>8112820
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:52 No.8112845
    You sound incredibly bitter. 4chan was going to become shit either way, and nothing anyone could do was going to stop it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:58 No.8112857
    Around 2006 probably, my friend linked me here.
    Was mostly into raids, though that died out on /b/. Went to 420 for a bit until their /i/ got taken down, then Scientology hit and I hung up my laz0r. I lurked /m/ and /v/, though /v/ turned to shit and /m/ was pretty stale content wise. Then I started lurking /a/ around 08 and when /jp/ was created I came here.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:59 No.8112858
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    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 11/16/11(Wed)07:02 No.8112864
    >>3 threads you don't like doesn't qualify as spam. Stop ruining these terms which have meaning.

    You're actually wrong, because I never said I disliked them. Besides, you seem to be confusing spamming and flooding. So there's some irony on your second sentence there.

    A lot of the stuff Squiddy posts is funny due to the absurdity. Even the pigs spam was cute for a time.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:06 No.8112875
    A bit before 4chan's 4th birthday, so 2007?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:21 No.8112900
    Hey EFG, what's going on?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:25 No.8112908
    Right on the cusp of oldfag vs. newfag I suppose. I've always considered myself too new though. I think my earliest 4chan memory is Ecstasy aka Darks, but I was probably here before that.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:31 No.8112921
    It doesn't matter, but for what it's worth 2005.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:44 No.8112946
    You know, when I first found 4chan I didn't dare to post for a year because it was so crazy and wicked. It took me one whole year to gather up the courage and post and discuss anything.

    Ultimate beta.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:46 No.8112949
    July. Don't even.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:49 No.8112962
    I used to get so nervous. I would check the post form 10 times to make sure everything was right. The whole act would take several minutes.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:52 No.8112970
    I wish everyone would just go away.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:53 No.8112973
    When that 4chan gold membership thing
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:53 No.8112974
    I did too!

    But at that time, every thread was full of LURK MORE injonctions.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:13 No.8113009
    That's actually a good thing, I wish people would do this nowadays.
    >> 「ロリあき」 11/16/11(Wed)08:15 No.8113014
    Took me almost two years to actually post. So Omega.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:19 No.8113021
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    There was a big thing going on about a site called imagefap, and we had image macros telling you to look up "lolita". It was around 9th grade, so I want to say 05-06 range.
    I found it because i was looking for porn on, and one of the images was a demotivational with a naked 2D girl, and it had "4chan" in bold text on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:22 No.8113032
    Why is this thread here and still alive....
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:23 No.8113033
    I did that too, I don't think I posted more than 3 times the whole time I spent on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:44 No.8113068
    What if I'm just rather new to imageboards but I've been browsing the internet since around 2001?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:45 No.8113070
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    Proud Desufag here.
    Have some Desu~
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:46 No.8113073
    I got here 2 years and 363 days ago. /jp/ was my first board.
    >> 「ロリあき」 11/16/11(Wed)08:48 No.8113078
    >browsing the Internet since 2001
    Nothing to be proud of, and everything to be ashamed of.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:48 No.8113079
    Occasional 4chan visitor since 2006, regular /jp/ poster since 2010.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:50 No.8113082
    Such is the life of someone who was born in the 90s.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:51 No.8113084
    56 kbit/s modem here, you're all silly whippersnappers
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:52 No.8113085
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    Late 2003, some fag called CyberAkuma used to actually link the images from 4chan onto gamefaqs and that's how I found it. At first I just lurked and didn't really start posting on /b/ until late 2004.
    >> 「ロリあき」 11/16/11(Wed)08:53 No.8113087
    9600 baud or BUST, motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:59 No.8113095
    Even if you have discovered the internet yesterday, you can be smarter than 90% of 4chan "oldfags".

    Also, you can just read all memes on some 4chan wiki and lie that you saw the very first thread on 4chan, because nobody give a fuck what an oldfag you are.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)09:03 No.8113097
    People used to act stupid back then,
    Now they are just plain stupid.
    People used to act like a NEET and even come out with shit like TRUE NEET to make fun it.
    Now they really think it is cool to be a NEET and wear their NEET proudly.

    Which camp do you fall in?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)09:04 No.8113102
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    >that ugly smiling dog
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)09:05 No.8113106
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    fug off
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)09:05 No.8113108
    I don't even remember how I found /jp/ really.
    It was around 2005, that's all i can think of.

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