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    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320594644.png-(126 KB, 213x232, 1316957715928.png)
    126 KB Life Sentence for Possession(!) of Child Porn Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)10:50 No.8081140

    I'm not even interested in lolicon, leave along child porn, but why do I feel uncomfortable?
    Our juridical and legislative bodies are running amok.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)10:55 No.8081152
    OP, you should choose a better picture. I skipped this 3 times without reading your post.

    Funny shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)10:56 No.8081153
    >Had Mr. Vilca actually molested a child, they note, he might well have received a lighter sentence.

    So its better to rape a child than to download CP because CP may cause you to rape a child.

    I love America!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)10:57 No.8081154
    You've realised that if anyone dislikes you enough to want you to go to prison then they can, and will, send you down for a ridiculous "save the children" type law.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)10:57 No.8081160
    dats ridacoloos
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)10:58 No.8081162
    >454 counts of possession, each count representing one image found on the computer.

    Ohh shit, I would be in prison long enough to see the sun explode. This guy was a lightweight.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)10:58 No.8081163
    Wow American laws at its finest.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)10:59 No.8081166
    Lucky me, I'm only into the hag toohoos.
    >> nght_of !kNGhTSucXc 11/06/11(Sun)11:00 No.8081169
    >he sentenced Daniel Enrique Guevara Vilca, a 26-year-old stockroom worker whose home computer was found to contain hundreds of pornographic images of children, to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

    Hahahaha oh wow.
    Rich people>Normal people>outsiders>Murderers/robbers/drug dealers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>People who dowloaded CP.
    Even criminals think you are scum if you dealt somehow with cp.

    Glad I don't live there.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:01 No.8081171
    >Even criminals think you are scum if you dealt somehow with cp.

    I could post that shot from "Welcome to the NHK!", but you probably know it, and I can't find the image at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:03 No.8081173
    >Rich people>Normal people>outsiders>Murderers/robbers/drug dealers> Child Molesters>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>>>People who dowloaded CP.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:03 No.8081174
    don't worry, he won't be in prison long before he is gang raped, infected with hiv, and eventually murdered

    >> wtH !!geIKdOh6/lP 11/06/11(Sun)11:04 No.8081178
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    >> anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:08 No.8081185
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    Fucking America.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:10 No.8081189
    I can't wait to live under the enlightened Sharia laws where I can even marry toddlers.
    Fuck Yeah Islam!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:11 No.8081191
    That's the other extreme.

    God damn it, people, be sane for fuck's sake!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:13 No.8081198
    You can move to Mississipi. Not toddlers, but close enough:
    > Mississippi is one of the few states that require parental consent for either the bride or groom who is under the age of 21. One seemingly out of date law requires that the groom be at a minimum of age 17 and that the bride be at least the age 15 to marry in the state.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:18 No.8081216
    >close enough
    Get out of /jp/.
    Most of the world has AoC lower than that, it's only a few messed up puritans who set their at 18.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:22 No.8081229
    But in America, lolicon is legal. Enjoy your jail yurop
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:29 No.8081233
    Even with all these harsh laws, they'd still need a reason to look into your computer files.

    What kind of action would get you on that situation other than your neighbor reporting you for lasciviously staring children at the park?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:30 No.8081235
    The little boys that I invite in my house to play Xbox with.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:30 No.8081238
    Maybe you should stop that
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:31 No.8081241
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    Disproportionate punishments aren't new. It's quite sad.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:32 No.8081243
    This is what I've been thinking about all this loli ban hullabaloo. Why would someone come busting in and stare on the average anons hard drive? I don't think people even know we're alive anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:35 No.8081248
    But it feels so good.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:35 No.8081249
    Might as well kill them and eat them too while you are at it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:36 No.8081250
    You know, like, the governments pressure 4chan/danbooru/gelbooru/exhentai whatever to give them your IPs and everyone who looked at a loli thumbnail is getting arrested and gets the life sentence.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:37 No.8081255
    Robbery is a worse crime than fraud. Those are fine sentences.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:40 No.8081261
    This seems a bit harsh for the black guy, but he was homeless and desperate. Guess he'll be safer in a cell with free food, baths and television.

    Probably when Sony had won the fight against piracy we'll get hard drive check ups on anyone using a proxy.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:41 No.8081263
    >Robbery is a worse crime than fraud.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:44 No.8081272
    >The 40 month sentence [...] is slightly less than the six year term sought by federal prosecutors.

    That's sarcasm, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:44 No.8081274

    AoC in the United States was actually 10 before the rural protestants got their hooks into it.... You know, the same evangelical assholes that thought prohibition was a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:47 No.8081280

    Passphrase-based encryption?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:50 No.8081294
    you can now be jailed for contempt of court by refusing to provide your encryption password
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:50 No.8081295
    you're an idiot. first of all...
    >homeless man
    >sentenced to all expense paid motel
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:50 No.8081297
    I thought pedos were kept away from regular inmates, unless you're in South America or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:52 No.8081303
    Nope. You can't be forced to disclose evidence which might incriminate you (in the US, and pretty much everywhere else).

    If the prosecutor can't make his case without you, you are "not guilty".
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:54 No.8081309
    i realize that, but that doesn't discount the fact that it has happened a number of times in the united states.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)11:55 No.8081313
    Oh, except if you are a terrorist suspect.

    In which case you aren't a human with rights anymore, but a meat bag that gets bashed until it cracks open.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:01 No.8081328
    Well see >>8081313 >>8081309 and >>8081303 but you can also go with hidden partitions. Failing that I'd rather go to jail for that than for copyright infringement.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:02 No.8081331
    Robbery is worse than fraud but only if the money stolen is close to the amount that is stolen by fraud (or more money stolen)
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:08 No.8081352
    Actually fraud is WORSE than robbery. Fraud is insidious, subtle, rampant and long-lasting. What is more important : sometimes fraud is legal.

    We're living in an age where we don't have to fear the ones with physical powers as much as in the past. But criminals evolve, in order to better adapt. Fraud is the evolved version of robbery.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:09 No.8081355
    A simple google search tells me that the CEO was one of six who testified against the mastermind, who got 30 years in prison. Not only that, but the fraud was already in progress before he even got involved.

    You can't really just compare the money stolen, either--you have to consider all of the factors. This hobo could have had a past criminal record. Maybe the bank teller now wants to quit her job out of fear. Putting someone in genuine fear for their life is a serious crime.

    Sure, you can think one sentence is too high and the other too low. But all things considered, they aren't unreasonable.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:10 No.8081360
    Awesome, I need to start planting CP in everyone's PCs.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:11 No.8081367
    Y'know what? You're right. No sarcasm intended.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:14 No.8081374
    Just because you think it's worse, doesn't mean it is.

    Robbery involves a direct threat to life. Fraud doesn't. End of story.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:21 No.8081382
    Fraud of that magnitude can degrade a lot of people's lives, not just a couple.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:22 No.8081390

    Not all robbery is armed robbery. If you break into someone's vacation home and steal their TV, it's not exactly a threat to anyone's life.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:24 No.8081391
    but then it wouldn't be robbery, it would be burglary. the definition of robbery requires a direct threat to the victim.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:25 No.8081399

    Then why do people say "I've been robbed? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say "I've been burgled"?

    Language is weird.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:26 No.8081403
    Because "I've been burgled" sounds funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:27 No.8081406
    This line irked me
    > Putting someone in genuine fear for their life is a serious crime
    No shut your fucking trap. This is nothing more than seeing a horror movie. The guy did not even have a gun. And if this shit scared her then boo fucking hoo welcome to reality - you are living in a place where fatsos believe it's their god-given right to carry a gun. See how your logic is retarded right there, does she know where she is living ? This is so educational she should even thank the guy. And what did he do in the end ? He said he was homeless and poor. Must have been a great source of trauma, eh ?

    What this boils down to is that the US is a land where people are punished for committing imaginary crimes, thoughtcrime, crimes nobody's ever heard of, crimes that never took place and wouldn't have anyway ... Do these draconian policies reduce crimes and how do we prove it ? Politicians must thank god sociology isn't a science.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:27 No.8081410
    People use words loosely damnit. I'll be getting back to my Touhou doujins now.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:28 No.8081415
    What this ultimately boils down to is "make poorer." All those people have lost are money. That can be replaced.

    In the eyes of the court, a robbery is a formal declaration made by the criminal that says "If I don't get my money, I'm going to fucking kill this bitch."

    The number and extent of damages for fraud needs to be much, much higher than that of robbery, for it to even begin to match the sentences given for robbery. If I held a gun to someone's head and stole a quarter, I could easily get more than 10 years or more in prison.

    A common misconception. What you've described is burglary.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:28 No.8081416

    But isn't that mugging? How is mugging different from armed robbery and just plain old robbery without the armed part?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:30 No.8081424
    With mugging aren't you just beating the shit out of the person and then taking their stuff afterwards?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:32 No.8081429
    mugging refers only to street robbery
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:34 No.8081433
    amen /b/rutha fkk ameriKKKa amirite xDD

    Stop lowering the IQ of this board, you stupid yuropoor.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:35 No.8081438
    > sociology isn't a science.
    But it is...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:37 No.8081439

    It's probably the softest of the soft sciences, and makes psychologists weep for lack of concrete theory, but it is a science nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:38 No.8081440
    How many people check their PCs to see if somebody puts something like CP in them?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:39 No.8081443
    Why would anyone be using my computer without my supervision?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:40 No.8081444

    Fascinating stuff. These stupid legal issue threads always end up being educational in some way.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:40 No.8081447
    Why would anyone else be on my pc?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:40 No.8081448
    You see the global warming debacle in the US ?

    Now imagine a science that is much softer, and in which there is much much more politics involved.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:42 No.8081451

    Soft science isn't science if you ask me. They tend to drift into pseudoscience far too easily, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:43 No.8081455
    [ ] Security hole of the day
    [ ] SSH
    [ ] Yukari is fooling around again

    Pick one?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:46 No.8081460
    I'm traveling to USA next month and I'll bring my laptop with me. Is there a chance I may be asked at the airport to turn it on and give the password so its contets may be browsed?

    That'll be troublesome...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:47 No.8081466

    >You see the global warming debacle in the US ?

    Terrible example, as most of the vocal deniers you hear about are bible thumping idiots who also think the Evolution is false and the Earth is only 6,000 years old. If they don't understand even the most basic ideas of science, how the fuck does anyone expect them to be right about climate change?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:50 No.8081473

    I'd say it's more than a chance... it's likely.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:51 No.8081475
    > The judge argued that since the content had already been seen by the customs agents, Boucher's encryption password "adds little or nothing to the sum total of the Government's information about the existence and location of files that may contain incriminating information."

    From what I understand, this means they still can't ask you to provide your key if it incriminates you further than what has already been established for the charge.

    >The Government has submitted that it can link Boucher with the files on his computer without making use of his production of an unencrypted version of the Z drive, and that it will not use his act of production as evidence of authentication
    ...which begs the question of why they would ask for it in the first place.

    Seems pretty inconsequential to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:52 No.8081479
    Dunno what it's like in the U.S. I didn't get any random computer searching when I went to places in Europe and Asia recently. If you're worried, secure erase your laptop and stuff, don't take anything with you that you don't want to show off, and encrypt it. Good precaution anyway in case it gets stolen.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:55 No.8081483
    >Paul Cassell, a former federal judge who is now a law professor at the University of Utah, said there was no question that “consumers of child pornography drive the market for the production of child pornography, and without people to consume this stuff there wouldn’t be nearly as many children being sexually abused.”
    Rrrright, because they molest their daughters because they just want to take pictures, not because they are pedos.
    Not to mention that most commercial cp, which actually supports the market, is made without any abuse and often with payment and consent of all parties.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:55 No.8081484
    This is very relevant to my interest as well. But as far as I know they don't search everyone. Just whoever has a name on their list or an officer believes to be a terrorist. How deep they search is another matter entirely.

    But of course REAL terrorists don't bring confidential shit to an airport. They store their stuff somewhere on darknet or places no one could search. So it's just another case of the US being awesomely retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)12:59 No.8081493
    You'd surprised how often retarded wannabe terrorists plan their shit in social networks and get caught.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:00 No.8081494
    I have everything backed up anyway. Still, guess I'll delete everything from the hard drive, leave the battery to run out and hide the charger in a different suitcase.

    I've heard they strip you naked on the airports, so I don't want to risk it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:02 No.8081504

    I fucking hate that argument so much, mostly because it's an out-of-sight out-of-mind mentality... Even if you removed all the CP from the internet, you wouldn't be doing a damn thing for the kids that get continually porked at home, church, school, or anywhere else.

    Here's an idea! Maybe if they actually went after the real offenders more aggressively, the amount of available CP would decrease and less people would be downloading it intentionally or by mistake.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:05 No.8081508
    zip, upload to the internet, cross border, download.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:06 No.8081511
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:10 No.8081523
    Better to use OpenVPN or something on a home server. And secure erase it before leaving.

    Making it inconvenient for them is a good idea too.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:11 No.8081530

    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:24 No.8081552
    Rich people>Normal people>outsiders>Murderers/robbers/drug dealers> Child Molesters>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>>>Mexicans.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:33 No.8081569

    How dark is your skin and from which country do you come from ?

    I'm in the same boat as you, but if you have a a skin tone that is more darker than a light tan and you come from a country that US thinks it's shithole I'd guess the search is a given.

    I have a travel to US scheduled to this december, I'd bring my laptop with me if I wasn't planning to get a new one once I arrive US.

    It doesn't help I'm from the HUEHUEHUE land, but at least if things don't go your way there is a lot of shenanigans you can pull to get your ass off the line.

    For one you can evoke the fifth, "forget" your password, hide your main partition either using separate accounts or use Truecrypt partitions.

    But at least keep a smile and a poker face, if they see you are getting desperate they will get over your head like flies get over shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:42 No.8081582
    if you're really worried about that you can try to make a bootable usb drive with a clean os on in, just set your laptop to boot from the usb and not mount your laptops hard drive
    I've never tried doing this so this is all in theory
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:47 No.8081595

    If you gibe moni everything will be a-ok.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:47 No.8081597
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    >15 years for stealing $100
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:48 No.8081598
    >Man rapes 12 year old girl

    Ripped apart and eviscerated by society. Throw him and jail forever and let him get shanked.

    >Man rapes 21 year old woman

    She shouldn't have dressed provocatively. The guy made a mistake, don't ruin his life!

    The double standard is baffling.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:48 No.8081602
    that feel when in germany you only get fined and have to go to a therapist for CP
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:50 No.8081604
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:53 No.8081612
    I don't think the idea that reducing or eliminating the market for child pornography may reduce the number of people who resort to child pornography as a desperate attempt for money is necessarily wrong.

    I don't think it will solve the root problem either, I'm just saying that it's likely that such a correlation does exist. I don't think the problem of CP is "solveable." That being said, I don't agree with punishing someone for the possession of an image either.

    The real problem I have with his argument is that he is suggesting punishing people who aren't really guilty of an actual offense against a person should/can be punished severely in order to reach a related goal, or rather, that the effects of a punishment on areas not related to the offense itself justify the severity of the punishment. That these people shouldn't be awarded long punishments because what they've done is terrible, but because doing so can be used as a means to an end(to stifle a market). It's awfully Machiavellian, but perhaps it's been done in law for a long time and I'm just ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:54 No.8081614
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    >“To me, a failure to distinguish between people who look at these dirty pictures and people who commit contact offenses lacks the nuance and proportionality I think our law demands,” said Douglas Berman, a law professor at Ohio State University.

    Applaud this man.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:57 No.8081621
    >It's awfully Machiavellian, but perhaps it's been done in law for a long time and I'm just ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:59 No.8081624
    >>Man rapes 21 year old woman

    >She shouldn't have dressed provocatively. The guy made a mistake, don't ruin his life!
    No one thinks like that except for the degenerates that frequent this board.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)13:59 No.8081626
    >The real problem I have with his argument is that he is suggesting that people who aren't really guilty of an actual offense against a person should/can be punished severely
    fixed, sorry
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:00 No.8081628
    Just say it belongs to a friend in another country and that you're holding onto it for him, and thus you don't know the password.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:01 No.8081631
    >aren't really guilty of an actual offense against a person
    Haven't you read the article? They really think that
    >“Too many people just look at this as a victimless crime, and that’s not true,” he said. “These children are victimized, and when the images are shown over and over again, they’re victimized over and over again.”
    So looking at cp = raping children.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:03 No.8081635
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    >Consuming the product of a crime carries more weight than the crime itself.

    Holy shit, Americans, this is retarded.

    Lets run with that logic. Child labor is bad. Sweatshops that exploit children, poison the earth and the child workers that work there produce a lot of the commodities we use here in the US. According to the logic behind this law every single American should be thrown in jail for supporting an industry that exploits the workers (including child workers) and other shit.

    I compare child labor and child pornography because it exploits children and causes irreparable harm to them. But one is allowed and the other is not despite both being horrible. The hypocrisy is disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:07 No.8081643
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    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:08 No.8081648
    You've got an excellent point right there. I think child labor traumatizes and ruins the live of a child just as much as telling her to suck your cock, dude.
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 11/06/11(Sun)14:09 No.8081650
    Americans think seeing a bare tit after the age of three is more scarring than being exposed to domestic violence for years. Blame the feminist and religious propaganda that has turned sex into an attack on the female rather than simply something two equal people do.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:12 No.8081655
    No, I admittedly only read the quote, but I was writing under the assumption that it is more or less logically demonstrable that there is no real/direct offense being committed regardless of his fantasies of psychic projection or personal opinion on the "meaning" of an action.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:12 No.8081658
    >Americans think
    Hahaha, no.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:15 No.8081663
    >According to the logic behind this law every single American should be thrown in jail for supporting an industry that exploits the workers (including child workers) and other shit.
    But, you must understand; that would be very inconvenient.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:20 No.8081677

    As do I, but honestly it's common sense.


    Stifling the market may reduce commercial pornography, but I seriously doubt it will stop sexual abuse of regular kids.

    In any case, in order to make a sound decision, I would need to see empirically derived, peer-reviewed evidence that directly and accurately shows viewers driving producers in the real world.
    If there's no money exchanged for goods, and if we're not talking about a closed trading ring where genuine contact abuse is likely to be taking place on all sides, then I don't see a link.
    Average child abusers would likely continue raping their family members, neighbors, etc. regardless of whether or not someone on the internet wants to watch. You might even be able to make the argument that the viewing market makes it easier to catch the producers... If they stopped uploading things to the internet and did everything 100% behind closed doors, then the only way to catch them is through community interactions.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:22 No.8081683
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    Has anyone tried rehabilitating and resocializing some of these people instead of just locking them up in our bloated prison and throwing away the key?

    Yeah, sometimes even worse. A lot of these kids are dying solely because of disease caused by toxic pollutants, and harsh working conditions.

    If I had to choose between sucking cock and having my pictures on the net and working 13 hour work days in a factory that'll give me lead poisoning, I'd choose sucking cock.

    Not trying to argue that because one problem of child exploitation exists it validates the other form of child exploitation. I'm just saying that we have to be consistent and logical when it comes to our laws.

    I agree with you a bit. I do blame protestants for this warped view on human sexuality. But sex and marriage were forms of female domination, at least from what I know about American culture and my own.

    Males dominating women in sex = normal
    Females dominating men in sex = Fetish.
    Men and Women having sex as equals = Holyshit batman.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:23 No.8081685
    >rather than simply something two equal people do.
    Gotta resist. Gotta resist. Gotta resist.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:29 No.8081689


    You know as well as I do that most people from the United States completely fail at logic and reason.
    >> gensokyo_gal_97 !nLH26A83Ug 11/06/11(Sun)14:30 No.8081692
    >guy collects child pornography
    >gets sent to prison for collecting child pornography

    I don't see the problem?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:30 No.8081694
    The fact that they get paid for producing CP alone would make it very difficult to get anyone to side with your opinion, as that is a producer-consumer relationship. Not that I disagree with what you are saying.

    On a possibly related note, I'm curious as to where the newer systems of pay-per-download may end up. These days, even if you download something for free you can be legitimately supporting something.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:32 No.8081699
    Put on some glasses
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 11/06/11(Sun)14:34 No.8081703
    The problem is...
    >Guy kills someone, gets 50 years, serves 20 of them.
    >Guy rapes a 6 year old child 454 times, has several previous offenses, gets 20 years
    >Guy has 454 pictures of 6 year old child getting raped, has no previous offenses, shows no signs of actually harming a child in the future, gets life in prison with no parole.
    >> gensokyo_gal_97 !nLH26A83Ug 11/06/11(Sun)14:36 No.8081705
    Breaking and entering is legally considered a deadly threat.
    >> gensokyo_gal_97 !nLH26A83Ug 11/06/11(Sun)14:37 No.8081707
    So really the problem isn't that one guy is getting too harsh a punishment, it's that the other two aren't getting harsh enough punishment.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:38 No.8081710

    Maybe you didn't understand what I was getting at. If money is exchanged, then yes there's a direct link driving production and abuse.
    I was more or less talking about Joe Schmo in a shed with a digital camera diddling the neighbor's daughter. Joe the molester will continue doing what he does even if no one happens across the images he stuck on his freenet page or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:38 No.8081711
    >The fact that they get paid for producing CP alone would make it very difficult to get anyone to side with your opinion, as that is a producer-consumer relationship.
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 11/06/11(Sun)14:39 No.8081713
    Sure, if you want to lock up more people for even longer. I mean, we have plenty of room in those prisons, right next to the millions of people arrested for smoking pot.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:40 No.8081715
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    >But a growing body of scientific research shows that this is not the case, he said. Many passive viewers of child pornography never molest children, and not all child molesters have a penchant for pornography.

    >“Daniel had nothing to do with the original victimization of these people; there is no evidence that he’s ever touched anybody improperly, adult or minor; and life in prison for looking at images, even child images, is beyond comprehension,” he said.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:42 No.8081722

    Yep, it's fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:44 No.8081726
    sup pedophiles

    creep out any middle school girls today or were you too busy watching your waifu cartoons?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:46 No.8081730

    Can't have an intellectual conversation about a controversial topic? What a shame.
    >> 「ロリあき」 11/06/11(Sun)14:46 No.8081732
    And prison is probably the WORST place to be for a pedo. You're surrounded by violent offenders who want you dead 24/7
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:47 No.8081733
    I raped about 50 school girls while looking through my nude girls folder.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:48 No.8081735

    >we have plenty of room in those prisons, right next to the millions of people arrested for smoking pot.

    Yeah bro, prisons are like hammerspace. We'll never run out of room.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:50 No.8081739

    I can do you one better there... Just head on over to gelbooru and you can rape hundreds of them just by looking at fictional drawings.
    >> 「ロリあき」 11/06/11(Sun)14:52 No.8081746
    I have not thought about that term in more than a decade....
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)14:52 No.8081747
    And people ask me why I have no faith in humanity and society.

    Because no matter how much good a person can contribute, there's always many more retards to render it moot.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:03 No.8081764
    No, we are simply not talking about the same thing. I never meant to touch on the subject individual actions and I don't see how that's related to reducing the overall incidence of child abuse as it relates to the production of child pornography. If it's reduced, that's of value regardless of whether individuals still violate their children(note that I do not agree with his means), and that's what the person was proposing according to my interpretation of the quote.

    Sorry if I'm simply not seeing something here, but I'm wasting too much time so I'm getting out of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:05 No.8081765
    Oh for fucks sake, I get on 4chan to forget about the world I have so much issues with, and I see a thread reminding me of those very issues. Why would you do that?

    And yes, all this is fucking retarded, like a lot of other US (hell, everywhere really) laws or lack of laws. You shouldn't be surprised.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:06 No.8081767
    Also, note that I'm saying this under the assumption that while it is true that individual actions do account for an amount(or majority) of CP on the web, there are still those who are making commercial profits.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:06 No.8081769
    It costs millions of dollars to keep a person in prison for life.

    For that much money, you could get dozens of women out of sexual slavery.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:17 No.8081783
    The main difference between justice and vengeance is that one actually solved problems, the other just seeks to make an example of those who cause them. The American "justice" system has always been the latter.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:34 No.8081813
    I'd just have to ask. For your average anon who collects loli images, is there any reason to worry?
    I mean there wouldn't be any reason to search his computer, and as of yet that seems like the only way to get caught. Unless they trace your IP and whatnot but that seems a bit unlikely, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:38 No.8081824
    >“Too many people just look at this as a victimless crime, and that’s not true,” he said. “These children are victimized, and when the images are shown over and over again, they’re victimized over and over again.”

    What in bloody earth am I reading? This is throwing the book no matter how you look at it
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 11/06/11(Sun)15:38 No.8081826
    In the U.S.? No. At least not until we elect a crazy bitch like Bachmann.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:42 No.8081834
    >leave along
    i bet you like to say "should of" too, you illertate peze of shat
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:42 No.8081836
    Loli is legal in merrika as long as you aren't retarded enough to ship it across state lines. And even then, it is an obscenity charge and not a CP charge.

    Loli can be used as reasonable cause to obtain a warrant to search your hard drive, however.

    Alternatively, this:
    It seems like a fine way to score brownie points.

    Doctored images that look like CP are actually legal in my shitty subtropical state. All 3D porn would be considered a capital offense if I was a tyrannical leader.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:53 No.8081880
    I guess i should have clarified. I'm in Sweden thinking about moving to the UK. It's illegal in both countries.

    Thanks for answering.
    >> Gratuitous 11/06/11(Sun)15:55 No.8081886
    (cherry-picked or otherwise fake "news" and shitty "views")
    (america-bashing, specifically)
    (yay, /b/ is for /b/ullshit!)

    Any of these three would be a better place for this than /jp/
    And yes, they post both illegal cp and perfectly-legal lolicon images on /b/ constantly, more than on /jp/, so don't even bother trotting out that whole bogus line of argument.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)15:57 No.8081892
    You must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:00 No.8081904
    So we were all having a good time, see? And then this prick has to come in and say something rude!
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 11/06/11(Sun)16:00 No.8081905
    This is the directionless pedo board. Pedos in the news are much more related to the board than idol shit or metathreads or that horseshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:02 No.8081915
    Don't worry guys, he'll serve two days before he's released to the morgue after the other prisoners find out he wants to diddle kids.

    Probably the only good thing those prisoners do.
    Too bad most of the kid diddlers end up in protective custody, but that's usually when a riot breaks out and that area of the prison is broken into.
    Then you have pieces of kid diddlers hanging from the swing sets.

    Now if his shit was lolicon...
    What the hell man?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:03 No.8081918
    It's not a double standard, retard. An old female already knows what she's doing, a young girl doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:07 No.8081929
    I'm glad the sentence is spurring academic debate.
    I'd also say this thread was highly educational with good points well articulated by multiple people. It's always nice to see healthy discussion, but I think this topic has run its course.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:16 No.8081944

    Does downloading a few CP images out of curiosity or having them in your browser cache from /b/ mean you want to diddle kids? Shit, I've been known to watch women get their brains fuck out by dogs, but that doesn't mean I want a knot in my ass.


    >a young girl doesn't

    Depends on your definition... If we're talking about a 6 year old, then I would fully agree with you. A 12 year old on the other hand? I have a hard time believing they're completely unaware of sex, especially in today's day and age. I know my older sister was fully aware at that age... sweet Jesus I was her own personal dildo.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:21 No.8081966
    Meanwhile the Penn State assistant coach will get 3 days for fucking 8 underage kids.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:22 No.8081969
    While I don't completely agree that a 12 year old girl fully knows what she's doing with her body when it comes to sexual acts, I would also say that a 21 year old woman is just as immature as a 12 year old girl anyway, so what is the difference normal people perceive here? Believing lies that say being older means you're more mature?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:25 No.8081979
    >Sweatshops that exploit children
    I hope you know that is the children their only hope.
    They might go into prostitution instead.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:28 No.8081984
    the guy in question is going to appeal, as he should

    here is what Sandusky, the Penn State guy, is facing for fucking kids around the age of 11

    >They include seven counts of first-degree involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, all of which are punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a $25,000 fine, according to Pennsylvania State Attorney General Linda Kelly.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:30 No.8081992
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:31 No.8081995

    Yep, as >>8081683 said:

    >If I had to choose between sucking cock and having my pictures on the net and working 13 hour work days in a factory that'll give me lead poisoning, I'd choose sucking cock.

    I think most people would.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:32 No.8081998
    I love the black and white law.

    "Involuntary". A 17 year old slut could get a guy charged with rape because she isn't legally capable of saying "yes"
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:35 No.8082005
    Someone really believe that shit?

    That's like saying wars are okay because otherwise you'd have thousands of murderous gun lovers around your cities that might become criminals at a given time.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:36 No.8082006
    >A 2005 article in the Christian Science Monitor states, "For example, in Honduras, the site of the infamous Kathy Lee Gifford sweatshop scandal, the average apparel worker earns $13.10 per day, yet 44 percent of the country's population lives on less than $2 per day... In Cambodia, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Honduras, the average wage paid by a firm accused of being a sweatshop is more than double the average income in that country's economy."

    Only a small amount of sweatshops will cause you lead poisoning.
    On the other hand, would you enjoy aids or syphillis?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:39 No.8082016
    (sweatshop critics) say that we shouldn't buy from countries like Vietnam because of its labor standards, they've got it all wrong. They're saying: "Look, you are too poor to trade with us. And that means that we won't trade with you. We won't buy your goods until you're as rich as we are." That's totally backwards. These countries won't get rich without being able to export goods.

    When asked about the working condition in sweatshops, proponents say that although wages and working conditions may appear inferior by the standards of developed nations, they are actually improvements over what the people in developing countries had before. It is said that if jobs in such factories did not improve their workers' standard of living, those workers would not have taken the jobs when they appeared. It is also often pointed out that, unlike in the industrialized world, the sweatshops are not replacing high-paying jobs. Rather, sweatshops offer an improvement over subsistence farming and other back-breaking tasks, or even prostitution, trash picking, or starvation by unemployment.

    They don't have the money for luxury.(yet)
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:40 No.8082023
         File1320615645.png-(88 KB, 671x600, 671px-Percentage_living_on_les(...).png)
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    While East Asia has embraced large numbers of sweatshops, sub-Saharan Africa has not. This graph shows that the percentage of the population living on less than $1 per day (adjusted for inflation) has fallen substantially in East Asia, while remaining relatively unchanged in sub-Saharan Africa. The graph shows the 1981-2001 period.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:41 No.8082025

    I enjoy me some aids and syphillis with tea and scones.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:42 No.8082027
    I'd love to see the face of the inspectors when they check a guys computer and find a massive folder with drawn lolis, and next to it a 5 gigs folder of 3D porn with only granny milf porn. I wonder what they'd be thinking?
    >> 「ロリあき」 11/06/11(Sun)16:42 No.8082028
    I love how smoothly we switched conversation from one type of child exploitation to another.
    Not complaining.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:44 No.8082030
    So you actually believe that poor countries can actually become rich and aren't forced to remain poor to serve the needs of first world through various means, huh.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:44 No.8082032
    Now some Mises, just because.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:47 No.8082037
    Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong.
    And giving loans to countries forcing them into an endless debt isn't what I support.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:49 No.8082042

    I'd do that just to fuck with them.


    I can't make these xbox controllers fast enough, and I passed up on the sucking cock option. I guess my only chose now is death.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:50 No.8082043
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:51 No.8082045

    God damn. The point of the article was that the judge was compassionate enough to sentence the homeless man to an all expenses paid detox center for 15 years.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:54 No.8082055

    Was meant to be for humor value only.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:54 No.8082056
    I once worked in an industrial job and at least 70% of the guys out there believed this. All they ever talked about was women getting put in their place. It was 80 hour work weeks, but they'd spend at least 40 hours a week bitching about women. It was like /r9k/, except more violent and drunk.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:54 No.8082057
    > if jobs in such factories did not improve their workers' standard of living, those workers would not have taken the jobs when they appeared

    So I take it you don't even know how industrialization came to be?
    Farmers had to be forced out of the country into the city by seizing their lands through various means. Then they were "given the choice" to work on factories.

    Having a job is certainly an improvement over being homeless, but it's in no way the godsend light as the Jews want you to believe.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:54 No.8082058
    It's funny because the whopping 36 images of 3D porn I have are all about nasty looking Japanese milfs. But I guess masturbating to cartoons makes me a future pedophile.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:55 No.8082060
    Oh, ok.
    Now I have a little smile.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:57 No.8082064
    And people ask why I encrypt all my lolies.

    I don't even know why I have a loli collection. I always just fap to something on the internet anyway.
    >> 「ロリあき」 11/06/11(Sun)16:59 No.8082067
    >an improvement
    It's a give and take, actually.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)16:59 No.8082069
    I don't know about you, but I have a personal paranoia of the end of the internet (as we know it). So I save all sorts of things so I don't go out of my head from boredom.

    Its also useful for when we get lapses in internet connection or worse when I have to move out and can't afford internet
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:21 No.8082114
    I agree, this is really unfair and preposterous. He should have been hanged.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:23 No.8082116

    What is a "future pedophile"? Did you mean child molester? Big difference.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:24 No.8082118
    One main question is "How did they found him?"

    He said he didn't know about them, maybe he just browsed b a couple of time and didn't clean the temporary files.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:25 No.8082123
    Most times its honeypots probably. or stinger chats
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:28 No.8082133
    How do you avoid those?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:30 No.8082138
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    >"That's fucking crazy, good thing I don't live i-"
    >I live in Florida
    >my collection is larger than the guy from OP's post by several orders of magnitude.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:31 No.8082145
    Fucked if I know, I don't personally like the stuff. I'm sure most of it is just common sense like not grabbing the link dumps from /b/ and shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:31 No.8082147
    Get your cp from reliable and most anonymous sources.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:32 No.8082149
    Source for statistics?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:34 No.8082155
    What do you kind of people collect for? I don't look at all my (legal) porn, and don't even remember all the mangas I have. You can't possibly look at every image or whatever in your collection. Hell, I usually fap and delete if I even bother downloading the manga to begin with. I can't imagine you illegalites would be any different.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:35 No.8082159
    Shut up or they'll make all porn with actresses below 21 illegal.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:36 No.8082162
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:37 No.8082163
         File1320619030.jpg-(85 KB, 1033x291, report all pedo threads 4chan (...).jpg)
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    And then you post about it on 4chan....

    Pic is a screencap from #4chan IRC.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:42 No.8082170
    Not him, but I don't save every picture I see, only those that I like, so I've probably fapped to every picture I have at least once. Though it's true that there are maybe only a few dozens of favorites that I'd miss if I just delete everything now.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:48 No.8082178
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:55 No.8082189
    People post it from behind 7 proxies anyway and many aren't even americans to be bother by fbi.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)17:59 No.8082195
    Considering this is the age of the internet and the sheer information that is available and passed about. The system of charges by individual images is a bit if not downright outdated.

    That and arresting and throwing the book at random people isn't going to change much because the majority of child molestation occurs AT home and BY parents.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:37 No.8082259
    Only 26 years. He's still a kid himself. And they ruin his life, for what? He never harmed a single person. Sick and disgusting. Typically American.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:41 No.8082276
    but that's 50 years he could be fucking babies! He could ruin hundreds of them before we get him again!

    I'm still loving the quote in >>8081631
    I'd of course present similar analogies like games and actual murder, but knowing them, games will eventually become illegal and be charged with life for "murdering people"

    I'm going to go watch Demolition Man again.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:47 No.8082298
    Fucking bigots need to stay out of his masturbation life.

    Who cares what he faps to? It's none of their business!
    And they espessially don't need to put a spotlight on him for it. That's just plain humiliation for the sake of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:49 No.8082305
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    >Law and authority.

    We should have abolished the government while we had the chance.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:51 No.8082318

    Do you know how to use the shells?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:52 No.8082324
    >That's just plain humiliation for the sake of it.
    No it isn't, it's the start of the prosecutor's campaign for district attorney.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:55 No.8082328
    Meanwhile actual child molesters and murderers get like 10-20 years.

    God bless America.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)18:56 No.8082332

    Nice one.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:00 No.8082343
    So was it actual CP or just loli images?

    Because if it was just loli I may as well just kill myself now.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:03 No.8082361
    We should really do away with the prison system for shit like this, it's a waste to be paying for these fuckers to play videogames and fap to eroge all day in prison.

    Leave prison to the murderers and violent offenders and just fine everyone else. If their net worth makes these fines trivial to them, scale it with their net worth. Also, ship all the illegals in prison back to Mexico and the niggers to Africa. And build that fucking electrified fence already so they stop fucking up our prison stats.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:04 No.8082362

    I'm talking about the press.
    On a side note, this really is a victimless crime, like riding a bike without a helmet. Nobody was hurt or victimized by the viewing of said images; the all of the harm and victimizing was done by the person(s) taking the pictures and molesting the children. And no, I don't care what that guy said, looking at a bunch of pixels is still just looking at pixels.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:16 No.8082399
    What if they weren't molested? What if the child took the pictures and raped the man?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:17 No.8082401
    Shit I loved Kropotkin when I was in high-school and wasn't knee-deep in lolis.
    Now I know.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:17 No.8082405

    Oddly enough, they'd both go to jail.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:20 No.8082412
    Same thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:20 No.8082413
    >play videogames and fap to eroge all day
    You can do that in prison?
    Shit I was afraid for nothing.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:20 No.8082415
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:23 No.8082420
    What if a young boy raped a women and took the pictures against her will?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:24 No.8082425
    I wonder if girls who had cp made of them like 20 years ago sneeze or something every time some pedo looks at the pictures
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:27 No.8082434
    Jail time for the boy.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:28 No.8082437
    The woman has to rape the boy in front of the court. Then the judge offers a round of beer and fried chickens to everyone.
    It is stated in the book of Kings.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:28 No.8082439
    What? So if a man gets raped=jail time for man
    and if a women gets raped=no jail time?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:29 No.8082440
    girl goes to jail for producing cp
    man goes to jail for statutory rape
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:30 No.8082444
    Male sex destroys, female sex heals.
    This is what is actually politically correct.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:30 No.8082445
    I know that statutory rape is a limited liability offense, but why would the man go to jail? He was the one forced to have sex against his will.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:31 No.8082446

    There have been multiple cases already of girls taking pictures of themselves and then getting charged with production of CP.... so yes, they'd both get in trouble.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:31 No.8082450
    I took pictures of my 14 year old self when I first started visiting 4chan. The subject came up in a Tsukihime thread, and I decided it was a good idea.

    Could I face jailtime for having pictures of myself masturbating and spreading my asscheecks at that age?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:32 No.8082451
    These laws seem pretty silly,imho.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:32 No.8082453
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:33 No.8082454
         File1320626015.png-(540 KB, 565x567, dog.png)
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    >Could I face jailtime for having pictures of myself masturbating and spreading my asscheecks at that age?

    Probably not, but you should get rid of them anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:33 No.8082455
    How did that come up in a Tsukihime thread....?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:34 No.8082460
         File1320626048.jpg-(77 KB, 215x243, 1280436252651.jpg)
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    Yes, you can get jailed for showing pictures of your underage naked self.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:35 No.8082461
    Can you get jail time if they're private photos?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:36 No.8082466
    Depends on who finds them and how the pictures look.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:36 No.8082467

    May or may not be a good defense... It's his word against hers, and generally the girl is likely to win. In order for him to have any chance at all, she would have to fully admit to incapacitating and raping him, and even then I have no idea if sex with a minor against the man would be perused.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:36 No.8082468
    Yes, you still "made CP".
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:38 No.8082477
    Could I get some context on this. Why the fuck did you do it?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:39 No.8082483
    The goal of American police and courts is to get as many people into jail as possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:40 No.8082485
    Thought I could make loads of money in the future selling my own CP, with no repercussions as no one was exploited but myself. Guess not though.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:41 No.8082490

    I like the way you're thinking.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:42 No.8082495

    He's probably some kind of weird gay troll.

    Besides, who cares? You might as well ask why a girl takes pictures of her little slit with her phone and sends it to a group of boys at school.... because that's happened too, much to the detriment of the girl's life after a through (and unnecessary) legal raping...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:42 No.8082497
    It's like a game. The more money you spend on trivial shit like locking up pedophiles, the happier the people are.

    I still don't understand why pedophilia is so frowned upon. I'm underage, and I'd love to be some guy's catamite.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:43 No.8082498
    My object all sublime
    I shall achieve in time —
    To let the punishment fit the crime —
    The punishment fit the crime;
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:43 No.8082499
    Why aren't children capable of making their own decisions?

    When you turn 18 does your body magically change?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:43 No.8082500

    And spelling is hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:45 No.8082503
    And the general public can't wrap their heads around why this is a bad thing, sadly.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:52 No.8082521
    Why would you buy something illegal? Might as well pirate it.

    >Why aren't children capable of making their own decisions?

    >When you turn 18 does your body magically change?

    Why do people confuse pedophile laws with teenagers? it's a different thing to have sex with an underage than a child. Pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescents. Child molesters molest 10 year olds. Child porn is of like fucking 7 year olds, not 17 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:54 No.8082528
    >Why aren't children capable of making their own decisions?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)19:55 No.8082531
    The brain is pretty much fully developed by 13, it's just a matter of learning not to be an asshat from then on, a process that lasts a life time.
    But if my developmental psychology classes taught me anything is that if you are 13 or older you deserve all the raping you are getting and can't complain, also that chimps should be integrated in society being smarter than most kids and all.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:03 No.8082553
    >When you turn 18 does your body magically change?
    This is the key thing. 14-17 year olds are not children. There is no magical change. There is, however, a gradual change as they grow older and is why they are not considered children and thus have different laws covering them.
    >Why aren't children capable of making their own decisions?
    Because they are children. Not teens. Not adults. Idiot children. 11 year olds cannot make proper decisions. They have the brain damage.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:05 No.8082565
    And the same people who approve of this sentence are appalled at someone received the same injustice for possessing gay porn in an extreme Islamic country. It's the same thing really, a witch hunt against a sexual minority with little regard for ethics or common sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:09 No.8082578
    235 posts of discussion.

    And none of you would say a single word of this when asked in real life.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:11 No.8082582
    None of us would say this if we were the President of the United States, either, but none of us are ever going be the president, and nobody will ever ask us about this.
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 11/06/11(Sun)20:12 No.8082583
    I don't think /jp/ would say anything on any topic in real life, let alone a topic like this that would garner scorn if someone voiced any opinion other than "Yeah, those fucking pedophiles deserve to burn in hell."
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:12 No.8082585
    With people I've confirmed non-retarded yes I would. I'm not dumb enough to try to penetrate the brick wall of prejudice if there's a single dumb fuck hearing my words.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:12 No.8082586
    Of course. If someone saw us or even heard us mentioning CP they would scream PEDOPHILE and we'd be taking it up the ass in seconds.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:14 No.8082588
    Then again, they would scream PEDOPHILE if any of us was within 20 feet of a kid...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:15 No.8082593

    Bullshit... In an academic debate where this was the specific topic, I would certainly contribute.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:16 No.8082595
    "Takes one to know one" *wink*
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:16 No.8082598
    >Why do people confuse pedophile laws with teenagers? it's a different thing to have sex with an underage than a child. Pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescents. Child molesters molest 10 year olds. Child porn is of like fucking 7 year olds, not 17 year olds.
    Because according to the law, fucking a 17 year old makes you as much of a child molester as fucking a 3 year old.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:17 No.8082600
    Most laws don't work this way.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:17 No.8082601
    Who would we be asked by? Who would be talking to us? Who would value our opinion of anything?

    They probably also consider their pets to be adults(that is, no longer kittens or puppies) when they go into heat the first time while when humans go into puberty...
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:19 No.8082605
    Here in Texas, an adult having sex with a 17 year old is the same as having sex with a 6 year old, but molesting kids 5 and under is aggravated sexual assault and has a 25 year minimum sentence.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:21 No.8082610
    I think it's sixteen.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:28 No.8082621
    I think they usually let you go if the girl is underage but 16 or older. At least, that's what I saw on SVU, which is a legal documentary, for those of you who don't watch it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:37 No.8082641
    Someone sum this thread up for me? I got lolis taking dumps to fap to and my time is precious.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:37 No.8082642
    Even so, social persecution is often far worse than legal.
    Have fun getting a job when your face has been plastered all over the news as a dirty pedophile, if you're male that is.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:40 No.8082646
    If you are female pedophile you are welcomed with open arms. everyone loves female i envy them so
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:52 No.8082680
    If they're ugly, no-one likes them. It's the law of the world.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:53 No.8082685
    Pedo gets jailed for life for 3DPD CP. /jp/ cares for some reason even though they don't like 3DPD.

    Not a single shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)20:59 No.8082712
    In some parts of the world "realistic depiction" counts as cp.

    3d renders, photoshops and shit will get you most of the times, probably stuff like the virtual girls erogames could be considered the same

    From there to certain loli illustrations and manga artists who go for the realistic look and stories to get you jailed it's a short trip

    The only hope is going for the weird, surreal, really artistic, super flat stuff, with shitting dick nipples and all, so they can't say it's realistic in any way, nor that it isn't a free art expression.

    Too bad it's in the same folder with the porn.

    Jail time!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:06 No.8082734
    We don't know if he had all 3DPD. He could have like 1 or 2 pics he was actually busted on and 400 loli pics that they found in a search later on or something. We don't know.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:07 No.8082737
    I can't wait for the time when men are nowhere in sight because all of them are jailed for looking at 2D girls.

    Also, obligatory MURRKA so stupid, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:09 No.8082743

    You may find this amusing.
    >> fuck it 11/06/11(Sun)21:10 No.8082749
    It's a fundamentally unproductive intentional troll thread that would have been removed if it was bashing europe/britcom for their drawn lolicon laws.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:13 No.8082756
    So how many years will it take for the leadership of this world to pass down to the generation that understands how common sense works in the year 21th century?

    Or will it passed down to marionettes raised and molded by these same people to do their bidding and share their same ignorant opinions of these matters?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:13 No.8082761
    Back in, like, 2009, I got banned for loli on /b/ with a message that said that it was illegal where mod lived. I quickly evaded and started again, and unfortunately didn't cap it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:14 No.8082763
    Jokes on them, I'm running loveshack OS
    >> fuck it 11/06/11(Sun)21:15 No.8082765
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    Also it's of the same caliber as a certain tabloidy porn site known on here (often as "shitkaka," I'm not going to repeat their name since they don't need the free advertising)
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:17 No.8082770
    The NYT is now at the level of the weeaboo Fox News? That's like claiming that 4chan is worse than Gaia because some idiots are being asshats in #/jp/ .

    Anything you might have said is now meaningless.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:25 No.8082795
    Actually, I would tell people this in real life. I am known for being inhuman and rational. Its entirely possible that I would bring up the subject. I plan to talk about it with a friend when I visit him at work later today.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:25 No.8082796
    Wait. Can't you just say you forgot your password? It's sketchy, yes, but it's not like they can prove you wrong. How would this hold up in court?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:27 No.8082811
    Tell us what happens

    Shouldn't have to worry if it's private.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:28 No.8082816
    Maybe for bank fraud, but with pedo charges, you are guilty before you walk through the door and you can expect to be charged with breaking every law passed since 1776 and about half of the `common' laws dating back to the Romans.
    >> fuck me 11/06/11(Sun)21:31 No.8082826
    AP doesn't have coverage like threads on 4chan or that porn site, sorry.
    And no newspaper has the same focus as Artefact or 4chan trolls...speaking of which, why am I even replying? Fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:32 No.8082830
    Unless they have some sort of proof that you hard drive contains illegal pictures even if they have not seen the pictures, they cant force you to give up your passwords. If the judge did anything to the contrary then he is breaking the law and you can appeal. This is all if your lawyer isnt a dick head and doesnt actually want to lose your case.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:34 No.8082833
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    >That feel when I'm living in a free country. (hint: it's not America)
    Stay living in fear of getting arrested for something trivial, Ameribros.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:34 No.8082836
    Holy shit. That's untranscendentally awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:37 No.8082852
    Yes, but supposing a new law was passed. Supposing you're totally fucked before the law, and your last bastion was your encrypted hard drive. Could they do something to you for 'forgetting' your password?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:40 No.8082863
    Unless you obtained it by some sneakernet method (tapes, DVDs, USB drives), they really only bust you when they manage to get logs of illegal activity.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:42 No.8082869
    That's not what I want to know, Anon!
    I direct you to this: >>8082852
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:44 No.8082875
    Wasn't this discussed not even a day ago? Something about obstruction of justice or contempt in court.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:45 No.8082877
    Hey, hey, HEY,

    I've just been burgled.Sorry I couldn't help myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:46 No.8082880
    Just what are you asking?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)21:46 No.8082881
    Would not matter in the end. The bill of rights still stands and its not about to get amended anytime soon.

    Denying you know it and saying you wont tell are the same thing. If you deny you know it, they just call you a liar anyways. No one that I know of has been charged for downloaded CP with out some evidence that CP exists on his machines. Remember, possession is 90% of the law. So long as you maintain reasonable doubt, you will get off. Also so long as your lawyer doesnt want to fuck you by giving you poor legal advice like, pleading guilty to CP possession when all you have are loli pictures, like that one guy. You would do well never to tell anyone about your CP even your lawyer, he will turn on you.

    Its always best to pledge the 5th, or forget, thats fine to but legally they are the same thing. If forgetting means you are less likely to accidentally give them incriminating information then go with it.

    It was never discussed, those morons dont even know what contempt of court means. They talk about it like the FBI can charge you with contempt for not giving up your pass.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:12 No.8082971
    To be charge with contempt and to be legal you would have had to given them information that your computer contains illegal material. The FBI cant force you to give up your passwords even if you say there is CP on them. But the Judge could use his power to confine you until you do. They would only do this if the evidence in your case was not enough to convict you and they absolutely need hard evidence. It can be used to force you to give up your passwords or to buy time for them to gather more evidence or try to brute force your hard drives. If they are pulling this card it means the trial is not in their favor and they need more time to build a stronger case. At this point your lawyer, if he is wroth a damn and is acting in your favor to get the trial back on track.

    They cant hold you in contempt indefinitely. They cant hold you in contempt for no reason, or just for suspension, legally.

    Also contempt of court isnt a verdict, you cant be jailed for 10 years for contempt. As far as I am aware you can only be held in contempt for as long as the trial is proceeding.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:15 No.8082980
    Ohh and this all only applies if they even have enough evidence for a trial. If you dont get stupid and let slip incriminating information, its likely it will never get to trial.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:17 No.8082988
    a few weeks to a month in jail is rather puny in comparison to years and a spot on the sex offender registry
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:17 No.8082993
    It used to be this way, but there was a law passed somewhat recently that makes it so that the FBI can charge you with terrorism if you refuse to release the password of encrypted material.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:18 No.8082998
    Sorry, you live in Britain? Shit sucks man.

    I ment to specify that this is how it works in America.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:19 No.8083004
    They have to have proof of the terrorism. Even then its just another stall/scare tactic.

    Proof, cant do anything with out it.
    >> 「ロリアキ」 11/06/11(Sun)22:20 No.8083005
    Let't try that again...
    In my neck of the woods, contempt of court is a crime in its own right and carries a sentence from 15 to 45 days in jail.
    >> 「ロリアキ」 11/06/11(Sun)22:23 No.8083020
    Last I checked, I'm still in the USA.
    Granted, wasn't disputing that.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:27 No.8083039
    Let me guess, you live in a place where the judges aren't elected?

    Here in Texas, there was a judge that openly told the jury that the police did not arrest innocent people(rephrased: he's guilty because the cops say so). This was found to not be misconduct in a higher court.

    I can't find a link at the moment because Google want to display the most recent news, and Austin-American Statesman has been publishing 10000 Occupy X articles an hour recently.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:28 No.8083043
    But now you are getting in to criminal contempt. Its relatively the same thing and more less the judge throwing a tantrum because you are going to get off. Contempt is actually more less a good thing if you are the accused and you didnt leave any loose ends.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:31 No.8083059
    I am not surprised he didn't get misconduct for it. Thats Texas, law in Texas is hardcore. Plus, everyone says things they dont mean accidentally. Even if he ment it, that remark isnt even enough to prevent him from getting reelected. Most people are sheep.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:32 No.8083062
    They would have mentioned it if it was 99% animu girls. Do you think the media would pass a chance like that up?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:36 No.8083075
    The article already puts the case in a light of doubt, mentioning images of a completely victimless nature would only grey it even more.
    >> 「ロリアキ」 11/06/11(Sun)22:37 No.8083076
    They're elected, but this place is rather...backwater.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:39 No.8083086
    They dont even know what anime is. They will lump it together with regular images. to them Anime and 3dpd are the same because whoever is in charge is an old fart who is out of touch with today's culture. Haveing old men run the world is bad enough because they dont know what is to be accepted and what is not.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:40 No.8083090
    >law in Texas is hardcore
    That's one way to put it. Retarded and reactionary would be another.

    Also, bump limit has been reached.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:42 No.8083096
    Yeah and both would be right. Its best not to cross the law in Texas.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:44 No.8083100
    Are you kidding me? They're required to present shit like that in police reports. Go read the police report and court transcript if you're still intent on being a panic junky.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:48 No.8083106
    I agree, those guys are just being paranoid. The media and courts would not pass up an opportunity to lump loli in with pedophilia. The story specifically states it was child porn, if you are trying to read to far in to it you are just being a "panic junky" and thats not healthy.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:49 No.8083109
    Me? Panic? Quite the opposite. What reason would the police ever feel the need to come to my place of all the people in america? I dont even go outside. Hell, I have little to no presence in the classrooms I attend to.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:51 No.8083112
    So it is required to watch every current season anime show that airs? Play all the VNs and shmups and listen to all kinds of obscure music and make pixiv and ehentai accounts and search of pictures to name a few?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:53 No.8083115
    Because you can rape 454 girls an hour by simply by using your computer. With you at your computer 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thats 152544 children you have the potential to rape in a month. You are the most dangerous person in your neighborhood. Also downloading CP supports terrorism, so you are already on the FBI's most wanted list.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:55 No.8083119
    I highly doubt that buddy.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/11(Sun)22:59 No.8083130
    our nation must come together to combat the threat of international teロリsm
    >> Anonymous 11/07/11(Mon)01:19 No.8083483
    The problem isn't old people running the world, it's idiots running the world. I mean, look at patent offices, you can fucking patent anything these days.

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