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  • File : 1318954552.jpg-(11 KB, 400x300, dawson..jpg)
    11 KB Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:15 No.8010002  
    5M~6M Get: 116 days /// Posts per minute: 5.98
    6M~7M Get: 183 days /// Posts per minute: 3.79
    7M~8M Get: 236 days /// Posts per minute: 2.94

    What happened /jp/?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:17 No.8010007
    Things got better
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:18 No.8010011
    This is great news!

    We are nearing our final goal of 1 post per week!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:18 No.8010013
    It has gotten quiet, I like to take it easy.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:19 No.8010016
    Really? It's fast as fuck around here lately.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:19 No.8010018
    people got tired of being told what they're allowed to talk about and just went other places? when the rules change depending on the janitors mood there is little reason to have discussion here.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:19 No.8010020
    Isn't 4chan in general getting slower?

    I don't visit the other boards much, so I might be completely wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:22 No.8010027
         File1318954939.jpg-(15 KB, 180x179, 50272_162165043808980_6976_n.jpg)
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    The faster a board moves the shitter it gets, because more people just means more shitposting so that people will pay attention to their stupid opinion before it's wept to page 10. It's a lot faster to slam out "lol u took him 2 da bar?|" then it is to make a post that starts or contributes to a meaningful discussion. Just look at /b/ or /v/.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:24 No.8010033
    In the 2 times I've visited /b/, I've noted that I can find a thread I make on the first page, before I couldn't

    Of course that was pre-captcha/flood-detection.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:25 No.8010038
    Its gotten fucking faster, mostly because of the shitposts. It use to be a lot slower, and if you dont like it get out. we are finally reverting back to the golden age, hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:25 No.8010039
    >Isn't 4chan in general getting slower?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:27 No.8010045
    /v/ has taken all the traffic. It's become something worse than /b/. I've noticed that /a/ and /v/ are getting worse, while the other boards are getting better.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:27 No.8010047
    >> Perrinu !BUKcYk.r.Q 10/18/11(Tue)12:28 No.8010050
         File1318955291.png-(63 KB, 800x600, population.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:29 No.8010057
    That one is sort of bittersweet, really.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:29 No.8010058
    /a/ went home
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:30 No.8010059
    Too many big fat meanies in this place.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:31 No.8010063
    /v/ always was a shithole, /a/ has changed a lot.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:31 No.8010064

    Why is /jp/ so mean and angry
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:49 No.8010072
    I guarantee that 60% of those numbers in the last 6 months have been shitposting. /jp/ is dead, all the old users have left and it is left with the fucking autistic shit circle.

    Mods did absolutely nothing, they deserve no free pass either.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:49 No.8010073
    Soon /jp/ will be like /bun/
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:49 No.8010081
    So we can get rid of the retards and also because we hace actual problems, /jp/s real userbase (not the shitposters who try to take over everyday) is nothing like the other boards. if you dont like it, leave.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:49 No.8010082
    Taking it easy can be hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:49 No.8010085
    /tg/ is getting worse too, shares too much of a crossover with /v/ after THQ has started churning out 40k games.

    Nowhere near as bad as /a/b/v/, but it's significantly worse than it used to be a few years back.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:50 No.8010092
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:50 No.8010096
    The future is a mean and angry place
    and we are in the vanguard
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:51 No.8010104
    I blame all the non-Americans for our problems on /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)12:51 No.8010106
    >worse than it used to be a few years back.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:21 No.8010110
    Fuck you American pig you fat fuck go exercise and get off the internet for 5 seconds you fucking sad excuse for a human you pig fuck

    God damn ignorant shit posting American pig
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:22 No.8010111
    Newfriends trying to imitate the /jp/ spirit without knowing why they're raging.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:22 No.8010113
    That's funny seeing how NA is the main source of aggrevation pretty much in everything that concerns the world as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:23 No.8010118
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:23 No.8010122
    excuse me sir, but we are all trying to stay calm and relax here, could you do the same? Also, please keep it civil, we all want to enjoy our last few days here before the world ends. Thanks
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:25 No.8010125
    >our last few days here before the world ends

    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:42 No.8010133
    I don't get how we ever reached 6 posts per minute. When the board was new we only got 1 post per 4 minutes.
    Shouldn't the new board attract shitposters for few weeks and then get slow when thy get bored?
    Why the fuck it moves so fast now, after all those years?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:42 No.8010139

    Is the tallest spike the kintectimal spammer?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:43 No.8010146
         File1318959803.png-(280 KB, 1112x2349, tg - the day touhouguy got ban(...).png)
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    I'd sooner attribute that to the piece of shit janitor and mod that got Touhouguy banned, myself

    That entire event was like a big exclamation mark at the end of a sentence the janitor had been writing for months

    That sentence was "/tg/'s mine now, bitch"
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:54 No.8010173
    /jp/'s problem is that it's on 4chan, plain and simple.

    When it was new of course we had a great influx of people from all over the place and shitposting everywhere but then they got bored and what was left was the user based that defined this place. Take it easy, japanese bird cooking spaghetti, get out of /jp/, etc. But as people started to flee /b/ to other boards because the rest of the site hated it to death since being a /b/tard became "uncool" they started to shitpost and raid everywhere else. It's why /v/ is such a shithole today, people don't want to post off-topic threads on /b/ because everyone hates /b/, therefore they post it on other boards only escalating the problem, doing the same thing that the people they claim to hate do.

    Shitty things from /b/ like the hate for weeaboos (which people don't even know anymore that was a filter for wapanese) spread everywhere and /jp/ became the obvious target, even though it was barely about Japan, even when it was Japan/General. Some of those shitposters that came to raid stayed, this board became more popular and /jp/ got shittier.

    Now I never bothered to browse any other image board outside of 4chan like /bun/ and all that crap, but fuck I understand the appeal of fleeing 4chan.

    This place is doomed.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:56 No.8010179
    it was probably umineko spoilers, I remember something like 30 consecutive maxed threads in a couple days
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)13:57 No.8010186
    There is literally no reason to come to /jp/ and post in other threads that aren't the OC thread and the VN general. EVERY other thread is a shit-post or some random TH imagedump.

    I love how /jp/ still acts like /v/ and /a/ are much worse than we are, but in the end the quality of the discussions is way, way higher. Not that it means much, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/11(Tue)14:03 No.8010205
         File1318961028.jpg-(527 KB, 2674x1899, cg001.jpg)
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    But where else can we go? I don't know anywhere else on the internet where something like Ayumarine or Syojokyu could start off awesome threads.

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