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    File : 1314623360.jpg-(557 KB, 800x600, Yuyuko's_suicide.jpg)
    557 KB Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:09 No.7801611  
    Having watched Bad Apple recently (yes I know I'm a slowpoke by 12 month), it occurred to me that below Gensokyo's whimsical and lighthearted surface a lot of the character's background story are actually very dark and tragic.

    Take Yuyuko for example, the original Yuyuko killed herself because she couldn't endure having the power of death over people. Then 1000 year later ghost Yuyuko is driven to make the Saigyou Ayakashi bloom to resurrect the soul beneath it only to find out that it was actually her own and thus she could never be resurrected or else Saigyou Ayakashi will be unsealed for good.

    Do these grimdark elements of the setting get to you /jp/?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:13 No.7801628
    >slowpoke by 12 month
    Even more than that. Bad Apple by Alstroemeria Records wasn't created 12 months ago, you know.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:14 No.7801630
    What is the Bad Apple you're talking about ?
    I only know the remix song
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:14 No.7801633
         File1314623662.jpg-(54 KB, 369x523, ketsui.jpg)
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    pick one

    picture related, it's a grimdark shmup
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:16 No.7801643
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:17 No.7801647

    They live after beating DOOM
    >> noko Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:18 No.7801650

    >only bad apple

    Ellys stage sure is dark, I agree with OP. PC98 games weren't as colourful as the windows era.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:19 No.7801655
    That is what i'm talking about
    You watched that and thought Touhou is grimdark ?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:22 No.7801663
    >grimdark elements

    Terrible, doesn't fit Touhou at all. Your picture is a good example. Yuyuko suicided by using her power to kill anyone she wants. Not by stabbing herself.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:22 No.7801664
    Yes, I watched it, thought about some of the story elements and decided that there's quite a lot of grimdark in Touhou.

    I don't get Kaguya looking sad and reaching for the moon though, I'm pretty sure she had a choice and decided to stay in Gensokyo instead of going back to the moon because she like it better here.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:31 No.7801677
    Most touhou's kill or eat people for well, no reason. They arn't the nicest of people themselves. All this touhou love and stuff is just imagination as it is. We're all well aware, we just choose to ignore it and keep loving those loli vampires who would rip our throats out.
    >> Youmu Konpaku !MyonHUTINA 08/29/11(Mon)09:43 No.7801697
    Does it ever actually say that?
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:44 No.7801699
         File1314625492.jpg-(775 KB, 2500x1718, rumia soo na no car_1.jpg)
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    Even if you're correct, Anon, artistic liberty can be a beautiful thing, and OP's image only proves that to me

    >Do these grimdark elements of the setting get to you /jp/?

    I don't know if it 'gets to me,' but it can definitely be a fun thing to think about. Rumia is a fine example of this. The right perception can turn even a flesh-eating youkai that roams the forest into an object of humor. It's fun to think of the light hearted *and* grimdark aspects of the setting, if you ask me

    Also, I prefer this version of Bad Apple:
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)09:47 No.7801704
    The past of Gensokyo is pretty grim.

    But today's Gensokyo is tea parties.

    What a wonderful age we live in.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)10:08 No.7801743
    >Rumia is a fine example of this. The right perception can turn even a flesh-eating youkai that roams the forest into an object of humor.

    Rumia is a fine example of grimdarkfags running rampant, turning a random innocent Gensokyoan into flesh-eating monster.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)10:22 No.7801763
         File1314627730.jpg-(29 KB, 401x447, rumia who are you_1.jpg)
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    But she eats people. She says as much. I mean, it's not like she's visceral about it or anything, it's not like we SEE her eating anyone since that would completely go against the tone of the game, but if she says as much then it's not hard to extrapolate on what actually happens when Reimu or Marisa aren't beating her up

    I mean, unless you're going to go and use the "she's just kidding!/that's a lie!/youkai exaggeration!" defense, that's what happens. Not that I could blame you for doing that, though. Everyone has their own Gensokyo, after all
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)10:24 No.7801766
    >Deciding a world with dark themes is dark, not based on the lore of world, but on a song

    Yeah, you're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)10:28 No.7801775
    Gensokyo is grimlight. There's some pretty intense stuff happening, but that doesn't stop everyone from having flower-viewing tea parties.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)10:35 No.7801791
         File1314628514.jpg-(469 KB, 1246x1910, touhou_grimfaggotry_by_anon_an(...).jpg)
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    >hay guise, Touhou can have grimdark elements
    No shit Sherlock.
    And yet somehow it always ends with tea parties.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)11:09 No.7801815
    No, you are skeleton jelly!
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)11:10 No.7801819
    There is something to be said for grimdark reimaginings. Most doujins take liberties with canon one way or the other. Pornification and overt lesbianism is one such liberty (okay, except in the case of Remilia and Yukari, Zun isn't even trying to hide the fact they eat pussy on a regular basis), and noone has a problem with that. So why not embrace the fact that some people (who shall remain unnamed and shut the fuck up you can't prove anything) get erections of comparable magnitude at grimdarkification of the canon?

    If I had the financial ability to hire a good doujin artist (or twelve) to make the sprites I'd make a grimdark Touhou game that would scare your pants off.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)12:16 No.7801840
         File1314634617.jpg-(134 KB, 687x465, umad.jpg)
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    Ten Desires showed that all the characters aren't all that nice or well behaved (Religion wars, backstabbing, trickery, etc)

    Sad that Reisen is no longer the only backstabbing bitch in Gensokyo.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)12:18 No.7801852
    Running on the dark-days-are-over line, the explanation is that Rumia used to eat people back when Gensokyo was still a grim place, but these days its just customary.

    This would also conveniently explain the doujins where humans from the village still detest youkai even though they aren't eaten very often.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)12:20 No.7801858
         File1314634837.png-(190 KB, 1264x888, keinecalypse_whocares.png)
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    Touhouverse, examined at face value and taken to its logical conclusion, is dark as fuck. It's just that the cheerful attitude of the residents and the cartoony colourful art style invites you to not think too much about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/29/11(Mon)13:09 No.7801872
         File1314637759.jpg-(43 KB, 511x378, 1312121649232.jpg)
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    >Nue will bring the end of the world


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