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  • File : 1312691028.jpg-(118 KB, 800x600, AETC_H0102.jpg)
    118 KB Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:23 No.7706668  
    I wonder how it must feel to have Yuri as a name. It's like if your name was Lesbian. How would you feel?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:25 No.7706673
         File1312691117.jpg-(37 KB, 389x400, yuri_gagarin.jpg)
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    Feels bad, man
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:27 No.7706684
         File1312691221.jpg-(15 KB, 350x358, marvin_gaye2011-skull-cap-colo(...).jpg)
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    I wonder how it must feel to have Gaye as a name. It's like if your name was Gay. How would you feel?
    >> !Nipaa0mi0. 08/07/11(Sun)00:27 No.7706688
    I think I'd try to take revenge on the Allies.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:27 No.7706689
         File1312691269.jpg-(209 KB, 406x480, 1288407050977.jpg)
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    >implying Yuri actually transliterates to "lesbian"
    >implying you know jack shit about nihongo
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:28 No.7706690
    Feels Russian, man. Feels Russian
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:28 No.7706693
    I never got to finish that game the fucking screen went black on me
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:29 No.7706696
         File1312691367.jpg-(263 KB, 1120x992, gagarin.jpg)
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    He seems pretty content.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:29 No.7706697
         File1312691378.jpg-(60 KB, 600x480, 1251747453071.jpg)
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    Yuri-hating-homo-kun summoning thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:30 No.7706699
    Yuri is shit.

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:33 No.7706715
    dem armpits
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:35 No.7706720
    I don't see how. Gay men are the only people that hate yuri at such a fanatical level.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:36 No.7706723
    This is what militant yuri dykes actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:36 No.7706730
    reminds me on how much feminists hate gay pr0n

    I'd be cool if my name were Yuri. I'd grow a beard and speak russian and dont afraid of anyobody
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:38 No.7706737
    You're silly, YHH-kun.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:43 No.7706761
    Yuri means lily and is only a euphemism for lesbianism. It'd be more like having the name "Butch"

    >you will never get to tease him as a kid by calling him "Marvin is Gaye"
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:46 No.7706775
    I knew a guy who was Russian and his name was Slavic. How about that? It would be like being named "American" (if you are from the US). Also the guy was batshit crazy.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:47 No.7706778
    so that's what Appo meant by girls going lilly and musverbating
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:48 No.7706783
    I knew a guy named Yuriy

    We baked him a birthday cake decorated with lesbian porn.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)00:52 No.7706793
    now see...

    Wanko to Lily
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:12 No.7706833
    If you hate yuri you are crazy
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:15 No.7706841
    That'd be funny if yuri fans hadn't been scientifically found to have a chemical imbalance in their brain.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:16 No.7706844
    re installing wanko
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:17 No.7706848
    there was an applicant at the school I used to go to
    named "Lik Dik"
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:18 No.7706851
    can't get enough yuri *fap* *fap* *fap*
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:19 No.7706854
    Okay, this one made me lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:22 No.7706866
         File1312694528.jpg-(133 KB, 800x600, AETC_H0502.jpg)
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    same here.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)01:33 No.7706894
    I like how you use that image despite it having little to do with yuri
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)02:18 No.7707034
         File1312697917.jpg-(31 KB, 600x450, yuri.jpg)
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    >> Yuri Lowell 08/07/11(Sun)02:27 No.7707065
         File1312698474.png-(8 KB, 100x100, 24359470.png)
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    Don't remind me.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)04:39 No.7707416
         File1312706352.jpg-(219 KB, 800x600, wankotokurasou.jpg)
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    posting in this thread for wanko
    pic related, why the fuck was there onle like one h scene with both of them?
    >>yuri != lesbian literally
    i think having Dyke as a name is fucking hilarious
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)04:42 No.7707429
         File1312706563.jpg-(101 KB, 337x334, Lesbos_small.jpg)
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    >It's like if your name was Lesbian
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)04:45 No.7707436
    ...That's where the word "lesbian" comes from.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)05:04 No.7707495
         File1312707879.jpg-(13 KB, 364x500, Sappho2.jpg)
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    This thread is now about ancient Lesbian poetry.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)06:30 No.7707643
    Only feminazis and beta faggots think abyone who doesn't like yurishit is gay. Yurishit was hot when you were like 12.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:21 No.7708178
    Wow, he's real. Was he beat up by a lesbian or something?

    Oh man, I bet he's the same as the person who posts Ann Coulter and calls people libtards unironically.
    >> !Nipaa0mi0. 08/07/11(Sun)11:27 No.7708190
    People would react by trying to ban the word obviously.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:27 No.7708191
    Sappho was pretty appreciable for a 3D woman, she scored with her own daughter after all. Himiko is the best lesbian though, she had a harem of 1000 maids serving her and the only male allowed to see her was her brother.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:28 No.7708196
    No surprise.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:30 No.7708202

    You know, Dyke is actually a surname. I should know, it's mine.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:36 No.7708221

    The BBC doesn't just do British news.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:38 No.7708224
    You're right, I was too quick.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:41 No.7708235
    Not even Gaye, Gay is actually a pretty common surname.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)11:45 No.7708248
         File1312731933.jpg-(41 KB, 319x378, 1311404869013.jpg)
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    It's a pretty average male name.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:13 No.7708433
    I remember reading this old american comic which had a guy named Butch Dykeman and a woman named Ms. Gay. They were at some sort of dance studio. The author was either very clueless or very subtle.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:16 No.7708434
         File1312737387.jpg-(24 KB, 300x222, yuca.jpg)
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    I wonder how it must feel to have Yuka as a name. It's like if your name was a Vegetable. How would you feel?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:17 No.7708436
         File1312737425.jpg-(97 KB, 400x352, Kimi Raikkonen.jpg)
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    Names that would be awkward to have in Japan thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:19 No.7708441
         File1312737584.jpg-(68 KB, 354x500, 2458835045_005d06cd94.jpg)
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    I wonder how it must feel to have Mima as a name. It's like if your name was a Tongue-twister. How would you feel?

    > Mi mama me mima yo mimo a mi mama
    >> Suigin !fKazami5bE 08/07/11(Sun)13:23 No.7708448
    Or Mami.
    Imagine yelling her name during sex it'd be awkward.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:25 No.7708449
    I wonder how it must feel to have Dick as a name. It's like if your name was Dick. How would you feel?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:25 No.7708452

    Eh, probably not as awkward as you'd think. Pretty common for couples to yell mami/papi during sex.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:26 No.7708456
    Fuck, you're right, I've never thought about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:27 No.7708458
         File1312738028.jpg-(8 KB, 209x241, 14521342134.jpg)
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    I wonder how it must feel to have Patchouli as a name. It's like if your name was a herb. How would you feel?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:28 No.7708461
    I wish /u/ wasn't packed full of man hating bull dykes who rage at the sight of a penis even it's futa. It's almost un-fucking bearable now.

    Threads about western shit.
    Threads about current events in the gay community

    Why did Moot allow this to happen?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:30 No.7708469
    >Come on baby... desu yo

    Goddammit, I still have that installed just to hear that.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:30 No.7708471
    I wonder how it must feel to have John as a name. It's like if your name was "toilet". How would you feel?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:32 No.7708476

    >gay community
    >relationship threads
    >bull dykes


    You know most people who go to /u/ are guys. and it is about girlxgirl love. yaoi goes to /y/, yuri to /u/ and futa to /d/

    It's like people discussing anime on /jp/ it has not place on that board.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:34 No.7708486
    In Spanish, that's pretty common.

    >venga mami, dámelo... mami, me vengo.
    >Ay sí, papi, por favor, papi... ¡papi!

    And so on...
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:41 No.7708508

    moot doesn't "allow" it to happen, it just happens due to moot's incompetence. I mean just in that interview recently it was revealed that 2ch has >300 mods, whereas 4chan has like, 20ish, with maybe 2-3 active at any given time.

    Even if moot had just 100 mods, he could probably wrangle even /v/ under whatever rules he wanted. But alas, he cares a lot more about promoting canvas than anything else at the moment.

    It's understandable though, from the perspective of someone trying to make money despite sitting on something that's very close to a pile of gold, but not quite.. After all, marketing analysts can't really get much out of 4chan due to the anonymous nature making it hard to actually get something relevant, tell demographics, not to mention troll opinions skewing things.. but, with canvas, even though you can post as anon, you're still connected via fagbook, and you don't directly talk like here.. and so they can then see what individual people like doing and such, and then get some statistical metrics on internet culture (which can then be meticulously exploited etc).
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:43 No.7708509
    >You know most people who go to /u/ are guys.

    Not anymore. It's feminists,underage girls from going through their bicurious phase and that ugly man face of a woman who runs Lililicious.

    Jessica I think her name was.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:44 No.7708512
    >I don't see how.
    Well maybe because homosexuality works for both genders?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:44 No.7708513

    I guess that makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:46 No.7708523
    >Threads about western shit.
    How does it feel to be a fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:49 No.7708535
    Shota is a popular Georgian name. I wonder how it must feel to have your name be Shota.

    Feels good being King Shota in Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis III though.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:49 No.7708537

    How does it feel to be everything wrong with /u/ and 4chan today in general?

    Glee is not /u/ no matter what you say.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:51 No.7708549

    Ever since /jp/ started going through this shit I have been spending more time on /u/ and all i've seen is threads on lesbians in american comics and various yuri shipping threads. None of these /soc/ & /adv/ threads.

    I still don't think that cocks should be allowed however because there are other boards for that, the janitors don't support either.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:53 No.7708554
    My name is Lesbian. I don't really mind.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:55 No.7708564
    >all i've seen is threads on lesbians in american comics and various yuri shipping threads. None of these /soc/ & /adv/ threads.

    My timing must be terrible because I see them all the time.

    >I still don't think that cocks should be allowed

    I don't think so either but throwing a temper tantrum at the slightest hint of a penis is fucking stupid. Drop a small hint that you are a male and see what happens. They'll rant about you then go on to rant about lesbian porn being aimed at men.

    It's fucking insane.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)13:58 No.7708571
    Holy shit, lesbians dominate a community about lesbianism, stop the fucking presses.

    At least we would never flip a shit on someone over their gender here on /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:05 No.7708585
    Why does /y/ hate vaginas so much?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:05 No.7708588

    I've seen a few people admit to being guys there. and I've not seen any Glee threads in a week. I think you must have not been there in a while. Or had terrible timing, but for me it's been fairly normal recently.

    I don't think gender has anything to do with it, because i've met enough yuri fans who are both male and female that like the romantic, girl love side, and more hardcore yuri related porn (like BDSM)
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)14:06 No.7708590
    Not a /y/ user but vaginas are disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:54 No.7709233
    /cm/ is horrible too. I went there once, requesting pictures of guys abusing girls, because that is my fetish. And the fucking fujoshi called me a troll and deleted my thread. Fuck you, you fucking hambeasts!

    It's terrible that the lesbian board is controlled by women but the gay boards are also! What the fuck is moot even doing?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)17:55 No.7709236
    Maybe you shouldn't use /c/ for your fetish shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:00 No.7709253
    There's nothing wrong with 2D vaginas.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:01 No.7709256
    Blind as a bat.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:02 No.7709260
    Fucking dykes everywhere in this thread. It's like a fish market.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:02 No.7709261
    It's like you really have a variety of vegetables stuck in your anus.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:04 No.7709272
    Owned and buttangry.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:05 No.7709280
    Yeah, it seems like there's been a recent influx of pretentious femanons lately. I wish they would fuck off or kill themselves. Either one is fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:06 No.7709282
    Why don't you go back to gayville already?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:08 No.7709286
    So many butthurt straight dudes in this thread.

    If you can't fap to something gay you don't belong on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:09 No.7709289
    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:12 No.7709301
    >I am trained in gorilla warfare

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:13 No.7709304
    >gorilla warfare
    Every fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:15 No.7709309
    I think we can all agree that whether they're dykes or fujoshi, females ruin everything they touch.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:15 No.7709313
    Yurifags have yet to realize not everybody likes their fetish like yaoifags have learned. They post lesbians thinking "Hey, everybody's gonna like it" without really thinking their actions through.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:17 No.7709316
    That much is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:18 No.7709321
    Please do not disregard the recent /soc/ level gay threads.
    This is coming from someone who embraces gay, straight, futa, beast, monster, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:18 No.7709322
    Are you yuri-hating-homo-kun or just a butthurt yaoi fangirl?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:21 No.7709331
    You're almost as delusional as the guy who thinks only one person uses "2hu".
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:21 No.7709332
    Those people seem to be a really small concentration of shitposters who have only recently realized how much fun it is to make daily dick threads on /jp/. I feel that the yurifags have plagued us for longer.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:23 No.7709339

    Confirmed for YHH-kun, and maybe the 2hu fag too. I guess since the cast is all female you'd have a reason to cry about it all the time.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:24 No.7709343
    Are you new here? I see gay shit on /jp/ far more than yuri.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:29 No.7709358
    I think there are up to three of them now.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:31 No.7709365
    He wasn't talking about quantity.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:31 No.7709368
    One of them definitely posts more prominently than the others, though. It's the same guy that started that shit in the first place.

    At least it's usually pretty easy to differentiate him from the other guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:33 No.7709372
    What the fuck else would he be talking about? The intensity of the shitposting? That doesn't even matter seeing as unpleasant threads can be ignored, hidden, or reported on sight anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:34 No.7709374
    Roughly, how long they've been around in /jp/ in appreciable quantity.

    The post in question can't even be read any other way.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:36 No.7709383
    Well, I was going by that standard anyway. I've seen gay threads all over the place here since over two years ago. Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:38 No.7709393
    Why do people use "2hu" anyway? It's not even a clever insult. Is it even an insult? It's just stupid. It just makes you look bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:39 No.7709398
    Why do people even care if people say 2hu anyway?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:39 No.7709399
    it's used to mock 2hu niggers
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:39 No.7709400
    Yuri is gay.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:40 No.7709402
    The guy who started using it thinks it's both clever and an insult I guess. At least that's what I gathered from his shitposting.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:42 No.7709406
    You know what I meant you stupid faggot. Stop nitpicking. Also,

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:42 No.7709407
    I care because it is always paired with a shitpost lowering the already low level of /jp/'s quality.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:43 No.7709409
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:44 No.7709414
    Oh no, not a shitpost in /jp/.

    Even rarer than rice in China, those things.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:44 No.7709415
    Actually, he used it correctly. Take your butthurt elsewhere, please.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:45 No.7709421
    We get it, you're both badass /jp/ users. Now cool off.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:45 No.7709425
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:47 No.7709427
         File1312757249.jpg-(12 KB, 319x329, 1251080840008.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:47 No.7709430
    Same person.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:48 No.7709433
    So you are defending shitposting? Then you ARE the problem.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:48 No.7709434
    >board redirects
    >reaction images
    >/b/ terminology everywhere
    >crying about everyone else doing the above

    I don't even think there's a board ON 4chan for you. Fuck off back to Gaia or Reddit or wherever you came from.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:49 No.7709435
    >lol so randumreactionpic xD
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:49 No.7709438
    More than one person dislikes my shitposting? Must be the same guy!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:50 No.7709439
    Can you honestly say that the rivalry is at the same level now then it was then?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:50 No.7709440
    Who are you quoting?
    Get the fuck out /jp/ please.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:51 No.7709443

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:51 No.7709445
         File1312757488.png-(25 KB, 400x430, get out 2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:52 No.7709447
    no u faggot suck my dick you fucking retard

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:52 No.7709450
         File1312757560.png-(123 KB, 268x356, 1237700634758.png)
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    Cool caps lock and image macro.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:53 No.7709452
    "I'm so stupid that I can't detect sarcasm."
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:54 No.7709454
    Cool bitching about images on an imageboard. Reported for fake reporting and generally being a retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:54 No.7709455
    Nice reaction image there, /b/ro.

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:55 No.7709459
    chill, take comfort in knowing that summer is almost over
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:56 No.7709462
    Bitching about shitposting is shitposting itself, you shitposter.

    Look, there you go again.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:56 No.7709463
    "I'm so severely autistic that I think shitposting is okay as long as it's ironic"

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:57 No.7709467
    Cry more. Reported.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:57 No.7709469
    >There you go again.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:57 No.7709471
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:59 No.7709480
    >its not shitposting when I do it


    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)18:59 No.7709481
    This thread is the proof that Yurifags ruin everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:00 No.7709483
    >its not shitposting when I do it
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:01 No.7709489
    Reporting for being mad as HELL and having a lack of wit.

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:01 No.7709492
    >its not shitposting when I do it
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:02 No.7709498
         File1312758147.jpg-(132 KB, 573x415, 130288043231.jpg)
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    >implying that anyone is even talking about yuri anymore
    >implying that you're not either a huge faggot or yaoi fangirl retard
    >implying that you're not going to bitch about my use of greentext and a reaction image
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:03 No.7709504
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:03 No.7709507
    Typical yuri dyke.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:04 No.7709511
    I'm not very proud of this, but I never get bored of shitposting, reports and bitching about greentext or image macros.
    Never change, /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:05 No.7709515
    Reported for spam.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:05 No.7709517
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:06 No.7709521
         File1312758392.jpg-(25 KB, 348x380, 1311562349390.jpg)
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    >implying that the yuri fans on here are female
    >implying that you're not a yaoi fangirl
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:07 No.7709526
    Reported for spamming reports as well as the word 'reported'. Also for being butthurt and gay.

    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:08 No.7709533
    Yuri fans are either disgusting bifags or disgusting dykes.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:10 No.7709539
    >implying that you have any idea what the fuck you're talking about
    >implying that the fact that you're a gay dude isn't the only reason you hate yuri

    Don't you have a parade to attend?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:12 No.7709548
    I'll converse the yuri kids to the one real religion.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:13 No.7709552
    So much rage in this thread, nobody can have civil discussion on this thread, can't everyone just let it die?

    Now to listen to sides blame eachother for it, its going to be great
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:14 No.7709556
    >Gay hating gay things
    Oxymoron dyke much?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:19 No.7709567
    People want yurifags to stop spamming so much shitty gay shipping all the time and yurifags respond by calling everyone who doesn't agree with them gay. It's like I'm in the 5th grade
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:19 No.7709569
    ~Yaoi has Junjou Romantica.
    What has yuri?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:29 No.7709605
    >So much rage in this thread, nobody can have civil discussion on this thread, can't everyone just let it die?
    Nobody is raging and nobody wants to have any civil discussion. People are just relentlessly shitposting for their own personal amusement.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:34 No.7709629
    I am not talking about doujins of course, but is there a single one good animated shoujo-ai/yuri except for SKU which of course doesn't count? I can't find any. Oh god, I regret Strawberry Panic. So stupid.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:38 No.7709636
    I know it's mind-blowing, but male x male shit is different from female x female shit. Hard to believe, isn't it?

    YHH-kun, you post more yaoi shit here in one day than yurifags do in an entire week. Stop acting like you're 'part of the solution' or not a complete faggot that shitposts on the same level (if not worse) than the niggers you hate.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:41 No.7709649
    >I know it's mind-blowing, but male x male shit is different from female x female shit. Hard to believe, isn't it?
    If you go to a gay parade you can find both. Hard to believe, isn't it?
    Stop shitposting dyke, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:43 No.7709656
    Cool assumptions.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:46 No.7709667
    Then why do you only bitch about yurifags when yaiofags are even more prominent? As for your other post:

    There wasn't even any assumptions in there, genius. And stop samefagging because a particular post gets you upset.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:49 No.7709676
    You're both homos.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:51 No.7709680
    >Then why do you only bitch about yurifags when yaiofags are even more prominent?
    >And stop samefagging because a particular post gets you upset.
    Nice projection there dyke.
    Looks likes everybody here hates you, and still, you don't get out.
    Can't you do a sacrifice to help us all?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:52 No.7709685
    There is a reason yuri got split off from /d/.
    Get that disgusting shit out of /jp/
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:58 No.7709706
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    i would feel like this
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)19:59 No.7709708

    You're the only person in here bitching about me. Your shitposting is actually so prominent that people actually recognize you in nearly every single thread you post in because of your fanatical level of hate towards yuri (and not yaoi).

    And I'm a straight male, as much as you love to spam your 'lol ur lesbo femanon' nonsense. I don't even support yuri, I simply think you're a fucking retard for supporting yaoi shitposters and then turning around and crying about yuri shitposters, even when yuri isn't being posted sometimes. You still never answered why you do this.

    On a side note, why do you even come to /jp/? I'm just curious. If you're here to troll I think /u/ would be a better place to piss off yuri fans.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:00 No.7709713
    Why would you bump such a thread?
    >> Sakura !RAILgUnr8s 08/07/11(Sun)20:02 No.7709718
    That feel when this thread hasn't been deleted yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:02 No.7709720
    Yurishit attention whores
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:10 No.7709751
    It pisses off YHH-kun. Childish I know. But it's not like there's even a single decent thread on /jp/ right now anyway.

    You're still hanging around /jp/? Goddamn, fuck off already.

    You want to answer my questions bro? I'm just curious.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:10 No.7709752
    I see your point now. Any yaoi shit that's here is usually in it's own thread made by someone trying to troll people. It's quickly ignored and reported. It seems like yuri shit is not only made in threads but put into image dumps and pushed into Touhou conversations. Not for the purpose of trolling but because people believe they can post it here. I guess that's what upsets me. It's like, there is /u/ for a reason. Not saying that the occasional yuri outside of /u/ is a problem but it appears there is a lot being posted on /a/ or /jp/. I don't so much hate yuri material but the stupid pairings and other crap that comes with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:11 No.7709756
    This summer.

    One person will be butthurt about lesbians. And he's finally taking the fight where it belongs: /jp/

    Samefag chronicles: /jp/ edition. Starring Marlon Brando as the Japanese bird, Tom Cruise as what the HELL, and someone with autism as white ren.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:11 No.7709759
    >You're the only person in here bitching about me.
    >I don't even support yuri
    >I simply think you're a fucking retard for supporting yaoi shitposters and then turning around and crying about yuri shitposters
    Project and lie all you want, dyke.
    But you will not change what I said.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:12 No.7709761
    Well that's actually reasonable. I don't like the Touhou shipping shit either. Sometimes I get the feeling that not all of the yaoifags are trolling though (see: that yaoi VN thread).
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:13 No.7709768
    I lol'd.

    No lies, no jokes, no projections. I'm serious dude.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:15 No.7709776
    I agree. They have that "lol everyone likes lesbians rite" air, which annoys me.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:16 No.7709780
    Nobody here actually seriously ships Touhous.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:16 No.7709781
    >It's quickly ignored and reported
    Oh boy there are now 2 Yuri dykes!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:17 No.7709787
    Are you even being serious anymore?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:18 No.7709794
    Hey dyke, at least put efford on hiding your samefagging.
    Also, I'm serious too.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:19 No.7709796
    I don't understand why anyone can be so butthurt about the merest mention of yuri or yaoi. There are yuri and yaoi related /jp/ content, /jp/ is not straight culture.

    It just seems weird to me. This is 4chan. I can go a couple of boards over and see stuff way more depraved than the frankly vanilla act of two people of the same sex fucking.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:20 No.7709801
    >I don't understand why anyone can be so butthurt about the merest mention of yuri or yaoi
    How about furry or guro? Or are you ok with that shit too? The point is, there is a place for yuri and yaoi trash, they have boards specifically for them. There is no need to bring that rubbish in here.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:21 No.7709802
    Why I wouldn't?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:21 No.7709803
    It's the culture surrounding it. Nobody cares about the act itself. People define their lifestyle based on who they fuck with. That pisses people off.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:21 No.7709808

    >Doesn't think straight people do the same thing.

    For the record, as a guy, I only fap to futa and yuri.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:22 No.7709809
    Traps aren't yaoi.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:22 No.7709812
    I only posted >>7709768 . Of course, in your delusional eyes it doesn't even make a difference since everyone who disagrees with you is by default the same person.

    Anyway, if you're not a troll, then it's fucking baffling to me that you like yaoi and consider it /jp/ related and yet hate yuri. I hate women too, but there's seriously more of them in the yaoi group than the yuri group. You'd have to be fucking blind not to see that.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:23 No.7709819
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    ITT /jp/ - serious business
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:23 No.7709821
    Someone said there were yaoi VN threads and stuff, which was what I was going with. I personally don't recall seeing many yaoi threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:25 No.7709829
    Don't lie to me dyke.

    Also, I dislike both.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:26 No.7709834
    Dykes, dykes everywhere!
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:26 No.7709838
    I don't see how at all. You'll have to give me an example (and not just something a fringe group does).
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:26 No.7709841
    A fucking guro VN just came out and had general threads for a while. Did anyone give a shit? I mean, I hate idols and hatsune miku but they're still in /jp/. Just because my personal fetish does not involve them does not mean that they aren't related.

    Your argument is "I don't like it, therefore it isn't /jp/ related" which is pretty common nowadays. That's mostly moot's fault since /jp/ is very poorly defined and moderated, but still, recognize things outside of your personal preference are still related to /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:28 No.7709850
    I see one thread a month maybe, and slightly more frequent yuri recommendation threads. There's a lot of touhou shipping but come on, it's touhou, it's not like there's anything else that fandom is going to do.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:28 No.7709853
    I've known a few people named "Lezlie"
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:30 No.7709862
    You can say that as much as you want, but I haven't lied once yet. And I haven't seen you mention yaoifags in any of their threads.

    Not the guy you quoted, but you're joking right? Most yaoi fans are female and most yuri fans are male. Something about not wanting to see the other gender's genitalia.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:38 No.7709908
    >And I haven't seen you mention yaoifags in any of their threads.
    Well maybe because this is a Yuri thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:40 No.7709918
    >For the record, as a guy, I only fap to futa and yuri
    You might as well fap to traps.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:42 No.7709933

    I don't really like dominant futa. I like the cuter girly futa. Those are better then traps
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:46 No.7709952
    How does that answer my question?
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:49 No.7709982
    The point was that it's a question that seriously doesn't even need to be answered, because it's common knowledge. If you're really so blind that you can't see that, then do a Google search or something. I'm sure there's more than enough statistics floating around.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:54 No.7710008

    I was the person you asked.

    So a gay person can base their lifestyle around being gay, but a straight person can't? They can't date women/men or even find them attractive, dress themselves to meet their sexually attracted to gender?

    Sex is part of human lifestyle and anyone bases it around having sex, imagined or otherwise, with who they find attractive.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:56 No.7710018
    You didn't even understand what I questioned, I see.

    Stop defining your lifestyle based on who you have sex with. And stop defending it with something flawed like statistics. Statistics are meaningless.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:58 No.7710032
    Dude, there is no way that the person you're responding to will even be able to conceive of the fact that most of the stuff he does is based around his sexual orientation.
    >> Anonymous 08/07/11(Sun)20:59 No.7710037
    Yes, your personal opinion (as in the opinion of one person) is so much more reliable than something dumb like statistics. All statistics are false anyway right? If they show results I don't like then they were fabricated.

    Do you realize how retarded you sound?

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