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  • File : 1310521924.png-(64 KB, 1024x768, windows me.png)
    64 KB Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:52 No.7611638  
    "No Anon, you have a waifu!"
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:52 No.7611642
    But I don't.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:52 No.7611643
    ...the folder is filled with her and only her..
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:53 No.7611646
    She's asleep so it's ok.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:54 No.7611649
    I wonder what it would be like if your computer adopted/assimilated the personality of a yandere character and constantly deleted every image you had of anyone but her.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:56 No.7611663
    Someone on /jp/ is being unfaithful?
    This is absolutely disgusting, I hope the offender burns.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)21:57 No.7611665
    That would be so moe~
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:01 No.7611692

    Is she a loli? If not, there will be problems.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:05 No.7611710
    Reboot my computer and take a video of it
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:05 No.7611713
    I am going to devote money to developing this.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:07 No.7611722
    I want a VN like this. It will come with an inbuilt virus that finds and deletes all other VNs from your computer, so that you pay attention to its sole heroine and only her. If you try to delete the game, it crashes your computer. If you don't play it for several days, the VN goes berserk and starts deleting files at random before crashing your computer if left unattended for too long.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:11 No.7611750

    I'd like to see an erogame that somehow rapes the player.
    >> Youmu Konpaku !MyonHUTINA 07/12/11(Tue)22:12 No.7611760
    You get raped in the game, you get raped in real life.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:13 No.7611766
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    >Having a folder blatantly labeled ultra porn
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:18 No.7611791

    That wasn't funny. At all. You killed it.
    >> Anonymous 07/12/11(Tue)22:19 No.7611800
    It was a stillbirth.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)09:32 No.7613636
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)09:41 No.7613674
    Nice bump.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:07 No.7613741
    have another one
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:18 No.7613771
    What if... all of 4chan was just an illusion created by your yandere computer, designed to make you hate the real world and embrace escapism, so you can be with her forever?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:20 No.7613778
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    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:22 No.7613782
    Well I was a shut-in and socially inept well before I had a computer so that's unlikely.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:24 No.7613787
    A shut-in before you had a computer? What were you, an alchemist or wizard?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:24 No.7613789

    All of /jp/ is 5 people with multiple personality disorder and an unhealthy interest in Touhou+VNs
    Our psychosis is so deep that our personalities are almost completely convincing, at least online
    Over time we've been feeding off each other, creating daily doses, tripfags, drama, etc.
    This went on for so long that we've actually convinced each other that there's loads of other people here too, when really it's just us. Some of us have up to 20 different personalities depending on the time of day.

    You may call me a faggot for saying this, but then you'll move to another thread and you'll engage with me in a civil manner under the impression that I'm someone new. You won't know any different.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:26 No.7613795
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:32 No.7613820
    >What if... all of 4chan was just an illusion created by your yandere computer, designed to make you hate the real world and embrace escapism, so you can be with her forever?
    Then /g/ wouldn't give me upgrade ideas.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:52 No.7613874
    I actually believe this is true, but I think the number is closer to 15 or so dedicated heavy posters who make up the mass majority of the content on /jp/, plus maybe about 100 lurkers who post maybe 2 or 3 times a day at most.

    Saying /jp/ is just 5 people is kind of hard to believe though.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:56 No.7613883
    /jp/ doesn't have lurkers.

    Absolutely everybody who views /jp/ must post with angry responses to things they don't like.

    There is no such thing as a /jp/ user who skips or hides threads that do not interest him. He is compelled to post in those threads and let everybody know that he does not approve of the thread in the strongest terms.

    This behavior is common to old and new /jp/ users alike.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:58 No.7613892
    I always wonder if idolfags post in other threads or play VNs and such.

    Lurkers disgust me. It feels like they are being voyeurs. Gaining pleasure by spying on us and our love.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)10:59 No.7613900

    I can only speak for myself, but I have definitely shifted between multiple posting styles on a regular basis, certainly enough to give the illusion of more than one person (although you can definitely start to pick out certain Anons by their posts if you spend enough time here).

    The periodic influx of outsiders from /a/ or /v/ who post a few days then leave probably adds to the impression of a large population, too.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:01 No.7613908
    There are only five people. Every time you see a sixth person post it means that one of the original five has left /jp/ forever, probably for nicer places like Gensokyo.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:02 No.7613911

    So essentially I would say that there being 100+ people here at any one time is pretty much a given by virtue simply of this being 4chan; the site is too big for there not to be various people lurking around. But the "core" /jp/ readership/postership (lol) is bound to be pretty small.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:04 No.7613915
    We all know there are only three people on /jp/ — me, you, and The Shitposter trolling us. Still, there are multiple established personae on /jp/. By the "Three Person Lemma", each one of them must be either me, you, or The Shitposter. The challenge is to either divide every post on this thread into three finite subsets that describe each of the posters on /jp/ or to prove that the task is impossible, disproving the lemma.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:05 No.7613919
    >although you can definitely start to pick out certain Anons by their posts if you spend enough time here
    I wonder if I've ever been assigned an identity by any of the anons here. I don't have any peculiarities that make me really easy to identify, like creating yuri fantasies out of simple biological lifeforms, or posting anime screenshots following a particular theme, but I'm often paranoid that my writing style carries small hints that some anon will be able to tie together and know all my dirty secrets which I've come to reveal anonymously throughout my time here. Reassuring myself with "it's not like anyone would care that much" doesn't work on a board like this.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:05 No.7613920
    Yeah, I'm sure /po/ has hundreds of users browsing it every hour of every day.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:07 No.7613924
    Outside of metathreads and posts like this my posting style would probably be pretty obvious. In certain threads I always post about about holding hands and blushing from the lewdness, being raped while cooking spaghetti etc. But there has to be at least one other person I am talking to in shitty stuff like that.

    I think I've posted damn near the exact same thing in sex toy threads too.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:09 No.7613928
    I often wonder this too actually. I feel like I have a pretty distinct posting style, especially when making longer posts.

    But, maybe we're just being paranoid. I can reassure you that personally, despite spending hours and hours on /jp/ everyday, your post doesn't stick out to me as being a post by one of the Anons that I "recognize."
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:09 No.7613929
    >being raped while cooking spaghetti
    Oh, I remember you. That was just yesterday, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:11 No.7613936

    If you post a lot, and if you were to give me a few examples of threads you've started, I guarantee you I would remember you. I spend 12+ hours on /jp/ every day and know every active page of this board like the back of my hand.

    The anon easiest to identify imo is the anti-"2hu" guy whose first language clearly isn't English.

    Not that I actually care who any of you are. It just becomes hard to ignore when you're here so often.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:11 No.7613938
    Yeah I'm pretty sure I know this guy too.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:13 No.7613939
    Flanfly and whata poster are different people. Since there are only 3 people, therefore, you must be the faggot who post either of those.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:17 No.7613948
    >if you were to give me a few examples of threads you've started
    It's extremely rare for me to start a thread. I don't like how much attention it brings to me and how people would judge it much more harshly than if I just stuck to replying to threads. I also have a feeling that I'm not the only one who feels this way, that a majority of the threads here are created by a minority of people here, which is also one of the reasons so many shitty threads come up, threads are created by people who don't consider whether they're shitting up /jp/, while people who care are too humble to create one.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:19 No.7613952
    I think what >>7613919 is getting at is that there may be certain idiosyncrasies in the way that each of us type that give us away, even when we're not making posts on the same topics as our other posts. It's obviously easy to pick out some Anons who always post about the same things, but it's harder to tell whether the person you're talking to in some Touhou thread is the same guy you were talking to in an unrelated metathread the day before... but, it's not impossible. It's a bit scary to fantasize that maybe someone dedicated enough could pick apart every post on this board and figure out which posts are made by which Anons, effectively killing the anonymity of the board.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:21 No.7613957
    Yeah, that was yesterday I think. I'm not sure why I post things like that and saying things like I want to take care of a /jp/ trap and shower them with love and affection. I really don't know why. But in actual threads about VNs, shmups etc I don't say such absurd stuff. But I digress, talking like this is really weird, feels like I am talking to someone.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:22 No.7613958
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    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/13/11(Wed)11:23 No.7613959
    It isnt that easy when you cant even differentiate the number of White Ren variation going around here.
    Can you even recognize QC-sama when he posts anonymously?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:26 No.7613964

    > What if... all of 4chan was just an illusion created by your yandere computer [...]

    Suddenly the world is a better place.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:27 No.7613965
    Yes, that's what I meant. Usually I just recognize people who post about the same thing often, but I have an online friend who browses this place sometimes, and once in a while we'll recognize posts from each other even though it's anonymous. And when I look through what I write, I recognize many expressions I use way too often.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:28 No.7613967
    I notice when he posts in Symphonic Rain threads.

    I would imagine there are 2-3 White Ren folk who don't always use it and a sometimes newfriends who find out about the trip and think it's funny or whatever.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/13/11(Wed)11:29 No.7613968
    we are but one, you and I.

    Anyways, it wouldn't be too hard to pick me out since I'm one of the few anons who never capitalize the first sentence when replying to someone.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/13/11(Wed)11:31 No.7613969
    None of the White Rens have much of a personality. I just recognize the one who loves cock and the one who doesn't give a shit and reports you.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:32 No.7613976
    I usually only use White Ren when replying to a White Ren post, but yeah, I'd agree there's probably about 2 or 3 people who actually post with the name regularly.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:32 No.7613977
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    >saying things like I want to take care of a /jp/ trap and shower them with love and affection.

    I rather wish you wouldn't say things like that. It makes this board even stranger than it is already. It's not as bad as the tripfag drama, of course.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:35 No.7613982
    What tripfag drama?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:36 No.7613986
    He's probably talking about the tripfags circlejerking and pretending to have crushes on each other or themselves.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:37 No.7613988
    I wouldn't know, I try to avoid it. I still have no idea who this White Ren person was or why people care about Mugen.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:37 No.7613989
    Oh you mean the sion/currybutt shit

    the anon stalking sudo would count in that too wouldn't it
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:38 No.7613992
    Yes, that too. Those words hold no association for me except frustration at yet another pointless thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:38 No.7613993
    The currybutt drama was absolutely hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:41 No.7613998
    > I still have no idea who this White Ren person was or why people care about Mugen.

    I will never understand why people are fascinated by the circlejerking of a few ugly basement dwellers. If you're going to obsess over someone at least make it someone worthwhile.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:43 No.7614002
    Maybe it's because /jp/ doesn't have any worthwhile tripfags. I actually constantly consider becoming a tripfag, because if this theory is true, then even someone as insignificant as me would be welcomed warmly, considering how starved /jp/ is on worthwhile people to obsess over.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:44 No.7614005
    Running a forced Anon script.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:44 No.7614007
    Oh okay, you thought I meant baww blog post shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:45 No.7614008
    Ever trip in this thread is absolute shit tier except boof.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:49 No.7614028
    /lit/ is the only other board I go to and that place is the absolute worst for trip users. Absolutely terrible. Arc used to post there actually, some people actually rated him highly as a favorite. So that should say something about how worthwhile trip users are on other boards too.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:49 No.7614030
    Choices can be tricky; >White Ren! Yluffdrcfq.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:49 No.7614032

    /jp/ actually does have some good tripfags. But they are almost universally forgotten until they contribute something, while a windowlicker like Sudo posting /v/-tier greentext in any given thread is treated like some kind of monumental event when he's just some fatter slightly more retarded version of the average /jp/sie. "Irony" isn't an excuse.

    Doesn't really bother me, I just don't get it. Obsess over someone inspiring, obsess over someone creative or talented. Makes sense.

    Obsess over... a slightly more socially retarded, smellier, yet egoistic version of yourself? Eh.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:50 No.7614036
    That's my belief; The reason is, /jp/ doesn't have any worthwhile tripfags; that's how. Let's say Reimu is ballin' through a forest then Cirno attacks because someone broke her house again and she thought it was Reimu.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:51 No.7614044
    Sup Boof
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:52 No.7614053
    Youmu's alright. But that's because he completely avoids discussion of anything but Touhou.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:52 No.7614054
    I kind of think about following tripfag drama as being the same as how normal people follow celebrities.

    For most normal people in this day and age, television is their main form of entertainment. Most people watch television initially because they want to watch certain shows about certain topics, but as they keep watching they learn about all the celebrities who appear in these shows. Before they know it, people start following the lives of these celebrities, even though they're probably not really interested. They may even start watching stupid celebrity gossip TV shows and reading tabloids, all the while claiming that they don't care about the silly crap. But then, when someone shows up who doesn't know that famous comedian X was dating actress Y, it's a cultural faux pas.

    Now for us /jp/ers, 4chan is our main source of entertainment. After hanging out here for a long time, a lot of us start to keep track of tripfags even though we think that tripfags are dumb. Some of us may even go as far as to read their blogs, formsprings, etc., all the while claiming we don't care about their bullshit. But then, when someone comes along who doesn't know White Ren's tripcode, we call him a newfag and tell him to get out of /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:53 No.7614055
    But no, we can't have productive people doing good things for /jp/. Someone posting in the wrong thread!
    Overall, it feels like a gimped version of Air Raider.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:53 No.7614060
    I'm just not seeing many inspiring, creative or talented people here.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:54 No.7614068
    >he completely avoids discussion of anything but Touhou.
    I was going to link every post he makes that's not about Touhou but there's so many it'll be easier to just link this.!MyonHUTINA&search_username=Youm
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:57 No.7614082
    VNTS is the only good trip because he only uses it for a good reason.
    (or maybe he only posts on /jp/ once a week and never posts as an anon)
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)11:59 No.7614093
    Of course; anon Right; it's because he completely avoids discussion of anything but touhou; there's the answer. Official azu-butt Discussion Thread™.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)12:01 No.7614100
    and its become a tripfriend discussion, you guys pretend to hate them so much and yet you can't stay away from lengthy discussions about them, least it hasn't gotten to discussing individual trips.

    >> No.1 Sudo Fan !4Lz7IzRcvI 07/13/11(Wed)12:02 No.7614105
    Sudo-sama is the best tripfriend! He's a friend to all the boys and girls of /jp/ because he's such a wonderful poster.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)12:02 No.7614106
    So, what's your trip so we can talk about it if you want it so much

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