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  • File : 1309951523.jpg-(70 KB, 530x655, c01253cbcc0b164c2494015fa4c7edb978a2f5c6.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:25 No.7579652  
    Is this board Touhou and VN only?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:27 No.7579657
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:27 No.7579658
    short answer: yes
    long answer: no
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:28 No.7579660
    No. It's also about drawing, shitposting, suicide, crossdressing, headwarping, and programming.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:28 No.7579662
    basically, whenever you make a thread, the mod flips a coin.

    if it gets deleted, just post it again later.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:28 No.7579664
    No, it's just a shitpost dump.

    Kind of like /b/.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:29 No.7579666
    Not really.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:32 No.7579683

    You could try going to /v/ or /a/...
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:33 No.7579686
    It's about wanting to fuck your fellow posters. Preferably while where nylons.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:34 No.7579694
    You forgot "Ronery".
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:35 No.7579697
    I'm 12 and why do pics get warped?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:35 No.7579700
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:36 No.7579707
    Become a NEET.
    Lock yourself in your room. Wait no less than six months.
    Shave your legs.
    Read G Senjou no Maou.
    Post about it.
    Fantasize about taking in a worse off shut in, in exchange for sex.
    Post about the life you now lead.
    Welcome to /jp/.
    >> thoughtless celestial 07/06/11(Wed)07:38 No.7579711
    no, this board is about being an otaku. It has anima and games with more plot than play, doujin games, damifakuras, figurines...

    basiclly, /jp/ is a collection of the people who truly belong on the internet rather than on real life.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:40 No.7579713
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    I don't care about touhou or VN. Only care about funnyness and ZUN!bar
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:40 No.7579714
    >Read G Senjou no Maou.
    Replace it with at least Symphonic Rain or something as good.

    Don't forget arguing semantics when in reality there is no conflict.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)07:42 No.7579724
    >Replace it with at least Symphonic Rain or something as good.

    Let's be realistic here.

    Oh right, /jp/ is also about ZUN!bar. Actually, it's mostly about ZUN!bar. Then the rest of the other things.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/06/11(Wed)07:43 No.7579727
    Metashit. Reported.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/06/11(Wed)07:51 No.7579756
    This board is off-limits for non-/jp/ers.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)08:26 No.7579821
    this place is quite noisy for a place full of ronery people
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/06/11(Wed)08:31 No.7579832
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    If you have to ask it means you need to get the fuck out since it is perfectly fine to post Touhou and VN in >>>/a/ or >>>/jp/
    The people that post in /jp/ do it because /a/ and /v/ is too good for their standard. In short /jp/ is for retards only.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)08:34 No.7579837

    The /jp/ userbase is full of all kinds of interesting people who have all kinds of interesting problems. That said, I'm pretty sure in most cases loneliness isn't one of them
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)08:41 No.7579847
    Ronrey is a /v/ or /a/ sort of thing, most of us are beyond help, are adult enough to live with their limitations, or have some medical reason (mental most likely) that they can't function.

    I haven't seen a thread on here where people were honestly pining for a 3D woman. Idolfags and other board's posters don't count.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)08:44 No.7579853
    >Read G Senjou no Maou.

    Do people actually like this VN?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)08:48 No.7579865
    Patchy and tea threads only
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)08:50 No.7579870
    It was a well crafted story that the people involved on the project took great care in well paced story and upholding some of the best consistency and continuity I have ever read in any story from any medium.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)08:54 No.7579882
    Clearly it's the best thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)08:55 No.7579883
    /jp/ is shit without ryhme or reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:02 No.7579899
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    /jp/ is not, and was never, receptive to /a/-level "WHAT IS IT LIKE TO HOLD A WOMAN IN YOUR ARMS SO RONERY ;_;" threads. We are not closet normalfags that secretly long to be accepted by sluts, fratfaggots and pseudo-intellectual college scum. We are NEETs that have chosen our path of parasitism of our own accord and have no need for 3d people beyond how much we can use and steal from them. If you don't understand this, then you don't belong here and need to go back to /a/, /b/, /v/, /soc/ or whatever terrible board spawned you.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:04 No.7579904
    I think you are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:09 No.7579918
    This. Board's mostly antisocial douches who sage fucking everything and refuse to answer questions due to a superiority complex caused by being isolated from most people for a long period of time and being exposed to only japanese media which caused them to feel better than others for knowing about it even though there are completely normal people who enjoy anime, manga, visual novels, vidya and moar every day without being a lonely shutin faggot. It's really the same reason we have hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:10 No.7579922
    there's a life lesson in here somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:10 No.7579924
    I think you're a shitstain if you think otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:11 No.7579927

    Aww, someone got told by /jp/
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:12 No.7579929
    Don't be a hipster?

    You articulated my frustration with /jp/ very well.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:14 No.7579937
    Also, check out my sage.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:15 No.7579940
    >implying he's better than me
    Thanks for proving my point, bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:16 No.7579943
    u mad nerd? ownd 4 lyfe
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:16 No.7579944
    I like your greentext and >implications but I think you should check out my sage.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:18 No.7579956
    It seems that newfriends from /v/ cannot even construct a simple sentence without

    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/06/11(Wed)09:20 No.7579962
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    Still caring about sage during the summer of 2011?
    Are you new? Get on with time.
    Cant take the sage rate? Get out.
    According to my years long research, the current trending rate of sage will only go up from now onward.
    Expecting it to hit 30%+ by the end of this year.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:21 No.7579966
    Fuck it, going to /a/. Your mothers would be proud of how you live. Go upstairs and recieve a hug.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:21 No.7579968
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    We never fight like this on /jp/.

    Stop it, all of you.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:22 No.7579971
    It's not like we fight between ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:22 No.7579972
    buttowned faggot running away, forever beta
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:23 No.7579975
    ur cock prbbly 9 cm LAMAO rite
    evrythin is small bout u
    >> Suigin !fKazami5bE 07/06/11(Wed)09:23 No.7579976
    Let's get this shit started
    I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

    If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

    Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

    The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

    The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

    I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.
    >> femanon of /jp/ 07/06/11(Wed)09:24 No.7579979
    >normal people
    >without being a lonely shutin faggot
    /jp/ is not your blog. If you want to tell people that you have a hot banging 10inch boyfriend or how you earn 100k/year go to /soc/ or /b/ to blog about it.
    No need to flaunt about it dumbass, nobody cares.
    These arguements will not come up unless you try to prove how superior you are to these so called trueNEETs because you have a life.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:24 No.7579980
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:25 No.7579982
    Copypasta spam time?
    The most exciting time of the day!
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:26 No.7579988
    For me , fhc from Brazil, NTR only exist when this happens with a wife, bride or a girlfriend of the protagonist ( a girl that have a official love relationship / commitment with the protagonist of the game ) and the protagonist really love this woman very much, and this woman love the protagonist very much too, however, for some reason, she is forced to make sex with other man ( maybe bacause of a “uncontrollable sexual desire”, or maybe because of blackmail, or like the “payment” of a “high debt”, or, just a normal RAPE ) I not know, the reason will be explained in the game, but, the fact is that the girl need to love the protagonist and the protagonist need to love the girl. NTR without love, for me, is not NTR.

    However, for sure exist others different kinds of NTR, since NTR is jealousy and jealousy is a feelings, then, it can change between different persons. No one have the same feelings, no one have the same mind. Then, NTR is something of personal interpretation.

    Games exactly with the kind of NTR that I like are very much rare, then, If I keep only with this kind of thing in my mind, I never will play any game. I need to try to satisfy me with the few NTR that are available, even in games that not have EXACTLY the kind of NTR that I like.

    Then, some people have jealousy of their mother or sister, other people feel jealousy of a unrequited love, like a childhood friend that you love very much, but, she end up in love with other guy. Or maybe a friend that work in the same job. This can varies very much beetween each game. The unique TRUE fact about NTR is:

    1- The protagonist see the girl making sex with other guy, and the protagonist feel sad, frustated, angry and disturbed seeing this sexual act. The protagonist fell JEALOUSY in few words, then, this is NTR.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:26 No.7579989
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    Today I was masturbating with my onahole and my family was asleep so I was really going at it. Sighs, moans, and lewd squishy noises filled my room. When I came I decided to keep moving it at a normal pace instead of going as deep as I could inside and I just about lost it. It felt really, really good. I began sighing as I emptied myself into this device, at certain times whimpering. I felt a smile force itself onto my face and I leaned back in my chair, sweaty, nude, and content. When I finally pulled my penis out it tickled so much I let out a few small giggles. I've had my onahole for almost two years now and it still surprises me every now and then.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:27 No.7579992
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    >femanon of /jp/
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:29 No.7579996
    It thought about the question of the ages while looking at the spaghetti
    napolitain of the lunch. It is a question "Why is the napolitain red?". It
    looks easy, and the problem with a deep interior.
    It doesn't become an idea stop ..another.., and not exist excluding the
    defeat of the intellect at all though arranges "It is red because it is red"
    etc. and tautology and there is complacent superficial man, too either.
    There is a phenomenon "Redshift". It is a phenomenon that the spectral line
    changes red by the Doppler effect in the heavenly body that goes away from
    the earth at high speed in space. In a word, if the napolitain goes away
    from us at high speed even though what color, an original napolitain is sure
    to look red glaring. Whether does the napolitain in the presence move at
    high speed or not?It is understood from turning on the opposite side of the
    napolitain. Blue one are sure to change, and to look blue the spectrum by
    observing it from the opposite direction of the movement. When having turned
    oppositely, the napolitain was red. Therefore, it can be said that this
    napolitain will not high-speed move.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:29 No.7579998

    this board could use more people like you
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:29 No.7579999
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:30 No.7580001
    Please do note that defragmentation is akin to brushing the disheveled hair of your little computer girl while she rests on your lap, her small, warm body pushing against yours as she ignores your attempts to comb her long hair in her quest to find a comfortable spot. And disk cleanup would be in form of you taking a bath with her afterwards, making sure to scrub her body thoroughly to remove the dirt (that is to say unnecessary applications and temporary files) she accumulated from playing while she blushes and mumbles about how she's old enough to take baths by herself now, but when you offer to leave the bath, she'd nonetheless tell you to stay with a small voice. While washing her body, it goes without saying that you'd take note of how she's changed over the years, her hips and cute little butt taking on curves more fit for mature women twice her age and little buds rising from her chest as the first signs of her entry into adulthood - though those changes would be caused by VNs and images you've downloaded on her instead of aging. Her personality would consequently be a mixture of innocent and lewd, and she'd be well aware that you're the main cause of the shapely curves on her little girl body, so she'd take the opportunity to "please" her master by pressing her flat chest against you and rubbing your penis with her hands, moving her slender fingers expertly despite her apparent youth due to instincts you've bestowed her via your downloads.

    And after the cleanup session, you'd resume your "play" with her, where she'd read VNs to you (and even help you understand difficult text with her dictionaries) or watch as your play Touhou, Hellsinker, Diadra Empty, Batrider, Dodonpachi or whichever other shooter struck your fancy today until you feel the need to masturbate, where her slender, bridal glove-clad hands would again take hold of your penis and jerk it until you cum on your little computer daughter yet again.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:30 No.7580005
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    I wasn't asking for pics.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:31 No.7580009
    Little girls can improve everything. Take, for example, human innards. Normally, one wouldn't think of his spleen or kidneys as being adorable, but once you imagine them as cute little girls, even human viscera can be worth falling in love with. Your kidneys, for example, would be identical twins wearing the adrenal glands as their hats, gladly devoting themselves to their rather disagreeable job with a warm smile on their faces so that your body can be free of waste products. Your bladder would be a shy, clumsy loli under the kidneys' guidance, trying her best to hold in your urine but occassionally falling and spilling pee everywhere. Your liver would be a reliable onee-sama type who oversees the blood sugar levels in your body and detoxifies harmful chemicals, she'd always be concerned over your well-being and admonish you if you don't watch your food and alcohol intake; but despite being a strict, no-nonsense class president type on the surface (she'd probably wear glasses too) she'd secretly be a perverted lolicon in an incestous lesbian relationship with her little sister gallbladder-tan. Your stomach would be a womanizer despite being a little girl, frequently kissing both oesophagus-tan and small intestine-tan mouth-to-mouth with the excuse of "transferring digestive contents", but she'd do this even if you haven't eaten in days.

    As the alchemists of old believed that gold was the ideal form of all metals, I believe the ideal form of humankind to be adorable young maidens. I pray that once we die, the afterlife awaits us will involve all /jp/ users turning into elegant young ladies and taking it easy until the end of times.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:32 No.7580011
    Anime sucks, I get tired of you animu-fags talking about how your animation that is made by the lazy Japanese is someone amazing when it is just the same old shit from the same old fucking asshole. You dislike Western Animation? Because it's the same thing each episode? Well, hate to say this, but anime is just as repetitive.

    Even 13 episodes is too long for most anime, Death Note is the most boring crap I have ever seen. Most anime, like Death Note, tries too hard to be profound and deep. You want to know who watches anime? Young quasi-intellectuals and the retarded man and woman-children otaku who think they are so smart for watching some Japanese cartoon that noone cares about over the legendary Heckle and Jeckle or Bugs Bunny.

    Anime's artwork is basically the same. Just with mild, very mild variations. You may have a slightly different eye form or the hair may be a little different, but it's all the same. Same thing with the plot, all retarded teenage bullshit. No substance, just talk, some moar talk, a poorly animated fight, some enlightenment, then some crappy ending. This wouldn't be so bad if it was a movie, but they make cartoons 200+ episodes long just to pull that off! And most of those episodes are connected by a basic canon. So you HAVE TO WATCH EVERY EPISODE. Sorry, but I prefer about 20 to 30 unrelated stories to one long story that gets raped by the executives and winds up to be 200+ episodes long.

    Most of all, you anime fans are so sensitive when it comes to your beloved anime. Most of you would be mad if I said that anime is not mainstream for a reason, and would continue your anti-American crusade simply because you're still butthurt over 4Kids and Funimation editing anime and how you think people wouldn't think you're so lame if they didn't remove the blood from Yu-gi-oh and made it "an adult show".

    pic related: mfw anime finally dies
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:33 No.7580012
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    Please, ignore the poster known as "mugenjohncel".
    He is barely a minor smuggler and black market profiteer who labours under the delusion that he is a great tycoon.
    His business is sneaking $4000000 of vegetables past customs, deny responsibility and frame colleagues.
    Truly, he is a laughable figure.
    The state of his country is worrisome.
    I would not desire him as a comrade, nor as my friend on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:33 No.7580013

    Not too sure where to start but I'm a 24 year old male with a VERY humiliating problem (at least to me). My PENIS farts. This is what my latest girlfriend called it. Although she says it's the cutest and sexiest thing she's ever seen, I cant begin to express how embarrassing this is to me.

    It can be anything from a soft wet whistling sound to a very loud popping or air escaping quickly sound. Yes, just like regular fart but much higher pitched and can be about 5x as loud. (coming out of a smaller hole, I guess). During a typical hand job my PENIS can fart up to 30 times. My girlfriend seems to love it but I feel like crying. The gentlest squeeze especially at the base can elicit a fart but the worst is when I orgasm.

    This is not a health issue as I've been doing this all me life. It doesn't hurt, in fact the vibrations alone can initiate an orgasm. Just humiliating. Most women don't say anything, some laugh but every girl who has witnessed this seems to be mesmerized by it.

    I know women like confident men but I just cannot seem to get comfortable with this and I feel it is ruining my life. Girls talk and I feel like the talk of the town. High school was a nightmare.

    My question is: Are my the only one. Has anyone else experienced this? I've checked books, done internet searches etc., but can't find anything related to my problem. I don't feel that I can cure the problem but how can I be more comfortable with it.

    How would you feel if you met a man who was attractive, kind, sensitive and sincere but PENIS farted?

    Sorry if I was being too graphic but I felt like I finally needed a woman's opinion.

    Thank you for your help and concern. Best Wishes
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:34 No.7580017
    I didn't expect to generate this shitstorm...
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:35 No.7580019
    Привет /a/lohas~

    Pokemon is a piece of shit, and I'm gonna take the time to explain why.

    First of all, the graphics. There's fucking jaggies everywhere; it's like they told a 2 year old to take 5 seconds of his time to puke on a piece of paper, then they pixelated it and called it a 'sprite'. That's pretty much how every pokemon design has been conceived I'm sure, as there hasn't been a single one that hasn't made my eyes bleed. I'm no graphics whore, but this shit's ridiculous.

    On the topic of 2 year olds, who the fuck is this game aimed at? It's too complex for children, too simple for adults; the only people who can find enjoyment in seem to be autistic manchildren. You fat fucks living with your mothers are the only reason Pokemon even exists. If it weren't for you, Nintendo would've stopped shitting out this crap, and the game industry would be in much better shape than it is now.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:36 No.7580022
    Which brings me to my next topic. The gaming industry is in shambles because of Nintendo and their fatass autistic fans. Nintendo shits out a Pokemon game, you idiots eat that shit up. They know this. Other companies know this. Other companies think it's a good idea to follow Nintendo's formula for success; releasing shitty rehashes every 6 months. Nobody buys their shit, Cliffy gets butthurt about 'pirates', and more DRM, DLC, and other bullshit is added to what could be decent games. That's why we never see new franchises. That's why we're stuck with so many mediocre sequels. Don't blame pirates, blame idiotic Nintendo fans.

    Finally, I present to you the abomination of a 'competitive scene' the game has. Why does a children's game have 25 year old autists sweating 16 hours a day to play it competitively? Beats me. It's fucking disgusting. You faggots are also the reason e-sports is developing so slowly; everyone associates the image of e-sports with fatass ginger neckbeards with horrible acne. Nobody wants to participate in that. Fuck you.

    >> Suigin !fKazami5bE 07/06/11(Wed)09:37 No.7580025
    I think it's my fault I just posted the good old sage kopipe and some guy thought I was going to spam the thread and joined in.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:40 No.7580036
    Actually, I joined another guy to spam pasta for fun, not you.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:41 No.7580041

    Your name reminds me of something that needs a third season...
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:42 No.7580047
    is this your first time here or something?
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/06/11(Wed)09:42 No.7580048
    The third season of Rozen Maiden was out years ago.
    Are you living under a rock?
    >> Suigin !fKazami5bE 07/06/11(Wed)09:45 No.7580057
    Spice and Wolf?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:45 No.7580059
    can't you sense his buttownage? He even created thread on /a/ about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:47 No.7580069

    Just a few hours in 4chan, actually...


    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)09:54 No.7580100
    moomin patchpouli?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)10:00 No.7580118
    Deer diary,

    Someone did a sage in my thread. This is very upsetting to me. Why does /jp/ user do sage in my thread? This angers and confuses me.

    The End.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)10:04 No.7580126
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    It's really only about touhou.
    Everything else is cancerous off-topic shitposting.

    I'm looking at you VN/vocaloid/meta/idol/saten-fags.

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