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06/20/11(Mon)09:50 No.7505553 File1308577801.png-(184 KB, 640x480, 1275356170637.png)
you ask me, it's about making threads that are both interesting enough
with topics that are broad enough; and not make things too limited or
Sometimes, making a few easy-to-understand
statements or posting an interesting board-related image might be good
enough. But in the end, I honestly can't see that many patterns in what
makes a thread popular. It seems that the posters in the thread are just
as important as the OP, and posters and their interests vary from day
to day.
However, please try to not limit yourself or have too
narrow expectations of what kind of threads /jp/ users might enjoy. The
only thread I've ever made that got more than a hundred replies was the
thread I was the least certain /jp/ users would enjoy. Don't give up,
and good luck! |