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  • File deleted. KlNG 0F /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/18/11(Mon)10:03 No.7242203  
    about what topic we should talk today ;3

    >> KlNG 0F /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/18/11(Mon)10:41 No.7242283
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    but we are not /b/
    and pedophilia is a disease
    >> FemAnon 04/18/11(Mon)11:26 No.7242368
    one easily cured with fire
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)11:30 No.7242378
    Uselessly specifiying your gender: [OK]
    Bumping a shitthread: [OK]
    Not using capitalization and punctuation: [OK]
    Not quoting who your replying to: [OK]

    Congratulations, you successfully trolled me!
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)11:32 No.7242380
    >who your replying to
    You didn't saw that, m'kay?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)11:57 No.7242446
    The problem isn't pedophilia per se, it's just that it's most of the time correlated with abuse and rape.
    >> KING 0F /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/18/11(Mon)12:16 No.7242482
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    I think it depends all, some 16 girls are more ready for sex , then some girls with 19.

    Its hard to to put by law 1 number and that this is for all humans.

    But to have sex with a 12 year old I think that's too much already and I would consider it pedophilia
    >> KING 0F /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/18/11(Mon)13:03 No.7242665
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    I would say the funny part is at medieval age , man took 13-14 year old girls as wife.

    I mean you just have to look outside trough the window and you can see how different 15 year old girls/boy are now and how they where lets say in just 10 years ago.

    The time is changing and children are getting becoming faster and faster adults at this time.

    I remember how I did play outside with my friends who can hide the best with 12-13 and go play soccer , now this 12-13 year old are dating outside and kissing.

    No one can deny that,I think the law about when a child can have legally sex should be changed.
    Not even the best doctors can explain with 1 number , when its good to have sex.

    Humans are too complex about sexuality.
    And about that this
    >if i took advantage of the 25 year old woman's immaturity and exploited her and used her like meat, nobody would give a shit.

    The problem would be she would say you raped here.

    What I hate about this world that in almost all cases only man can rape women
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)14:20 No.7242876
    will you make a new morning musume thread?
    >> KING 0F /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/18/11(Mon)14:47 No.7242967
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    Its true, but I think it will change maybe in a few years.
    I have a girlfriend , she is 22, and I think some 16 year old girls do look very sexy.

    If you would pick up a hot 16 year old girl and ask a few guys "Would you bang her?", but you don't tell them her age, all would say yes.
    people are afraid of the number.

    Its very hard to see any difference between 16 year old girls and 22.

    With little make up and some nice cloths, ever 15-16 year old girl can be more sexy then some 24 adult women.

    I think in today's modern world, people are easy to throw the world pedophile at others.The problem is more complex then just

    girl is 18= full okey to have sex
    girl is 16=you are a pedo

    from wiki they say female/male sex is legal with 17 in
    USA Louisiana

    Lets say I am 18 if I have sex with a 16 year old girl, I am doing something illegal and i am pedo?
    no clue ,spend few days ago watching this
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)14:50 No.7242974
    Hey king of /jp/, check out these aibon gifs i made a few weeks ago.
    >> KING 0F /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/18/11(Mon)14:53 No.7242983
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    thx bro, I got now few more reaction gifs ;3
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)14:53 No.7242985
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    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)14:54 No.7242988
    np, i got to go for now. see you later ;3
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)14:54 No.7242989
    If you have sex with a sixteen year old girl, where it is illegal, while having full knowledge that she is sixteen, it can't be helped, you've committed a crime. You're not a pedophile, though. If you thought she was eighteen or over, saying so is a completely valid defence and people won't consider you a pedophile. You're mixing pedophilia up with ephebophilia. The difference between the two is very important. There's no way you could get away with a defense like, "I had no idea she was three years old!"

    The law has to draw the line somewhere, that's all it is.
    >> KING 0F /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/18/11(Mon)14:55 No.7242993
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    anyway I am off for today
    but this page shows some very big differences in the world about age of consent

    see ya tomorrow guys
    >> KING 0F /jp/ !2K23m85knQ 04/18/11(Mon)14:59 No.7242998
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    ah just before I go offline :P
    Would like to talk more about this

    Dont get me wrong m8
    I am not defending 60 year old guys raping 12 year old girls

    I am actually attracted more by 24-28 year old women, even if I am 23

    But I would lie if I say that some 16 year old girls dont look hot.

    Maybe I did little get confused with pedophilia up with ephebophilia.

    Yeah I see now , after i did read on wiki.
    You did teach me something new anon.
    I am then actually talking about ephebophilia
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:01 No.7243004
    Please don't come back. I hate you so much.
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)15:40 No.7243114
    hey KlNG 0F /jp/ !2K23m85knQ, sorry for getting you banned.

    stupid mods :(
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)15:42 No.7243120
    if you want to know how to get past the ban, friend me on hongfire forums and i'll send you a pm
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:44 No.7243126
    This thread demonstrates some of the worst aspects of /jp/ tripfags
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:45 No.7243127
    thank god OP got banned, i can't stand this faggot.
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)15:46 No.7243129
    >thank god OP got banned, i can't stand this faggot.

    to be fair, i got banned too. but i'll do my best to help friendly casualties
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:48 No.7243133
    He was in need of a banning anyways, its not worth it really, unless you like to see /jp/ shit upon by him
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 04/18/11(Mon)15:49 No.7243139
    Go get raped in prison.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:51 No.7243147

    You'd think the mod would learn after a while.
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)15:52 No.7243149
    >He was in need of a banning anyways, its not worth it really, unless you like to see /jp/ shit upon by him

    he seems sympathetic to the pedo cause so i think he is a worthy addition to /jp/

    theres more than enough anti-pedos to go around

    >Go get raped in prison.

    why would i get raped in prison?

    the only thing i do is fantasize about is getting my cock sucked by 10 year old japanese girls and then rubbing my cock on their smooth hairless vaginas
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)15:56 No.7243158

    I love underaged girls for many reasons and my age range is anything from 8 to 15 years old. The perfect loli age for me is around 10-12 years old. She still has no pubic hair or breasts but her overall body already has some sexy form.

    Flat chests: I love their smooth bare chests with 2 cute little nipples. I like to gently squeeze their breast area so that it looks they do have breasts, then I suck their nipples, pretend breasts and all.

    Bald hairless pre-pubescent vagina: God's gift to mankind. Unlike women's vaginas, little girls vaginas are completely hairless and look like beautiful flowers, not fish. My penis would usually be too big to insert into their vagina so I just place the head of my penis onto her vagina and make short and gentle thrusting motions. Alternatively, I like to just use her vagina hole to caress my penis up and down, from the base to the tip. The friction alone is enough to make me cum.

    Her little mouth and little fingers: Like her vagina, a little girl's mouth is not enough to take the whole of my penis but they can take enough. The combination of her inexperienced mouth around the tip of my penis and her hands clutched around my shaft is heavenly.

    Her carefree and innocent personality: Unlike a woman, a little girl is not bitter, jaded or cynical. Her desire for money hasn't come around yet so she only has one thing that motivates her: curiosity for the unknown. The look of a girl's face when she sees an erect penis for the first time is a mastercard moment.

    And that's why I love little girl lolis. What about you?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:56 No.7243160
    Way to show you haven't been here for more than a couple days. Reported, you and your bitch need to fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)15:58 No.7243166
    Why don't you guys just ignore IB and the OP, both are shitposters and the best way to deal with them is to ignore them, its quite simple.
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)15:58 No.7243173
    >Way to show you haven't been here for more than a couple days. Reported, you and your bitch need to fuck off.

    people keep telling me to 'fuck off' but i never do.

    and theyve been saying that for almost 5 years.

    give it a rest will ya?
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)15:59 No.7243176
    >Why don't you guys just ignore IB and the OP, both are shitposters and the best way to deal with them is to ignore them, its quite simple.

    is it really that simple?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:01 No.7243183
    Maybe not, you're a persistent shitposter, but there is less of a problem if everyone ignores your posts.

    How long will it take for you to realize /jp/ is loli, not pedo.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:06 No.7243200
    >the best way to deal with them is to ignore them
    That only works on low tier autist shit posters,
    that has never worked with the majority of /jp/'s daily shit posters and continues to not work.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:08 No.7243207
    I mean that even if he kept on shitposting for time eternal, there'd still be less of a problem if everyone just ignored him, he's even got a tripcode to filter
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:09 No.7243210
    This is the first time in a long while I've seen somebody banned from /jp/. Wooo.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:10 No.7243218
    see >>7243147 and
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:12 No.7243225
    You see this is where you are wrong. The old time /jp/ mentality does not apply in this case. Passively accepting these people's acceptance leads to the misguided understanding that these ideas, posting styles and tripfags are tolerated on /jp/, they aren't.

    All of a sudden a pack of these people are posting all over /jp/ in discussions they shouldn't belong in, etc.
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)16:13 No.7243232
    >How long will it take for you to realize /jp/ is loli, not pedo.

    my argument is that there is a high correlation between loli and pedo.

    finding animated children sexy is not that different from finding sexy real life children sexy.

    whether one admits it or not is a nother story.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 04/18/11(Mon)16:16 No.7243242
    Go back to /n/, you stupid /n/igger.

    Oh, wait!
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:18 No.7243249
    maybe you should learn the difference between fantasy and reality, moron
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:19 No.7243254
    I find it amusing when a shitposter attack another shitposter. Yes I'm talking about you Ren. Banker is actually slightly amusing at times, you are just fucking annoying.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:21 No.7243256
    It's always entertaining when newfags think they have something of value to say
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:22 No.7243258
    Haha oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:23 No.7243260
    Alabama cocksucker force deploy!
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 04/18/11(Mon)16:23 No.7243261
    Hello, ISM. Samefagging, as always.
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)16:24 No.7243263
    white ren, do you have ANY proof that i am impersonating other people?

    i already told you to go get the mods to confirm ip addresses

    until then, you merely have unsubstantiated allegations
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 04/18/11(Mon)16:25 No.7243268
    The moment a mod actually pays attention to /jp/, you will be banned. Again.

    Therefore, your challenge is essentially meaningless, you dumb /n/igger.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:27 No.7243271
    >White Ren calling people niggers
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)16:28 No.7243272
    s>The moment a mod actually pays attention to /jp/, you will be banned. Again.

    >Therefore, your challenge is essentially meaningless, you dumb /n/igger.

    you're sidestepping the issue here. whether the mod bans me or not is not the issue.

    the issue is whether your claims of samefag are true.

    do you accept that you have no proof and merely guessing?
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)16:38 No.7243292
    white ren, are you going to respond to my post >>7243272?

    >the issue is whether your claims of samefag are true.

    >do you accept that you have no proof and merely guessing?
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 04/18/11(Mon)16:41 No.7243301
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    No. <3
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)16:45 No.7243314
    >No. <3

    i take that as a "correct, i have no proof of my accusations of samefag and i confirm that i am merely guessing"

    if you're not going to admit you're wrong, then you're just a big fat waste of time.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:46 No.7243320
    Seriously you are annoying. Stop thinking people will like you. You are a disgusting tripfag and will stay an inferior person because of that.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:47 No.7243322
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    >you're just a big fat waste of time.
    What makes you superior to him?
    Your samefags are way too obvious anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:47 No.7243326
    Hey, don't insult Ren.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:49 No.7243329
    How many times have you been banned Investment Banker?
    Like a year ago I wanted to use a web proxy and it was fucking banned and your tripcode was there.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:49 No.7243331
    Did you post CP?
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 04/18/11(Mon)16:50 No.7243332
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    No, anonymous: you are inferior.
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)16:50 No.7243333
    >Seriously you are annoying. Stop thinking people will like you.

    im a fucking pedophile!

    >What makes you superior to him?

    he makes grandiose claims.

    i challenge him to back up those claims, even asking for a mod to provide proof for or against his claims.

    he passive-aggressively backs down without admitting defeat.
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)16:52 No.7243339
    >Did you post CP?

    i posted a pic of a japanese girl (7-8 years old?) spreading her smooth vagina lips for the camera

    you shouldve been there!
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:54 No.7243342
    Then you deserve it, I guess. I made a thread asking how to meet adolescent boys, without posting any illegal picture, and I got banned anyway with "pedophile" as the reason!
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:55 No.7243346
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)16:56 No.7243352
    How did you find it so fast? Did you bookmark it to keep the advices, or something?
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)16:57 No.7243353
    >Then you deserve it, I guess. I made a thread asking how to meet adolescent boys, without posting any illegal picture, and I got banned anyway with "pedophile" as the reason!

    well i think thats unfair. adolescent boys are past the age of puberty so at worst, you are an ephebophile

    sigh society... we cant even have civil discussions about underaged girls and boys
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)17:00 No.7243366
    Why are you replying to me? I was replying to Ren. From what I recall he is a big retard. Probably even a bigger one than you.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)17:00 No.7243368
    Ewww little Japanese girls are disgusting.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 04/18/11(Mon)17:01 No.7243374
    But anon-kun, you are the biggest retard of all.

    You should be proud of your accomplishment.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)17:02 No.7243380
    It's true, I'm not a pedophile and I keep saying it. I don't understand how people can find intimacy between adolescents and adults bad. I started fapping and wanting sex when I was 11...
    >> Investment Banker !peDolruVVw 04/18/11(Mon)17:03 No.7243383
    >Why are you replying to me? I was replying to Ren. From what I recall he is a big retard. Probably even a bigger one than you.

    unlike white ren, i admit that i made a mistake (i thought you were responding to me)

    sounds funny though doesnt it? me, as a public pedophile asking people to like me!
    >> Anonymous 04/18/11(Mon)17:06 No.7243390
    I'll be direct: I prefer you over White Ren. As long as you don't post anything illegal do whatever you want. It isn't like /jp/ can get any more shitty than it is right now.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 04/18/11(Mon)17:07 No.7243398
    You're the type that would prefer genital warts over soft-serve ice cream~

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