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  • このサイトについて - 翻訳

    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next later this week

    File : 1279277662.jpg-(2.61 MB, 450x450, 10437423.jpg)
    2.61 MB Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)06:54 No.5675068  
    [Ar tonelico]

    New Ar tonelico/Gust thread. The previous thread (>>5665631) died prematurely. Thank you shitposters.

    >NIS America has announced at their San Francisco press conference that they’ll be bringing Ar tonelico III, released by Namco Bandai and Gust Corp in Japan late this January, will launch under their publishing in North America in Q1 2011. It’ll be titled Ar Tonelico Qoga.

    Just as we predicted but it's nice to have it officially announced.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)06:54 No.5675069
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    Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

    Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Now updated with the latest PCsx2 beta client, plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

    And before someone asks again for the lossless albums:

    AT - All:
    AT2 - All:
    AT3 - OST:
    AT3 - Hymmnos albums:

    Thanks to Yuyucow and Anonymous in previous threads for digging up the links. Foobar can play the .tta files but if you feel like converting them to .FLAC or whatever for your MP3 player/Media player of choice then Foobar also provides an easy convert tool. Takes about a minute to convert the albums over to FLAC.

    AT3 Artbook -

    Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

    Latest Toukousphere Translation:

    Much love to the Anonymous translating these. ♥

    Download the 4chan sounds Greasemonkey script to hear the music embedded in the OP image file:

    This time it's Rustling Throb ~Cloche~, which comes from the AT2 OST. Enjoy having this loop in your head all day.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)06:57 No.5675079
    And of course in before the usual stuff; Sion getting butthurt every time this thread is bumped, Coconaaaaa, Halloween.jpg, Luca is a whore and a slut, 500x500.jpg etc.

    Now back to Shadow of the Colossus..
    >> Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU. 07/16/10(Fri)06:58 No.5675084
    What about europe?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)07:00 No.5675102

    I imagine it's due at the same time in Europe. They didn't exactly release many copies of previous Ar tonelico games in Europe though. PS3 is region free so it shouldn't really matter.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)07:03 No.5675123
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    >> Anomynous 07/16/10(Fri)07:09 No.5675160
    >Q1 2011
    Isn't that a bit soon? I wasn't expecting it until Q2.
    >> Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU. 07/16/10(Fri)07:12 No.5675180
    Well importing form the UK is still faster and cheaper then US thats why i'm interested. Oh well they released Trinity Universe and similar game at the same time so this probably too is going to a same date release.
    >> Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU. 07/16/10(Fri)07:14 No.5675190
    Question how many girls can you "flag" in AT3? Is it only the two main girls or can you get others?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)07:17 No.5675212
    Will it have 3408953-09 fatal glitches?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)07:17 No.5675214
    >> Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU. 07/16/10(Fri)07:22 No.5675247
    Yep 1st day buy.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)07:36 No.5675327
    I will be buying a PS3 just for this game

    Hope there isn't any friendzoning like in AT2
    >> Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU. 07/16/10(Fri)07:43 No.5675372
    Even if it has PS3 can patch shit unlike PS2.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)07:47 No.5675394
    What the fuck is Qoga?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:04 No.5675467

    Well yeah, I'm from the UK so I'd like to see it released over here too but honestly I'm not getting my hopes up just yet until I see places taking preorders for it.
    >> Sudo !nAoZUmIAfk 07/16/10(Fri)08:09 No.5675491
    >Q1 2011
    Fuck yes.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:11 No.5675502
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:12 No.5675509
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:14 No.5675519
    >Ar tonelico III: The Song of the Girl that Pulls the Trigger of the End of the World

    This should had been the title. What's is it with NISA and fucking up each At title?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:19 No.5675545
    Or why no not follow their naming theme 'The melody of the end of the world' and why did they forget to put the number, they made it sound like it's some side story or a novel.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:24 No.5675565
    The Girl who Continues to Sing at the End of the World > Melody of Elemia

    The Girls' Metafalica that Resounds throughout the World > Melody of Metafalica
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:28 No.5675580
    The Song of the Girl that Pulls the Trigger of the End of the World > Melody of Qoga
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:30 No.5675593
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)08:52 No.5675698

    It's pretty silly too because the title has real relevance with what happens at the end of the game. Changing it to Qoga on the other hand makes it sound pretty retarded.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)09:24 No.5675790
    Anyone know where exactly it was said about Tilia having the most advanced body out of the three Origin, while Frelia is the most mentality advanced, and Shurelia being an incomplete Origin?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)11:09 No.5676291

    I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in one of the technical rooms.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)11:27 No.5676364
    Goddamn, I don't give a shit what the title is. At least we're actually getting a translation now and hopefully all the negative backlash from AT2 will mean they'll pull through a little harder with AT3.

    The long titles sound really silly in English.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)11:38 No.5676422

    Except they don't.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)11:43 No.5676444
    The only problem I have with the name is that the title implies no relevance with the other 2 games, it's just called "Ar Tonelico: Qoga" not "Ar Tonelico 3: Qoga", like I said earlier it sounds like it's some side story, but it's not that big of a deal, just sayin'
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)11:55 No.5676505
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)11:57 No.5676515
    Anyone know if it'll have an English dub option?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)12:01 No.5676527

    And thanks to Blurays being so huge, they shouldn't have an excuse to cut any of the Japanese track either.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)12:02 No.5676533

    Who fucking cares about that on /jp/
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)12:05 No.5676548
    Let's add an irrelevant and incomprehensible subtitle to out game instead of indicating it's a sequel: Marketing Genius.

    Seriously, what the fuck. I guess this makes it easy to google, and impossible to ask for in a store.
    >> Anomynous 07/16/10(Fri)13:22 No.5677129
    We meek lurkers who can't read moonrunes.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)14:50 No.5677820
    It will probably have 3 in the title, Ar tonelico III - Melody of Qoga doesn't exactly sound good though. I actually liked the reference of the original subtitle. I just hope this isn't a sign of things to come like silly name changes and terrible translation.
    >> Alicia Melchiott (SUPPORT THE CURE FOR AUTISM PUT THIS IN YOUR NAME) !MuQGL65shc 07/16/10(Fri)14:54 No.5677838
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)15:30 No.5678061

    AT 1



    ???? tier

    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)15:34 No.5678087
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    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)16:07 No.5678333
    at2 shit tier ? seriously ?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)16:11 No.5678356
    Thank you Anon

    You are a Godsend
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)16:15 No.5678375


    No Soma? Shit
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)16:18 No.5678399
    I like to imagine it's part of Finnel's package.
    >> Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU. 07/16/10(Fri)17:35 No.5679038

    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)17:47 No.5679164

    Check Google, they all list the news from the press conference as Q1 to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)18:02 No.5679306
    You could always ask NISA to put the 3 and "Melody of" in the title, I guess. They DO read e-mails, or at least they read mine. I commented to them about Sakura Wars and Disgaea Infinite and they responded with an actual human answer.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)19:40 No.5680108

    They really need to clarify what's going on. Even with this press conference done there's confusion over the release date (Q1 or Q2) and the name (Ar tonelico Qoga, Ar tonelico III - Qoga, Ar tonelico III - Melody of Qoga..). I'm also curious if they are planning a CE of it.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/16/10(Fri)19:43 No.5680137
    Question to the Japanese speakers: does Qoga refer to anything at all, or is NISA trolling themselves?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)19:45 No.5680146

    So what do you think will be the better name for it? Currently it's Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel.

    CE? You mean like what they're doing with Atelier Rorona?
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)19:45 No.5680148

    see >>5680137

    Assuming that's not a troll. So it'd be Melody of Demise basically. Why they don't just put that in the first place instead of Qoga is anyones guess..
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)19:50 No.5680188
    >>5680146 here

    And the reason I asked abot the name is that I'm thinking of e-mailing NISA and I want to get some good questions on it. Currently I'm thinking of asking:

    A) If the name is pending/whether they might change it.

    B) Whether it's just premium edition Rorona or will there be also a standard edition with a lower price.

    C) Why Classic Dungeon is PSN-only (they probably won't be able to answer this if Sony America has something to do with).

    D) Whether they plan to compile the first two Ar Tonelicos on retail or possibly PSN.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)19:56 No.5680257

    Really? Still sounds pretty silly. I prefer the original subtitle but whatever. And yes, extra stuff like an additional artbook is always nice to have, in my opinion. In AT's case anything is awesome - artbooks, soundtrack, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)20:22 No.5680497
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    Toukousphere Anonymous here, at least the image is not a troll, if that's what you meant. Also refer to e.g. the lyrics of ~ ee wassa sos yehar (cEzLYE qoga! cEzLYE shefra!). I dunno. I guess NISA is trying to show they actually know about this Hymm Nos thing. I kinda would have preferred a title with the number and the usual subtitle, but whatever.

    Also, from the Hama's Dojo in tonight's Toukousphere. DO FUCKING WANT. Man, this makes me want to get into sculpting. Oh well, better get to work on 96.
    >> Anomynous 07/16/10(Fri)20:26 No.5680543
    Well, I'm of the opinion that the original subtitles are too wordy for English and the renaming was acceptable, but Qoga is... weird.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)21:21 No.5680993

    That's pretty awesome, hopefully they post up the finished version. Regarding the title I agree it shows that they have at least looked into hymmnos however only a small number of people who buy it will know what it truly means whilst the rest of the customers will be wondering what the fuck it means.


    If you haven't already sent the e-mail then I'd like to request you ask about an EU release date for AT3 too. Also if they're interested in re-releasing AT1/AT2 then perhaps they'd be interested in working with that group that is fansubbing AT2.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)21:47 No.5681239
    >then perhaps they'd be interested in working with that group that is fansubbing AT2.

    Would that be okay to ask? I don't think every publisher is okay with fansubs.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)21:50 No.5681270

    They know they fucked up with AT2. They can at least redeem themselves, work with their fans and provide a much better translation for everyone. This means that the fansubbers haven't wasted their time and NIS will have it easier in regards to fixing up the atrocity that is the AT2 translation. It can't hurt to ask, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)21:54 No.5681301
    True, but I don't think NISA would be crazy about spending the cash moneys to re-release the games. The AT series can't exactly be a cash cow for them to start with.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)22:14 No.5681482

    Then they could release it on PSN as I suggested in an earlier post. Before you say, "People got mad at the Agarest thing," the only reason they did was because it was available for limited edition retail on 360 while PS3 version wasn't, which got many people upset at the unfairness (Sony is to blame for that one).
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)23:09 No.5681960
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    It'd still gain some interest and revenue if they threw it up on the PSN store for anyone to purchase. If they fixed up the translation I'm sure a good number of AT fans would happily download it.

    I'm going to bed, be sure to keep the thread alive.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)23:21 No.5682071
    Okay, so I'm going to e-mail NISA. I'll summarize the questions I'll ask:

    A) Will Ar Tonelico Quog: Knell of Ar Ciel be the final name? There are fans that believe that it sounds like a side-story and that most westerns might not understand the 'Quog' part. There's some agreement of the title Ar Tonelico 3: Melody of Demise. It fits with the titles of the previous two games as well. Also, will there be a European release?

    B) Would it be possible for you to release the first two Ar Tonelicos on PSN? I think it would help those (including me) who did not play them and can not find them on PS2, be able to play those two games and get them ready for AT3.

    [I don't know how to word the fanstranslation question, I need help on this guys.]

    C) Will there be a standard edition of Atelier Rorona, sold at a lower price?

    D) Are you able to say why the localization of Classic Dungeon is PSN-only? I think many people would prefer a UMD copy.
    >> Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)23:49 No.5682352

    "If you are interested in re-releasing AT1 & AT2 digitally on the PSN store would you fix the translation errors present or would you release them as they are? There's currently a fan translation project ongoing for AT2 that you could possibly intergrate for a more accurate translation."

    Or something along those lines, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)00:05 No.5682483
    >Ar tonelico 3: Melody of Qoga

    Should be this, at the least since both previous games were Elemia and Metafalica.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)00:10 No.5682529

    Not sure if it's a stupid question or not but would I link them to the fan translation project (I don't know the url though) or just leave the question as is?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)00:20 No.5682613
    Woah, wait, Atelier Rorona is getting a CE? I just looked it up on Amazon, they don't have it listed for pre-order. Is this some type of in-store only deal, or has it just not gone up for pre-order yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)03:22 No.5684263
         File1279351355.gif-(2 KB, 640x480, melody of elemia.gif)
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    Pic related, it's my pcsx2.

    One moment Shurelia is blushing about installs, the next the game is black-screened and unresponsive.

    Using Ar Tonelico I - Melody of Elemia UNDUB by Bible Black.ISO.

    Does this need patching? I remember AT2 had a crash-point that needed to be patched.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)04:22 No.5684928

    Makes sense.


    Google the premium box, it's getting a hard cover artbook with it.


    I don't recall AT1 having any major bugs such as this. It sounds rather inconvenient but have you tried redownloading it?
    >> White Ren of Darkness !YLuFFdRcFQ 07/17/10(Sat)04:28 No.5684972
    NIS usa must be litarly /jp/ level retarded if they think im waiting until April 21011 to play arrrr tonelco 3

    i dont know about others but i will import the japnese version now. Ateliar rorona will push at3 back many months.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)05:54 No.5685868
    At least you tried, I'll give you that.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)07:15 No.5686414
    What are those 2 things on Frelia's head?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)08:42 No.5686752

    Rorona is being released in September, they only just officially announced they're interested in AT3.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:14 No.5687527

    They contain raw essence of moe.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:48 No.5687797
    Okay, I'm gonna e-mail NISA later today. Wonder how they'd respond to the fantranslation thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)11:52 No.5687829
    Does Rorona have a time limit?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:02 No.5687948
    luca is a whore and a slut
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:11 No.5688009
    Threaten them with bombing if they do shitty name changes.

    That'll get their attention.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)12:26 No.5688104
    >It sounds rather inconvenient but have you tried redownloading it?
    Unfortunately, thanks to my rubbish internet connection, this will take a day and some.
    Oh well, wish me luck!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:07 No.5688435

    Eh, go play AT1 or something while you wait. I'll also assume your graphics plugin etc. is setup correctly.
    >> Anomynous 07/17/10(Sat)13:20 No.5688531
    >think im waiting until April 21011
    That's only the same amount of time it took for the first two to be localized (12-15mo from Japanese release). Though, I suppose most people lack the patience I have.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)13:23 No.5688558
    >Eh, go play AT1 or something while you wait.
    B-But that is AT1!
    I can't rest because Shurelia talks to me about installs and then the game crashes.
    And Shurelia's is the only part of the game I have left.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)17:59 No.5689513
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    Oh, my mistake. That's why I downloaded Shadow of the Colossus etc. just to have something to play if something else fucks up. How does it feel not being able to take responsibility?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)20:38 No.5691058

    Heh, we were made to wait over a year for AT2 which is pretty sad considering the translation quality.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:10 No.5691392
    I would've gone with Melody of Ar Ciel.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:14 No.5691431

    Now I'm getting conflicting ideas, one guy says Melody of Quog, another says Melody of Ar Ciel...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:45 No.5691722

    I believe it's Ar tonelico Quog: Knell of Ar Ciel, as mentioned earlier in the thread. Until we get a reply from NIS it's anyones guess what the 'official' title is.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:11 No.5692052

    No I mean what would be a better title. Ar Tonelico 3: Melody of Quog or Ar Tonelico 3: Melody of Ar Ciel. Rather than Ar Tonelico Quog: Knell of Ar Ciel (hey that rhymes).
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:57 No.5692543
    Qoga, dammit.

    It's not Quog. It's Qoga. Q-o-g-a.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)23:36 No.5692850
    Will it contain EXEC_EP=NOVA/.? If so, I'll take twenty.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)23:38 No.5692858
    Are you expecting a dubbed version of EXEC_EP=NOVA?

    Oh fuck
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)23:40 No.5692869
    Chocobos of Pulse was okay, but if I get a dubbed version of EXEC_EP=NOVA/., I think I will have to kill myself unless it is sung in dericias Engrish.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)23:44 No.5692887
    0% chance of that happening; FF7's re-release didn't have so much as a spell check, why the hell would they do it for this game?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)01:38 No.5693865
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    I guess I'll check Pixiv for any new AT ima-OH GOD HNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

    After staying up tonight I can see why the previous thread died. Someone bump this in a bit to keep it alive.


    I kind of liked Ar tonelico III: Melody of Demise. Melody of Ar Ciel works too. Quog/Qoga/whatever the fuck it is just looks odd, in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:10 No.5695402
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)07:54 No.5697062
    Maybe they've already gave up and know only hardcore fans will buy this.
    After all the game IS bad gameplay wise, especially compared to AT2, I'm actually wondering if AT2 was a joint project unlike AT1 and AT3.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)08:27 No.5697185

    Are you implying that gameplay actually means something? Millions of people still bought shit like Final Fantasy XIII at full retail price. But yeah, I see your point. AT3 isn't all that bad though, at least they've implemented a decent combat system on a 3D engine.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)15:54 No.5699999
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:49 No.5700497
    I never understood how those shoes stay on.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)16:52 No.5700519
    They're glued. Or maybe with Harmonics.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)17:10 No.5700660
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    It's glorious science, image related.
    >> Anomynous 07/18/10(Sun)18:01 No.5701076
    Suction cups.

    /I would
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)19:42 No.5702146
    Haha, that's made my day. Cloche does her speech followed up with Metafalica and the first response she gets from the crowd is "Go die!"
    >> Anomynous 07/18/10(Sun)21:46 No.5703380
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:47 No.5703383
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    They're not shoes, they're thigh boots.

    That's because they're ingrates. I'm sure they'll laugh as they sink into the Sea of Death with smiles on their faces.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:56 No.5703451
    Ugh. I redownloaded AT1, loaded my save, rested, and the game froze again.
    I don't know how pcsx2 save files work. If I download a different undub (or even not even that) of AT1 will my save still work?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:59 No.5703466
    cutest AT girl
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:00 No.5703471
    are you talking about normal saves or savestates?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:01 No.5703476
    Normal saves.
    I don't use savestates.

    That's not Raki
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:18 No.5704072

    It should work fine. You sure swapping around some plugin settings wont fix it? Could also try updating your graphics driver and such.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:25 No.5704111
    I have an old iso I downloaded and then I downloaded this one by bible black that supposedly had the cutscenes in japanese. Strangely the folder structure was completely different (my old iso has folders named VPACK and VPACK that the new one didn't have) and I did a diff of the movie folder and only two files were different, so I didn't bother with it and used my old iso.

    So try downloading a normal untampered iso.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:31 No.5704145
    >NIS America has announced at their San Francisco press conference that they’ll be bringing Ar tonelico III

    >NIS America

    But should I celebrate yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:04 No.5704458
    how do I equip those red crystals to a weapon?
    >> Ayashiro !Hime2512LA 07/19/10(Mon)00:07 No.5704488
    You don't, only the purple ones.
    The red crystals are for offensive magic, the blue ones are for buffs, the green ones are for magic you use out of battle (the various shots), and the purple ones are for equipment.
    It's under "enhancement" iirc.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:22 No.5704562
    then how do you equip the red ones to whatever thing they have to be equipped to?
    >> Ayashiro !Hime2512LA 07/19/10(Mon)00:25 No.5704577
    "Install" at a savepoint.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:25 No.5704579
    Red crystals should be able to be equipped in the Reyvatail's song magic menu to augment their magic.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:26 No.5704586
         File1279513566.png-(177 KB, 600x458, large_12758775374c0c58a200001.png)
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    Install them in your Reyvateil on the camp/inn menu.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:29 No.5704606
    Was Lyner insanely overpowered for anyone else by the end of AT1? I cannot recall what level my party was, but Lyner was hitting for ~2300 plus elemental damage, had 100% crit, and took almost no damage. I think it may have had something to do with the accessory that you get from whichever reyvatail whose cosmosphere you clear.
    >> Ayashiro !Hime2512LA 07/19/10(Mon)00:33 No.5704635
    The Ar Tonelico games are so incredibly easy that I'd be shocked to learn otherwise.
    Damage was irrelevant because regeneration chips, and elemental damage crystals made even Krusche do fucktons of damage.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:48 No.5704708
    I don't see any option. Is this option not enabled from the beginning?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:08 No.5705418
    No, you have to get permission from whoever you want to install in. Play through the game and it'll eventually come up.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:22 No.5705508
    Original OP here. I'm back. Went for some crazy driving in nepal (where the fuck are the street lights, goddamn), met the Dalai Lama in india, and suffered indigestion and carsickness (I assume indian drivers don't know that you're supposed to break when you're making an almost u-turn on a mountain where the slightest mistake will send you plummeting 500 feet) the entire way.

    If the current OP wants to continue, it's fine, but if you want I can continue on again with making the threads.

    As for ZUN!bar, I'll post a link to the album with some photos in it when I gather up and upload all the shitty photos I took.

    Glad to see everything's going well, at least.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:24 No.5705530
    >NIS America has announced at their San Francisco press conference that they’ll be bringing Ar tonelico III, released by Namco Bandai and Gust Corp in Japan late this January, will launch under their publishing in North America in Q1 2011. It’ll be titled Ar Tonelico Qoga.

    Oh, fuck. Awesome. I need to buy a PS3.


    The shit?
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 07/19/10(Mon)06:33 No.5707229
         File1279535584.jpg-(96 KB, 640x480, 11953779.jpg)
    96 KB
    Anon is still in one piece!

    Glad to have you back. Any good food? Lots of right hand eating?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)06:41 No.5707267
         File1279536106.jpg-(119 KB, 650x607, 11969374.jpg)
    119 KB

    Go ahead. It gave me a chance to update the AT pack with the newest PCsx2 and I learnt how to actually use that plugin. Hope you had fun.


    Well yeah but I thought it was pretty random. During the entire song it went from "Fuck you" to "This isn't so bad" to "Fuck yeah, Cloche!" then the moment the song ends.. "GO DIE!"
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)09:11 No.5708648
    There's an obvious gap between her heel and the shoe.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)09:52 No.5708928
         File1279547554.png-(529 KB, 750x1500, Coconaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png)
    529 KB

    To be fair that Cocona isn't official, her official portrait does have a gap though.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)14:54 No.5710999
         File1279565655.jpg-(162 KB, 1288x987, fdfd.jpg)
    162 KB
    should I always pick the name the girl suggests or what?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)14:55 No.5711011
    You want to say no to that face?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)14:56 No.5711019
    Kind of, it makes me want to tease her.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)15:02 No.5711054
    I don't know, I don't want to screw it for it to come back later to haunt me.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)15:03 No.5711070
    It doesn't affect gameplay, these games are just there to be cute. Honestly I like Aurica's suggestions, though she might be a psycho.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)15:03 No.5711071
    Why would you want to call the Arcadia recovery cannon, Boom energy drink?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)15:04 No.5711079
    Just go with what you prefer. It doesn't affect anything.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 07/19/10(Mon)15:14 No.5711154
         File1279566857.jpg-(204 KB, 640x480, 1233741828136.jpg)
    204 KB
    Arcadia Recovery Cannon > Boom Energy Drink > Heal Cracker
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)15:15 No.5711164
         File1279566948.jpg-(252 KB, 1280x960, snap120.jpg)
    252 KB

    Silly ZUN and your low resolution.
    >> Ayashiro !Hime2512LA 07/19/10(Mon)15:18 No.5711191
    Playing PS2 games in anything but 640x480 is brutal eye murder.
    I hope you feel bad for what you've done. That looks terrible.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 07/19/10(Mon)15:22 No.5711219
         File1279567330.jpg-(113 KB, 850x637, 1233740810675.jpg)
    113 KB
    Dem horns.

    Actually I never did her cosmonaut spheres now that I think about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)15:28 No.5711281

    Looks fine to me at that resolution. Cranking it up to something like 1920x1080 however makes it look fucking terrible I'll admit.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)16:07 No.5711709
         File1279570033.jpg-(535 KB, 1935x987, a.jpg)
    535 KB
    say what?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)16:16 No.5711805
         File1279570564.jpg-(203 KB, 1600x900, Untitled.jpg)
    203 KB
    How do you upscale it without massive quality loss?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)16:20 No.5711840
    It's just polygons, why would upscaling it lead to quality loss
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)16:48 No.5712036
         File1279572513.png-(46 KB, 290x426, aaaa.png)
    46 KB
    tweaking the d3d internal resolution, the stress lays on your graphic card so depeding how good it is you'll be able get decent fps with a high resolution or not (a 9600gt should manage 1024x1024 fine)

    Because you're working with a native resolution of 640x448 which is then resized to fit your window size. So unless you crank up the internal resolution it will look bad.

    Anyway, this doesn't work with AT becuase it's mainly 2D and if you change the resolution glitches appear. The most you can do is set manually the internal resolution to 640x448 instead of clicking the native checkbox. That way you can enable the bilinear filtering, which will make the textures look better.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)16:51 No.5712057
    It looks shit upscaled because of the textures. They are made for dem low res tv tubescreens. derpadurp
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)16:55 No.5712090
         File1279572939.jpg-(228 KB, 1600x900, Untitled.jpg)
    228 KB
    Wow, huge difference.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)17:02 No.5712131

    Huh, I can actually see their facial expression. Or what expression these models give, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)17:09 No.5712175
    It's a shame you can't actually turn P3 into a decent game by playing with the graphics settings.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)18:45 No.5712939
    >finished ar tonelico
    >start playing ar tonelico 2
    >everything different
    well that's a change
    >new combat system
    >compulsory innuendo on dives
    >i get to the bath part

    I'm completely suprised by Ar Tonelico 2 for the moment. In a good way.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)18:46 No.5712948
    Sup Jones
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)19:17 No.5713179
    >It's a shame you can't actually turn P4 into a decent game by playing with the graphics settings.

    On an actually related note, I'm downloading the ATFLPP. What should I expect out of AT2?
    >> Anomynous 07/19/10(Mon)20:36 No.5713724
    Better than AT1 in a number of ways, but plagued by some glaring translation errors and a pretty nasty bug on the next to last boss (shouldn't be a problem on PCSX2).
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)00:19 No.5715679
         File1279599574.png-(396 KB, 710x756, 11985488.png)
    396 KB
    What's this? An actual decent colouring of this image? I don't believe it.. is Otome Function out too?
    >> Ayashiro !Hime2512LA 07/20/10(Tue)00:44 No.5715904
    Is a problem on PCSX2.
    You have to patch your iso (search the archive for the link, it was asmodeus something).
    Luckily, since there is a save point every two minutes, you won't lose much if you encounter Raki unexpectedly without first patching. And she's totally optional, isn't she?

    Also, the AT2 combat system is nice in that you don't ever have to level your characters up at all once you master the art of pressing the block button at the right time and get all perfects.
    I found out after I beat the game that there were IPDs that made it even easier; you should probably avoid those if you want any semblance of gameplay.

    That too
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)00:48 No.5715948
    But P4 was actually good, unlike P3
    >> Ayashiro !Hime2512LA 07/20/10(Tue)01:04 No.5716075
    I didn't give P4 as much a chance as I gave P3 because it was boring kiddie shit, so yeah.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)01:18 No.5716204
    As if any one here is above kiddie shit.
    >> Anomynous 07/20/10(Tue)01:51 No.5716479
    I never patched my iso, I didn't have a problem.

    Maybe I'm just awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)01:54 No.5716513

    I believe the bugfix is automatically applied with newer versions of PSsx2.
    >> Whitehat Search Engine Optimization & Improve PR & Web Exposure ZeriUnsekkern 07/20/10(Tue)01:59 No.5716555

    I'm a webmaster

    I'm interested if grey hat Search Engine Optimization help?

    Can these [url=][b]Grey Hat Community[/b][/url] assist me?

    Just curious to know...
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)04:12 No.5717667
         File1279613562.png-(259 KB, 441x801, 11986663.png)
    259 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)05:13 No.5718119
    Is phase 3 in Ar Tonelico the final phase? I killed Mir and picked Shureli over Misha who was my main choice for phase1/2. The most difficult part was trying to slowly kill enemies for level 3 harmonic level. Is that really the end of the game? Whats the point of all those uber items if it is.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)08:54 No.5719167

    To make the game even easier. But yes, that is the end of AT1. Now you have the choice of replaying Phase 2 for the different route or moving on to AT2.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)13:16 No.5720817
         File1279646216.jpg-(32 KB, 600x450, lainachroah.jpg)
    32 KB
    It was? Did we play the same game?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)13:40 No.5721050
    Why is there no bulge?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)16:08 No.5722799

    They're both secretly traps.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)17:24 No.5723367
    DAMN YOU AR TONELICO 2. I can't help listening to this all day :
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)19:21 No.5724479

    Here you go:
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)19:51 No.5724694
         File1279669915.png-(502 KB, 533x642, large_12791110574c3daf9168b6b.png)
    502 KB
    That's a pretty awesome song. It was nice to hear it as the first battle theme you hear for the game.

    ... dammit, now it's going to be hard to avoid firing up my ARX reader and just listening to that on loop for the rest of the night. I should go play some Atelier Iris. Because I'm too lazy to start replaying the whole AT series, because that's going to take forever, and AI is short, right? ... oh god, if Aurica learned Turn 2 Candy, the world would end.

    Oh yeah, I'll rewrite my Toukousphere conversion script to deal with the Twitter stuff this week and post it this weekend since there's no Technical Data Room this week, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/10(Tue)20:52 No.5725182
         File1279673547.png-(184 KB, 600x650, 11930191.png)
    184 KB

    You cannot deny the inevitable, good sir. I foresee you starting to replay AT again within 24 hours.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)02:00 No.5728251
    luca is a whore and a slut
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)02:58 No.5728725
         File1279695504.jpg-(300 KB, 648x679, 9622273.jpg)
    300 KB
    >> Anomynous 07/21/10(Wed)04:34 No.5729474
    Yes, and?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)04:56 No.5729600
    Oh, Ar Tonelico thread. I just finished AT2 and wanted to talk about it.

    Don't you think the final boss fight made absolutely no sense? "I don't want to deal with people anymore, so I'll isolate everyone." What the fuck, woman? If you really want to be alone just isolate yourself and be done with it! I really didn't understand her motivations at all.

    The game was mediocre, compared to AT1. I didn't like that the two main love interests are: a royal tsundere and a bitch from hell. The poor plot was made worse after translation. Really, it's hard to find good points about the game. I guess Jacqli is one.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)07:01 No.5730281
         File1279710103.jpg-(197 KB, 817x612, 1276916670039.jpg)
    197 KB
    Everything about Frelia isn't good?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)07:35 No.5730462

    Yeah, we already know that Infel and Nenesha's original idea was good but their way of doing it was horrible. And eh, it had delicious Jakuri, some excellent music and I actually liked the battle system when shit like girl power and Replekia wasn't abused.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)08:27 No.5730654
    I thought AT2 was superior to the original in almost every way, not counting the horrors of the translation. My only complaint was that the cosmospheres felt a lot shorter than in the original. Some layers felt like they were over before they began. I think Shurelia still has the best overall cosmosphere, even though I like Jaqli better a character.

    I did think the main plot of AT2 was more compelling, and the characters were more engaging. The lack of a clear villain does hurt it, but not substantially.

    As far as music, AT2 stands head and shoulders over both 1 and 3. Exec_with Method_Metafalica is absolutely the best song in the series, Exec_Viena and Method_Replekia are strong runners up, and the three parts of Sublimation make for a great finale.

    Speaking of Replekia, sure it is highly abusable, but the game, like just about everything from Gust, is a breeze anyway. Bosses are speed bumps, so really all it does is save you a few rounds of mashing the block buttons. If anything, the grathnode crystals of AT1 were even more broken, since you could make every song in your repetoire turn you nigh invincible while simultaneously increasing your damage output exponentially and allowing you to win with your eyes closed. Indeed, many times I would end up killing bosses with regular attacks while playing the waiting game with Replekia just to see what absurd level I could charge it up to.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)08:51 No.5730753
    I wouldn't say isolate. It's more along the lines of Infel thinking that people'd be better off living as data entries in Infel Pira then hanging around a dying world (or continent) that drops shit down into the sea of death every hundred years or so
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)09:45 No.5731085
         File1279719915.png-(541 KB, 495x800, large_12790006104c3c002236de8.png)
    541 KB
    > like just about everything from Gust
    > is a breeze

    > people'd be better off living as data entries in Infel Pira
    Pretty much this. >>5729600 would have been closer if you had her saying "Holy shit, everything really sucks, I'll create a world where no-one will have to be sad, and who needs a stupid physical body anyway?"
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)09:46 No.5731094
    But I will grant that this doesn't come through as strongly if you don't read some of the supplemental materials. Unfortunately, that sort of in-game abbreviation does happen sometimes in this series.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)11:07 No.5731628
    AT2 would have been perfect if you were able to customize your weapons like in AT1. I dunno but I'm just crazy for that kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)11:51 No.5731876

    Eh, it all depends on what way you look at it really and whether or not you include the additional materials and such. From the (badly translated) game it's clear that Infel and Nenesha wanted to create Metafalica but the people refused to accept them and this led to multiple things happening which didn't exactly make Infel happy while also fucking over the second tower. From this experience she truly believed she could create a Metafalica by 'sublimating' the whole world, regardless of their will, she truly believed people would be happier as proven by the lyrics in EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/. ~omness chs ciel sos infel for example. But killing off the entire planet (or so she believes) is not the answer just because your best friend got fucked over. She needed to be put in her place and Croix & co. do just that. Then again I feel the citizens of the second tower deserved to be sublimated just because I felt they were raging faggots.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)14:16 No.5732626
         File1279736214.jpg-(213 KB, 600x800, 12024657_p1.jpg)
    213 KB
    Oh my, is that some masochistic Vista? Obligatory translation request.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)14:17 No.5732633
         File1279736266.jpg-(241 KB, 600x800, 12024657_p2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)14:18 No.5732639
         File1279736306.jpg-(166 KB, 600x800, 12024657_p3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)14:20 No.5732660
         File1279736452.png-(31 KB, 1107x277, Ar Portal translation-Ar Ciel (...).png)
    31 KB
    >Ar tonelico III: The Song of the Girl that Pulls the Trigger of the End of the World
    >finally officially announced

    >titled Ar Tonelico Qoga.
    What. God damn it. Though, looking back, they did fucked up the last two titles.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)14:27 No.5732692
    i just bought AT2, whats wrong with it?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)15:29 No.5733121

    Half of the voices were cut and there's a major bug where the game completely freezes if you take too long killing Raki. Also a shitty translation but that's applicable to the undub version too, unfortunately.

    Fucking typo.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)16:16 No.5733448
    is there a way too patch my ps2 disk to fix all the problems?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)17:34 No.5734099
    A retranslation patch is being worked on, but from what I know it's going the way of Fate/Hollow Ataraxia's translation.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)17:40 No.5734160

    Nope. Either live with it or download the undub version and play it minus the bugs. The retranslation is going at a snails pace, I believe so don't be expecting that to be done for a while.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)19:48 No.5735366
         File1279756102.jpg-(7 KB, 80x80, 22_9.jpg)
    7 KB
    What's with this super-M frame? Who customized her?

    Vista: I'm really sorry I caused you all that trouble.
    Aoto: Naw, don't worry 'bout it.

    Aoto: Well, that's what I wanna say, but ...

    Vista: Yes?

    Vista: Um, what exactly are you ...
    Aoto: See,

    Aoto: I've got all this stress built up from when you were like that.

    Vista: I'm really very-
    Aoto: Sorry, but ...

    Aoto: Until I'm done bein' pissed off at you,

    Aoto: You're gonna have to go out with me.

    Continued at Summer Comiket not
    >> Anonymous 07/21/10(Wed)23:00 No.5737299

    >Continued at Summer Comiket not

    I've been trolled. Fuck you, Pixiv.
    >> Ayashiro !Hime2512LA 07/21/10(Wed)23:06 No.5737354
    Replekia made the game infinitely 'harder' for me, since I enjoyed the Replekia song and would just dodge for ages listening to it.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)01:29 No.5738583
         File1279776554.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 242 KB, 1120x1600, kachoh_03.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 242 KB
    uh oh
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)01:33 No.5738615
    >kiddie shit
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)01:38 No.5738646
    I've seen this before
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)03:23 No.5739528
         File1279783439.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 355 KB, 1280x960, snap162.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 355 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)03:51 No.5739761
    Also Inudrill confirmed for releasing a doujin at Comiket, fuck yes. It's a shame it'll never be scanned.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)09:46 No.5741802
         File1279806419.png-(902 KB, 800x950, 12050567.png)
    902 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)14:01 No.5743367
         File1279821685.jpg-(419 KB, 1280x960, snap163.jpg)
    419 KB
    Oh Cocona..
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)16:58 No.5744880
    I'm trying to get the PCSX2 emulator to work on my pc. Are my specs good enough? I can't run it at a stable framerate yet. I tested it out with Pac-Man World Rally.

    System Model DX4720-03

    System Type x64-based PC

    Processor Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz, 2500 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)

    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB

    Total Physical Memory 3.75 GB

    Available Physical Memory 2.30 GB

    Total Virtual Memory 7.70 GB

    Available Virtual Memory 6.07 GB

    Page File Space 4.04 GB
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)17:15 No.5745069

    What's your graphics card? And can you overclock that CPU at all? AT isn't very demanding as far as emulation goes (compared to stuff like Shadow of the Colossus) but that CPU is still a little on the slow side. It should run fine but you'll probably get slowdown on the world map but that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)17:15 No.5745072
    God damit I've completed AT1 but I haven't even cleared one level of Shurelia's cosmosphere. I really want to see the endings and watching them on youtube just won't be the same. I'm so mad right now and I know I'm going to devote hours to getting those talks just for a 2-minute scene, but god damit it's going to be worth it.

    Also, what is the significance of Ayatane finding Mir at the end? Is this linked to AT2?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)17:23 No.5745167
    I haven't tried Ar Tonnelico yet. I'm still waiting for it to finish downloading.

    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 7100 / NVIDIA nForce 630i
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    Chip type: GeForce 7100 / NVIDIA nForce 630i
    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
    Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_07E1&SUBSYS_01371025&REV_A2
    Display Memory: 1912 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 248 MB
    Shared Memory: 1663 MB
    Current Mode: 1680 x 1050 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    Monitor: Generic PnP Monitor
    Driver Name: nvd3dum,nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2um, nvwgf2umx.dll
    >> Anomynous 07/22/10(Thu)18:03 No.5745530
    Yes, kind of.

    Ar Tonelico should run fine on that with the exception of a few intense combat animations and the world map. One advantage of a mostly 2D game.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)19:17 No.5746196

    You don't have a save file? You could just reload it and do Shurelia's cosmosphere since you can dive into all 3 girls in AT1. As for the ending.. can't you just reload? It's not hard to pick the other option.. and it's barely any different anyway.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:24 No.5747257
         File1279848260.jpg-(243 KB, 1280x960, snap115.jpg)
    243 KB

    Even if you don't have a save file could you really say no to this?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)00:17 No.5748771
         File1279858645.jpg-(703 KB, 752x1080, 12061996_p0.jpg)
    703 KB
    This is perhaps one of the oddest pairings I've ever seen.
    >> How i just got my free IPhone 4g! SBIGGY 07/23/10(Fri)00:26 No.5748813
    Hey guys,
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)01:39 No.5749314
         File1279863551.jpg-(8 KB, 80x80, tks_20_8.jpg)
    8 KB
    What the butt!?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)02:18 No.5749674
    I do, but its a long way back since I don't save often. Yes, I know thats stupid of me.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)02:28 No.5749740
    You're on /jp/, the board that's pretty much VN general, and you tell us you don't save often?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)03:20 No.5750103
    I stopped playing AT2 near the end and feel the need to finish it since AT3 is comming to the US, however I've seem to have lost my savefile.
    My question is this: What route should I do for this mostly re-playthrough. I did most of the Cloche route last time.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)03:22 No.5750120
         File1279869750.jpg-(300 KB, 1264x1513, ccf3bd5af96732407a3db86c557020(...).jpg)
    300 KB
    Luca route. She's so messed up her route's really interesting. Either way don't choose a girl until the save point right before the last boss so you can enter Jacqli's or Cocona's ending.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)04:29 No.5750638
         File1279873756.jpg-(298 KB, 1120x1600, kachoh_20.jpg)
    298 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)04:30 No.5750648
         File1279873805.jpg-(313 KB, 1120x1600, kachoh_21.jpg)
    313 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)04:30 No.5750653
         File1279873838.jpg-(306 KB, 1120x1600, kachoh_22.jpg)
    306 KB
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 07/23/10(Fri)04:32 No.5750664
         File1279873949.jpg-(417 KB, 1000x1541, 12.jpg)
    417 KB
    Awesome artist.

    I think he was the character designer for Wild Arms 4 actually.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)08:35 No.5751799
         File1279888532.jpg-(354 KB, 1280x960, snap157.jpg)
    354 KB

    This is clearly a lie.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)08:42 No.5751826
    Hey what doujin is that?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)09:45 No.5752153
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    Is AT1 supposed to be so easy modo? I haven't grinded at all, the combats are always press X till I win and even the boss fights are a fucking joke.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)09:52 No.5752188
    It's quite easy yes.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)09:57 No.5752208
    All AT games are a joke. In AT 2 you can adjust difficulty by not leveling your Reyvateils at all, which forces you to guard diligently if you want to win. Taking out high level IPDs with starting characters was some of the most fun I had in an RPG in a long time, but eventually I stopped caring and was glad of the easiness because the story captivated me.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)10:51 No.5752570
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    12.jpg, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)16:10 No.5754749
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    Oh god, Filament is delicious.


    Exactly. The odd thing is that shortly before seeing that image on Pixiv I watched the 2.22 Eva movie and before that I was playing AT2.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)16:12 No.5754765
    Oh man, I love 12.jpg, they're my favorite circle.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)17:49 No.5755573
    Anyone have the new Art Book?
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 07/23/10(Fri)17:50 No.5755581
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:00 No.5756654
    I posted before in this thread. Now I'm trying to run Ar Tonelico at a decent framerate, but it normally slows down to 20-30 fps in fields, the world map and battles. Anyone have any idea on how to make it run more smoothly? I posted my specs before. Here they are again. It runs slightly better when I switch the Renderer to Direct 3D9(Software) on the GS plugin. This seems like a pretty good game. It's a shame if I won't be able to play it without running like a slideshow.

    System Model DX4720-03

    System Type x64-based PC

    Processor Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5200 @ 2.50GHz, 2500 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)

    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB

    Total Physical Memory 3.75 GB

    Available Physical Memory 2.30 GB

    Total Virtual Memory 7.70 GB

    Available Virtual Memory 6.07 GB

    Page File Space 4.04 GB

    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 7100 / NVIDIA nForce 630i
    Manufacturer: NVIDIA
    Chip type: GeForce 7100 / NVIDIA nForce 630i
    DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
    Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_07E1&SUBSYS_01371025&REV_A2
    Display Memory: 1912 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 248 MB
    Shared Memory: 1663 MB
    Current Mode: 1680 x 1050 (32 bit) (60Hz)
    Monitor: Generic PnP Monitor
    Driver Name: nvd3dum,nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2um, nvwgf2umx.dll
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:03 No.5756680
    You have to understand, that while PS 2 itself is a shit of a machine compared to the SUGOI RIGS were sporting these days, emulating one on a software level will currently take a supercomputer to run it smoothly, especially with the nip games that are very GFX heavy almost at all times. Try again in 5 years when we have PS5 and the PS2 emulators are beyond beta phase.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:04 No.5756683
    >NVIDIA GeForce 7100

    Try using a video card that costs more than five dollars.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:05 No.5756699
    >GeForce 7100

    Get a none shit-tier card from half a decade ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:06 No.5756713

    His machine is fine, his video is just a piece of shit.

    Seriously. a 7100 is what they use when they're given a motherboard that doesn't have an onboard graphics card.
    >> Sakura !!mcI4Nfcr3u5 07/23/10(Fri)20:06 No.5756718
    You hardly need a super computer to emulate PS2 games.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:19 No.5756814

    For reference, here's a cheap shitty card that'll work.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:32 No.5756906
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    how do I unlock the third lvl8 topic?
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)20:35 No.5756925

    Progress further in the game.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)21:12 No.5757222
    how further? I already repaired the ship
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)21:21 No.5757297
    Just go check gamefaqs or something geeze.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)21:27 No.5757339

    That's still Phase 2, isn't it? If so then you still have a large chunk of the game to go, just take it easy and you'll eventually get a new talk topic.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)21:31 No.5757372
    I found nothing about that there


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