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  • why do we let spammers get away with this shit?
    edit: :(((((
    edit dos: bounty on chris beer's verified identity/info/dox/whatever is in the $four figure$ range. e-mail me if you have anything.
    edit tres: the stuff on ED is fake. i said *verified*.
    edit cuatro: chris beer is easyvouch — *not* sharecash.

    File : 1276976941.jpg-(313 KB, 1200x900, DSCF3063.jpg)
    313 KB Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:49 No.5419918  
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:50 No.5419924
    No vodka, sauna or perkele in the picture so it's clearly not from Finland
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:52 No.5419946
    mokou is ok, the rest is meh, need more Vodka and metal
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:55 No.5419971
    They do look like Finns. Just look at all those expressionless faces! Except for Reimu's grin which is awesome. But Jesus christ they're ugly.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:55 No.5419973

    Well they are MEN after all
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:57 No.5419988
         File1276977451.jpg-(223 KB, 829x1385, desu1010.jpg)
    223 KB
    Missed the Aya.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:57 No.5419989
    That Cirno is cute.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)15:58 No.5419996

    Well that sure looks like a slut
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:00 No.5420010
         File1276977614.jpg-(246 KB, 900x1200, DSCF3570.jpg)
    246 KB
    I hit her!
    But she looks better as Mokou.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:00 No.5420014
    Everyone in that country has fatty faces.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:01 No.5420016
         File1276977661.jpg-(4 KB, 140x93, donotwant.jpg)
    4 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:01 No.5420019
    >Well they are MEN after all
    no excuse to have the same fucking fatface
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:01 No.5420021
    Fits the character.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:03 No.5420034
         File1276977815.jpg-(995 KB, 1200x1600, 1276587297722.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:08 No.5420059
         File1276978096.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 230 KB, 900x1200, DSCF3008.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 230 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:09 No.5420069

    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:11 No.5420078
         File1276978281.jpg-(370 KB, 1200x900, DSCF2829.jpg)
    370 KB
    Come on~
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:13 No.5420094
         File1276978438.jpg-(1.29 MB, 2592x1944, desucon sirkku ja raymoo.jpg)
    1.29 MB
    best reimu
    cirno is cute as well!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:16 No.5420111
         File1276978603.jpg-(310 KB, 900x1200, DSCF2821.jpg)
    310 KB
    Chen is the best!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:18 No.5420123
    If she lost some weight that would be a damn awesome cosplay. Regardless, most of us would probably still hit it.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:18 No.5420124
    That Reimu guy needs to have its face turned into a image reply
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:19 No.5420135
         File1276978787.jpg-(371 KB, 900x1200, DSCF3090.jpg)
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    Better Yukari?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:20 No.5420141
         File1276978831.jpg-(227 KB, 1024x768, pix.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:22 No.5420158
         File1276978977.jpg-(46 KB, 500x333, 1272737473331.jpg)
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    This picture shall explain the feelings i have towards every one of you. You should be ashamed of yourselves....
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:24 No.5420167

    I'm guessing another "fastntnig" macro?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:25 No.5420177
         File1276979116.jpg-(99 KB, 768x1024, P6120307.jpg)
    99 KB
    Chen! <3
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:29 No.5420205
         File1276979343.jpg-(374 KB, 900x1200, DSCF3072.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:31 No.5420225
    No. It doesn't have to be with text, just his face is good. It could be used for multiple purposes.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:32 No.5420230
         File1276979526.jpg-(6 KB, 174x172, reimu.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:34 No.5420245
         File1276979662.jpg-(230 KB, 1200x1600, kaijicossi.jpg)
    230 KB
    superior cosplay at the same con
    he wasnt even Finnish, though, he came from Germany to see Fukumoto (I think)
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:49 No.5420349
         File1276980564.jpg-(2.91 MB, 3872x2176, 1276887964076.jpg)
    2.91 MB
    Kaiji-kun and Trap-kun of this pic.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:50 No.5420359
    haha thanks.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:52 No.5420368
    Barefoot Cirno cosplay :3 <3
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:52 No.5420371
    That's wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:53 No.5420379
         File1276980830.png-(67 KB, 260x322, 1258853604859.png)
    67 KB
    Hello my friend!
    >> reiserFS !Hc6EcVkstI 06/19/10(Sat)16:57 No.5420396
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:58 No.5420409

    Knowing full well that this is a boy, does /jp/ still fap to pictures of Trap-kun?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:58 No.5420411
         File1276981135.jpg-(394 KB, 822x816, grinraymo.jpg)
    394 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:59 No.5420418
    We wouldn't be fapping if it were a girl.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)16:59 No.5420420
    That is not a fucking trap
    I am going to fap
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:02 No.5420445
         File1276981378.jpg-(234 KB, 756x614, 1258329712965.jpg)
    234 KB
    /r/ more Mokou
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:03 No.5420454
         File1276981435.png-(15 KB, 497x501, 1260345889662.png)
    15 KB
    The chubby Yuyuko is kinda cute.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:05 No.5420470
         File1276981547.jpg-(159 KB, 1024x768, joonas on hirveä pervo.jpg)
    159 KB
    finnish people are so shy
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:08 No.5420484
         File1276981698.jpg-(159 KB, 763x1100, 1271905215891.jpg)
    159 KB
    Halko Momoi!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:08 No.5420487

    Nothing wrong with trap fap.

    Just imagine him sucking you off, and feeling slightly conflicted inside as his tongue slides up and down your shaft. It feels so good as his lips gently caress the tip of your head, but you stop to wonder if this makes you gay. Eventually though, you push those feelings aside as you blow your hot sticky load into his mouth and he eagerly swallows every last drop of it and looks up at you with his lustful eyes, begging for even more.

    If you have a boner right now, congrats, you have caught the gay!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:13 No.5420520
         File1276982026.jpg-(29 KB, 356x301, 1272820175194.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:14 No.5420525
    i imagined the scene in my mind but to
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:16 No.5420532
    oh lol'd
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:36 No.5420674
         File1276983412.jpg-(354 KB, 900x1200, DSCF2816.jpg)
    354 KB
    Where is Ran?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:41 No.5420713

    she ran away.

    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:45 No.5420732
    Hei Sirkku
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:45 No.5420734
    That nose, he was made to be Kaiji. I was pretty envious when I heard the Finns were getting FKMT. He needs to come to America.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:46 No.5420736
         File1276983968.jpg-(12 KB, 252x268, HNNG.jpg)
    12 KB
    Y-you son of a b-itch....
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:48 No.5420753
    Since there are obviously finns in this thread, are the finnish conns worth going to or are they filled with yaoi fangirls and shitty cosplayers
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)17:56 No.5420785
         File1276984603.jpg-(20 KB, 300x320, 20090716-カイジ-人間の �(...).jpg)
    20 KB
    America is too far away...
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:01 No.5420810
         File1276984887.jpg-(371 KB, 900x1200, DSCF2831.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:02 No.5420814
    I preffered nigger rumia.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:03 No.5420820
    I've heard Finland is full of weeaboos, is this true?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:06 No.5420834
    well Im good at ignoring those people, but at least desucon (it was last weekend, fukumoto & momoi were there) felt pretty good. I really didnt do much though, I only attended the Fukumoto & Momoi-related things, an Umineko "panel" (which was great) and bought stuff (+ played a bit of taiko no tatsujin).
    as I said, I ignore yaoi fangirls and such almost automatically, but it felt like they behaved pretty well. there were some teenagers giggling at the guys buying doujinshi & stuff, though ;_;
    I'd say they're worth trying out if you're interested in some of the actual content or just buying stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:08 No.5420845
    >are the finnish conns worth going to

    Mostly not, but Desucon is good.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:10 No.5420848
         File1276985418.jpg-(28 KB, 500x375, 1274306642001.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:10 No.5420852
    Not really. Finland is mostly full of racists and drunks.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:13 No.5420859
    >played a bit of taiko no tatsujin

    Captain Falcon?!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:13 No.5420860
         File1276985635.jpg-(696 KB, 1959x2612, mio sakamoto cosplay.jpg)
    696 KB
    oh yeah and obviously there are shitty cosplayers, but I dont really care. they're easy to ignore, even easier than noisy people. and its not like there are no good ones (as you can see from reading this thread)
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:14 No.5420861
    half true
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:24 No.5420910

    Finland is so sparsely populated so we wouldn't know whether there are that many weaboos than ourselves
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:26 No.5420926
    ..yet most of the population is stacked in rather small areas.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:32 No.5420963
         File1276986749.png-(250 KB, 475x546, 1253454849105.png)
    250 KB
    More Mokou, plz!
    >> Pestilence !!ZL7HY8U8gii 06/19/10(Sat)18:36 No.5420985
    >worth going

    Sure is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:36 No.5420986
    I hate crossplay.

    It's a symptom of the same kind of self-loathing that makes people wear "ironic" retard clothes, "ironic" 60's glasses, play "ironically" horrible music etc. - you have a desire to do something, but you're afraid that you would be shit at it so you just go full retard and don't even really try.

    I mean, sure most people can't pull a convincing Kamina but at least do a Gohda or something, don't put on a skirt ffs.

    Of course, self-loathing is the Finnish national sport so naturally crossplay is what happens here.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:37 No.5420991
    Yaoi fangirls and shitty cosplayers are obligatory to all cons. That said, Desucon was miles better than the backwater American con I attented last year. Now if they would only stop spamming /b/ memes and get rid of the teenagers who do absolutely nothing but make a lot of noise...
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:38 No.5420997
    Yeah, I can see that. If you're going to do it, you should treat it seriously and really go all-out. I agree.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:39 No.5421002
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:42 No.5421024
    >Now if they would only stop spamming /b/ memes and get rid of the teenagers who do absolutely nothing but make a lot of noise...
    and make the amount of visitors go from ~3000 to ~500
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:43 No.5421030
    >>5420034 is also crossplay. it can be good, dont you think so?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:44 No.5421037
    I don't see any problems with that.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:45 No.5421045
    Im pretty sure the people organizing the conventions would have a problem with that.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)18:56 No.5421107
         File1276988177.jpg-(292 KB, 900x1200, DSCF3169.jpg)
    292 KB
    AHH! DDR!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:02 No.5421138
    /jp/ - Anime Conventions
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:02 No.5421140
    touhou is /jp/ material
    and some convention discussion itt as well, it is also /jp/ material as long as it doesnt focus in the cosplay aspect of cons
    >> proREMIRIAt Elite Force Commander !rSDMROXTB. 06/19/10(Sat)19:03 No.5421144
    nightmare fuel
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:05 No.5421161
         File1276988704.jpg-(1.55 MB, 2112x2816, IMG_6231.jpg)
    1.55 MB
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:07 No.5421173
         File1276988823.jpg-(377 KB, 2048x1536, 1273477776137.jpg)
    377 KB
    Post more Mokou!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:09 No.5421186

    It still amazes me that somebody would put that much effort in a costume and then ruin it all by being a man in a wig.

    ...That is a man right?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:10 No.5421192

    Doesn't look like one
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:10 No.5421193
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:11 No.5421195
    I guess you and I have different opinions on what constitutes "ruining" something.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:11 No.5421197
         File1276989102.png-(26 KB, 132x130, 1274444320737.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:13 No.5421208
         File1276989225.jpg-(2.29 MB, 2560x1920, YUKKURI SHITEITTE NE.jpg)
    2.29 MB
    I tried to build up the courage to tell her she doesnt exist.
    I didnt manage to do it.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:17 No.5421236
         File1276989472.jpg-(39 KB, 500x333, 1273047001100.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:18 No.5421238

    Did he tear them up?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:21 No.5421261
         File1276989715.png-(14 KB, 441x520, f8cc1b4143d22c1110037e64e98fdd(...).png)
    14 KB
    For god's sake, like any of you would look any better! In case you didn't notice, real people are NOT perfect like your beloved 2D waifus. At least these folks had the balls to go out, make a costume, and have some fun; rather than sitting in their basements bitching about other people's imperfections and fapping to hentai! This thread reminded me of why most other sites look down on /jp/.

    Pic related, it's my face after reading through this thread. Yeah, I mad, before anyone posts a "u mad?" image.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:23 No.5421278
    its still amazes me how I seem to be the only one who looks at the cosplay costumes rather than the cosplayers (of course a good combo is a big plus, but..)
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:25 No.5421289
    The Beatrice looks fine, huge nose aside. It's not like she can do anything about that anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:28 No.5421307
    There was one Noel (from game blazblue) that was pretty spot on with the costume and face/appearance too. I kinda wonder how the fuck would she cosplay anything, being so good looking.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:30 No.5421334

    It's still not a question fucking learn it, U MAD
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:34 No.5421359
    Picture or it didn't happen
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:35 No.5421364
    I'm with you on this. Anime is IDEALIZED. You know, perfect, and perfectly impossible. It only serves as an unfulfilling escape from reality.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:35 No.5421366
         File1276990556.jpg-(342 KB, 900x1200, DSCF3558.jpg)
    342 KB
    This Etna is hot!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:37 No.5421373
    >It's still not a question fucking learn it, U MAD
    Your message is incomprehensible. He said he was mad, so why do you feel the need to reiterate what he already stated? By the way, your sentence structure suggests an age of about 13. Underage-banned much?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:38 No.5421379
    So close to DFC.jpg. So close.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:40 No.5421388
    >i mad
    You shouldn't, people behave that way when posting anonymously.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:40 No.5421389
    I'd fuck her.
    But she'd have to leave the skirt on and go standing doggy to begin.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:42 No.5421398
    I don't think you are in the position to demand things.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:43 No.5421400
    They have a choice to control their behaviour. Oneself has nigh unlimited time to review and edit your message before posting.
    >> Anonymous ‮(≖‿≖ ) ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !Jones4ZrPA 06/19/10(Sat)19:43 No.5421401
    ( ≖◡≖)
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:43 No.5421403
         File1276991038.jpg-(646 KB, 874x1310, _MG_8719.jpg)
    646 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:50 No.5421426
    I envy his courage
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:52 No.5421440
    Hence the standing doggy
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:54 No.5421452
    You people have been on /jp/ too long.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)19:59 No.5421479
         File1276991974.jpg-(178 KB, 535x799, sugoi028.jpg)
    178 KB
    More Trap-Reimu!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:07 No.5421503

    The point was that he said "In before someone asks "U mad ?" " , which should be "U mad". And that sentence just mentioned that and said that HE INDEED IS MAD
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:07 No.5421504
    those eyes...
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:11 No.5421518

    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:20 No.5421551
    wWW._anoN_+_m_- tz qam qnivh b n sk zj hd zxfu srpod iyfsvxibs j
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:22 No.5421564
    I prefer American touhou milf cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:27 No.5421591
    wWW._anoN_+_m_- _m_+_TALK_.sE jvy ub mskjr zjw fwlrwh rtpr n p afowlwebo

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