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  • File : 1276721397.png-(120 KB, 225x350, 39206.png)
    120 KB /a/ Sends Its Love and Greetings! <zepher> !!ILO/qOcClXb 06/16/10(Wed)16:49 No.5394549  
    Ok, Japan Fans.

    I've been f/a/ggin it up for about 2.5 years now, never been here. A few quick questions.

    1. Do you guys use emoticons? If you do, I'm leaving.
    2. Is this board REALLY otaku culture or just random Japanese appreciation? Both are fine by me.

    Might be inclined to visit more often depending how you answer.

    Pic is MAI WAIFU
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:51 No.5394557
    W w w . a n O N t a l k . s E invvtpxkg d wkoiq pojigignc tv ucal js nu lbh mauig
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:51 No.5394559
    1. Yes. ^_^
    2. Why would it be called Otaku Culture if it wasn't about it. o_O
    >> !LightPenis 06/16/10(Wed)16:52 No.5394561
    >> The /jp/ Police !TOD33vFX8s 06/16/10(Wed)16:52 No.5394562
    Reported ;) :P *winks in a homosexual manner*
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:52 No.5394565
    Why don't you lurk a little and find the answer?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:52 No.5394566
    dis board is fucking ween op XD

    we r not as fags like a is
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:52 No.5394567
    No emoticons.
    And don't dwell too deep into the whole "Otaku Culture" thing, in this case it basically translates into Touhou, Doujin soft/games, VNs and Galge.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:52 No.5394568
    1) No

    2)I don't know really

    PS. Most of /jp/ is very hostile.
    >> !kYakumoe/Y 06/16/10(Wed)16:52 No.5394569
         File1276721574.png-(112 KB, 355x324, 1271613442036.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:52 No.5394571

    Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:53 No.5394572
    Get the fuck out. ^_______^
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:53 No.5394576
    Yush of course we use teh emoticons!!! xD
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:53 No.5394577
    Why do you fags even respond to this shit?
    OP fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:53 No.5394578
    Back to your shithole please.
    >>   06/16/10(Wed)16:53 No.5394579
         File1276721613.jpg-(261 KB, 600x600, 1276375289055.jpg)
    261 KB

    Wellcome, newcomer.

    We discuss Visual Novels and Touhou here. Mostly Touhou. We don't like emoticons and this is otaku culture. Somehow it's otaku culture.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:53 No.5394580
    1. Life-like texture ;_;
    2. Touhou/VNs/Flavor of the Month/Random OC/Metathreads/Niche Japanese Vidya/Mahjong
    3. You seem full of yourself, as if we should be honored to have you.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:53 No.5394581
         File1276721627.jpg-(442 KB, 972x505, a and jp.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:53 No.5394582
    >1. Do you guys use emoticons? If you do, I'm leaving.
    you must be blind because nobody use emoticon except this one ;_;
    >2. Is this board REALLY otaku culture or just random Japanese appreciation? Both are fine by me.
    all the shit that does't fit in /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:54 No.5394583
    go back to /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:54 No.5394584
    We don't like Lucky Shit around here so fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:54 No.5394587
    1. No. Please leave, anyway.
    2. Yes. This board is for Japanese media. Most people hate Japan itself.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:54 No.5394589
    I hate you. Go away.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:54 No.5394591
         File1276721695.png-(171 KB, 580x620, miyako.png)
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    Wrong version.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 06/16/10(Wed)16:55 No.5394593
    >I've been f/a/ggin it up for about 2.5 years now, never been here.

    I feel really old right now.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:55 No.5394594
         File1276721707.jpg-(62 KB, 294x294, oh boy here we go again.jpg)
    62 KB
    >241 posts 59 images

    3/10, OP.
    >> HelenXonpool !a0yHhBwvus 06/16/10(Wed)16:55 No.5394596

    1: Usually zero tolerance, some more ardent than others.
    2: Both.

    Remember to keep your head down.
    >> !LightPenis 06/16/10(Wed)16:56 No.5394606
    >1. Do you guys use emoticons? If you do, I'm leaving.

    No, we don't use emoticons. The only acceptable emoticon here is ;_;

    >2. Is this board REALLY otaku culture or just random Japanese appreciation? Both are fine by me.

    /jp/ is for discussion of the country of Japan, but discussion of Japanese media is acceptable too. Feel free to make threads about your favorite idols and jpop singers, or your favorite anime characters. Japanese language threads are always popular as well.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:56 No.5394612
    why you have to be so easy to troll /jp/? Please don't be so stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:57 No.5394615
    >/a/ Sends Its Love and Greetings!
    >/jp/ sending hate messages in return
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:57 No.5394621
    >for about 2.5 years now

    Even /jp/ is older than this. Fucking newfags.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:57 No.5394623
    OP, if you're from /a/, you won't enjoy your stay anyway. Please go back.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:58 No.5394624
    Where the fuck is Meido when you need him?
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 06/16/10(Wed)16:58 No.5394627
    >/jp/ is for discussion of the country of Japan

    This is a lie, and this thread is full of mongrels from other boards.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:58 No.5394628
    Who the fuck are you.
    >/jp/ is for discussion of the country of Japan
    No it isn't. Go away...
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:58 No.5394629
    >/jp/ is for discussion of the country of Japan

    Good one.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)16:59 No.5394638
    people outside of /jp/ are considered like troll
    >> !LightPenis 06/16/10(Wed)16:59 No.5394646
    Trolled hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:00 No.5394651
    Because we are little girls and being easily trolled is cute.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:00 No.5394652
    >> !LightPenis 06/16/10(Wed)17:01 No.5394656
    Buttmad fags
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:01 No.5394657
    Get out of /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:01 No.5394658
    Newfriends, how do you not know LightPenis?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/10(Wed)17:01 No.5394659
    If /jp/ wasn't so easy to troll it wouldn't be the /jp/ we all know and love. It would be bizarro world /jp/.
    >> !LightPenis 06/16/10(Wed)17:02 No.5394662

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