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    352 KB Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:43 No.5286340  
    moot on TED
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:44 No.5286343
    Again? Good for him and all that. Also reported
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:46 No.5286354
    Goddamn 'center of attention' fag.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:46 No.5286356
    So kawaii...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:48 No.5286365
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:49 No.5286370
    Talking about RICKROLL in front of so many people, awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:50 No.5286372
    2 months? 3 months old now?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:51 No.5286382
    Why is he on TED?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:51 No.5286383
    whos moot
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:51 No.5286385
    Yeah, but the "official" video has been released just very recently.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:53 No.5286391
    ZUN should do a TED talk.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:53 No.5286392
    His voice doesn't match his body. I expected it to be deeper.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:53 No.5286396
    You know, as much as I don't like moot attention whoring on the media, I do like his "campaign" to explain the importance of anonymity to the masses. Especially during an age when sites like facebook are using personal information as they please.
    >> Angry Type-Moon Fan !MOONRXwPDU 06/03/10(Thu)16:53 No.5286399
    >He doesn't know moot
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:54 No.5286400
    It was an ok appearance was able to dodge the controversial and raw elements of anon pretty much.

    I want to hear the speech about his next venture with real money this time...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:55 No.5286404
    God, was this video embarrassing to watch. I couldn't stand sitting through all of it in one go, so I had to watch it one minute at a time.
    I don't even know why he was invited there if all he had to expound on are LOLcats and Rickrolling. Anyway, Moot can't hold a speech for shit. Does he have the 'spergers or something?
    >> !AWEsomEEEE 06/03/10(Thu)16:55 No.5286405
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:56 No.5286410
    Intellectual people at that. The people who attend TEDtalks are influential people e.g professors, teachers, business owners (from what I gather)
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:57 No.5286411
    Isn't he fitting to be 4chan's admin?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:57 No.5286416
    I think there was some parts where the audience must have have got a wiff of what the site is really like. I mean if you check out the most recent attempt at spamming "chocolate jesus" to /jp/ by this "beating heart" of 4chan I think anonymous is losing his credibility. Not saying that we had alot to begin with but as I'm growing older most of 4chan stays the same age, but there's not alot of places where I can admit I want to wear a skirt nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)16:59 No.5286423
    i'm not a virgin nerd faggot knowing every internet celebrity you know
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:00 No.5286427
    You just haven't looked properly. The internet is full of gayness and transgenderism.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:01 No.5286437
    I am well aware, however I don't want to register anywhere. Also I don't feel the need to find a bad clone of 4chan to talk exclusively about that.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:02 No.5286444

    Retards deserve to be taken advantage of. Especially the retards that have a facebook account.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:03 No.5286452
    Can i get a newfriend up in this? Stop posting this hot second.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:04 No.5286460
    You dont understand how Facebook works.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:07 No.5286474
    oh god yes
    >> 『五 角场 ~之~ 无名氏』 06/03/10(Thu)17:07 No.5286475
    why should /jp/ care?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:09 No.5286485
    Nobody gives a fuck about dumb 16-year-old #3476237

    I'm talking about innocent people who have no idea about the Internet and sign up in order to keep in touch with their friends and relatives.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:11 No.5286496
    >have no idea about the internet

    Gramps should have stayed away from the internet then
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:14 No.5286508
    Why make it so obvious you have no friends and no social skills.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:14 No.5286512
    What i hated about this was the fact that he didnt express his weeaboo self. yeah yeah we all know that moot made /b/ and memes but is that really what moot wanted from 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:16 No.5286521
    hey it appears as though you clicked the wrong board! it's ok, this can be fixed by clicking below


    you're welcome!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:16 No.5286523
    Still, it would be better for these people to be educated so they know what to avoid, rather than just stay away from the Internet altogether.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:18 No.5286529
    Im more amazed at how he didnt lose his shitat the mention of child pornoraphy. Not the best come back, but a lot of people would just abandon ship at that point. Not to mention he just casually brushes off the fact that this site is 99% sexual deviancy, pornography and perversion.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:20 No.5286533

    Common sense that you use in real life is sufficient for the internet. The same scumbags out there are on the internet too. Common sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:20 No.5286534
    If moot started admitting his weeaboo self, that would mean more people would become weeaboos just to suck his cock. And, consequently, they would start checking out the weeaboo boards, like /jp/, more often. And then we would be literally FLOODED with normalfags. Would you like that to happen?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:21 No.5286542

    This TED talk is more interesting and /jp/ related than moot talking about memes and bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:22 No.5286546
    >implying moot likes /jp/
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:23 No.5286555
    It actually isn't. You do know there is much more animosity on the Internet as well as people who behave in a completely different manner than outside, right? It's a completely different culture.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:24 No.5286557

    moot says he hates /jp/ so people from other boards won't bother us.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:25 No.5286563
    tough love eh?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:26 No.5286567
    I've always had the feeling he occasionally browses /jp/ incognito and is ashamed of it. But that's just me.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:26 No.5286571
    I'm just relieved no touhou was on that meme collage.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:26 No.5286573
    >look at youtube comments
    thank god none of those fags are on /jp/
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:27 No.5286576
    But "a cat is fine too" was and, come to think of it, it's a pretty /jp/-related meme.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:29 No.5286583
    i lold
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:29 No.5286585
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    "The case for anonymity online"


    If anything, 4chan makes up the case against it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:30 No.5286591

    Only that /jp/ was still called /a/ at the time such meme was born.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:31 No.5286597
    I know, I only said "/jp/-related" as in, content-wise.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:40 No.5286632
    When we stop posting /b/ level shitposting, a lot of discussion threads are things that no one would dare even think about around people.
    Hell, pedothreads have convinced me that it is logically best to legalize possession of child pornography.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:43 No.5286649
    >Hell, pedothreads have convinced me that it is logically best to legalize possession of child pornography.

    Maybe we should expand?
    >> NukuAnon !!1kill4CULiC 06/03/10(Thu)17:47 No.5286665
    Ken Robinson is awesome. I love his stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:48 No.5286668
    Maybe we already are?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:52 No.5286693
    How did he brush it off? I can' t be assed to see the whole video, but I do want to know how he explains his site being a hotbed for illegal activity.
    >> THE KEEPER IS AWARE THE KEEPER UNDERSTANDS 06/03/10(Thu)17:55 No.5286705
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:55 No.5286707
    Oh silly moot, you forgot about the whole "festering and swelling with pus cancer of the internet" stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)17:59 No.5286725
    What if you could just freely discuss things anyway, and even if people knew who you were, it didn't matter? Because they didn't judge you. And everyone was just able to speak their mind without fear or the need for a layer of abstraction? Wouldn't that be a crazy idea.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:00 No.5286732
    I've heard that if you hope for it harder, that could actually happen!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:03 No.5286749
    Is it just mean or does not have not much presentation experience?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:04 No.5286753
    It's easy to mock but the more people that try for something, the more society will change. If everyone always lives in fear, nothing will change.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:04 No.5286754
    What if I hope for it with a lucky charm under a sacred tree?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:06 No.5286766
    don't misunderstand me, for as mocking as I might be, of course I secretly wish for such an imaginary realm every night. Only I've lost faith in the human kind, and know for a fact that what we both would like to see will NEVER happen. So I just fap to little girls and all of that
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:09 No.5286784
    I watched it anyawy... I'd say it's a rather weak comeback. He was visibly startled and didn't expect to be asked about this.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:10 No.5286791
    It is not a fact though. Black and gays did it. Transsexuals did it. Maybe lolicons or whatever other thing you are into can do it to. There will always be judgement, and people disliking you for something. But if you stand up and say you are unashamed, maybe you can change society. People used to think niggers going to school was against God. People used to think guys fucking guys was sick. Some people still do think these ways, but you can at least talk openly about these things in society now. The first generation will take a heavy fall, but it will get easier and easier. Stand up for what you believe in and don't be ashamed of yourself. Even lolicon could be accepted one day. CP is a little more iffy, but maybe.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:14 No.5286817
    well you see, maybe it is because of the place where i was born and still live.
    If you're gay, people beat you up.
    If you're black, people beat you up.
    And even if they don't beat you up, they still discriminate you in some way. They won't treat you badly because you like men, but they will treat you in a way different than any other person. Good luck having a decent conversation.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:14 No.5286818
    Depends. Is it a sakura tree?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:15 No.5286822
    May I ask where you live?

    I'd rather not see 3D cp be legalized, no thank you.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:16 No.5286824
    No it's an old oak in Ireland where fairies come to dance hand in hand with terrorists.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:18 No.5286834
    south of italy, which is basically Africa.
    I rember getting bullied as a kid because i was holding hands with a classmate of mine. and I was, like, 10.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:19 No.5286842
    South of Italy - mainland? Because iirc in Sicily it's the norm that male friends can hold hands because they're backwards enough that it doesn't have a sexual-romantic meaning.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:19 No.5286847
    Old /b/ is rolling in its grave.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:20 No.5286849
    Or should I rather say, manland?
    Oh oh oh, what a silly old chap I am.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:21 No.5286857
    Move north to Milan then, I don't think you'll have much problems with being feminine there.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:21 No.5286859
    I know it is tough. I'm not saying it will not be a long hard road or that society will change overnight across the world. It may be hundreds of years, humanity may go extinct before it happens.

    I just don't think one should NEED a crutch like net anonymity to be able to talk freely. That's all. I respect moot's ideal, but it in a way opposes my ideal. That's how I feel, take what you will.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:22 No.5286864

    The big difference between pedophilia and being gay/a racial minority is that the latter doesn't involve the sexual abuse of children.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:24 No.5286876
    well, I'm not 10 anymore, so I don't really give a fuck.
    And I know that saying "anonimity is the only way to go" is a way to escape from society, which I can't adapt to, but it all comes down to me not caring enough to adapt, I think.
    And that could apply to a lot of people here, after all, if you search long enough, you WILL find someone who won't laugh at you because you want to wear skirts and pink underwear.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:26 No.5286880
    On the internet - easy as hell
    Outside of that, yeah... no.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:26 No.5286883
    I don't think I abused any child the last 2075 times i masturbated to images of drawn little girls on my computer...or did I?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:26 No.5286887
    Obviously not, but gays can practise that in real life, and you can't.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:28 No.5286896
    yes, but one of the reasons lolicons are frowned upon is that a lot of pedos do rape children.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:28 No.5286897

    No, but you're still a pedophile. Society will never accept you. Get over it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:28 No.5286898
    I personally see nothing wrong with this.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:28 No.5286901
    Of course not. They're 2D.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:28 No.5286903
    CP and lolicon (especially lolicon, by which I mean purely fictional stuff) was basically legal and people did not mind it all too much up until rather recent history.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:29 No.5286905
    What you forget is that fapping to the aforementioned pictures will get you some kind of punishment by the masses or by justice.
    (wow, I just used "aforementioned")
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:30 No.5286913
    loli isn't illegal in most countries (and even where it is it's not enforced), and i don't see the point of bragging irl that you fap to it so what do you want more? just be discreet and do your thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:30 No.5286914
    >No, but you're still gay. Society will never accept you. Get over it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:30 No.5286916
    unless he add /l/ back I don't give a fuck
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:31 No.5286918
    Raping your wife was also legal until rather recent history.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:31 No.5286922
    Why choose either lifestyle when you can have both?
    I have to be social when I work, and talk about normal, boring, average topics. When I go home I want to talk about things that excite me, that entertains me. These things I could not share with anyone I know in real life because they don't share this interest with me and they would not understand.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:32 No.5286924
    It's very different. The masses have accepted that when two adult men want to feel each other up the butt, they should be able to.
    Some people will never accept it of course, but that's beside the issue.

    Before someone talks about Greece: it was only in a select few city states where it was actually legal to do so and the boys were usually in their teens/mid teens, not little children.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:32 No.5286925
    women are sluts though lol
    they wanted it
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:32 No.5286926
    I really wish they would stop making /b/ the flagship board, it's embarrassing.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:33 No.5286928
    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:33 No.5286929
    The way I see it, it's about as likely that pedophilia will be generally accepted as it is that guro becomes coffee-table stuff.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:33 No.5286933
    Well... what with the vast activity of the board being concentrated on /b/, it's natural it's the 'flagship'.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:33 No.5286934

    That's because child abuse wasn't considered a reality until fairly recently in history.

    Freud's original ideas were based around trauma being caused by sexual abuse early in life, but he was basically laughed out of the scientific community.

    I think the fact that Freud's contemporaries were more accepting of penis envy than child abuse certainly says something, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:34 No.5286936
    Is there any point in bragging about being gay?
    I'm quite lost.
    It's more of an issue with people rather than with law, actually. I know of people (well, on the internet) that share my same "interests", so why should I be looked upon if I gather with them and discuss it?
    Because everyone thinks my interest is bad and automatically draws (wrong) conclusions.
    You know what's awesome? USA getting a black president. I think that's quite the improvement, too bad it is somehow geographically restricted. anyone up for a black pope?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:36 No.5286944

    It's not the same thing at all.

    Homosexual relations typically involves two consenting adults.

    Pedophilia involves raping children.

    Big difference.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:36 No.5286946
    People knew about child abuse. Society just felt that what people did with their children was their business. A parent's right to beat their kids or starve them was considered personal privacy that trumped the rights of the child. They laughed it off because the idea of stepping into peoples' homes and telling them how to raise their kids was preposterous.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:36 No.5286947
    Obama is just as white as he is black, but I get your point.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:37 No.5286950
    Its kind of easy to draw the wrong conclusions when a lot of people with similar interests as you also gather together and trade CP and tips on how to rape little children.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:37 No.5286953
    >They laughed it off because the idea of stepping into peoples' homes and telling them how to raise their kids was preposterous.
    You're misinformed if you think that a parent raping their children was accepted. It may have been pushed away because it was shameful, but it was never ever acceptable.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 06/03/10(Thu)18:39 No.5286961
    >>"The case for anonymity online"
    >>If anything, 4chan makes up the case against it.

    Pretty much. Anonymity brings out the worst in people for the most part. You can even take internet bullying to new heights thanks to the power of anonymity.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:40 No.5286966
    Just like real life bullying, you won't be bullied unless you deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:40 No.5286967

    Wouldn't they be drawing the RIGHT conclusions, in that case?


    No one believed that stuff like that happened. No one WANTED to believe it, because how could anyone do that to a child?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:40 No.5286968
    I agree. I just believe that while it is easy, it shouldn't get standard. I was similarly raised to believe that all black people are thieves and rapists and shit like that, I just grew out of it.

    anyway, why are we talking about child rape now?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:42 No.5286977

    This. Victims of bullying quite often bring it on themselves.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:43 No.5286981
    They would be drawing the wrong conclusions about you since they have information about how pedos usually operate.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:44 No.5286988
    Oh please, that's bullshit and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:45 No.5286992

    Ah, I get what you mean.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:45 No.5286995
    moot is handsome.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:46 No.5287006
    well, I think that's a bit farfetched.
    What about bullying for racism and such?
    I think that the problem is the people not noticing the difference.
    Obviously if you stop ladies on the road to ask them if you can rape their toddlers, you are quite deserving it.
    If you just like children, don't hurt anyone, but speak honestly when asked about it, I think you don't. There's no reason to.
    (I just used pedophilia because we already were on that topic, think nothing of it)
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:50 No.5287025

    I'd separate normal bullying from racial bullying.

    There's a difference between being bullied because you look different and being bullied because you act like a spaz.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:52 No.5287033
    Define acting like a spaz and explain why anyone who's a bit different is "asking for it".
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:57 No.5287064

    Being a general faggot and not being able to take it easy is "being a spaz".

    See, the way the world works, if you stand out, people are going to try to hammer you back in. It's just what happens. Conforming to established norms is how society runs.

    If you're a little boy who plays with barbie dolls, then gets all pissy about it when made fun of, you're going to be bullied for a long time to come.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)18:58 No.5287069
    > Dude, if you don't like baseball, beer and fucking whores then there's something wrong with you and you deserve it.

    Don't feed the troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:01 No.5287084
    lol, okay.
    I think we're done here.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:03 No.5287092
    the truth is so sad that if I squeezed it I could make lemonade out of it.
    And I don't like any of those three, so it must be true.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:03 No.5287094

    That's not what I said.

    Being different is fine. Being a bitch about it when people mock you for being different is not.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:04 No.5287097
    I don't think that was adressed to you?
    not that guy tho
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:10 No.5287122
    You assume that people that get bullied are bullied because they're whiny bitches. Well, thanks, I guess.
    There's something wrong with me, as I have been bullied throughout my childhood wherever I went. I guess I was just too much of a whiny bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:11 No.5287125
    The fact of the matter is, even if anonymity 'brings out' the worst in people, that 'worst' part of people is already in them, and would likely come out eventually, maybe a little over time, or all at once explosively.

    Anonymity does not create the worst out of people, it brings it out.
    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 06/03/10(Thu)19:13 No.5287137
    that was interesting to watch
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:15 No.5287143

    People get bullied because they are different. People CONTINUE to be bullied because they make themselves into easy targets.

    I was bullied throughout my childhood too. Now I realize that I deserved every second of it, am a better person for it, and don't play the victim every single day.

    Get over it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:16 No.5287148
    People who have never gone through it or have no empathy for others really have no idea how it is. I never whined, complained, or bitched to other people. I was really kind to people, and yet I still had to go through so much bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:19 No.5287163
    Same with faggots that like pokemon, or yugioh, or DnD. They're awkward, disgusting pieces of human trash that deserve to be hit, beaten, and verbally berated until they cry, then beaten some more for crying like a little bitch. They're revolting to look at and should learn, with pain, to stop being jackasses and do normal things with their spare time, and to develop normal hobbies. Same with those vile nerds that spend all their time on the computer. All of them need to learn, with pain, humiliation, and suffering, that being freaks is not acceptable before they get out of hand.

    Or do you disagree?

    Fact of the matter is, society is judged, not by how it treats the majority, but how it handles the minority that has no voice to complain, or the minority that have no legs to stand up for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:19 No.5287164

    Why were you bullied, then?

    If it was because of your sexuality or the color of your skin, that's different. That's just people being intolerant.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/10(Thu)19:19 No.5287167
    >There's something wrong with me, as I have been bullied throughout my childhood wherever I went. I guess I was just too much of a whiny bitch.

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