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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272554717.jpg-(139 KB, 559x790, 08d5ad8f3bb2a03a49ea6a61b4faedd5.jpg)
    139 KB Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:25 No.4999658  
    So I just found out that Depth Bomb is female.

    Why is that so hot?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:26 No.4999678
         File1272554802.jpg-(185 KB, 720x960, 96283e44731ce77473d9a05ef1c5a7(...).jpg)
    185 KB
    Because you're into girls into that, clearly.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:36 No.4999758
    Because deep, deep inside, you want a hot Japanese female artist to cut off your balls and eat them while you bleed out.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:38 No.4999779
    I just found out that Mugen John Cel is female.

    Why is that so hot?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:40 No.4999795
    Suddenly all his "..." and retarded English have become moe~
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:40 No.4999798
    If this is true then I have befriended a Japanese female via pixiv. I always just assumed the person I was talking with was a man.. What with the guro art and all.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:43 No.4999816
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:44 No.4999822
    So I just found out that ZUN is a female
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:44 No.4999825
    very hot. also get.

    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:44 No.4999826
    Why I'm not surprised?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:47 No.4999852
    Because everyone on /jp/ are actually young maidens quietly sipping tea, attended by their aged, reliable family butler while posting on the board. Another female is no surprise.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:48 No.4999853
    Now banning someone for saying "get" seems a bit excessive.

    NB4 ban for saying "get"
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:49 No.4999866
    I almost wanted to bet it was a bot just banning on the utterance of that three letter word, either way I approve.
    >> ­ 04/29/10(Thu)11:49 No.4999867
    but getting banned for getfaggotry is a good thing.
    >>   04/29/10(Thu)11:49 No.4999869

    I agree wit this one. Is moot on nazi-mode today?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:49 No.4999878
    It's the intent that counts. The poster appears to be posting for the sole purpose of obtaining a certain post value. The poster is not contributing useful content.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:50 No.4999887
    No, cause then all boards would be XXX.

    Back to DB being a gurl.. Proof?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:53 No.4999915

    For this reason I really hope all of these bans are global.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:55 No.4999932
    There is no actual GET here.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/10(Thu)11:56 No.4999940
    Global XXX would suck, since I usually like to read post numbers when they're referenced (I do have a script which helps me more easily reference posts, but that's beside the point).

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