Society? I don't give a shit about such a thing. Society is an invention of retarded democrats, it doesn't exist in reality, only people with too much of moral issues do believe in such a thing. About being lonely part, who said so? I don't feel lonely with my waifu, I know she won't cheat on me, make fun of me or reproach my mistakes unlike 3D women which I personally hate. I know there always are exceptions, but those are one to million cases. Maybe I'm that weak, but well, I'm happy with the way things are.
Was it really necessary to repost this while the original thread is still alive?
>Society is an invention of retarded democratsFuck your shit, you are an animal, you shouldn't talk at all.
>>4750845Well, thank you for your appreciation, but making a new thread, especially without knowing the context, is not necessary.
>>4750864>implying humans have more rights than animals
>>4750879If they don't fight for them, they never deserved them.
>>4750845>>4750845i like your view on life.heres my waifu
>>4750894>implying you'd win in a fight against most types of animal
>>4750994>implying that u should stfu
You know all that lovely 2D shit we love? It's made by 3D people.
>>4751009>implying you wouldn't get royally owned by most animals in a fight with bare hands
>>4750994>implying I can't use the weapons of mass destruction I invented with my nature-gifted intellect and wipe them all out.
>>4751023I am 2D in my heart. When I die I will become 2D and join my waifu in her dimension.
>>4751035>implying you were given intellecthahaha oh wow
>>4751050>implying I wasn't gifted with the potential to acquire it
>>4750845Society is the single most greatest invention that humans have produced (after fire).
if those girls are really your "waifus" then they are cheating on you with hundreds of different guys from around the world. how does that make you feel /jp/?
>>4751074It's funny, because there's no such thing as society.
>>4751069>implying you have that potential
>>4751098Prove it.
>>4751086>implying I give a fuck
society enables my lifestyle. i just want to make sure i don't contribute to it.
>>4751098You're confusing "abstract concept" with "No such thing".Sure society on its own is as tangible as the tooth fairy, but then when billions of people adhere to it in one form or the other then its as real as anything with very real effects on our lives.
Yeah, you're so happy you have to go on an imageboard and bitch about society and women. I bet you're having the time of your life, aren't you?
>>4751086>>4751086>>4751086fuck you in my world my waifu is faithful only to me. she goes on vacations with me to dinner with me and long walks on the beach ONLY with mepic related i love you so much suiseiseki!!! ~ desu
>>4751124I think you're doing what's in everybody's best interest.
>>4751105You can't prove a negative. Prove it exists.
>>4751101>implying I don't
>>4751144I can prove you're gay.
don't mind me. i'm just enjoying my real girl. on real dates and real sex and living a real life.
>>4751158>implying you do
>>4751144There are people confined for not following its rules. Now what.
>>4751175>>4751175no one here cares fagshe will grow old, fat, take all your money and divorce youyou dont have this problem with 2-d women
>>4751194Perhaps the same could be said of all religions.
>>4751175Two failures together, how fitting!
>>4751232Oh shit, it could.
>>4751217>implying you dont wast tons of money buying figurines
>>4751242Religion is man's most vile creation.
>>4751189>implying the computer you have in front of you isn't a testament of humanity's well-used potential
>>4751248>implying you don't get something in return for that money, unlike when spent on 3D whores
>>4751252I thought that was rap.
>>4751248>implying everyone with a waifu is a figfagProbably not even 15%.
>>4751255>implying you could make a computer by yourself
>>4751232Your words are as empty as your soul. Mankind ill needs a savior such as you.
>>4751217>implying all women are like that
>>4751261Rap wasn't invented by humans.
>>4751265>implying I'm not allowed to borrow the knowledge of other humans since we live in the same SOCIETY
>>4751271>implying there are women who won't grow old and ugly
>>4751268Whoa whoa, back the fuck up. When did I ever claim to be a savior?
>>4751291>he forgot his lines
>>4751282>implying you are still as a single entity superior to other creatures when you can only exist thanks to the support of others of your species
>>4751286implying old is ugly
>>4751301>implying you are not a pedo
>>4751286>implying woman look their age.
>>4751300I'd say less than a single percent of the population of humanity actually does anything for me other than consuming my resources.
>>4751232>>4751268What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!
>>4751327>implying you have any right to those resources
>>4751300>implying I have to be a single entity when I am born in a group>implying I'm not superior to every other creature that lives in groups
feels good man.
>>4751350>having a shameless slut lick your guido tattoos feels goodDifferent strokes for different folks.
>>4751350have fun not knowing how it feels and using your hand for the rest of your lives.
>>4751365>not knowing how it feels>implying /jp/ is composed mainly of you honestly think virgins could be THIS bitter? No, you have to have had a taste of it to loathe it.
>>4751347>implying you are not a single entity>implying the only reason you are still alive is not because you're just lucky
>sure is imply fag here
>>4751343>implying rights aren't just a human fabricationBelieving in right and wrong is what the weak do, to make them feel better about their position in life. As they get sand kicked in their face by the strong they swear under their breath that 'at least I do the right thing all the time'. According to their own definition of right.
hey guys heywhy is seven afraid of nine?
>>4751350>>4751350>>4751350>>4751350>implying thats you in the pic btw nice tatts fag
>>4751396>seven is afraid of nineYou're doing it wrong...
/jp/ needs to open their eyes. i see. their eyes aren't open.
>>4751405It was /v/ raiding us all along?Then who was GoK?
>>4751394>implying that wasn't the whole point and that you have to fight for those resources>further implying your weak pathetic nerd ass could fight for them if it came down to it
>>4751376>implying I am a single entity in ways other than biological>implying it is
>>4751417When you're the one holding the box cutters, it's strength of will that matters.Regardless, I am quite physically capable of inflicting massive damage on the weak points of crustaceans.
>>4751432>>4751432>weak points of crustaceans.o rly?
>>4751431>implying you would still have been alive if you had been born in the African jungle
>>4751451>no nameHow the fuck...
>>4751469Newfag ahoy.
3d = superior
>>4751469doing that on your pic is easier than in xp
>>4751486The only people who feel they have something to prove here are yourselves, what does that say about you?
>>4751452>implying people don't live in the African jungle and in groups too
>>4751498>>4751498quality post
>>4751525>implying you are comparable to those people physicallyin b4 "i can bench 700 pounds"
>>4751547>implying i was talking about myself and not humanity as a whole the whole timehurp durp
I don't give a damn about society.I'm proudly a a anti-social recluse disconnected from society. I have no close friends, no interest in mainstream pop-culture. As long as I have my freedom and the otaku culture, I could care less.
>>4751561actually, you were, fgt...
>>4751580/jp/ is your society.
>>4751580>could care lessYou don't even care about the English language, you rebel.
>>4751612piss off fgt
>>4751609>4chan is your societyYeah, for intents and purposes, I rejected mainstream society and substitute it with a society of like-minded people.
>>4751603>implying I didn't use "I" instead of "we" as a synecdoche
I reject your society and substitute it with my own.