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    File : 1269807893.gif-(1.18 MB, 388x272, BA TA RA.gif)
    1.18 MB Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:24 No.4750800  
    Umineko is actually a series about heterosexuality versus homosexuality.

    Note well that Battler and Beatrice have a true love, while Lambdadelta and Bern's relationship is a grotesque parody of love.

    In addition, note well that Jessica and Kanon fail the love trial and do not end up married.

    Because being a homosexual is inherently evil.

    That's the REAL message of Umineko.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:25 No.4750815
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    >> Aya Shameful !I4IrJba9Qw 03/28/10(Sun)16:26 No.4750819
    also Kanon is two people.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:29 No.4750865
    No, that's Battler.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:29 No.4750868
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    >thinks Battler should get back in bed with Beato.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:29 No.4750870
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:30 No.4750883
    I now want a second season, can't tell the reason
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:30 No.4750889
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:33 No.4750918
    No, Beatrice is two people.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:38 No.4750978
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    Kanon and Jessica are fine, fuck your shit.
    Who cares if Kanon lacks a penis, in his HEART he's a guy, and Jessica sees him as a guy, ergo, he's a guy.

    ....When he's not dressing up as a witch and killing people for convoluted reasons, that is.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)16:51 No.4751141
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    In this scene alone Kanon showed more interest in Battler than (s)he did for Jessica in the whole of Umineko.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:00 No.4751245
    Everyone loves Battler.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:03 No.4751279
    Delusional anon who wants to confirm his shit theory skipped the walls of texts abotu Kanon's love for Jessica in episode 2,3, 4 and 6. Especially in 6
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:07 No.4751320
    What did he mean by 'even I'? It struck me as odd. He couldn't have just been referring to him being weak, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:08 No.4751334
    Pretty much. Or "Even I have pride"
    That is not really Shkannontrice related just interpreted by som eidiots that way.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:08 No.4751337
    kanon must have a major role in umineko.
    i won't accept any theories without him.
    i'm not saying that he is the culprit or the anti force, but he must be involved somehow
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:11 No.4751369
    My guess is
    Jessica and Shannon are both in this mess and dragged him in. The only thing he tries is having his good end with Jessica and his sister happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:12 No.4751377
    The whole Kanon Shannon thing just really, really, really becomes confusing when Jessica is involved.

    I suppose that confusion caused the Doubletricefags to form.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:13 No.4751385
    for me he's the good guy killing criminals, of course fooled nad guided by the innoccent Jessica
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:14 No.4751397
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:15 No.4751412
    "Why did Battler help me as Kanon but not me as Shannon"
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:17 No.4751441
    i dont think the anti force is killing anyone...

    everything is going according to the epitaph, there is no room for trouble
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:20 No.4751471
    The drawfag is working on it.
    He's just taking it easy.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:20 No.4751488
    Obvious samefag is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:21 No.4751491
    uhm, how about no
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:22 No.4751503
    Kanon's wardrobe seems limited. I wonder what time of year Jessica's school cultural festival took place for him to wear such a heavy coat.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:22 No.4751506
    What if "occultist" is a different person, who mostly just draws circles, sticks stakes, but not kills anyone?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:23 No.4751516
    Well, being a third of a person means you get a third of a wardrobe.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:25 No.4751538
    most of the corpses don't have several wounds (gouge the xx and kill)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:25 No.4751540

    Autumm. Am I the onyl one who doesn't think anything wrong with it?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:28 No.4751579
    Well, besides the fact that Jessica and Kanon are both out of their freaking minds and clearly are delusional beyond any salvation, the flashback makes perfect sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:29 No.4751610
    You are forgetting an IMPORTANT line above the "even I". That line being "It was extremely difficult for an outside observer to guess what emotions that favor had stirred up in Kanon.", Ryukishi is basically saying it's not what you fuckers think it is. No where in the story does Kanon have issues about not being male enough, why would s/he be pondering about it there?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:31 No.4751641
    that may be, but
    is obviously wrong

    shkannon, cant be that retarded
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:33 No.4751655
    Any proove that they are insane except for fucking moon-chan or Shkanontrice.
    Oh and scenes that can be interpreted in thousand ways. Lying about Kinzo and magic does not make u insane by the way
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:36 No.4751695
    Well, true.
    Being a liar =/= insane, but considering that Shkanon is fairly likely, and considering that Jessica seems to think of them as two different people, I'd say that she's fairly fucked up in the head.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:36 No.4751699
    Shkannon, if true, does mean Shannon has got some issues.

    But Jessica, not so much. Again - shkannon may not be true and is just a theory still.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:38 No.4751729
    So? For example, if someone is shot to the head occultist sticks it in the head, chest - in the chest. If they are poisoned then it's even less problems.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:39 No.4751740
    *the circles already appeared a few times through the last year
    *the stakes appear in Kanon's faked death (everytime I think about it being true I can't get over the red stating 'everyone has alibi, nobody could kill Kanon'
    *the stakes appear in the all three bodies in E3, also in Natsuhi and Krauss, Jessica pulled those two out and took them along Natsuhi was the one who actually died when Evatrice wanted to enter the room with blind Jessica
    *the letters need the ushiromiya family crest ring

    There is a lot of stuff about this thrown at you, can't think of many others, but I think it's either Jessica or they are always given to the person solving the epitaph at wherever the gold is.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:40 No.4751745
    Shkanon, if true, either means that Jessica is lying(there's enough to support this, she covers for Kanon when it seems like he'd actually have to talk to Battler), or that she is wacky and thinks they are two different people(also more than enough to support this, her flashbacks show her treat Kanon and Shannon as two different people.)

    Although, to be quite fair, Shkanon IS rather likely.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:41 No.4751755
    Shkanon is not more likely than Erika doesn't exist or any other theory.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:45 No.4751788
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    EVERY time Battler talks to Kanon, somebody covers for Kanon.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:47 No.4751808
    Lying about Shkannon doesn't mean she's an accomplice to the murders or a culprit. Remember EP 5. Lying about Kinzo =/= Natsuhi is a culprit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:48 No.4751815
    1, 2, 4 are really not a big problem if the servants (especially Genji) are involved. But ep3 is really fucked, yeah. Maybe something went wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:49 No.4751825
    Lying about Shkanon in and of itself?
    Not necessarily, but do be aware.

    Episode 1.

    Kanon's dead.
    and then Shannon's dead.

    Other people are dead too.

    To lie about such a thing is pretty goddamn bad.

    Also, Jessica has far worse things to answer for, but concealing Shkanon is one of the most morally dubious things one could do.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:53 No.4751871
    Kanon is pretty much confirmed for Beatrice in Episode 1. Death was more or less thrown in our face that it was fake, and 'Beatrice' revealed herself right at the end to Battler AND Jessica.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:55 No.4751892
    Well, I've always said this:

    Ther real question of E1 is 'Why did Natsuhi have to die?'
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:55 No.4751893
    I'm sure it was discussed in the past, but could someone be so kind to explain me WHY all other characters lie to Battler about Skannon? Ok, the servants are hiding it for their reasons. But what about parents who discovered bodies of the servants in ep3 in various places (Shannon is parlor, Kanon in church)? If that didn't happened, why do they lie?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)17:58 No.4751920
    Well, really, only Dr. Nanjo and Jessica have to answer for concealing Shkanon.

    With all other characters, it could have just been a body double or a fake that they mistook for corpses.

    But with Dr. Nanjo and Jessica.... yeah, idk lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:01 No.4751956
    No clue. Kanon has a lot of fantasy aspects floating around him. It is strange how his corpse was found all the way in the chapel, away from the mansion. If he is part of an illusion, I don't think anyone knows how it works. It's not the same as Kinzo's ghost.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:02 No.4751966
    Not to mention that E3's first twilight was at, like 98% done by the Krauss family branch. It had the burned Kinzo and they didn't even seem bothered by it. They really are suspicious in this episode. I think that it was something like them actually asking servants to help them kill certain people, the servants refused and shit happened.
    Then they might have faked their deaths, Eva was paranoid and chaotic, also either Kyrie or Hideyoshi survived as well, nothing went KEIKAKU DOORI and so it became 'the most beautifully set game board'
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:04 No.4752000
    >>4751966 chaotic=beautiful
    Well, like, that's Ryukushi for you. Shion was also a character whose fate made me baww.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:05 No.4752011
    Shkanon is not confirmed, people accepted it because they got lazy and decided to take whatever was the latest thing given to them. I expect next episode for Shkanon to be shattered just to show us most of ep 6 was a troll all along.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:06 No.4752018
    if it has bern getting trolled, please, let it be that way
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:07 No.4752030
    Count Rosa's death in. Why her? What made her a danger?

    I just love the theory that Rosa already solved the epitaph at home and depending on how she acts about it, things happen differently.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:09 No.4752050

    Jessica has nonchalantly lied about Kinzo ("Oh Grandfather? He's the same as last year."), lied about ShKannon (if it's true), and in all likelihood lied on the phone to Battler in Episode 4. Fucking moonchan.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:10 No.4752054
    >Shkanon is not confirmed
    I know and that's why I want to hear convincing explanation about that episode.
    I'm sure R07 seeing its popularity won't shatter it until the very end.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:11 No.4752061

    E1 - no trolling

    E2 - minor trolling episodes

    E3 - half of the game is a huge troll.

    E4 - the epic and emotions-filled finale is actually a huge troll

    E5 - It's either 3rd person or Battler narrating, so in the end, the whole episode as it stands is a huge troll.

    E6 ...?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:13 No.4752079
    In all likelihood?
    It's a fact that she lied to Battler on the phone!
    The debate is over WHY, not the HOW.

    Being a Doubletrice bro, I say she did it because she wanted Battler to REACH OUT TO THE TRUH.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:14 No.4752087
    I'd either go with 'the metaworld is a troll' or 'the troll from this episode is going to also eat half of the another one', the former being better, the troll being ShKanon.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:14 No.4752088
    in ep6 we
    are trolled by the GM
    are trolled by erika
    are trolled about the PoV, again, very few scenes by Erika
    the gameboard is a massive troll by the family itself for Erika after all
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:15 No.4752100
    Episode 1 does some minor trolling, but you have to have read the other episodes to fully realize it, like in the pic in >>4751141
    At first you think it's just Kanon being depressed about being shown up by another male, but after you learn Kanon is most likely a girl...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:16 No.4752117
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    >"Oh Grandfather? He's the same as last year."
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:18 No.4752138
    Can we just sum up all of Umineko as epic trollan?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:19 No.4752145
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:20 No.4752157
    umineko has a multi-layered and ultra intrincate trolling where everything is a troll in itseld, its summit would be fanfiction end
    lolnothing happened and no one knows anything at all so this isn't worth shit
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:20 No.4752158
    Kanon loves Jessica. Jessica loves Battler. However, since Battler never shows up, Kanon is confident he can make Jessica love him. He has the support of every servant, since marrying Jessica means he will the head one day.
    However, one day Battler shows up in the island, and Kanon feels like Jessica is in love with him again. This makes Kanon unnecessarily angry, thinking he will never be happy and all that furniture bullshit, to the point he starts killing people to make them experience his pain. Not even Jessica is safe, as his goal is to kill everyone in the island, including himself.

    This theory has a lot of holes, but I think it can be improved to meet some more expectations.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:20 No.4752165
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    I want my translation dammit.
    Doing something else for 6-8 month is impossible.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:20 No.4752166
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:20 No.4752168
    >Being a Doubletrice bro
    (i.e. being a Jessitrice fag)
    Going by your logic Kyrie must also be Beatrice then, and Rudolf for that matter too. God, that thought path is horribly retarded and shows exactly what you fags are made of.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:22 No.4752181
    She did not lied in there. Kinzo is as dead as he was last year.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:22 No.4752182
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    >With all other characters, it could have just been a body double or a fake that they mistook for corpses.
    I doubt that there are body doubles. That red was made for ep5, sure, but I believe it also applies to the earlier ones. If it was someone playing dead. Just who it might be? Wouldn't relatives recognize him?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:25 No.4752204
    I'd give you 6/10, but you are so horribly derivative of yourself that you deserve no more than 2/10.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:26 No.4752217
    Cool ad hominem attack, bro.
    No, I don't believe in Jessitrice, anyone who saw the end of episode 1 wouldn't. Also, the dialogues between Kanon, Shannon, and Beatrice can't simply be ignored. Kanon is Shannon is Beatrice, that much is freaking obvious.
    My reasoning for believing in Doubletrice is because of the dialogue in episode 4 between the two Beatrices, in addition to the fact that Jessica is BEST FRIENDS with both Kanon and Shannon.

    And Kyrie and Rudolf being Beatrice? Yeah, no.
    It's not unreasonable to think that someone who looks like Beatrice might possibly act her part out.

    But far more than that, there is the eternal Jessica inconsistency between her actions, and her actions in fantasy scenes.

    There are two possibilities with Jessica assuming Shkanontrice.

    Either she's one EVIL son of a bitch, or, she's completely out of her mind. Considering her fantasy scenes show her to be a gigantic moralfag, I believe the latter.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:27 No.4752226
    "...Hmm......,Same as last year, I guess. ......Considering they say he's got three months left, he's as stubborn, grumpy, and irritable as ever."
    "He's shut himself up in his study again, probably doing nothing but that weird black magic of his. What he does for a hobby is his own damn business, but when he starts stinking up the house, it really gets on my nerves. ...And I wish he'd never come out of that study again. Heheheh!"
    "But George nii-san, you've been the family darling since like forever because of your awesome grades, right? Grandfather treats us completely different! Like me, I've gotten slapped with a wooden sword. On my ass, my ass! On my maidenly, innocent ass!"
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:28 No.4752236
    I heard that A Metal Gear Beato is a cool theory again!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:29 No.4752248
    Body doubles are not allowed because they violate Knox 4, you know. They would need some unknow materials to perfectly disguise something as a corpse.
    And a body of someone not mentioned in the story would be so much forced and violate so many reds it would be ridiculous ("I wil keep this body in the fridge until I decide to kill everyone, hope nobody will notice it".
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:30 No.4752258
    I did not say she wasn't a liar, only pointed that she didn't lie in THAT statement.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:31 No.4752267
    Silly Anon. I was the one to come up with that gag!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:32 No.4752273
    Ryukishi will be giving us a happy ending, or as much of one as possible. What does this mean? That Shkanon is probably wrong, that Kanon is probably Beatrice, and that Jessica is most likely the BBEG controlling Beatrice.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:34 No.4752286
    Actually, she never lied in that entire paragraph.
    She wishes he would never leave his room.
    Her wish of him leaving his room has nothing to do with him being dead. She isn't lying by saying that.
    >but when he starts stinking up the house, it really gets on my nerves

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:35 No.4752299
    Not the guy you replied to, but I liked how everything you pointed were only opinions and your interpretation of the story. You didn't even support you own point of view and tried to deny others through logic and facts.
    No wonder people don't even bother reasoning with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:35 No.4752302
    All the more. But really, that "unknown material" is called make-up and already exists for thousands years.
    A body wouldn't violate neither red, nor Knox because it's not a culprit or a person. "I'm gonna kill someone, so I'll prepare some body to create me alibi."
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:36 No.4752307
    Did she say start stinking up the house?
    If she did.... oh lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:37 No.4752317
    So E8 starts with Battler coming into Kanon's room because Jessie told him to apologize for picking the fertilizer bag. Miracilously enough, Kanon was just changing. A hilarious Maria+Holic kind of scene ensues.

    Meanwhile Amakusa kills Hanyuu, says he is Battler and that Jessica is actually still alive and well, even though she lost her sight and became a delicate and gentle person, as if she never was Beatoshit insane.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:37 No.4752318
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:38 No.4752326
    Logic and facts?
    The guy said I was a Jessitrice supporter.
    I denied that by saying that episode 1 clearly shows that Jessica can't be Beatrice.

    His two other claims were that my reasoning was that Kyrie and Rudolf were Beatrice.
    I answered those claims as well.

    He also called me an idiot, and a fag, in addition to his baseless assertion, but sure, go ahead and say I'm the one being illogical.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:40 No.4752350
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    So, this picture will be canon?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:41 No.4752359
    That picture is Kanon.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:41 No.4752361
    There is no need for body double in Umineko.
    In episode 1, only Shannon's arm was visible.
    A hand isn't a body, and there were a lots of really fucked bodies in the shed, no one would notice if the culprit cut a arm off a body, put the sleve of Shannon's dress and her ring on the hand.

    In episode 2, Shannon's corpse had a big hole in the middle of the head, big enough for the brain to spill.
    Sure is an easy to identify body here.
    And Rosa acted really suspiciously when Battler went to touch the body, she never acted that way with any other bodies that they found.

    In episode 3, Kyrie and Rosa separated themselves from the group of adults early on.
    The other adults were busy playing some game the culprit prepared.
    I wonder why the culprit did such a complicated scheme, probably not to give Rosa and Kyrie some time to move the body of Shannon into the chapel and dress it like Kanon.

    In episode 4, Shannon's body is found in front of a well and Kanon's body is nowhere to be found.
    Nope, could mean anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:42 No.4752371
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    Actually, he said that he wants bittersweet ending.
    Battler will have to kill Beato again. Otherwise I really want to know how it's possible to expose the human culprit and not to kill her.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:43 No.4752381
    Probably mean that Kinzo's corpse started to smell after a while and Natsuhi/Krauss lied to Jessica telling her that he was doing another voodoo shit.
    Why wouldn't she believe it?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:43 No.4752382
    Make up wouldn't fool anyone and you know it. It's impossible, even to this day, to create a body somebody would mistake at short distance for a human's. I guess the closest we got so far is that retarded-looking japanese little girl robot.
    And a dead person, as I stated, would decay and stink unless kept in a fridge or something. And eveybody would know that corpse weren't of someone who died recently. You know, there is a reason why Kinzo's corpse is always burnt when they find it, and it is so they can't determine when he died.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:43 No.4752384
    God damnit why did I lol
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:47 No.4752409
    Well, once again, she wouldn't have seen Kinzo in literally over a year. I doubt she is unaware of his death. Really, I find her dialogue to be some rather hilariously dark humor regarding Kinzo.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:48 No.4752420
    Or they imitated those experiments themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:49 No.4752436
    Higurashi was bittersweet too.

    Rika lives her own life in her own world with her friends and was finally set free thanks to her good friend Hanyuu.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:50 No.4752444
    There's no foreshadowing that she's aware of Kinzo's death. Kumasawa didn't interject when she said that in front of the relatives.
    If she was aware of that, it makes EP4 even worse. The cousins believed that Kinzo was killed/held their parents hostage, and yet, she didn't snap.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:50 No.4752446
    If you are a doubletrice supporter, you can't deny Jessica can be one of the two beatrices, so your reasoning is invalid. You are free to believe she isn't though - I'm just pointing that the path of the doubletrice wides your possibilities so much it also removes some of your safe grounds.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:51 No.4752455
    Yes, later she says 'Nah, I won't see him, I'd rather look into eyes of the angel of death' or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:51 No.4752459
    Hanyuu = Uberbitch.
    Good think Lambdadelta is there to cure Bern.

    And just for laughs, I propose that Lambdadelta is actually the meta incarnation of Jesus Satoko.
    Be crucified for dumbass reason, obtain FANTASTIC COSMIC POWER!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:52 No.4752461
    >makes her kill her mother
    Rika's choice. Also, Hanyuu had no ulterior motives. It was either Rika kills her mom or she stays.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:55 No.4752488
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    Imagine the whole rage of Hanyuufags if that would be ever written.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:59 No.4752512
    Well yes, it is Rika's choice: Be trapped in the world she didn't fight for, therefore having her taste of victory stolen away, or kill her own mother she didn't really care about in a world she doesn't really care about. Not to mention she never realizes that her mother here is simply someone completely different. Read Rika's mother journal in Himatsubushi and you should get the difference in Saigoroshi and other chapters.

    This is a subliminal theme through the last three arcs, read it, most people get this. Also try to think why did Hanyuu follow and creep out everyone by 'somemasensomemasensomemasen', even though she certainly knew that in Shion's case(and Meakashi-hen is like 1/3 of all the kakeras Rika experienced) it is this exact voice that makes her cross the line and kill people to obtain information.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)18:59 No.4752514
    There's two parts to bittersweet, the bitter and the sweet. Seeing as Beatrice is piece Battler's only real love interest in the series, there would be no sweet part in killing her. Also you're retarded in thinking Beatrice is the BBEG.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:00 No.4752522
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    Well, Jessitrice means that Jessica, and Jessica alone is Beatrice.
    Doubletrice assumes that there are two Beatrices involved. Dress Beato, who is Shannon, and Suit Beatrice who... well, see the picture, and I think it would be rather easy to see who people think Suit Beato is.

    Reliably, Battler only meets Suit Beatrice once. In episode 2, he meets her in a fantasy scene, after which(allegedly) Shannon and Jessica are dead, so we can't exactly use her appearance in episode 2 to pinpoint any one of the girls as Beatrice.

    In episode 4, however, Suit Beatrice is witnessed by Battler.

    ...On the balcony.

    And here's where things get interesting.
    After Battler fails his test, Beatrice has a dialogue with Beatrice. One Beatrice says that she'll take over, and the other Beatrice is free to "go to sleep and forget." The Beatrice who "takes over" so to speak is entrusted to finish things up.

    It is my belief that what happened there was that Jessica was killed by Shannon, who then cleaned up the crime scene to hide the truth. And of course, killed herself.

    Everyone had laughed before over the concept of Shannon sprinting back and forth changing costumes, but the truth is much more simple. She was never wearing a costume in the first place!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:02 No.4752528
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    No, Hanyuu is a good girl. I won't hear any of this conspiracy garbage. She is clearly portrayed in a good light.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:05 No.4752538
    Weeell, you know that Miotsukushi, the PS2 ending, really has an Alien Troll Hanyuu, riiiight?

    I'd kill people to read a Keiichi vs. Mion battle. Finally Mion uses her gun, I always wondered why does she even wear it if she doesn't use it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:05 No.4752540
    What about Rosa and Maria? Weren't Krauss and Natsuhi under observation of the other relatives in the guesthouse? The most suspicious are Eva, Hideyoshi and Rudolf.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:06 No.4752542
    Mion is a good girl.
    Besides, that gun is an airsoft gun.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:06 No.4752550
    not canon
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:07 No.4752553
    Already asked, never answered:
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:07 No.4752558
    What could take the most time?
    Battler sees Beatrice on the balcony.
    This is actually Jessica.
    Afterward Jessica removes the dress, and then come Shannon who kill her.
    Shannon then goes to the well to kill herself.


    Battler sees Beatrice who is actually Shannon.
    Jessica was already dead by that time, Shannon removes the dress and goes to the well to kill herself.

    By your theory, there is absolutely no need for Jessica to be Beatrice.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:08 No.4752564
    Rosa is freaking awesome, when it comes down to it.
    Really, my favorite character in the series.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:10 No.4752580
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    >Also you're retarded in thinking Beatrice is the BBEG
    I am. What is BBEG?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:10 No.4752581
    Beatrice wasn't wearing a dress!
    That is the point, my good sir!
    She was wearing her suit outfit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:11 No.4752583
    To change dress Jessica basically has to fix a hairdo (which is not THAT hard, if you disregard the braids) take down the jacket, get on a vest, pull the shirt out, mess with the socks.
    That's about two minutes... if you are a woman.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:12 No.4752595
    Beatrice wasn't wearing a dress, I believe. I think she was dressed in her suit.
    In addition, it was raining, and she was at an elevated position.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:13 No.4752599
    >>4752542 Mion is a good girl
    Can't opose you here, she is a good girl.

    Too bad Hinamizawa dislikes Lawful Good people.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:15 No.4752609
    That's what I meant, should have used suit.
    Doesn't change the fact that it wouldn't take long for either of them.
    Shannon removes the wig, remove the suit, put her usual dress.
    Shouldn't take more than 3 minutes.

    I daresay that waiting for Jessica to change and then killing her could take a bit longer, I doubt she would kill her so fast, they are supposed to be accomplice after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:15 No.4752610
    Contrast to Shannon getting OUT of her maid uniform, getting to an area that would have an entire suit uniform for her, fixing her hair, putting on the new suit uniform, killing Jessica(and somehow avoiding getting Jessica's brains and blood on her suit), running back to the well, undressing from the suit uniform, putting on the maid uniform, setting up an elaborate suicide mechanism and dying.

    It would indeed take Shannon much longer, and it would be much harder, for her to do that.

    For one, Jessica was in her room, she had access to clothing, and two, she was in close proximity to the balcony.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:17 No.4752619
    >Lawful Good
    >Helps murderous friend hide corpse
    No. Neutral Good, I'd say.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:18 No.4752629
    Well, my theory explains the dialogue between the two Beatrices after Battler fails his test.
    That is the crux of it. And also Jessica was in the right place at the right time. Remember, Jessica's time of death is rather open.

    The person who NEEDED to be hasty was the Beatrice confronting Battler. The person we KNOW was in a good position to confront Battler was Jessica. As for Jessica being killed, that is a process that could take its time.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:18 No.4752631
    The point is that it would be the same if Jessica was Beatrice.
    Someone has to kill Jessica after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:22 No.4752660
    A lot of what Beatrice said on the balcony doesn't sound like it's Jessica at all. That person had:

    - Some form of regret
    - Considered themselves the Ushiromiya family furniture
    - Possibly raped/molested by Kinzo ) not sure if this pertains to *this* Beatrice.
    - Knew English
    - Was well aware of Battler's sin and took an interest in his ideal 'woman'
    - Doesn't have the same access to facilities like Jessica does

    To top that off, she really knows how to apply make-up. Despite the rain, she wasn't afraid that the storm would ruin her disguise.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:23 No.4752664
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    What part of "Doubletrice" don't you understand?
    Shannon, as the other Beatrice, could, and based on the dialogue between the two Beatrices in episode 4, had simply killed Jessica after Battler failed his test. And then she simple had to commit suicide in a fairly open length of time. Battler takes a bit too long to fully examine the crime scene, leaving an ample window for Jessica to be killed.

    Here, this picture is what I am talking about.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:25 No.4752670
    Talking about suicide mechanisms. Battler didn't found any guns, right? If Jessica committed suicide in her room, there should be a gun lying nearby. On the contrary, Shannon could set it up that the gun fell to the well.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:26 No.4752672
    Now lets assume Kanon != Shannon, there is even LESS need of Jessica. Fuck, we can do without Shannon even and everything fits perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:26 No.4752676
    >Well, Jessitrice means that Jessica, and Jessica alone is Beatrice.
    No. There can be multiple theories about Jessica being Beatrice with multiple different reasons, including either her being the mastermind or not. People just assume it's the "my parents hate me" thing because, you know, they are trolls trolling trolls.
    I like your theory, but I've heard some better.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:27 No.4752679
    >Was well aware of Battler's sin and took an interest in his ideal 'woman'
    Funny that you mention that. While it is true that Shannon(or a distinctly un Jessicalike figure) asked him about his ideal woman, Jessica had done the same exact thing too. She asked people about their type back in the day(being the genki girl she was).

    Thus, that knowledge is non-unique to Shannon.
    Furthermore, the regret, furniture, and rape, all of those fall in the line with Beatrice as a whole.

    And I could dig out the infamous 1 kilometer picture to show you the regret clue, but I won't.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:27 No.4752682
    Personally I don't see anything that link Suit Beatrice to Jessica.
    And Suit Beatrice do appears in the first part of episode 1, when she does Jessica is with Battler.

    People will "not witnessed by Battler" but I think this scene really happened, seeing Maria's reaction.
    Maria can be mislead but she doesn't lie.
    When she says that she met Beatrice in episode 1, she wasn't lying, I think it's the same for episode 2.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:28 No.4752685
    >we can do without Shannon even and everything fits perfectly.
    Kanon is dead.
    Among the five people in Kyrie's group, he was the first to die.
    In short, he was the 9th victim.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:28 No.4752687
    I never said that Jessica comitted suicide.
    Far from it, from the doubletrice.jpg picture I posted, I am BANKING on the fact that Shannon killed Jessica.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:28 No.4752692
    Meant beginning of episode 2.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:30 No.4752703
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    I'm aware those screencaps. If Jessica knew or asked what type of girl Battler liked, she wouldn't contradict herself.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:30 No.4752706
    Ah, but here's the rub. You can't be picky about the detective POV thing. Really, if we pick and choose what scene is reliable and unreliable just by going with our gut, reasoning becomes lose. And also, if Jessica was indeed a version of Beatrice, Maria isn't being "fooled" at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:31 No.4752718
    Why Kanon, let's just use Krauss! It's dark, it's far away, Battler would never notice!
    And now you are aware it could also be Kyrie or even Nanjo!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:33 No.4752726
    >let's ignore the fact that Kanon has been stated dead in red a bunch of times when he never really was dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:33 No.4752729
    I'm not picky or choosing only scenes that help my theory., every scenes have a meaning after all.

    But you have to consider the people who are in these scenes and their personalities.
    Maria is actually one of the most straightforward and trustworthy people on the island, all the characterization she got tell us this much.
    She is completely deluded but she doesn't lie.
    When she say she met Beatrice, then she met her.

    I guess it's not trusting the fantasy scenes but rather trusting Maria and entire characterization.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:34 No.4752732
    Yeah, no.
    As I said earlier, the period of Jessica being alive and her actual death are rather large, but there is a short window when it comes to confronting Battler. Roughly 7 minutes after Kyrie's call is that window. So we need someone who is close to the area and has the means to dress up.

    Is it POSSIBLE that Nanjo got on a jetpack and flew over?

    Sure, why not.

    Not exactly.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:35 No.4752738
    Where's the 'Maria knows.jpg' when I need it?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:35 No.4752740
    >Personally I don't see anything that link Suit Beatrice to Jessica.
    There is NOTHING that links suit Beatrice to anyone, because a suit is a piece of cloth, which people can change.

    Or Shannon could have told someone about that. Anyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:36 No.4752741
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:37 No.4752751
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:37 No.4752752
    Were the time of their deaths ever stated in red?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:37 No.4752757
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:38 No.4752760
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:38 No.4752761
    >Maria is actually one of the most straightforward and trustworthy people on the island
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:39 No.4752767
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:39 No.4752770
    What's the obsession with Jessica?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:40 No.4752771
    Well the problem is that nothing links Jessica to Beatrice at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:40 No.4752773
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:41 No.4752778
    Some people can't believe a character can be so fucking boring.
    So they try to spice her up.
    Poor guys will get a shock in the next episode.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:41 No.4752780
    >There is NOTHING that links suit Beatrice to anyone
    You are deluded, there is a LOT that connects Kanon to being Beatrice. Also Kanon is the ONLY one with evidence pointing to being Beatrice. But seeing as most people are idiots looking for evidence through their fake motives(that don't actually exist, as the Meta Beatrice is the one that reveals the motives.) people seem to only connect Shannon and Jessica as real competitors and pretend that Kanon is only secondary.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:41 No.4752781
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:42 No.4752785
    Please, Shannon is much more boring than Jessica will EVER be.

    Even when she killed Maria!
    She was fucking boring.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:43 No.4752789
    Never said otherwise you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:44 No.4752804
    Doubletrice dude here.
    I only say Shannon insofar as the fact that Kanon is female.
    I consider Kanon to be a much better character, and much more connected to Beatrice than Shannon is. Hell, I bet that Kanon is BEATRICE'S TRUE FORM.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:45 No.4752809

    The closest thing to a time of death that has ever been mentioned in Umineko would be that all unidentifiable corpses have their identities guaranteed to be the person that everyone thinks them to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:46 No.4752818
    Only Shannon could make a scene about slowly crushing the most annoying character in the game to death boring.

    Funny how George, Kanon, and Shannon are all willing to be assholes and kill people.

    Unlike Jessica and Moetrice(or was Moetrice simply too incompetent to kill Natsuhi?).
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:47 No.4752821
    I think in one of the other Doubletrice threads someone pointed out the irony of yaoi fangirls making the majority of the fanart for the main heterosexual couple.

    We love that delicious flat chested, black haired loli.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:51 No.4752835
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    I'm the boring character, that flaps in the night!

    I am the fry you find in your onion ring bag!

    I am the batteries that are NOT included!

    I am............. MOONWING DUCK-CHAN!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:52 No.4752843
    Jessica just needed a little...encouragement.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:54 No.4752860
    Jessica killing her own mother... how awful!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:56 No.4752872
    Not even being the culprit, accomplice or whatever would make Jessica interesting for me.

    It would just make her a fucking bad villain.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:56 No.4752874
    I'm talking about suit Beato specifically. Though I agree he is likely to be Beatrice, if doubletrice is true, nothing make him more likely to be suit rather than dress, on the contrary - a dress would hide his manlegs better (no trap shit, even though he is not really strong, he does not have them hips).
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:57 No.4752876
    >implying Jessica isn't just as murderous as Shannon
    Hey guys, guess who killed George in the same episode that you're getting all this shitty doubletrice proof!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:58 No.4752883
    Ah, she did kill George.
    So.... do we give her a medal or something? Perhaps a heartfelt letter of gratitude?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:59 No.4752887
    Exactly. Nanjo's body were found not much farther than Shannon's, making the Nanjotrice perfectly possible for ep 4.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)19:59 No.4752889
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:03 No.4752906
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:05 No.4752913
    You're an idiot. One, doubletrice is a theory you Jessitrice-fags came up with when you realized it Shannon or Kanon HAVE to be Beatrice. Two, if doubletrice was even possible it'd be Shannon or Kanon with the love for and made a promise with Battler as Battler was shown to have remembered his cousins more than well enough.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:14 No.4752951
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    He remembers Shannon well enough. He even states how she is much different now than she was before. As for Kanon, he wasn't ON the island until 3 years ago. So we can rule him out immediately. And with the promise, the only thing tying it to Shannon is that Shannon mentions the pony white horse thing... AFTER Jessica prompts her to. Although, I will concede that Battler says, quite openly, that Shannon was his first love.

    And would you please stop insisting that Doubletrice fags are Jessitricefags? I mean, sheesh, talk about a witch-hunt.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:14 No.4752952
    >if doubletrice was even possible it'd be Shannon or Kanon with the love for and made a promise
    I guess I hit a nerve so badly you can't even think before you write anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:18 No.4752968
    Where was it mentioned that Kanon arrived on the island 3 years before? I can't remember, and a scene that mentions something like that might have other important information hidden in it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:27 No.4753016
    Yeah, it's in the scene where Kanon was first introduced in EP1 and in the "Notes from a certain cook" TIP.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:28 No.4753027
    why does the Umineko wiki say Battler is 19? shouldn't he be 18?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:32 No.4753046
    I suppose so, yeah.
    He's as old as Jessica, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:34 No.4753053
    Someone probably edited it due to the EP6 speculation. But I suppose it's safe to assume he's really 18.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:35 No.4753060
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    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:37 No.4753070
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    Uh oh...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:38 No.4753077
    Oh god, I want a Fistfight end so goddamn hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:42 No.4753090
    Kumasawa shat in a jar filled with fish oil, closed it and left it stored for 6 years.
    Battler opened it and everyone died from the stench.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:42 No.4753092
    I think we're going to get something to that effect.
    After all, there is foreshadowing, with Battler and Jessica having fights in the past with Jessica winning. Course, Battler did steroids, so he would naturally win. Hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:50 No.4753120
    Battler is pretty metrosexual, this thread didn't really need 200 replies discussing the finer points of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/10(Sun)20:56 No.4753146
    Kira Kira is actually a series about youthful hope versus adult reality.

    Note well that the title theme "Kira Kira" is only composed in Kirari's "bad" end, while the other d2b songs are composed during the common route tour.

    In addition, note well that "Kira Kira" plays in every "crazy youthful antics" scene, even though it's "composed" in a depressing time.

    Because Maejima is mentally narrating the story during the final Happy Cycle Mania concert. Each time "Kira Kira" plays as BGM in the story, another verse is played at the concert, and Maejima mentally overcomes another hope, regret, or despair from his childhood days.

    That's the REAL message of Kira Kira.

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