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  • File : 1260995696.png-(313 KB, 323x414, rika.png)
    313 KB Tweaking Higurashi Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:34 No.3916472  
    Okay, let's have a thread for the exclusive purpose of tweaking Mangagamer's release. Please don't scatter efforts on several threads.

    [X] Hide ugly UI (COMPLETE)
    First, a patch to hide the UI, made by Anon. "I just made a patch. Extract these files to your higurashiwhentheycry folder. Be sure to set the right-click function to show menu instead of hide frame."

    [X] Replace ugly font (COMPLETE)
    From the same Anon (I think), a patch to replace the font with Consolas.ttf. "What the hell, I might as well knock out the font hack while I'm at it."

    - (Himatsubushi-hen version, full 4 chapters)
    - (Demo version, music from 1st chapter only)
    QUESTION:"Why would I use this? the music from MG is better!". ANSWER: Better is subjective , but more importantly, MG release has fewer tracks. They were too lazy or didn't have enough music, so they went and replaced VARIOUS tracks with the SAME track, in multiple occasions, which is just butchering the game. For example Rena and Mion don't have their own music themes in MG release. This adds variety again to the soundtrack.
    Made by another Anon (me, to be more precise). There's two patches, one that replaces the music with the Himatsubushi-hen soundtrack (the repack of chapters 1-4) and another that uses the music from the demo (so this version it's only up to chapter 1). If someone has the soundtrack that matches the demo (which I prefer), please post it so we can complete patch two.
    This is a test version and is not tested throughly. If you note anything weird, please let me know.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:35 No.3916473

    [ ] Port the PS2 sprites
    Should be easy, but tedious. You have to extract each sprite and rename it to the correct match for Mangagamer's, then run them through alpha.exe from bgitools and place them on your higurashi dir. I won't do it because I like R07 sprites better, so good luck to the next Anon.

    - Useful tools
    AnimeED - Visual Novel Tools (cant find link atm, google it, sorry)

    Fight ON /jp/!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:37 No.3916482
    Where's the PS2 music patch?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:38 No.3916491
    I don't have the PS2 music tracks. If you have them, post them so they can be converted.
    >> IN elite !EienTEi9N6 12/16/09(Wed)15:42 No.3916509
    Nice, I can't wait to read it.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:44 No.3916516
    Sweet you are amazing. Taking the ui and font patch. Not sure which music patch I want yet. I'm hoping someone has the patience for the voices.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:44 No.3916520
    Someone tried the music patch?

    Don't want to be a dick, but we got trolled before
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:47 No.3916531
    i cant see the menu, so i cant save. it doesnt work for me
    >> IN elite !EienTEi9N6 12/16/09(Wed)15:48 No.3916535
    I don't think a voice patch is necessary unless the voices are really good.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:49 No.3916541

    What patch?

    If you are talking about "Hide ugly UI" you have to change the setting in the start menu.
    >> !OSakaQCVow 12/16/09(Wed)15:49 No.3916542
    >Be sure to set the right-click function to show menu instead of hide frame."
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:50 No.3916543
    >Mai Nakahara
    >Souichirou Hoshi
    >Yukari Tamura
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:50 No.3916548

    anime voices?
    >> Yuyucow !izhBpjwbEg 12/16/09(Wed)15:52 No.3916559
    I have the official (as in, not extracted from the iso) ps2 OST, but replacing the songs would be tedious. As far as I know the soundtracks are absolutely different so you'd have to know when does every song play in the ps2 version.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:52 No.3916561
    I want to know too.
    Does the Himatsubushi-hen music patch work?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:52 No.3916562
    OP here. It works, believe me, and it was quite tiring and time consuming to do, but I couldn't play without it.
    Remember h4lp.7z is the full soundtrack, demolp.7z is only for chapter 1. You can combine both if you want, applying demolp after h4lp. To clarify, if you plan to play eps 2 to 4, you NEED h4lp, demolp won't cut it, as it only replaces some tracks.
    Extract the patches in the higurashi folder.
    The names may sound suspcious, but lp is just the way r07 named higurashi BGM folder.
    >> IN elite !EienTEi9N6 12/16/09(Wed)15:53 No.3916563
    I don't think I could ignore that but wouldn't the PS2 version have some different dialogue?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:53 No.3916566
    man, the musics of the demo were awesome.. the MG ones are very shitty.. and there's one sound efect (in the shocking scenes) that is REALLY Annoying.
    >> Derek 12/16/09(Wed)15:54 No.3916569
    Thanks OP! Patches work 100%, no viruses (:
    >> !OSakaQCVow 12/16/09(Wed)15:54 No.3916572
    Seems to be fine. I don't know if the right songs are supposed to be playing at the right time, but it did change fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:55 No.3916578
    Forgot to mention, extract them so all the files sit besides BGI.exe, in the higurashi root folder. I just noticed I zipped them in folders, so don't use them. The higurashi folder should only have a subfolder called UserData.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:56 No.3916582
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    Anon, you know why I love you
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)15:58 No.3916593
    Awesome work anon

    I wonder if anyone is going to make a sound effects patch
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:00 No.3916603
    Sound effects were not replaced, only music and ambient sound (higurashi, etc), but you can do it if you want, if you figure out the correct way to rename the original files to match the lsysXY files in data2000.arc. If you extract 0.txt from the script with AnimeED in the original japanese Higurashi files there may be a list like there was for music. Then you need to convert using bgitools. Be careful, bwcreate doesn't like all oggs, I had to use 3 different converters.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:01 No.3916610

    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:01 No.3916615
    Archive this.
    >> eirei emiya !NERO.ByayA 12/16/09(Wed)16:01 No.3916616
    Someone should make a patch that replaces all SFX with ahaha.wav
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:02 No.3916619
    Sound effect patch would be awesome, I hate the new river noises.

    Also, is there anyway to use Auto with the UI patch?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:03 No.3916629
    Well if Derek approves, then I guess these patches are legit.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:05 No.3916642
    And what's the deal with the bgm patch in work? What does it change? Just add the tracks that had to be removed or replace the good music with shitty doujin tracks?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:08 No.3916660
    Are you blind? it's all explained in the op.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:10 No.3916675
    If you're wondering wheter it removes the KAI music or not, YES it does. I'll hear those tracks when I play KAI. Besides, KAI music is "shitty" doujin music too. Did you even bother to listen to both soundtracks?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:11 No.3916682
    Are there plans to make a patch to fix the grammar issues? It'd be tedious as hell, admittedly, but it's the biggest problem I have with Mangagamer's release. Unless Mangagamer decides to do it themselves it should be done sooner or later.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:12 No.3916687
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    its gets rid of this shit here
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:13 No.3916692
    The problem lies beyond the translation.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:13 No.3916693
    >- (Himatsubushi-hen version, full 4 chapters)

    I love you anon from spain , this was the ones i wanted
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:15 No.3916703
    What the heck is KAI music?
    No it isn't.

    So to explain this all, mangagamer removed some doijin tracks, right? So did they just replaced these scenes with other tracks or did they add something completely different?
    And what is the first bgm patch changing then? The removed doujin tracks from mangagamer and the rest will be the same?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:15 No.3916704
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    Downloaded the hell out of the font change, now to play the waiting game with an anon patient enough to go through all those sprites.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:17 No.3916721
    I'm not talking about the occasional awkward sentence, I'm talking about the verb misconjugations and other basic, easily fixable grammar problems.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:18 No.3916723
    I'm personally waiting until the sprite change patch to get the game.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)16:18 No.3916730
    [ ] PS2 sprite
    [ ] PS2 Voice patch
    [ ] SFX

    Work harder, thanks!

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