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  • File : 1269875452.jpg-(345 KB, 806x1200, 1265515199114.jpg)
    345 KB Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:10 No.294477  
    Japan fag here for three years. ask away questions if you so wish to.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:27 No.294485
    How can we get people to stop being all up on the nip dick?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:30 No.294487
    i have no idea what that is, and it frightens me.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:32 No.294488
    Tell me about japanese girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:32 No.294489
    I assume you moved there from somewhere? Where and why?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:49 No.294495
    They can be great. But they are extremely fast on the gas if you date here. Its a culture thing. Japanese women begin to feel old and worthless at 30. Yes 30. Its messed up. So within a month of dating most couples tie up the knot. Cute the lot of em. I miss the curves a bit though. (More specific q if you want)

    From America. I do a little modeling here and Some English teaching. I am in the Kanto area which is nice because I am within easy reach of a lot of cool stuff.
    Oh the reasons..meh. I honestly didn't know what to do out of college so I jumped on a flight over here when they said they had jobs starting right away right out of graduation. So I hopped over. History is cool. Food is amazing. People are great. Etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:50 No.294496
    What are your living accommodations like?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:50 No.294497
    Can I get film work in Japan? And where do you live, exactly?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:55 No.294499
    nothing spectacular. I got a decent size apartment. But I live in a Tokyo suburb so its a bit expensive. But I can't complain since i live so close to my station.

    That all depends on your drive and abilities. There are plenty of gaijin modeling agencies here. If you know Japanese more power to you, although it is not necessary in this line of work, it would give you a boost though.
    Just be prepared for lots of rejections before landing anything. I had to wade through shit before I found good agencies. I liked and worked for me. Be sure to look up visa types and the ones that work for modeling though.
    I have a specialist in humanities visa and that works fine. Saitama prefecture to be specific.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)11:56 No.294500
    I meant the other side of the camera. I'm about to graduate with a degree in film and television.

    And is learning Japanese as key as I would expect it to be?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:00 No.294501
    Ah well now thats a bit more complicated. I can assume that you would need a decent amount of Japanese in order to take instructions from your clients/bosses. I do know photographers that are foreigners and in great numbers. Its worth a try, but be ready to have high competition.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:10 No.294503
    How "attractive" does a gaijin have to be in order to score with "decent" or "average" Japanese women? Basically do they have high standards? Also, are Hispanics going to get shunned or are they ok? I'm a hispanicfag myself but I'm on the lighter side. I look like what a white person would like after some moderate tanning.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:11 No.294504
    How about meeting people? Meeting Americans older than college age is impossible outside of the club scene. I don't even mean girls, just people to hang around with.

    I'm social, and worry I would go over there and be all ronery, no matter how extroverted I am. And then there's the language barrier. Worrysome.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:16 No.294506
    A foreigner is a foreigner really here. They will be able to tell the difference a little but it won't really affect the opinion i think.
    Girls here are like girls anywhere. It depends on the girl and on your own standards. There does seem to be an attraction though to foreigners if you go to the right areas of Tokyo. (some areas of Shibuya/Shinjuku have clubs that seem to cater to this very fetish for Japanese girls haha)
    Sure looks are important, but confidence works great here as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)12:21 No.294509
    If you want to meet other foreigners here, don't go looking for new friends at clubs. If you end up in a good city seek out the other foreigners in the community. Frequent sporting events, meetings co workers etc. I met my best friends there. Clubs are home to the single serving friends.
    The language barrier. It is damn difficult sure. But mind you that the people of Japan, for the most part, have a great desire to learn English and having the chance to use it is very exciting. But, even the slight use of Japanese is applauded here.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:16 No.294517
    >The language barrier. It is damn difficult sure. But mind you that the people of Japan, for the most part, have a great desire to learn English and having the chance to use it is very exciting. But, even the slight use of Japanese is applauded here.

    I have to agree with this. I just moved here (staying for 2 years), have been here a month and so far this is exactly what I've seen. I studied a bit before coming over so I know enough Japanese to get around and basic conversations, but every time I use it people applaud it. Not only that but people want to use their English all the time. It's like if they don't take the chance (seeing a western looking foreigner) they wont be able to use what they've been studying in school for so long. I've made some friends, even though we can't communicate perfectly, mixing my bad Japanese and their bad English, we're able to make it through. (Not to mention it's beneficial to both parties, being able to practice.)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)13:28 No.294518
    A few friends and I are planning a diving trip to Okinawa this summer. Do you have much experience with the area? Any pointers?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)17:54 No.294609
    1. How is the Japanese media especially television programing?
    2. Is the Japanese train system as good as it is?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)18:21 No.294617
    >as good as it is
    one can assume that it's as good as it is
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:12 No.294639
    OP here. Sorry I just woke back up. 9am here now.
    Sorry I have not been to Okinawa yet myself. But I have heard flying into Naha airport is speedy and the beaches are nice. But it is inundated with Americans (Naval personnel) so be sure to get a hotel room away from the bars that they frequent, because they can be loud.
    >> reply anon 03/29/10(Mon)20:15 No.294642
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    can't agree, can't disagree
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:16 No.294644
    not OP but J tv is shit! not worth watching at all! too many of the same opinionated asshole I could care less about. i mean, what fuck is up with having a camera on the talent when watching a segment. i don't give a shit about their fucking reaction or lack thereof!

    train system is tip top! who needs a fucking car, really?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:20 No.294647
    ...honestly, I have a big love hate for Japanese programming. More hate than love. There are brief moments when its funny and it offers something good to watch. But the rest of the time its one of the same 10 or so tv comedians saying their one liners and offering an opinion that they are not qualified to answer. An example: this group of rich celebrities were sitting on a panel and offering their comments on a documentary on a womens prison here in Japan. They looked at each other as if they were experts and one woman said something like "oohhh well these women need to get money and be good". Now I said that this was a documentary, and the best NHK could do was not get professors nor x prisoners no they got a group of the same recycled people together and told them to sit down and offer their opinion. Its one of the reasons I can't really watch it anymore.
    Shining moments. A program called Besthouse 1,2,3 shows cool stuff from around the world. Just need to tune out the panel sometime.
    And there are some comedic gems. Take this clip for example:
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:28 No.294651
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    2. Yes, it is amazing. I have traveled Europe on the EUrail as well. And that was great too. Korea as well was good.

    But Japan beat them all hands down. Clean and efficient.

    The first time looking at the train maps though it can be very intimidating. Also the fact there are several different lines at work. JR, Metro, Oedo, and many more different private lines.
    But, once you wrap your head around it it really make sense. I now live on a Metro line so I experience the crush quite a bit some mornings. But its well worth it for a country you really don't need a car in. Hell I love my bike now. And I can do all my in country vacationing by train.

    Attached is just the Metro map. The JR map looks extremely different. And if you are a tourist, you are more likely to use the JR map more.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/10(Mon)20:33 No.294657
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    Heres the JR map
    (Note I have only shown you Tokyo where I live)
    The Osaka map actually makes more sense to people.
    Tokyo can look like a mess vs. Osaka is where trains seem to flow in a circle and in and out out of areas vs. Tokyo where its a big mind fuck.

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