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    13 KB Should I learn Korean or Japanese? Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)12:18 No.2704021  
    "Corea"-Trolls GTFO.

    I'm interested in both languages, but learning Korean is a lot more easy, should I do that, and then proceed to learn Japanese?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)12:20 No.2704027
    Learn chinese. The way things are turning, you will find it more useful. Maybe.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)12:20 No.2704030
    The one with the most media that interests you (which I assume is Japanese) will be easier because you will want to be around the language more, thus learn it faster.
    >> Milfeulle is my Waifu !iS.Yuri/S. 06/03/09(Wed)12:20 No.2704033
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)12:21 No.2704038
    >> Sodium bicarbonate !Du1A6pui8g 06/03/09(Wed)12:21 No.2704039
    Korean, definitely, if only for their circle script.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)12:21 No.2704040
    Hangul looks like a fun alphabet.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)12:21 No.2704043
    Do you want to play in MMORPG betas? If so, learn Korean.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)12:27 No.2704077

    Chinese is shit for learning anything else. Chances are good that they need researchers, because their language makes research nearly impossible for them.

    However, they'll kill you for reasons you'll never get to know, just because someone, somewhere, with enough power, wanted to make a point to your boss.
    >> Anion aseo hello 06/03/09(Wed)13:57 No.2704491
    I like to learn korean...
    >> Anonymous of Bangkok !SLUT6eLWCk 06/03/09(Wed)13:59 No.2704502
    lol japanese suck korea superior etc etc am i cool yet
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)14:01 No.2704509

    >am i cool yet

    You'll never be cool, Bangcock
    >> Sakura !!sCKns1iPkwx 06/03/09(Wed)14:07 No.2704531
    You should learn Korean. Then you can play all those awesome Korean VNs and Games, and everything else you enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)14:09 No.2704536
    Bangkok is a pretty cool guy eh likes visual novels and doesn't afraid of anything
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)14:23 No.2704597
    Korea has nothing but "Korea invented everything".
    Korean promote their inferior manhwa in 4chan. but, non-Korean people who try them said they can not sympathize with the characters of manhwa. Some manhwa become anime, but they are paid money by Korean sponsors. Korea has almost no market for anime and manhwa, because they DO NOT buy them even they know they are made by Korean.
    So, if you learn Korean, you have nothing to watch or read.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)15:12 No.2704826
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)15:34 No.2704912
    So, you want to say Korean invented online game? It is nice that online games have no ugly characters of Korean, but Korean players are mean. Even DVD of hollywood movies do not sell in Korea. because Korean download them all.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)15:36 No.2704921
    japan has the best korean food, learn japanese.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)15:37 No.2704925
    also like 80% of korean bitches are crazy.
    also they are pretty hardcore christians. no one knows how that happened, it just did.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)15:47 No.2704947
    >So, you want to say Korean invented online game?
    No, retarded.
    Korean is important to online games, but it's not necessary.

    Also,you talk like japanese is important.
    You don't need to know japanese to watch or read mangas and animes too.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)15:53 No.2704956
    lol. retard is you.

    >You don't need to know japanese to watch or read mangas and animes too.

    You just don't know that Japanese language class have many students who want to read or watch some Japanese things. for example, there are some American women to come to Japanese language school because they want to read yaoi novels. I know the female teachers of Japanese school, who are said by American women "I want to read Japanese yaoi novels".
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)15:56 No.2704964
    South Korea is default soon.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:01 No.2704977
    Most anime gets fansubbed, but only a fraction of manga is translated and even fewer visual novels or light novels are.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:02 No.2704980
    >You just don't know that Japanese language class have many students who want to read or watch some Japanese things.
    The same applies to korean language class.

    Also, OP said >"Corea"-Trolls GTFO.
    And seems that you don't read it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:05 No.2704988
    >but only a fraction of manga is translated and even fewer visual novels or light novels are.
    The important ones are translated.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:06 No.2704994
    >The same applies to korean language class.

    lol no. You should read other posts. You can guess that Korea has almost no market for novels. Do you think that only novels sell well in Korea?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:10 No.2705007
    >You should read other posts.
    Trolls posts are not good to read.
    >You can guess that Korea has almost no market for novels.
    You think that only novels are important?
    Stop being an alienated, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:10 No.2705009
    Either you're stupid enough to ask for language tips about a language that has nothing to with /jp/ or maybe you're simply trolling. Gee.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:12 No.2705013
    Ever since I saw that movie Yes Man I wanted to learn Korean.

    Also, I want to have sex with the Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby baby girls.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:17 No.2705028
    lol. Korean who has inferior complex toward Japan. Whatever you say, Japanese language schools have tons of students who want to read or watch Japanese things. Japan has big market of anime, manga, novels, movies, dramas. Inferior Korean keep their promotions in Japan and 4chan. Because Korea has no market of culture. Korean download them all.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:18 No.2705030
    Not really, no.

    He's trolling. Otherwise he would've gone to /lang/.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:19 No.2705033
    They're both similar, but I do believe there are less resources to learn Korean. On othe other hand, Japanese has a lot of resources, but the kanji will buttrape you sooner or later.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:19 No.2705036
    sage Korean is the same Korean. why you answer yourself?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:21 No.2705042
    >Japan has big market of anime, manga, novels, movies, dramas.
    >movies, dramas.
    HAHAHA oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:22 No.2705046
    You are Korean.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:24 No.2705050
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    아무거나 되는 대로 배워 보세요
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:29 No.2705065
    lol typical Korean. Do you know why there are tons of anime, manga, novels, movies, dramas in Japan? it is so easy to understand that Japanese people pay money for them. honorable Korean online games is the last way for the people who do not pay money for culture.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:33 No.2705081
    It's important, but it sounds like shit. Hopefully Chinese kids keep learning English so we don't need to learn their shitty language.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:35 No.2705086
    >Typical Korean.
    If I am korean then you are?
    >Do you know why there are tons of anime, manga, novels.
    Yes but, movies and dramas no.
    >honorable Korean online games is the last way for the people who do not pay money for culture.
    Any proves?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:43 No.2705116
    >Yes but, movies and dramas no.
    I think you think it worldwide, I mean Japan has big market in Japan.

    >Any proves?

    I said many times. Korean won't pay money for the culture, so Koran have to find way to make korean pay money. that is the online game.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:51 No.2705151
    Koreanfag here.

    If you are looking to get something out of it, don't learn Korean just because it's easy. I'm Korean myself and it's not worth shit. The only times I appreciate this language is when I find Korean translations for VNs (that's not translated into English). You might as well learn Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:52 No.2705155
    >I mean Japan has big market in Japan.
    So it's important only for japanese people.
    >I said many times.
    Your words are not proves.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:53 No.2705163


    I KILL YOU INFIDEL !!!11!1!11
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:53 No.2705167
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:54 No.2705169
    lol. why you are so stupid? If you learn Korean, you will have nothing to read or watch. and whatever you say, there are tons of students in Japanese language class.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:56 No.2705181

    I'm a troll? Whatever you say, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)16:59 No.2705194
    >and whatever you say, there are tons of students in Japanese language class.
    The same applies to korean language class.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)17:01 No.2705203
    I think Korean can not understand the people who want more. for example, yaoi fan girl find that Japan has tons of yaoi novels, but it is not enough that is translated into English, so I want to read them. It is good enough for them to learn Japanese. but, Korean never admit these facts.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)17:03 No.2705210
    There is no korean here, weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)17:04 No.2705216
    >The same applies to korean language class.
    lol no. how many times that you can get to understand korea has no market of culture?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)17:05 No.2705222
    ITT troll trolling himself

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