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  • File :1240764640.png-(600 KB, 795x529, 1240747852286.png)
    600 KB Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)12:50 No.2492759  
    We shut-ins shall be the gods of this new world.
    >> Pygmalion !rNk8s6TM.Q 04/26/09(Sun)12:52 No.2492765
    We won't be anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)12:55 No.2492776
    Reality is overrated.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)12:57 No.2492785
    re you referring to that new instakill flu?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)12:59 No.2492793
    But if I was a god, it would be a bad thing for people. I would kill at least half of the human population.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:02 No.2492808
    Imagine how much of a sausage fest its going to be once all the normals are killed off.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:04 No.2492819
    A smell of smoke sneaks through the window, slowly reaching the nose of a young man. It takes a while for him to notice it, his sense of smell gone weak after enduring his own stench for a couple of weeks.
    Finishing what he was doing on the computer, grunting with effort to raise out of the chair. His body resents the sudden movement, as he seizes the moment to stretch out his pale limbs.
    He walks toward the open window, only to struggle against it trying to shut it. He has the sudden realization of why the window remains open, even though he hates hearing the busy city outside his room. It won't budge, no matter how much he tries. Not that he has made a serious attempt in the past, but it's too much of a bother.

    Sighing, he leans in the window sill. The white noise of human activity that bothers him is no longer there. Hasn't been there for a few days now. Sniffing, he finds the source of the foul smoke. A building going up in flames, a couple blocks down. There's nobody trying to control it, no sirens, no curious onlookers, no chains of buckets filled with water.
    Just the foul smell of burning plastic.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:04 No.2492821
    He looks at the flames as they dance over the forgotten building. A few weeks in, there will be nothing to mark it was even there. A cold wind blows, moving the orange fire. He thinks of the chances of the fire reaching his block. Maybe he will have to leave his room soon, try to find the rest of the people.
    Bored now of the fire show, he walks back to his usual spot in front of the computer. He doesn't want to think about leaving, but if the fire comes closer, the smell will probably alert him. He nods to himself, satisfied with the plan.

    Hitting refresh, he finds a few new posts in the board. It has grown really slow lately, but the usual topics remain. There are probably no more than a dozen anonymous left now. He smiles, comforted by the usual sight of the bluish background.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:07 No.2492832
    It's not instakill, it's just very contagious and a little fatal.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:09 No.2492840
    It has all the features of a Spanish Flu. Last time that rolled around, 20 million people died.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:09 No.2492843
    Fuck, that's it. I'm taking the next plane to Madagascar.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:10 No.2492845
    This is Jupiter's wrath for not sacrificing enough shit to him last harvest season.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:13 No.2492853
    It's 34 trying to fuck with us, bro. Not Jupiter.
    >> d 04/26/09(Sun)13:15 No.2492860
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:15 No.2492864
    what new instakill flu?

    anyways, it'd be good to see a reduction of global population. I think overall hourly wages would rise.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:19 No.2492872
    New strains of Swine Flu. It's fucking shit up.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:19 No.2492873
    Will we actually stand more of a chance of surviving because we dont leave our houses?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:21 No.2492878
    Yes, unless your daddy touches you a lot and he happened to pick it up.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:21 No.2492882
    If its going to be really bad, probably yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:22 No.2492888
    Unless it's airborne, of course we would... the less you go outside, the less chance you have of interacting with someone else that's picked it up. So, is this a Japan-only thing or found it's way to multiple countries?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:22 No.2492889
    Health "authorities" agreed, don't bother them about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:23 No.2492897
    Fuck me for still studying. I still have to leave my house ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:24 No.2492902
    It's not in Japan, yet. It's in Mexico, United States and Australia.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:32 No.2492940
    Ah, assumed it was in Japan due to OP's pic. Luckily, I live in England though I hate this crappy place. Wanted to check out AUS or the US if I could ever get a job and save up enough money.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:33 No.2492944

    Japan? What the fuck are you talking about
    You should read de news from time to time
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:37 No.2492963
    That's a picture of Mexico, how do they look Japanese to you?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:37 No.2492969
    Fuck, it's hit California first.

    I knew all that traffic into Mexico would kill us all! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:40 No.2492983
    Relax fag, wear a mask, blow fans out your window/door to create negative pressure, don't eat any ham, cook your food until it's practically burned, stay away from spics

    Usual epidemic procedure
    You'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:43 No.2492996
    Ah, Im really happy that i dont live there. Im really scared about things like this
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:43 No.2492998
    I wish I had hair like that
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:45 No.2493010
    I must have sex before I die.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:47 No.2493023
    Where in California do you live? This is important.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)13:48 No.2493026
    Can't say I've every seen those weird face-masks used in anything not Japanese (or hospital)-related. That plus they all have black hair, slightly dark skin and he looks like an otaku. And my experience with Mexicans is limited to years ago when I actually watched normal TV.

    Besides, since when does Mexico have subways...?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:00 No.2493074

    Ha, people think in Mexico there is only fat brown-skinned moustache men with big hats
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:01 No.2493078
    I live right next to the border and room with a spic named Juan. He likes to go clubbing and arrive early in the morning with some whore he picked up.

    How does it look, Doc?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:01 No.2493080
    Let's take over the world while doing nothing.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:01 No.2493086
    Have you BEEN to Mexico? That's a fairly accurate description.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:11 No.2493117

    854 cases of the swine flu in Mexico, 54 deaths. 20 cases in the United States so far, 0 deaths.

    Overhyped epidemic is overhyped.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:12 No.2493124
    It's not an epidemic unless everyone is dead within a single day?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:14 No.2493132
    There's not even 1,000 cases you jew.
    >> Anonymous of Croatia !na1byG1GU. 04/26/09(Sun)14:14 No.2493133
    An epidemic is usually associated with millions of death, not a handful...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:16 No.2493142
    No, but its still pretty overhyped. I dont believe that it will kill like half of earths population or anything like that...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:17 No.2493148
    Remember that this shit is still pretty new, aniki.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:19 No.2493155

    It's not like the epidemic was released "just yesterday"-- the WHO report recorded these cases over the period of a month.

    So far, the infection rate of this virus has been less than SARS. Some of this may be due to the efforts of epidemiologists, but I think this is mostly just the news hyping up shit to get ratings.

    To put it into perspective, you probably have a higher chance of dying every time you get in your car than you have getting killed by this disease. It's really nothing to get paranoid about imo.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:21 No.2493163
    I hope you remember how foolish you were in a month when everyone is dead.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:22 No.2493170
    /jp/ - Potentially widespread diseases/General
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:22 No.2493171
    i've heard they found a case in britain too
    we're fucked, yay
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:27 No.2493205
    "If only I went outside, then I could be dead too..."
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:31 No.2493235
    Also remember that this shit thing even worldwide yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:44 No.2493319
    i, for one, think the world would be a little more exciting if more people died. I've just never grown out of enjoying the thought of normalfags randomly dropping dead.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:45 No.2493326
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:46 No.2493337
    I want to die, but not through fault of my own.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:48 No.2493355
    Oh. Yay.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:49 No.2493366
    My country is constantly in civil war, hundreds die everyday, it's not cool at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:51 No.2493372
    If you aren't an infant, have AIDS or are 90 years old, you'll probably live.

    It's just a really bad flu for most people.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:51 No.2493380
    fuck, i left the house today
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:52 No.2493386
    But I have all 3 of those traits.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:56 No.2493405
    My country is one of the most violent ones and I'm not whining about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:58 No.2493422
    Violent≠In war
    A violent country just means it's filled with idiots, just like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:59 No.2493430
    Sorry, when the rest of the world appears dead and lifeless, the Madagascans shall spread out over it, killing any survivors they find like us shut-ins out of fear that we might be contaminated.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)14:59 No.2493431
    me too. I had to buy some instand noodles ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:00 No.2493434
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:00 No.2493436
    Just saw the news, it's killing 20 daily it seems.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:01 No.2493442
    Killing people is killing people no matter what, faggot.
    Worse, Colombia.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:02 No.2493444
    Im not interested in this shit before its in my country.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:02 No.2493446
    Erm, there's this thing. As with the Spanish Flu outbreak, most of the affected are healthy males between 20-40. Which baffles the mind because they're supposed to have pretty good immune systems.
    That's what makes this so potentially dangerous, along with the fact that it's influenza, which mutates quickly and lethally. From this outbreak, two strains are already recognized. The California strain is weaker, but the Mexico strain is dropping ~20 dead per day. It will spiral out of control in a week or two.

    Chances of infection are low for now. Just wash your hands often, minimize exposure to big meeting places, such as universities and theaters, and wear a face mask when in public if you know there are cases in your vicinity.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:06 No.2493466

    Not in my state yet. I'm still good.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:07 No.2493469
    I hate myself for being such a coward about anything like this.
    I REALLY hope that this bullshit doesnt come to Finland
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:07 No.2493471
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:07 No.2493473

    Where on earth did you get the ~20 dead per day? According to the WHO report, between March 18 and April 23, there have been 59 deaths-- and this is without active epidemiological efforts.

    I really really doubt we'll be seeing a resurgence of the Spanish Flu.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:10 No.2493483
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    >In North + South America and Western Europe

    Well, humanity had a good run.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:10 No.2493486
    This shit will amount to nothing.

    They didn't have the measures to control outbreaks in 1918 that they do today. With disease control measures, treatment, hospitals, and not to mention NEWS NETWORKS, people are alot better prepared to deal with shit like this.

    People die in Mexico? Not surprising, that country has been turned into a violent, dirty shithole, thanks in part to U.S. drug policy.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:11 No.2493487
    The news seconds ago
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:11 No.2493490
    >The WHO is taking the outbreak very seriously, calling it a "public health emergency of international concern" that has a "pandemic potential."
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:12 No.2493501
    Yeah, those Madagascans always shut off their ports long before anything spreads there, which would take a long time anyway, because no one ever goes there. Those bastards.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:13 No.2493509
    Many 9-13 kids suspects? No more lolis for /jp/
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:14 No.2493516
    What the hell Europe?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:16 No.2493521

    The WHO never gets any publicity for their efforts normally, so they're willing to ride this out and go with whatever the news says. Again, it's a slow news day, people are sick of hearing about the recession, and there's nothing quite like a SARS-scare to boost up ratings.



    This article quotes the WHO report I linked earlier with slightly updated figures, placing the death toll at 81 total.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:16 No.2493524
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    >> Anonymous of Colombia !pkzejWGkfw 04/26/09(Sun)15:18 No.2493541

    >The Minister of Social Protection, Diego Palacio announced that 11 suspect cases have been detected. Samples of the virus have been sent to the USA for comparisons and analysis and confirmation should be expected in a couple of days

    Ah, fuck.
    What really worries me is that yesterday this wasn't so widespread. I really doubt we can contain it at this stage, and the infection rate is only growing.
    Or perhaps we're being taken over by the sense of pandemic doom. Makes for great news and people tend to overestimate more notable health and security risks. Time will tell.
    Anyway, I can't help but feel that giddy sense of global catastrophe.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:20 No.2493558
    Source is local shitty hyped news, got a problem with it?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:20 No.2493560
    Add ten or more to that number because even our official sources are forged.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:23 No.2493581
    I think I know how the news station arrived at the ~20 deaths per day:

    -Look! This WHO report released on the 23rd puts the death toll at ~60 in Mexico.
    -Well, this NEWER report recently released by the WHO places the death toll at ~80 in Mexico.
    -Oh my God... this flu virus must be killing 20 people a day!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:24 No.2493589
    Not enough dying.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:24 No.2493590
    Fuck, someone better get some of it spread over to Russia, or else those bastards will be taking over the world pretty soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:31 No.2493647
    Too cold for a flu to survive.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:34 No.2493676
    What's something culturally distinctive about Madagascar? I need to go out and buy some of it quickly so I can appease them when the time comes.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:34 No.2493678
    Putin as new emperor of the world confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:36 No.2493695
    We only have to worry if Madagascar starts shutting down everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:37 No.2493698
    Closed ports.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:38 No.2493716
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    Meanwhile in Madagascar...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:39 No.2493724

    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:43 No.2493758
    Affected countries:
    New Zealand
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:44 No.2493760
    I live in Mexico and I can tell you, this is no normal flu.
    I've never seen a flu that kills you, just to bring you back to life again...
    I don't know for how much longer I'll have internet or electricity, but its chaos out there, so who knows. you guys should REALLY avoid populated areas and find some shelter, preferably one with a generous food supply, and wait it out...
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:44 No.2493771

    That's it, staying in my house for the week.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:49 No.2493797
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    So God likes playing Pandemic II?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:54 No.2493839
    I, for one, welcome our super flu overlords
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:54 No.2493843
    >>you guys should REALLY avoid populated areas and find some shelter, preferably one with a generous food supply, and wait it out...
    Not going to happen. I live in motherfucking Europe
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:55 No.2493845

    That would be called a pandemic.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:56 No.2493855
    If something goes wrong you blame the niggers.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:56 No.2493856
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    Day 3:

    Google news has been down since around 8PM last night. Amazing that there actually was something that moved faster than the media. I started checking it often after my parents called me and told me to leave the state. I could hear the rioting through the phone, I wonder if they'll be ok.

    Moving to a rural area was the best thing I'd done. The beginning of the third week of reports said the "flu" was wiping out the population of the western half of the country. The UK was gone, Spain was a warzone. I stopped going to work yesterday to just watch the news before the TVs went to static, doubt I'll need the money at this point.

    My roommate was supposed to come home yesterday from his trip, I texted him and never got a response. Now I don't even have any bars.

    I'm contemplating whether I should head to that gun shop about a mile from here or not...

    Rations should last me another three weeks.

    If I don't survive to continue this journal and you discover it I hope you'll live to make this world a little less fucked up.

    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:57 No.2493858
    >I live in motherfucking Europe
    >Affected countries:
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:58 No.2493863
    So that's its weakness, eh? Well, if it spreads any closer to my country, I'm gonna head north.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)15:59 No.2493882

    But you brought your hug pillow, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:00 No.2493894
    Do you live in an urban area?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:00 No.2493896
    Indeed, Go to Alaska, North Canada, Siberia, etc and you'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:01 No.2493903

    A call for sanity and how to temper it out. Really informative.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:01 No.2493905

    Fuck no, I'm not going near that bitch Palin.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:02 No.2493916
    Check your area.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:04 No.2493929
    well then its not even too close. If this actually gets bad here, i can just move to my grandparents summer cottage..its really far away from everything.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:06 No.2493941
    >Statistically speaking, adblockers get the flu first.

    I laughed heartily. It's an adfarm site, and they're not afraid to show it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:06 No.2493943
    Would be much better if it was sexually transmitted. We all need to have the briefest of contact with someone once in a while in order to get food, but we're specifically trained to go without sex for decades, even lifetimes. The world would be a huge sausage fest, though, because all women are sluts.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:08 No.2493957

    I can buy food off the internet, which was packaged by robots, and I have an airlock that disinfects everything before it reaches me. Soon I will have enough food in my greenhouse to neet it out forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:08 No.2493965
    Hoping to outlive AIDS bro?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:09 No.2493971
    Mexico fucking city.
    30 million people out there, putting one foot outside and I'm fucked.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:10 No.2493973

    And that's just from the gangs, shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:11 No.2493984
    20 people dying a day doesnt seem like much (ha)
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:12 No.2493988
    Wait, I thought he was just joking about zombies or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:14 No.2494001
    But in 1.5 million days, they'll all be dead!


    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:17 No.2494015
    Try 50000.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:17 No.2494017
    You do realized that rate rises, right? Just solve the differential equation.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:17 No.2494019
    20 are just the ones that stay dead, those trouble me not, but the other ones...
    not a joke, RUN DAMMIT
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:21 No.2494035
    Thanks. I found this very helpful.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:27 No.2494073
    >flu has never ravaged whole cities as cholera or the Black Death
    Stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:33 No.2494118
    Agreed. Fucking Spain gor raped by flu years ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:34 No.2494125

    They got raped by Moors, too. Fucking Moors.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:52 No.2494247
    Well, spaniards were never able to beat anybody that could defend themselves.

    Really, they have always been more cowardly than the french.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)16:56 No.2494272

    Cortez was like a real life action hero though!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)17:04 No.2494315

    Silly enough, it was the diseases they brought along that killed the natives, NOT the invasion itself.

    lol biological warfare
    >> Lambda !DELTATiWVA 04/26/09(Sun)17:08 No.2494342
    Sometimes I love it when /jp/ is /n/
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:00 No.2494814
    Shit, Canada got hit
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:34 No.2494993

    Oh, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:35 No.2494998

    Both in BC and Nova Scotia!

    We're fucked, gents.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:36 No.2494999
    Someone explain to me what this thread is about right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:44 No.2495052
    Humanity is pretty much fucked
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:45 No.2495060
    Head for the hills!
    Stock on food and ammo!
    This is it people!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:50 No.2495082

    Swine Flu is here, it's real, and it's killin' for fun. It might be a government cover up. People who die from it might not stay dead.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:52 No.2495093
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:56 No.2495116
    Media over sensationalizing a minor flu outbreak in Mexico as some kind of super virus that will destroy the planet. Despite the fact people have already contracted it outside of Mexico have recovered just fine with most of them never even being hospitalized. There could probably have been even more people affected who never reported it and just got over it after a few days.

    The only reason it's killing so many in Mexico is because their government has fallen apart and it's basically a third world country anywhere not near a major city. Also the whole "affects young and healthy" thing is blown out of proportion because the average "healthy" person in Mexico is about equal to a homeless American person.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:58 No.2495124
    Yes, the time has finally come. Fortunately, we have years of experience in these sorts of things.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)19:59 No.2495129
    Wow. I have read bullshit before, but this here is Grade A distilled BS.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:11 No.2495213
    hahaha owow in exactly 4 weeks nobody remembers this hyped-up bs anymore, just like always
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:11 No.2495219
    Holy shit, you sure are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:14 No.2495236
    hf with your martial law amerikkans
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:16 No.2495262
    Sure is /fit/ in here.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 04/26/09(Sun)20:23 No.2495309
    I had it last week. No big deal at all. I was basically really sick for one day, and then the next day it was gone.

    Then again I'm a pretty fit young man who doesn't live in a third world country.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:24 No.2495319
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    Fascinating, ZUN.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:25 No.2495322
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    Day 5:

    ..The power actually went out once since my last entry when I said they had flickered a couple times. I'm concerned it'll go out completely soon. That'll take out a lot of my rations.

    Day 5 Part 2:

    Thank god I went to the gun shop.

    After I wrote my entry yesterday I figured I'd try to make a trip to the Meijer since the trip to the gun shop went so well. I was stunned to find people there even after there wasn't a soul around when I ventured a further distance. After I parked I got out to see if this person standing in front of the store's door was ok. The mothefucker LUNGED at me. They were so slow about it I backed up a couple paces and saw half of their face was gone. Thank god for Left 4 Dead because I just popped two in the head, got back in my truck and fucking left.

    Of course there are "zombies" for lack of a better word. As much entertainment as we get out of that particular media karma just needs to step in and give us a boot in the ass.

    I'm so bored of sitting here. My roommate that went to check on his parents never came back, the one on the trip probably won't be coming back.

    I may pack up some stuff and start trying to head north. I might actually run into people. I can't imagine if I've already run into one "zombie" there won't be more popping up and I don't want to deal with it alone.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:25 No.2495324
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:28 No.2495349
    You do realize viruses don't last one day, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:29 No.2495355
    How does I forget about mutating virus?
    >> Harblong Cassidy !KzfKdB2Xmc 04/26/09(Sun)20:35 No.2495392
    Chances this will effect my school, home, or social life: zed
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:37 No.2495407
    If you dont have sex you are ok.

    Once again the superior specimens of humanity that are us virgins will survive.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 04/26/09(Sun)20:38 No.2495413
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    I'm worried about Chardo and all of our other /jp/ Mexican posters.

    Hopefully they don't get the Swine Flu.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:42 No.2495448
    Fuck this thread. As a hypochondriac who recently got sick I really didn't need to hear about this shit.
    >> ZUN !barYV1VtIA 04/26/09(Sun)20:46 No.2495472

    It's only a matter of time before you get sick.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:50 No.2495495
    nothing is going to happen

    they're blowing this out of proportion
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:51 No.2495500
    I had an allergy just from hearing the news, being an hypochondriac sucks, but just take it easy bro.
    >> White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ 04/26/09(Sun)20:55 No.2495527
    Psychosomatic reactions are not "allergic." It's all in your head.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/09(Sun)20:57 No.2495539
    I hope that's true, but my burning skin says otherwise to me.

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