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04/24/09(Fri)07:46 No.2480065  File :1240573575.gif-(11 KB, 373x367, Vault Boy.gif)
 Something occurred to me on the way home earlier.
Fallout game series could possibly be considered to be one of the
better examples of a game series being art. Now bare with me for a
moment as I explain where my thoughts led me.
It is said that
for something to be art it has to exist for nothing more then itself.
To deliberately be made in whatever medium the artist desires to
express certain emotions or ideals. It doesn't have to exactly look
good, modern art has plenty of ugly pieces of work that exist to bring
out certain emotions and nothing else.
To apply this to each of
Bethesda's games we have to keep in mind that they didn't program
Fallout with us in mind, thye designed their games based entirely on
what they wanted out of a non-traditional RPG, their ideal FPSRPG. They
made it entirely for that purpose and then went on to show others to
see if they would feel the same way. They have kept the series close to
their art and done all the work theirselves, the art, the music, the
programming, all Bethesda's to make what they want to express without
selling it out to be mass produced.
Granted, it can be argued
it's not quite art. After all, it still serves the purpose of a game to
many and doesn't stand alone on it's own to just be looked at and
enjoyed, but I feel it comes closer then many. It's work a lone studio
put effort into not to make money, but because they wanted a game
exactly to their specifications. Each further game follows their whims
and desires. I'd say it's a pretty close example, laughingly poor
pictures aside.
Picture related, it's Bethesda's soul on paper. I for one think it's beautiful. |