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  • File :1239378026.gif-(55 KB, 500x400, 1235248681686.gif)
    55 KB Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)11:40 No.2402489  
    What is Eirin's favourite dance?

    the moonwalk
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)11:43 No.2402497
    i don't get it
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)11:44 No.2402499
         File :1239378281.jpg-(157 KB, 500x500, 25bd3242f9f44b7723d223f69ab748(...).jpg)
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    What's Cirno's favorite article of men's clothing?

    A TIE!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)11:44 No.2402500
    They don't have any contact with the outside world, so she probably doesn't even know how to perform it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)11:47 No.2402506

    You don't have to know how to perform something to have a favorite.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)11:47 No.2402508
    post moar jokes
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)11:51 No.2402516
    Michael Jackson made moonwalk popular, I doubt that Eirin knows who Michael Jackson is, let alone she saw him performing it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)11:56 No.2402535
    Eirin is wiser than Yukari, she must have a way to study outside world.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:32 No.2404500
         File :1239406345.jpg-(51 KB, 532x530, pepeRONERY.jpg)
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    What's Alice's favorite pizza topping?

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:33 No.2404506
    >What's Fanon Alice's favorite pizza topping?
    >> Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6 04/10/09(Fri)19:34 No.2404514
         File :1239406460.jpg-(131 KB, 490x700, 529867291fc490d9e323dcd5ede452(...).jpg)
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    So King Arthur and Hercules walk into a bar.

    I forget the rest of the joke but Aya is a whore.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:35 No.2404526
         File :1239406546.jpg-(121 KB, 430x600, 2488274.jpg)
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    The Anonymous who just can't get the joke
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:36 No.2404529
         File :1239406572.jpg-(9 KB, 199x276, Shocked asian man.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:38 No.2404543
         File :1239406723.jpg-(42 KB, 400x467, chen85.jpg)
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    How much did a Deluxe Transformer figure used to cost?

    About Chen dollars.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:40 No.2404549
         File :1239406804.jpg-(9 KB, 223x269, 1236010741104.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:40 No.2404553

    I loled anyway

    Would be better with spoiler tags
    >> An old favourite Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:46 No.2404585
         File :1239407192.jpg-(195 KB, 1682x1018, bbd73692d3e6c30c9c37d3134da4c2(...).jpg)
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    What is K1's favourite dance?

    The macaRENA!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)19:51 No.2404615
         File :1239407497.jpg-(271 KB, 850x638, da58e3b7fb664c2d6be06c30044d20(...).jpg)
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    What did Yukari do to make sure she caught the bus?

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:15 No.2404749
         File :1239408955.jpg-(107 KB, 600x782, star sapphire30.jpg)
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    She makes a guest appearance in DC Comics

    That's the joke.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:47 No.2404958
         File :1239410850.jpg-(144 KB, 538x759, 6fcb11932e00337b5234bf18493e02(...).jpg)
    144 KB
    Read that as "DFC comics" at first ( ._.)
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)20:55 No.2404992
         File :1239411336.jpg-(63 KB, 578x636, 1204421979692.jpg)
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    Kaguya sure is neat.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:02 No.2405032
    Someone save these jokes and post them in a week so I can laugh at them again.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:03 No.2405041
         File :1239411823.png-(294 KB, 1250x1425, kogasasmirk.png)
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    She really got licked by Marisa in TH12.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:05 No.2405052
         File :1239411911.jpg-(694 KB, 1333x1000, 1212643612837.jpg)
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    What kind of car does Akiha drive?

    A Nii-san
    >> miles !LLLLLLLLL.!!yEv/ZBcowB8 04/10/09(Fri)21:07 No.2405061
         File :1239412044.png-(17 KB, 400x450, 1238636935861.png)
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    What is Cirno's favorite drug?

    >> Anonymous 04/10/09(Fri)21:08 No.2405067
         File :1239412092.jpg-(115 KB, 520x738, 1217773970751.jpg)
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    Icy what you did there...

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