>> |
04/08/09(Wed)03:02 No.2388737  File :1239174170.jpg-(111 KB, 600x600, 1235626632626.jpg)
 >>2387363 I
agree many people I know live far away and anyone local and immediate
around me like neighbours I have nothing of interest withthem. It's all
trimmed front lawns, keeping up withthe joneses types, my lawn is
better then your lawn, my kids are better then your kids and old foggy
seniors or people way past thier prime. Then agian where I live the
area is very accessable to manythings I like and trails I love to ride
my bike too. All the people in my area tend to be all bitching abou
tthe cost of fuel hike prices and food prices when I see them at the
grocery store like 1.5km away driving a honking SUV or car. If they
walked or rode thier bike to many of thier places they go to in a
~2.0-2.5km radius they would be more healthy and save a shit load more
full them bitch out about older age fat.
Online wins. Only
thing better is if the damn transporter worked (R.I.P Scotty) and we
can DCC all the like minded friends to a room to talk and enjoy. |