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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

    today marks the end of scheduled maintenance—two guys with two weeks to kill and a few hundred hours later, we're finally [mostly] done.
    page loads/image downloads should be dramatically faster. until we hit 1gbps, at least. to all of my wonderful and ungrateful users: "you're welcome."
    (note: there are still a few other things i'll be working on so expect intermittent downtime)
    ps: thanks so much to mvb for all of the help and support.

    File :1231804955.jpg-(97 KB, 800x957, THZ1.jpg)
    97 KB Eirinfag 01/12/09(Mon)19:02 No.1909658  
    You unlock this gap with the key of imagination
    >> Eirinfag 01/12/09(Mon)19:03 No.1909659
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    Beyond it is another dimension
    >> Eirinfag 01/12/09(Mon)19:03 No.1909663
         File :1231805022.jpg-(286 KB, 863x1193, THZ3.jpg)
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    A dimension of sound
    >> Eirinfag 01/12/09(Mon)19:04 No.1909664
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    A dimension of sight
    >> Eirinfag 01/12/09(Mon)19:04 No.1909670
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    A dimension of mind
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:05 No.1909673
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:05 No.1909674
    I have a feeling that I'm going to be very unsatisfied when this is done.
    >> Eirinfag 01/12/09(Mon)19:05 No.1909676
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    You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance,
    >> Eirinfag 01/12/09(Mon)19:05 No.1909680
         File :1231805155.jpg-(106 KB, 700x700, THZ7.jpg)
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    of things and ideas
    >> Eirinfag 01/12/09(Mon)19:06 No.1909683
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    You've just crossed over into...
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:06 No.1909684
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:06 No.1909688
    Twilight Zone?
    >> Eirinfag 01/12/09(Mon)19:06 No.1909689
         File :1231805210.jpg-(165 KB, 850x600, THZ9.jpg)
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    The Touhou Zone
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:07 No.1909694
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:08 No.1909696
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:09 No.1909702
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:10 No.1909707
    eye get it
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:14 No.1909724
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:15 No.1909725
    I really want to like this, but I can't. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:19 No.1909740
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:23 No.1909757
    Isn't that Sanzu no Kawa?....
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:24 No.1909759
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:25 No.1909764
    I has dat
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:41 No.1909798
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:43 No.1909805

    What's that for?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:45 No.1909811
    Reimu Hakurei, a gentle woman, the dedicated curator of Hakurei Shrine in Gensokyo. She ponders the reasons why ordinary youkai are driven to commit mass murder. What Ms. Hakurei does not know is that the groundwork has already been laid for her own special kind of madness and torment--found only in the Touhou Zone.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:46 No.1909813
    The Gensokyo Zone.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:47 No.1909820
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    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:50 No.1909828
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    Turns out Shinki is still alive, and assumed a new alias. Mima's still around as well, and the two of them teamed up with a goddess from the outside world to form an invincible trio.
    >> ITT Twilight Zone spoilers Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:51 No.1909837
    Third from the Sun

    The father works at some kind of military base developing nuclear weapons and there's this big fat guy with glasses who keeps talking about how any day now everything will go kablooey (using lots of wacky hyperbole) and he plans with his family and some other guy and his family to use an experimental ship to escape the planet and the fat guy comes by and keeps hinting he knows what's going on and when they go to the ship the fat guy stops them with a gun but they disarm and kill him and then they're on the ship and someone asks what planet they're heading to and the dad says it's Earth

    It was on the Sci-Fi Channel recently as part of a marathon
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)20:01 No.1909868
    Shanghai, a doll that does everything, a lifelike creation of plastic and springs and painted smile. To Marisa Kirisame, she is a most unwelcome addition to her household, but without her she'd never enter the Touhou Zone.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)20:06 No.1909883
    Mrs. Flandre Scarlet, who has a preoccupation with another time, a time of childhood, a time of growing up, a time of street games, stickball and hide-'n-go-seek. She has a reluctance to go check out a mirror and see the nature of her image: proof positive that the time she dwells in has already passed her by. But in a moment or two she'll discover that mechanical toys and memories and daydreaming and wishful thinking and all manner of odd and special events can lead into a special province, uncharted and unmapped, a country of both shadow and substance known as... the Touhou Zone.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)20:13 No.1909909
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    My name is Shanghai, and I'm beginning to hate you.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)03:24 No.1911183
    My name is Shanghai, and I'm going to kill you.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)06:47 No.1911613
    Would probably be more interesting than the anime
    >> Ausnonymous 01/13/09(Tue)06:50 No.1911618
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    >Mrs. Flandre Scarlet
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)07:01 No.1911632
    Flandre Scarlet who was Remilia Scarlets sister was one day in a basement typing on a computer. She got an email from her sister that said that aliens and youkai were attacking her place and aksed her for help so she went.

    Flandre Scarlet turned on off her computer and wet on the platform to go up to the roof of the Scarlet Devil Mansion where she left her tricycl and normal people close because she was in her pajamas. Flandre Scarlet got on her tricycl and said "its time for me to live up to my family name and face full life consequences" so she had to go.

    Flandre Scarlet ramped off the Mansion and did a backflip and landed. She kept driving down the road and made sure there was no undead zombies around because she ddint have danmaku. The contrysides were nice and the plants were singing and the Aya and the Mistia was almost down from the top of the sky. the mood was set for Flandre Scarlets quest to help her sister where she was. Flandre Scarlet looked around the countrysides and said "its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my sister to defeat the enemys".
    Flandre Scarlet was late so she had to pedal really fast. Shikieiki was hiden near by so when Flandre Scarlet wesnt by Shikieiki came and wanted to send her to Hell. Here Flandre Scarlet saw the first monster because Shikieiki was posessed and had headcrabs. "I cant give you my life, Yama" Flandre Scarlet said "Why not?" said the headcrab Shikieiki back to Flandre Scarlet. "Because you are headcrab Yama" so Flandre Scarlet shot the oficer in the head and pedaled off thinking "my sister is in trouble there" and went faster.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)07:02 No.1911635
    Flandre Scarlet had to go faster like the speed of sound and got there fast because Remilia needed her where she was. Flandre Scarlet looked at road signs and saw "FOREST OF MAGIC" with someons writing under it saying "u shudnt come here" so Flandre Scarlet almost turned around but heard screaming like Remilia so she went faster again.
    Flandre Scarlet pedaled in and did another flip n jumped off her tricycle and the tricycle took out an undead zombie infront of Flandre Scarlet. Flandre Scarlet smiled and walked fast. Flandre Scarlet then looked on the ground and found spellcard so se pickd it up and fired fast at Youki Konpaku in front of Kourindou.

    Flandre Scarlet said "Youki leave this place" and Youki Konpaku said "but this is my new house" and Flandre Scarlet felt sorry for him becaus he couldnt live there anymore because they weren't from the Forest of Magic so he blew up the house and killed Youki so he was at piece.

    Then Flandre Scarlet herd another scream from her sister so she kept walking really faster to get where she was. The Forest of Magic was nothing like the countrysides there was no birds singing and the pants were dead and teh dirt was messy and bloody from headcrabs.
    When Flandre Scarlet got to where the screaming was started from she found her sister Remilia Scarlet fightin the final bosss, Marisa, and Remilia said "Flandre Scarlet! Over here!" so Flandre Scarlet went there to where Remilia Scarlet was fighting.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)07:02 No.1911636
    Flandre Scarlet fired her danmaku really fast and the danmaku went and shot Marisa in the eyes and the Marisa couldnt see. Remilia Scarlet said "its time to end this ones and for all!" and punched Marisa in the face and Marisa fell. Flandre Scarlet said "thanks i could help, sis" and Remilia Scarlet said "you should come here earlier next time" and they laughed. The laughed overed quickly though because Flandre Scarlet yelled "LOOK OUT SIS!" and pointed up to the top of the sky. Remilia Scarlet looked up and said "NOO! Flandre Scarlet run out of here fast as you can!" and Flandre Scarlet walked real fast out.
    Flandre Scarlet loked back and saw Remilia get steppd on by the next boss, Alice and he was mad and angry.
    "I'll get you back Alice!" Flandre Scarlet yelled at the top of lungs.
    to be continued..?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)07:04 No.1911639
    Ms. Meiling! Don't get on that ship!

    The rest of the book, To Serve Youkai, it's...

    It's a cookbook!
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)07:10 No.1911644
         File :1231848613.jpg-(24 KB, 462x415, tv_back_pic2.jpg)
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    The recollections of one Hong Meiling, with appropriate flashbacks and soliloquy. Or more simply stated, the evolution of youkai, the cycle of going from dust to dessert, the metamorphosis from being the ruler of gensokyo to an ingredient in someone's soup. It's tonight's bill of fare on the Touhou Zone.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:26 No.1912021
    Humans eat animals.
    Youkai eat humans.
    Aliens eat youkai?
    >> HelenXonpool !a0yHhBwvus 01/13/09(Tue)10:37 No.1912054
         File :1231861042.jpg-(59 KB, 841x526, doctor2.jpg)
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    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:39 No.1912059
    Dragons eat Youkai.

    Humans...kill dragons.
    That's right. It's rock paper scissors.
    The weakest can beat the strongest.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:43 No.1912065
    >Humans...kill dragons.
    Wait, wat.
    Not in Touhou.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:48 No.1912075
         File :1231861730.png-(373 KB, 900x600, dragon1.png)
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    >Humans named Simon kill dragons, everyone else can GTFO
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:49 No.1912077
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    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:49 No.1912078
    Yeah they do.
    See also: Knights slaying the dragon.
    >> Hiroyuki !w6Optpc/jk 01/13/09(Tue)10:50 No.1912081
         File :1231861835.jpg-(18 KB, 480x272, scrshot010.jpg)
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    I am pretty sure we kill dragons
    >> Klein !Klan7ih6Qs 01/13/09(Tue)10:51 No.1912086
    After a 90 hour runthrough of FF12 I'd like to know how "Wyrms" fit into this equation.
    >> HelenXonpool !a0yHhBwvus 01/13/09(Tue)10:53 No.1912090

    Whoa. You found the sequel?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)10:55 No.1912097
         File :1231862158.jpg-(34 KB, 360x360, 1231687287606.jpg)
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    Yorihime > dragons
    >> !KYON.wwv9s 01/13/09(Tue)10:58 No.1912101
    The sequel is ancient, like 1 year ancient. Here are both parts:

    >> HelenXonpool !a0yHhBwvus 01/13/09(Tue)11:04 No.1912116
         File :1231862671.jpg-(233 KB, 972x862, 1219606352085.jpg)
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    I am most grateful.
    >> Klein !Klan7ih6Qs 01/13/09(Tue)11:05 No.1912119

    Tsk, how impersonal.
    >> HelenXonpool !a0yHhBwvus 01/13/09(Tue)11:09 No.1912130

    I know. But I respect the work and effort of the original shopper too much.
    I... just... can't bring myself to change it.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:19 No.1912143

    Flandre Scarlet fired her danmaku really fast and the danmaku went and shot Marisa in the eyes and the Marisa couldnt see. Remilia Scarlet said "its time to end this ones and for all!" and punched Marisa in the face and Marisa fell. Flandre Scarlet said "thanks i could help, sis" and Remilia Scarlet said "you should come here earlier next time" and they laughed. The laughed overed quickly though because Flandre Scarlet yelled "LOOK OUT SIS!" and pointed up to the top of the sky. Remilia Scarlet looked up and said "NOO! Flandre Scarlet run out of here fast as you can!" and Flandre Scarlet walked real fast out.
    Flandre Scarlet loked back and saw Remilia get steppd on by the next boss, Alice and he was mad and angry.
    "I'll get you back Alice!" Flandre Scarlet yelled at the top of lungs. Then Flandre's mom got scared and said "You're moving with your auntie and your uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "Fresh" and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought, naw, forget it, yo holmes to Bel-Air. I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and said to the cabbie "Yo holmes smell ya later." Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:22 No.1912155
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    Is pedophilia a part of oni culture?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:25 No.1912160
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:26 No.1912163
    No, but veal is.

    She's just playing with her food.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:29 No.1912166
    No she isn't.

    Those are oni children.
    She'd get her ass kicked if she intended to eat them.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:30 No.1912168
    Well shit, there goes my boner. :(
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:30 No.1912170
    Whats this from
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)11:31 No.1912173
    /jp/ is not /d/.
    >> Hong Meiling 門門 !!CkFE91f1n9T 01/13/09(Tue)11:32 No.1912178

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