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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1230850735.jpg-(44 KB, 494x379, persona4.jpg)
    44 KB Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:58 No.1856788  
    Why isn't /jp/ talking about this?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:59 No.1856793
    /v/ game
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:00 No.1856795
    anyone who has it is too busy lvl-up too post.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:00 No.1856797
         File :1230850818.jpg-(80 KB, 1280x630, 6a5d75e74955964e968b1e2842cac1(...).jpg)
    80 KB
    please don't bring up this game. Everytime someone does, it gets spoiled, and I haven't finished the game yet.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:00 No.1856804
    Because people say go back to /v/, but the /v/ people don't want it either so they come back here, then it repeats indefinitely. We have had quite a few semi-successful PS2 emulation threads over the past few weeks though.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:02 No.1856812
    Because one of those guys who reports everything for being "mainstream" knows a mod and gets all the Persona threads deleted with considerable quickness.

    Shame he can't use his connections for good instead of evil.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:02 No.1856814
    Shit doesn't belong here.

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:03 No.1856816
         File :1230850981.jpg-(239 KB, 900x500, 1230848747705.jpg)
    239 KB
    either way, post more images. My p4 folder is nowhere near as large as it should be
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:04 No.1856822
         File :1230851091.jpg-(475 KB, 950x750, 1229805076763.jpg)
    475 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:07 No.1856830
    Atlus games should be /jp/ material anyways. They're all imports and are anti-mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:11 No.1856840

    Persona garnered considerable bandwagoning after 3. Not that I'm complaining about it being posted here, but I wouldn't argue with someone calling it mainstream.

    Now when he called Ys mainstream, that was a good one.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:13 No.1856844
    if you want more, try here
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:17 No.1856860
    Maybe on the internet. But seriously, outside of your more drastic weeaboos or informed "gamers", not many people know about atlus games outside of Trauma Center. Thats why they print so few copies and always sell out.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:38 No.1856932
         File :1230853131.jpg-(135 KB, 364x324, 1230723457605.jpg)
    135 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:50 No.1856990
         File :1230853814.jpg-(314 KB, 1024x768, 1229903856391.jpg)
    314 KB
    I just defeated kanji's shadow.
    I'm so far behind everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:51 No.1856996
    i'm not even at his shadow yet
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:51 No.1856998
    >>Persona 4

    /jp/ - A mixture of /v/ and /a//General
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:53 No.1857003
    Hello /jp/!

    I'm sorry to say but this game belongs to /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:55 No.1857011

    Do you really think you're trolling?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:55 No.1857013
    I heard it has yuri subtext, can anybody confirm/deny this?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:56 No.1857016
    P4 is /jp/ related you fucking faggots
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:56 No.1857017

    >> Paranonymous !!3EhbF+96L03 01/01/09(Thu)18:57 No.1857021
    This game is shit. The soundtrack is shit, the voice acting is shit, the characters are shit and the gameplay is carbon-copy shit from the previous shiteration.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)18:59 No.1857030
    Is Hard mode bullshit the way Episode Aigis was, with 'hurr hurr every boss covers its weakness with Dodge Element' crap and everything? I was thinking of trying it on my next run.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:00 No.1857031
         File :1230854402.jpg-(214 KB, 700x600, 1230722643851.jpg)
    214 KB
    no not really
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:01 No.1857036

    Sort of, but it's arguably kind of a stretch.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:02 No.1857037
         File :1230854525.jpg-(110 KB, 499x650, per-023.jpg)
    110 KB
    unless you wanna consider chie and yukiko as more than just friends
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:03 No.1857044
         File :1230854625.jpg-(75 KB, 529x660, 10.jpg)
    75 KB
    why want yuri when the MC and Brosuke is superior?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:04 No.1857049
         File :1230854693.gif-(44 KB, 500x462, sh8.gif)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:09 No.1857064
         File :1230854993.jpg-(68 KB, 500x519, pict10-2.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:11 No.1857066
         File :1230855060.jpg-(266 KB, 800x713, 1230738505068.jpg)
    266 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:11 No.1857068
    we need more of this shit here because 3-4 active threads on /v/ at any given time isn't enough
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:14 No.1857074
    I forgot how everyone on /jp/ browses /v/ because we're faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:15 No.1857075
    /jp/ - Video Games/Anime
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:29 No.1857110

    I prefer to be heterosexual and pimp all the ladies
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:32 No.1857122
    I feel bad if I date anyone other than my waifu Rise
    >> ADACHI IS THE KILLER 01/01/09(Thu)19:32 No.1857124
    For the same reason that /a/ or /v/ reject this game: because it isn't 'board related'

    Of course, it's BS. P4 belong to /a/ (anime-styled videogame) /v/ (Videogame) and /jp/ (Japan-made, the dating SIM part)

    tl;dr: becuase they're all faggots
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:33 No.1857129
    /jp/ - busy fapping to doujinshi for the next ~8 days
    /v/ - videogames
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:34 No.1857132

    Ha ha, for me it was a impossible choice between Yukiko and Rise...
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:34 No.1857135

    /v/ rejects this game? regardless of the reason, there are constant p4 threads and they get massive replies

    why do people even say stupid shit like board generalization
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:39 No.1857159
         File :1230856765.png-(158 KB, 600x570, 4921774aGq8TB4Cu.png)
    158 KB
    Less rage, more cabbages, /jp/.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:40 No.1857161
         File :1230856806.jpg-(83 KB, 384x600, 7b2a4b9109ad6848293277ac9ddd13(...).jpg)
    83 KB
    but we allow im@s, what's the difference?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:41 No.1857167
         File :1230856890.jpg-(46 KB, 427x532, per-016.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:42 No.1857169
         File :1230856945.jpg-(46 KB, 527x550, log35.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:43 No.1857174
         File :1230856983.png-(7 KB, 400x400, 93.png)
    7 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:43 No.1857176
         File :1230857037.jpg-(67 KB, 371x670, 1230742304451.jpg)
    67 KB
    but brosuke's got sexier legs than any of the ladies
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:44 No.1857177
    Idolm@ster isn't in English. It's /jp/ material.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:44 No.1857178
         File :1230857063.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 83 KB, 600x257, 1739161_m.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 83 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:45 No.1857181
         File :1230857128.jpg-(101 KB, 500x301, toppic1.jpg)
    101 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:46 No.1857185
         File :1230857160.png-(433 KB, 610x702, ffffffffffffffqe6.png)
    433 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:47 No.1857190
         File :1230857232.jpg-(112 KB, 400x434, wadc1.jpg)
    112 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:47 No.1857194
         File :1230857269.jpg-(27 KB, 292x500, ada2.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:48 No.1857196

    But he got a penis, for me, its a major turn off
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:48 No.1857197
         File :1230857306.jpg-(59 KB, 500x600, 1230742363461.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:50 No.1857202
         File :1230857410.png-(261 KB, 600x540, 49217485r4XHj1ef.png)
    261 KB
    Cabbage moe~
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:53 No.1857218
         File :1230857635.jpg-(71 KB, 375x600, 20080906.jpg)
    71 KB
    don't be swayed by his cabbage art. remember him for the bastard that he is
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:55 No.1857221
         File :1230857700.jpg-(100 KB, 635x650, hs2.jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:56 No.1857227

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:58 No.1857239
         File :1230857882.jpg-(217 KB, 600x659, 1230721360049.jpg)
    217 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:00 No.1857245

    Yes, I am completly sure that I am far from gay
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:00 No.1857246
         File :1230858025.jpg-(120 KB, 359x550, 1230743383477.jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:02 No.1857253
         File :1230858165.jpg-(119 KB, 650x459, 2.jpg)
    119 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:02 No.1857254
    Where did the Adachi and cabbage jokes come from?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:05 No.1857262
         File :1230858321.jpg-(75 KB, 459x672, web20081011.jpg)
    75 KB
    lucky you. After this game, im just not quite as sure anymore
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:07 No.1857269
    I liked the thumbnail better when I couldn't see the balls.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:08 No.1857275

    Hahaha. I lusted after the ladies from the start so I guess I am 100 % heterosexual
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:08 No.1857279
         File :1230858535.jpg-(1.03 MB, 1050x1420, ac40622c0c30f3941ad81eb845e678(...).jpg)
    1.03 MB
    I'd crossdressing Souji.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:12 No.1857283
         File :1230858730.png-(73 KB, 400x323, 0081203.png)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:12 No.1857288
    the game is ruined for me now.
    now I know who it is :(
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:13 No.1857294
         File :1230858831.jpg-(127 KB, 600x834, 993ef40907a876e3bde70971d3b49c(...).jpg)
    127 KB
    Metis = Naoto = Philemon

    You heard it here first.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:13 No.1857297
         File :1230858838.jpg-(180 KB, 463x758, 1230722302271.jpg)
    180 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:14 No.1857298
    >but we allow im@s, what's the difference?

    im@s isn't ridiculously overrated like persona is
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:15 No.1857302

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:15 No.1857303
         File :1230858910.jpg-(144 KB, 700x741, f91d7cb50c03652745ebda6ece61db(...).jpg)
    144 KB
    That isn't the only major plot point. If you go for the true ending there's even more after that.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:16 No.1857314
         File :1230858989.jpg-(107 KB, 600x800, 1872ce744d36afef9e7b210fd23dec(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    Naoto x Shadow Naoto

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:17 No.1857316
         File :1230859026.jpg-(358 KB, 700x586, 1230723581450.jpg)
    358 KB
    not even for teddie?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:18 No.1857325
         File :1230859085.jpg-(35 KB, 320x532, 1230721062545.jpg)
    35 KB
    fuckin' naoto and her adorable shadow
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:18 No.1857330

    He does not count
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:19 No.1857336
    Just because Idolmaster is never going to get a Western release doesn't mean you have to be a bitter bitch about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:19 No.1857339
         File :1230859174.jpg-(79 KB, 700x418, p4-43.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:20 No.1857348
         File :1230859233.jpg-(560 KB, 707x1000, c332006571155dcdabfb99ff735a2c(...).jpg)
    560 KB
    So where's my god damn good ends? Becoming the barrier against death and just ditching everyone is lame.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:23 No.1857364
         File :1230859413.jpg-(93 KB, 600x596, 1230740781479.jpg)
    93 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:25 No.1857368
    That's what the end of P4 is about. We don't need another MC Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:28 No.1857379
         File :1230859684.png-(110 KB, 332x512, Messiah.png)
    110 KB
    It's still a bittersweet end. I was expecting to actually stay there with everyone instead of just getting a monologue by Teddie.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:28 No.1857381
         File :1230859698.jpg-(189 KB, 647x630, pixiv-p4kuma.jpg)
    189 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:28 No.1857382
         File :1230859705.jpg-(83 KB, 350x260, P4_KanjiTatsumi01.jpg)
    83 KB
    this thread needs more kanji
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:29 No.1857387
         File :1230859760.gif-(30 KB, 450x502, e69bfe22c9b258c2306adda3f4f77f(...).gif)
    30 KB

    Atlus promised there won't be a Persona 4: FES, so basically you won't be meeting any of the characters ever again.

    I dunno, maybe a cameo of Naoto in the (possible) sequel to Persona Trinity Soul, but that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:30 No.1857390
    Naoto cameo in the next Raidou Kuzunoha vidya after King Abaddon. MAKE IT HAPPEN, FATLUS.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:30 No.1857392
    /a/ anime & manga
    but the kids come here anyway.

    @op; dl'd it already, but I don't have much time until february when exams are over.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:31 No.1857397
         File :1230859878.jpg-(22 KB, 350x546, kan.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:32 No.1857406
         File :1230859965.jpg-(229 KB, 539x739, img-005.jpg)
    229 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:32 No.1857407
    Wait, was King Abaddon a SEQUEL? I saw it on Playasia and thought it was just an expansion or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:33 No.1857409
    Said monologue by Teddie also confirms the possibility that they'll always be best friends forever, no matter where they are. It's open ended too... at least there's a chance P4 MC can return to chill with his friends.

    We all know where P3 MC is, and he's going to be there for a long ass time. At least Elizabeth as his waifu is now canon.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:33 No.1857411
         File :1230860011.jpg-(35 KB, 383x560, count5.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:34 No.1857414
         File :1230860074.jpg-(19 KB, 370x250, 1228096807619.jpg)
    19 KB
    Fuck yes, this is the best pairing
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:34 No.1857415
         File :1230860081.jpg-(201 KB, 850x1202, sample-9ca8e9b1dd9d494f7995a82(...).jpg)
    201 KB
    Thread needs more Nanako.
    This is /jp/ after all.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:34 No.1857417
         File :1230860092.jpg-(98 KB, 500x528, knj2.jpg)
    98 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:36 No.1857420
         File :1230860164.gif-(226 KB, 532x624, syunana.gif)
    226 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:36 No.1857425
         File :1230860201.jpg-(76 KB, 500x600, 4.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:37 No.1857430
         File :1230860251.jpg-(123 KB, 520x650, 5.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:39 No.1857437
         File :1230860373.jpg-(129 KB, 544x650, 8.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:41 No.1857442
         File :1230860515.jpg-(242 KB, 1000x705, 82c674fee02156b5278f91b1951b20(...).jpg)
    242 KB
    Personally I don't PARTICULARLY mind if we never get to see Persona 3/4 characters again, as long as we'll get a Persona 5... on the PS3.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:42 No.1857444
         File :1230860547.jpg-(65 KB, 400x640, 19.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:42 No.1857447
         File :1230860579.png-(5 KB, 240x320, 43.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:43 No.1857450
         File :1230860634.gif-(49 KB, 600x605, 081204.gif)
    49 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:44 No.1857452
         File :1230860687.jpg-(83 KB, 463x800, 1217935157979.jpg)
    83 KB
    If I don't get anymore Chie I'll die.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:45 No.1857453
         File :1230860709.jpg-(50 KB, 400x603, nanako.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:46 No.1857458
         File :1230860797.jpg-(50 KB, 500x450, rakugaki216.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:47 No.1857462
         File :1230860834.jpg-(91 KB, 700x616, 016.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:47 No.1857463
         File :1230860859.jpg-(67 KB, 600x480, bf4d37c9d477983b0d1f449ba9e25f(...).jpg)
    67 KB
    I got alot of Chie... porn.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:47 No.1857464

    Big Bro. I'm scared

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:48 No.1857466
         File :1230860902.gif-(165 KB, 674x676, syuna.gif)
    165 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:49 No.1857471
         File :1230860991.jpg-(266 KB, 500x660, 1230227851109.jpg)
    266 KB
    Nanako's dungeon theme is now playing in your head.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:51 No.1857481
         File :1230861105.gif-(14 KB, 402x445, ht-2.gif)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:53 No.1857484
    /jp/ - /v/
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:54 No.1857489
         File :1230861240.jpg-(202 KB, 850x1202, sample-07e6cedf68cbfddcd189afc(...).jpg)
    202 KB
    You know, back in the early parts of the game when Nanako would greet you when you get home I wouldn't think much of it and shoot straight upstairs to my room to read bad comic books.
    But when she's gone all of a sudden I feel all empty inside ;__;
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:55 No.1857492
    I played this about half a year ago you illiterate faggots...
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:55 No.1857494
         File :1230861351.jpg-(52 KB, 550x358, 20080709_341915.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:56 No.1857496
         File :1230861393.png-(279 KB, 599x510, 1230172096768.png)
    279 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:57 No.1857499
         File :1230861454.jpg-(114 KB, 491x625, ht-3.jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:58 No.1857501
         File :1230861523.jpg-(47 KB, 360x480, 4.jpg)
    47 KB
    oh dojima you adorable bastard
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)20:59 No.1857505
         File :1230861595.jpg-(159 KB, 561x766, ht-5.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:03 No.1857516
         File :1230861827.jpg-(50 KB, 300x450, efca11c28ed9e50a2c2fb73086c370(...).jpg)
    50 KB
    Even if this would've eventually proved annoying, I still like the idea of having to carry your incapcitated & exhausted party members to the exit.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:03 No.1857517
         File :1230861829.gif-(241 KB, 591x803, 4-18.gif)
    241 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:04 No.1857518

    Go back to /v/, you weeaboo faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:04 No.1857520
         File :1230861888.gif-(18 KB, 330x437, 20080612_329124.gif)
    18 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:07 No.1857528

    Nah, these fucks aren't even weeaboo enough to play the game in Japanese. In that case it may kind of belong in /jp/... But they waited until it came out in English. Truly pathetic. Back to /v/ with you all...
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:08 No.1857530
         File :1230862082.jpg-(51 KB, 500x600, 1230740292758.jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:08 No.1857532


    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:08 No.1857533
         File :1230862134.png-(43 KB, 600x484, p4117.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:10 No.1857537
         File :1230862216.jpg-(26 KB, 388x500, Yukiko 1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:11 No.1857542
         File :1230862313.png-(162 KB, 400x528, hnte.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:12 No.1857543
    2/10. Got a slight jolt, but otherwise too obvious.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:14 No.1857546
         File :1230862448.jpg-(287 KB, 531x1417, shu_jo.jpg)
    287 KB
    sorry, only princesses here
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:17 No.1857553
         File :1230862621.jpg-(429 KB, 933x700, 1230740130994.jpg)
    429 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:18 No.1857556

    Oh yes. Damn yes
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:19 No.1857560

    Well, don't hold out on us, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:19 No.1857562
         File :1230862779.jpg-(136 KB, 568x800, 1230739576466.jpg)
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    >> sage Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:20 No.1857568
    sage for weoboo shit
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:20 No.1857570
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    Delicious Yukiko, I want to just tell her bad puns all day long.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:21 No.1857577
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:22 No.1857581
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:25 No.1857591
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:25 No.1857592
    Right I forgot this was /jp/.....oh wait
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:26 No.1857598
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:28 No.1857603
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:29 No.1857605
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:30 No.1857609
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:31 No.1857616
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:32 No.1857618
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:34 No.1857623
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:35 No.1857627
    "Man, I accidentally clicked on /v/"
    "/jp/ - Japan/General"
    "Wait, what?"

    Fuck you and your faggot threads, /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:36 No.1857629
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:37 No.1857635
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:38 No.1857646
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:40 No.1857651

    I don't know which "route" for lack of a better term is more awesome for her. The one where you get a ménage à trois between yourself, Yukiko, and Chie or the one where she goes generic yandere for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:41 No.1857654
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:43 No.1857662
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:43 No.1857664
    Yeah, let's call athens to fuck our shit.
    Or even better the jocks that take Japan/General seriously and use shitty rhetoric to prove their retarded point and derail threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:43 No.1857666
    Wait what? I can do these things? All I got was a shitty I'm not moving anymore path.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:44 No.1857671
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:45 No.1857677
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:45 No.1857678

    Threesome! Threesome!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:45 No.1857684

    Wait...what? Why wasn't I informed about this?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:46 No.1857686
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    >> Conan O'Briebers 01/01/09(Thu)21:49 No.1857703

    Whoa whoa whoa... now I HAVE to get this ISO burned to a DVD now.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:50 No.1857707

    I call bullshit
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:56 No.1857727

    I call moron.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)21:58 No.1857728

    Fuck off. In all the P4 thread I saw no one has ever mentioned something like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:00 No.1857740
    It's not really bullshit as it's just worded wrong.
    In P4 you're able to go on dates and at certain times special scenes will play and one of them has Yuki acting Yandere-ish when she sees you with Chie.
    I'll see if I can find a video of the scene.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:01 No.1857743
    Chie : Oh, hey, I've been cleaning up my room lately. Since your room was so clean, I thought about following your example, Souji-kun.
    Yukiko : You're right, Souji-kun has a very clean room.
    Chie : ... You've been inside his room too, Yukiko?
    Yukiko : ... You too, Chie?
    > Things suddenly seem awkward...
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:04 No.1857749
    Ignore the trolls, op. It's a Japanese videogame and it's allowed here.

    Anyway, played it, beat it, got the true ending, enjoyed it. What more can I say? I think it beats the shit out of P3. Although, I'm still not certain that I prefer P4's soundtrack over P3's. P3's was good to the point where I actually went out of my way to acquire the 2 disc OST, but P4... there's a few good tracks, like Never More, Your Affection, Backside of the TV, and Heaven, but I still prefer P3's OST.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:05 No.1857752
    Does that actually happen?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:05 No.1857753
    P4 battle theme > P3 battle theme
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:06 No.1857754
    Yeah. When you have Chie and Yukiko both maxed S. Links and as lovers, go into a dungeon solo and you'll find them together in a random room. Talk to them and that'll happen.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:11 No.1857775
    There's also a Rise Naoto dungeon scene... it gets pretty creepy
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:13 No.1857784
    I couldn't raise the Lovers flag for Naoto so I'll have to wait til I get back up there in my New Game+ for that. Also, fuck year using Izanagi-no-Okami.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:15 No.1857797
    for being part of the "world" arcana, he's pretty underpowered compared to some of the other personas
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:17 No.1857806
    Yeah, but it's nice to just easy mode the dungeon crawling with having a nice skill set.

    Yoshitsune broke the game though with Eight Ship Hop.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:17 No.1857808
    You have to be level 91 to use him.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:18 No.1857817
    Too his full potential I mean
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:19 No.1857821
    with power charge AND heat riser
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:20 No.1857829
    By the way, is Alice still obtainable in P4? She was my favorite Persona back in P3.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:21 No.1857834
    oh god i don't even have to try anymore
    Yeah, she is.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:21 No.1857836
    yeah you can still make her
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:25 No.1857851
    Is it just me or does the Blessed Hands accessory make the game ridiculously easy?

    I got it at Kanji's dungeon and gave it to Yukiko, and she could easily heal the whole party back from brink of death to full HP with a single mediarama.
    Heck, I beat the giant eyeball boss at level 65 thanks to that thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:26 No.1857854

    Belial and Nebiros.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:26 No.1857856
    It does make it easy, but it instantly becomes obsolete once you get a hold of Diarahan/Mediarahan/Salvation.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:26 No.1857857
    Yoshi doesn't even need heat riser, just remember to get debilitate on Trumpeter, and have Hassou Tobi and Power Charge on Yoshi.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:27 No.1857863
    By the end of the game the only Personas I used were my 5-element Throne, full support Helel, Yoshitsune, and Trumpeter. Shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:28 No.1857867
    Whenever people talk about beating bosses...

    I feel bad about choosing Beginner's Difficulty


    I just want my story ;_; which was of course spoiled for me before i even opened the game but still
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:28 No.1857871
    The AI doesn't become any easier, you just get some continue items if it's anything like P3's easy moodo.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:29 No.1857877
    "You had a dream that you and Nanako were wearing luchador masks and wrestling. Your relationship with Nanako has intensified."

    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:30 No.1857882

    Enemies get weaker when you defeat their dungeon's master. Remember that.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:30 No.1857883

    Yea but IS IT the same as P3's system besides the 10 continuations?

    I haven't seen any confirmation yet
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:30 No.1857884
    Eyeball boss only attacks once per turn on easy mode
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:31 No.1857889
    >You dreamed you were Chie's parent
    >You dreamed you were being chased by the Fox

    Souji has some weird dreams.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:32 No.1857891
    That's the thing, you don't need mediarahan/salvation because mediarama gets the job done and you save a shit ton of SP in extended fights.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:34 No.1857898
    Yukiko with an accessory that prevents her from getting status effect'd is superior.

    Plus by the time you're that far in the game, you can finally start throwing out SP items and somas like they're nothing.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:34 No.1857901
    I was pretty tempted to choose a higher level difficulty setting

    But then I remembered the BULLSHIT GRIND FEST that was FES Answer

    So yea, fuck that shit, Beginner all the way
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:35 No.1857903

    Wait wut? Continues? In my Persona? Why wasn't I told of this?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:36 No.1857906
    Elizabeth on Normal kicked my ass for a whole week.

    Margaret on Expert was easy moodo.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:37 No.1857913
    Select easy moodo
    Receive Continues
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:39 No.1857918
    So whose the best social link ? Too bad P4 has no more Bebe.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:40 No.1857921
    But...but the only game that's acceptable to play on easy modo is Touhou...
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:40 No.1857924
    i really enjoyed naoki's
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:40 No.1857925
    I like them all.

    Except Temperance.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:42 No.1857936
    Dojima & Nanako's.

    We'll always be a family ;__;
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:45 No.1857946
    I love you big bro!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:51 No.1857962
    Temperance was... Saki's brother right? Or was that Hanged Man?

    I didn't particularly like Devil... the music they always play when she shows up creeps me out.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:53 No.1857969

    Temperance was childcare + young mom.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)22:56 No.1857980
    I liked P3's links better, in general. But I really like how you're not forced to five-time the girls like a scumbag this time around in order to boost their links. That was bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:28 No.1858074
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:31 No.1858082
    Devil started good, as in 'You're gonna get raped, MC' good.

    It ended up pretty bland tho. Not that's a bad thing, mind you
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:48 No.1858148
    /jp/ - Video Games

    GO BACK TO /v/!!!!!!!!!!!

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