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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08

  • File :1230586828.jpg-(31 KB, 853x480, Diaper.jpg)
    31 KB Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:40 No.1839313  
    Reimu wears frilly diapers.

    Maikaze agreed, don't bother them about it.
    >> Klein !Klan7ih6Qs 12/29/08(Mon)16:41 No.1839315
    Touhou screencap thread lmao XD
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:41 No.1839318
    id sniff her diapers
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:41 No.1839320
    >164 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:41 No.1839321
    How is the animu? Is it full of yuri fanservice?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:42 No.1839324
         File :1230586934.jpg-(278 KB, 1600x1200, bloomers.jpg)
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    So indecent!
    >> Reisen Udongein Inaba !!RA0nEcmlzwp 12/29/08(Mon)16:42 No.1839328
    Fuck off diaper fags
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:42 No.1839330
    Indeed. In several scenes, Yukari and Reimu are making out while it gets Sakuya hot, she then goes and gets it on with Remilia. It's yurilicious love!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:42 No.1839331
    Cliched, but it made you feel good.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:43 No.1839333

    It's a hentai, Aniki. Lots of yuri girl on girl action, even some futa in there!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:43 No.1839336
    What did we do?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:47 No.1839357
    I want her diapers.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:51 No.1839379
    It would be better if she spinned 3 times before kicking the wall
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:51 No.1839380
    /r/ing ReimuxMarisa diaper fic
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:52 No.1839384
    one fine saturday reimu wore diapers but marisa still sexed her
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:56 No.1839400
    I looks like Reimu just shat a wall of bricks.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:56 No.1839403
         File :1230587779.jpg-(115 KB, 853x480, toho.jpg)
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    Haha, oh wow. Did you guys notice this?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:57 No.1839405
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:57 No.1839407

    It wasn't that funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:58 No.1839408
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:58 No.1839409
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:59 No.1839412
    Leave here, /a/.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)16:59 No.1839414
    I'll change Reimu's wet and messy diaper any day.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:01 No.1839417
         File :1230588061.jpg-(93 KB, 400x400, 1220413696942.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:01 No.1839418
    wiki thing was blatantly posted on nico

    silly, samefaggan
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:02 No.1839420
    Psst, not everyone is watching it on Nico.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:03 No.1839424
    Is a subbed rip out anywhere yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:04 No.1839425
    is someone going to sub this?
    >> Anonymous of Austria 12/29/08(Mon)17:04 No.1839426
    I saw it already a few days ago. sage
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:04 No.1839429
         File :1230588280.jpg-(29 KB, 420x315, Yuka.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:06 No.1839434
    /jp/ - troll dodgaen gaems

    [spoiler]Quick somebody use a spellcard to clear the screen![/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:06 No.1839439
    You wear diapers too, grandma.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:08 No.1839444

    >clear the screen

    That's not how Touhou shmups work.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:10 No.1839452
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:10 No.1839453
    >That's not how Touhou shmups work.
    That's how they USED to work. ;_;

    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:10 No.1839458
         File :1230588659.jpg-(31 KB, 318x590, 1206342628390.jpg)
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    Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my Master Spark.

    [spoiler]I wish I had that back, fuck you ZUN.[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:14 No.1839466
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:14 No.1839468
         File :1230588846.jpg-(44 KB, 800x600, asjhgdj.jpg)
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    >> brah !qMKbQJDdl6 12/29/08(Mon)17:16 No.1839474
    Feet tool?

    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:17 No.1839477
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:17 No.1839479

    yoyo cow
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:19 No.1839484
    the torrent has no seeds ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:19 No.1839489
    Toho Yomu
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:19 No.1839490
    no its ray moo
    >> Aoko Aozaki !WU0xSUGOI6 12/29/08(Mon)17:22 No.1839497
    This thread is pure noise
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:23 No.1839505
    Oh god, is the board's software broken?
    Post links appear either dead or black, what the hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:25 No.1839522
         File :1230589533.jpg-(46 KB, 338x352, 1199489960815.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:26 No.1839531
    Ingrown weeding, come and return auroch?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:34 No.1839586
    I wish to be the little Reimu. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)17:40 No.1839606
         File :1230590415.jpg-(93 KB, 800x606, awfthhc.jpg)
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    Needs more SA characters.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:06 No.1839706
    I wonder if any other characters wear Reimu's diaper/bloomer hybrid.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:18 No.1839751
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:19 No.1839756
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:20 No.1839764
    Bloomers, idiots. Do you know them?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:22 No.1839768
    Er, real question here.

    Why are there English subtitles in the dvd iso?

    And in correct English. Since when doujin groups bother with their gaijin fans?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:23 No.1839776
    would the touhou anime work better if it was like pokemon/yattaman and the yukari family had a plot every episode to mess up gensokyo somehow and alice reimu and marisa saved the day

    just thinking would it be cool
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:24 No.1839783
    Same reason they have big-name seiyuus.
    This isn't really a doujin project.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:25 No.1839787
    Maybe they're trying to expand out to a western audience, so they might purchase it? Hell if I know.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:25 No.1839788
    Something like Pinky and Brain would work better. Brain would be Yukari, obviously, but who would be Pinky? In before Cirno
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:25 No.1839792
    Real answer here:
    Yu a member of MAIKAZE, who also frequents several english forums, translated it with KirbyM.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:26 No.1839796
    So I'd wait for the next Comiket just for the episode 2?
    >> Magister !J.hpxLWh4g 12/29/08(Mon)18:26 No.1839803
    One of the staff on Maikaze is good at English, translated it, had it checked by KirbyM, and added them.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:27 No.1839806
    That would be great.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:27 No.1839807
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:29 No.1839814
    ARISU WHERE?!!?!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:29 No.1839815
    Bloompers? Diamers? Merpers?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:30 No.1839819
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:33 No.1839834
    Walfas? Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:37 No.1839852
    Walfas and Yu are friends if you're wondering.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:39 No.1839861

    Twice a year.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:43 No.1839872
         File :1230594231.jpg-(37 KB, 960x540, [舞風] 夢想夏郷 A Summer(...).jpg)
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    Oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:44 No.1839876
    Could be thrice if you count Reitaisai.

    I wouldn't hold hopes that high, though. Once a year is enough and a reasonable timeframe for a doujin production.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:47 No.1839884
    so how long until we get a Koolaid shoop of this scene?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:48 No.1839887
         File :1230594482.jpg-(69 KB, 126x254, Th06sakuya_portrait.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:48 No.1839890
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:49 No.1839893
    Never, thankfully.
    >> Dust of Osiris !U4ZKgLjqPw 12/29/08(Mon)18:50 No.1839897
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:52 No.1839901
    Did Patchu say something like "OH NO HOW DID SHE BREAK MY WALL" at that scene?
    Better yet. How did she make a wall in first place? Concrete is not one of the elements she can control, I believe.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:53 No.1839904
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:54 No.1839906
    why is Aya such a mary sue?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:54 No.1839907
    It was a stone wall, earth element.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:54 No.1839908
    Canon says Patchoulli is versed in all forms of magic. She just has very low stamina.
    >> Fujiwara no Mokou !!mGXYMm0qKk/ 12/29/08(Mon)18:55 No.1839910
    Earth Sign "Rage Trilithon High Level"

    "A landslide of tumbling rocks.
    All these rocks change directions suddenly. Watch your head. "
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:56 No.1839918

    It would please ZUN that his waifu is perfect.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:58 No.1839939
         File :1230595094.jpg-(224 KB, 1121x628, 1216870303876.jpg)
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    Oh yeah, earth. I forgot it.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)19:02 No.1839967
    the still frames have the best animation
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)19:03 No.1839977

    Oh u
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)19:03 No.1839984
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)19:06 No.1839997
    Come on, this is QUALITY moe.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)19:32 No.1840168
    Any other bloomer/diaper shots?
    >> Reisen Udongein Inaba !!RA0nEcmlzwp 12/29/08(Mon)19:34 No.1840195
    >>diaper shots
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)19:35 No.1840201
    Reisen would be incredibly cute in a diaper.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)20:29 No.1840558
    somebody should draw Reisen in a diaper then
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:00 No.1840748
    if thats true....AWSOME.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:01 No.1840750
    The whole thing is on nicodou now.

    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:05 No.1840768
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:09 No.1840794
    Kindly kill yourself. It's been there for a good 10 hours or so.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:14 No.1840826
    Yeah, I'd fuck her bloomers.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:25 No.1840873
    underwear fetish?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:30 No.1840892
    That's right! Remember kids, the only attacks anyone knows were used in the original games! Anything else is fanmade and therefore HERESY
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:38 No.1840933
    I wonder, was Reimu channeling the power of MIKO FURY when she dropkicked the wall?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:47 No.1840975
         File :1230605244.png-(532 KB, 707x387, ICAMEHARD.png)
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    Or the power of her crescent kick.

    Also, see filename
    >> 銀さん 12/29/08(Mon)21:47 No.1840978
    Some people have jobs ya know?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:53 No.1841007
         File :1230605590.png-(430 KB, 699x384, reimoe.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:54 No.1841015
         File :1230605662.png-(397 KB, 700x381, sugoisugoi.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:55 No.1841021
         File :1230605723.png-(353 KB, 697x382, privateslutbagreporting.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:56 No.1841030
         File :1230605787.jpg-(77 KB, 960x540, [舞風] 夢想夏郷 A Summer(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:57 No.1841035
         File :1230605845.png-(396 KB, 694x381, sparkleslut.png)
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    That's all I bothered with
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)21:57 No.1841037
    Forchristssake, it's a petticoat, dammit.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:02 No.1841061
    Is anyone else having trouble mounting the DVD image? I tried mounting it using Daemon Tools and it seems to have corrupted my DVD drivers (Code 39) for both my virtual drive and my physical drive. I'm on Windows XP if that matters.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:03 No.1841062
    I raged when I first heard Aya's voice, but after watching it again I kinda liked it, even though I disagree with her characterization.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)22:05 No.1841069
    This wasn't as bad as I was anticipating, actually quite good for a fan anime. My only gripes were petty things, or that Aya had more of Maria's personality than Marisa had Marisa's personality.

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