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!pkzejWGkfw 11/13/08(Thu)20:40 No.1605979  Wait, /jp/ is bad? This feels like an oasis after getting out of the tripfag flood in /a/... Anyway,
forced anon is not a solution for the perceived problems of any board.
It's just a makeshift, something people ask for but in the end it won't
do anything. Why? Because it would be the same kind of bad posters
going at it, only this time you won't have the advantage of preemptive
hiding thread. Problems are more complex and harder to solve than
just establishing forced anonymity. Trolls and metatrolls continue to
rampage on almost with little resistance, and those go both under
tripcodes or as anonymous. Hell, some of them go under a handful of
personas, abusing the inherent rage regular anonymous feels at the
presence of a tripfag. It's just trolling, and that's the real problem
we have. But of course, there's little solution to it. Bans are held by
a group that is vastly outnumbered and can't be around all the time.
Public moderation systems could be easily be abused, and in general,
humans will be humans. No matter what precautions you take, they will
find a way to come through.
At least the janitor team was
godlike earlier. I counted a couple dozen threads with the same
text/image, all promptly deleted. We need more like that, but not
engaging them in a warfare. Then everyone would jump in, just to
attempt to topple the moderation.
This is messed up, but it's
better to try to take it on a realistic manner, than using the "bomb
them until there's only glass!" approach of solving problems. A single
thing that you think will work, but will only sprout a dozen more
problems. |