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    File :1226623308.jpg-(103 KB, 785x594, aoba foe.jpg)
    103 KB Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:41 No.1605618  
    Old thread is auto-saging, but someone posted:

    >Someone go e-mail moot. Forced anon is the cure for this cancer.

    And a reply was:
    >One or two e-mails isn't going to do much compared to the amount he already gets. The sad thing about these threads is that there is nothing much we can do about the tripfag problem.

    >I think we should all e-mail him about it, and maybe slip in a thread later reminding other anon who feel this way to send him an e-mail. Maybe he'll notice.

    Anyways, it's a good idea and it's pretty much the only plausible, long-term solution proposed.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:43 No.1605625
    It's never a good idea to email moot.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:44 No.1605634
    moot is gay
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:44 No.1605636
    I don't really care about tripfags except the ones that attention whore all the time. Like Anonymous Jones. I hate Anonymous Jones so much... I even started practicing voodoo just for him... Someday...
    >> Ayame Kimotiwa Kagome the Archer Priestess !YclMuuIonU 11/13/08(Thu)19:44 No.1605637
    >> Anonymous Jones ‮[8-FTU] ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !TapsqdZp4A 11/13/08(Thu)19:45 No.1605643
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:46 No.1605652
    newfags seem to love forced anon. we didn't have that shit back in my day.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:54 No.1605688
    If dumb faggots ignored the tripfags there would be no problem.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:57 No.1605705
    tripfags on average make better posts then Anonymous. Thread voting system would be a better idea.
    >> Tatari !JERKwzbfbg 11/13/08(Thu)20:00 No.1605721
    Retards not having a name won't make them any less retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:01 No.1605724
    That's a horrible idea.
    >> Haruhi1994 !JimREGmAW6 11/13/08(Thu)20:04 No.1605741
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    I think a friend list system would be cool.
    ~Support Haruhi1994 for mod~Put this in your sig!
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    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:04 No.1605742
    Durr, then hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    I usually bust out my trip for a while when people make posts like this. OH NO EVERYTHING BAD ABOUT 4CHAN OBVIOUSLY COMES FROM PEOPLE FILLING IN THE NAME FIELD.

    Seriously, I don't even fucking look at it 90% of the time. I was contemplating getting the greasemonkey thing to just turn all name fields off but I realized I didn't even care that much.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:06 No.1605746
    It's a nice thought, but the worst of tripfags will just take use of the e-mail field instead.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:07 No.1605750
    On the contrary, I think it's a great idea. You just don't like it because you make shitty threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:12 No.1605774
    We're on the same site as /b/. Giving anonymous posters voting power will only lead to more shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:12 No.1605776
    This. Stop giving them more attention than they deserve.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:14 No.1605784
    Send this thread to the gas chamber
    >> ponpo !0rtxwIjHlI 11/13/08(Thu)20:14 No.1605787
    Forced anon sounds kind of lame.

    I don't mind if people hate my posts, but to hate someone simply for the fact they entered text into the name field is just stupid. Anyone with a trip would be making the same posts if it was "Anonymous" instead, so if a name instead of "anonymous" means cancer to you, then you're just an angry person.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:15 No.1605793
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    >> Moron Brigade !Yf8mZVPoBs 11/13/08(Thu)20:19 No.1605815
    Oh hi there, I'm with the Tripfag CircleJerk Thread Disposal Unit, aka TCJTDU. I see this thread is trying to cause a circle jerk involving tripfags some tripfags don't even want to parttake in. This process will be painless and we can go back to what we discuss: FUCK YEAR VISUAL NOVEL IDEAS
    >> Moron Brigade !Yf8mZVPoBs 11/13/08(Thu)20:20 No.1605827
    Damnit forgot my sage. Fuck you when the pages goes white without any text after hitting submit and having to do the process all over and it not working.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:22 No.1605833
    I have nothing against you personally, but a lot of people hate some tripfags. This in turn gives them the "power" to completely destroy threads. They just post in a thread and it goes completely downhill.
    This has nothing to do with the fact that they have tripcodes, just that they can be immediately recognized. (Take KoG and his 5GET bullshit on /a/ for example).
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:24 No.1605855
    Moron Brigade indeed.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:25 No.1605877
    That's like saying that it's okay to shoot people, because all you're doing is pulling a trigger, and the action of pulling a trigger is too simple of an action to be punishable by law. It's not that tripfags enter some extra text in a field, it's the fact that they insist on going against what 99% of the community stands for by creating an identity for themselves. We're supposed to be different from boards where posting is just a contest of popularity. We're not supposed to care about who the hell makes a post, we're supposed to care about the actual content of the post.

    And the second point you made is invalid, as people always post differently when they know that people will see their name with the post.
    >> ponpo !0rtxwIjHlI 11/13/08(Thu)20:27 No.1605888
    Yeah I understand, I just think it's nonsensical to suggest removing names would help anything at all. I'm assuming people are bothered by all the trip users right now because of all those lonely 'circle jerk' threads, but if there was forced anon and that kind of thread appeared the next day, would that somehow be better?
    >> Tatari !JERKwzbfbg 11/13/08(Thu)20:27 No.1605895
    >We're not supposed to care about who the hell makes a post, we're supposed to care about the actual content of the post.
    Most of anons completely obliterate that point.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:30 No.1605910
    Sure, they'll try to make their post the most intelligent possible, instead of just blurting out shit.
    Well, some of them.
    Honestly, we're far beyond this trip stuff, we don't care about anonymity so much as we care about quality, if some idiot wants to type stuff in his fields, fine, I don't give a damn unless he posts shit.
    I'm as annoyed by the tripfag shitposters as I am by the anonymous shitposter.
    This thread really is a non issue other than we should decidedly ban a few idiotic people, and not only trip users.
    >> ponpo !0rtxwIjHlI 11/13/08(Thu)20:32 No.1605920
    So don't care. I understand it seems trips have been in all those personal threads lately so I see where you're coming from, though. Anyway, at least this way you can identify posts of mine which you hate / which suck. It would be a lot easier for anyone with a trip to just take on 50 different "anonymous" identities and post absolute garbage threads which is what most of 4chan is anyway.

    Really shallow people might post different if a name is applied, but if you had forced anon it's not like every trip's posting habits would change, thus not solving whatever "cancer" people think they are causing.
    >> Anonymous of Colombia !pkzejWGkfw 11/13/08(Thu)20:40 No.1605979
    Wait, /jp/ is bad? This feels like an oasis after getting out of the tripfag flood in /a/...
    Anyway, forced anon is not a solution for the perceived problems of any board. It's just a makeshift, something people ask for but in the end it won't do anything. Why? Because it would be the same kind of bad posters going at it, only this time you won't have the advantage of preemptive hiding thread.
    Problems are more complex and harder to solve than just establishing forced anonymity. Trolls and metatrolls continue to rampage on almost with little resistance, and those go both under tripcodes or as anonymous. Hell, some of them go under a handful of personas, abusing the inherent rage regular anonymous feels at the presence of a tripfag. It's just trolling, and that's the real problem we have. But of course, there's little solution to it. Bans are held by a group that is vastly outnumbered and can't be around all the time. Public moderation systems could be easily be abused, and in general, humans will be humans. No matter what precautions you take, they will find a way to come through.

    At least the janitor team was godlike earlier. I counted a couple dozen threads with the same text/image, all promptly deleted. We need more like that, but not engaging them in a warfare. Then everyone would jump in, just to attempt to topple the moderation.

    This is messed up, but it's better to try to take it on a realistic manner, than using the "bomb them until there's only glass!" approach of solving problems. A single thing that you think will work, but will only sprout a dozen more problems.

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