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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1225383961.png-(126 KB, 1794x951, viewing method pyramid v2.png)
    126 KB Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:26 No.1533364  
    So I heard you guys are the super-elite underground bad asses of the weeaboo world, having transcended anime.

    Yet monitoring you in your natural environment, I am unconvinced.

    Have I been misled?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:27 No.1533366
    see, this is touhou country,
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:27 No.1533367
    You forgot God Tier.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:28 No.1533368
    >bad asses

    They do not belong in the same sentence.
    >> ponpo !tC/hi58lI. 10/30/08(Thu)12:28 No.1533369
    The question remains, once a touhou anime is made (that's right) what will /jp/ move onto as it's form of obscurity?

    Littlewitch games? Here's hoping!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:29 No.1533371
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:29 No.1533374
    We're so elite, we ran the whole circle and came back to not watching anime.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:31 No.1533376
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    yeah they do.
    >> ponpo !tC/hi58lI. 10/30/08(Thu)12:31 No.1533378
    There are more fan works made about touhou things than others, but if something like an ahnimé was made then just think of the fans and youtube commenters it would attr- oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:31 No.1533379
    We are the ones who have beheld the ugly, true face of Japan, yet are mentally twisted enough to remain in its grip.
    >> Anonymous of Alabama !.p44NyTsCo 10/30/08(Thu)12:32 No.1533380
    God Tier consists of beaming the original Japanese airings directly into your brain as they are shown.

    It has destroyed men.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:34 No.1533383
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    "weeaboo" is not, was not, and will never be a badge of honour.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:36 No.1533388
    Either that or God Tier is living in Japan and being Japanese. On second thought, make that unemployed, depressed and lonely Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:42 No.1533404
    Spoiler: As far as Japan is concerned, Touhou is more popular and recognizable than any given anime (save Gundam and maybe a few other classics). Nowadays, anime in general is basically a niche entertainment in Japan, secondary to manga, video games, and even light novels and visual novels.

    Your perception of Japanese market is skewed by geographical bias. Western fans usually pay more attention to anime, since it's got the longest historical presence in our parts of the world, and is the easiest to acquire and localize.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:48 No.1533412
    what are you guys seriously replying for lol
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:50 No.1533415
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    >More popular than anime
    >> ponpo !tC/hi58lI. 10/30/08(Thu)12:51 No.1533418
    Yeah I suppose that's true. Though I only mentioned an anime being made because despite touhou's Japanese popularity, this remains a western board, and i'm sure if touhou hypothetically exploded and became like naruto or something to the west, /jp/ would avoid it for that reason alone despite it's continued popularity in Japan. Maybe not.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:55 No.1533438
    I've been to Animesuki lately and half of the posters had Touhou-related avatars or signatures.

    Hell, it's one of only two franchises (the second being Code Geass) that got its own board on 4chan, one of the biggest (and certainly the biggest japanese popculture related) forums on the internet.

    tl;dr: It already happened.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:56 No.1533440
    /jp/ is God Tier. We don't bother with anime themselves but their roots and subculture like VN, games, NicoNico and 2chan
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:56 No.1533444
    I can't tell if you're a troll or a retard. 8/10!
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:56 No.1533445
    >I've been to Animesuki
    >> Smallboss !!TIdzt3aQGlf 10/30/08(Thu)12:57 No.1533449
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)13:34 No.1533564
    Touhou anime? Touhou has been around for decades and just now there is talk of an anime?
    >> Anonymous Jones ‮[8-FTU] ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !TapsqdZp4A 10/30/08(Thu)13:38 No.1533573
    DVDfag should be above streamfag

    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)13:50 No.1533620
    >Hell, it's one of only two franchises (the second being Code Geass) that got its own board on 4chan, one of the biggest (and certainly the biggest japanese popculture related) forums on the internet.

    I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous Jones ‮[8-FTU] ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !TapsqdZp4A 10/30/08(Thu)13:51 No.1533628
    /a/ was renamed /codegeass/ before becoming the current "Animu & Mango".

    moot thinks he's so cool.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)13:51 No.1533629
    No. DVDfags get the least anime, which is the point. (And it means someone who only watches DVD's, not buys them two years after seeing fansubs as collectibles.)

    There should be TVfag at the bottom, though.
    >> Anonymous Jones ‮[8-FTU] ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !TapsqdZp4A 10/30/08(Thu)13:53 No.1533640
    I thought it was a scale of cancer, with the largest chunks of the pyramid corresponding to the more cancerous elements of the population.
    Guess I misread the graph, huh?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)13:54 No.1533649
    It's all cancer
    >> Anonymous Jones ‮[8-FTU] ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !TapsqdZp4A 10/30/08(Thu)13:56 No.1533654
    Yeah, but blue fire is hotter than red fire, you know what I mean?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)13:59 No.1533664
    Well, the content of /jp/ pretty much moved from being /touhou/; I don't know if my timezone is fucked up but I feel like I see less and less touhou threads.
    Now there are Kigurumi, figs, Aya (not the slut, the other slut), ITT Overrated Shit, CHAOS;FOOT, Umineko, /trv/ and Type-Moon. Oh, and Yukkuris, too (I don't put that shit into the Touhou ranks though).

    Check the back pages looking for touhou threads. You'll be surprised.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)14:05 No.1533686
    /jp/ has run out of shit to talk about. just slipping slowly into fluency and ultimate ronery.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)14:05 No.1533687
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    VNs are slowly taking over /jp/. I for one welcome the fall of the Touhou monopoly.
    >> ponpo !tC/hi58lI. 10/30/08(Thu)14:08 No.1533699
    /jp/ suicide pact imminent.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)14:08 No.1533700
    People still keep pictures of my failure post?

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