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  • File :1225364380.jpg-(411 KB, 2816x2112, S63006281.jpg)
    411 KBRE: That Australian anon that got his Junior Idol DVDs opened by customs Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)06:59 No.1532415  
    It's story time.

    So I had a couple of packages waiting for me at the post office today, one of them looked a bit damaged nothing too out of the ordinary right?
    >> Dust of Osiris !U4ZKgLjqPw 10/30/08(Thu)07:00 No.1532420
    >>It's story time.
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:00 No.1532421
    "That Australian anon that got his Junior Idol DVDs opened by customs "

    Uh, oh...
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:01 No.1532424
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    Note that the back is open; it was like this before I got it they just put that plastic stuff around it.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:01 No.1532425
    as long as everything's in the package, it should be alright.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:01 No.1532426
    not your personal blog

    also enjoy getting V&
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:04 No.1532430
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    Under the lid they left some helpful brochures explaining their position. Note that it's quarantine not customs; they weren't looking for porn or anything they only open if they suspect biological goods.
    >> RE: That Australian anon that got his Junior Idol DVDs opened by customs Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:04 No.1532431
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:05 No.1532437
    Cut to chase, my good man. Did they take whatever it is you bought or not?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:07 No.1532439
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    As you can see they didn't remove anything just "were suspicious for some reason"

    What was the offending material that could have become a biological hazard to Australia? Well this, yes it's a poster collection.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:09 No.1532444
    They're probably suspicious of every package with moonrunes on it, judging from the 'Opened for inspection' flier.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:10 No.1532449
    I guess they suspected the presence of fibrous, organic material.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:11 No.1532451
    Lol, they didn't care. They just see "from japan" and their racist asses probably think "omg, hax, terriorists"

    Hope thos cunts did'nt mess up your posters.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:12 No.1532452
    nice stuff
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:13 No.1532454
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:14 No.1532455
    Are Australian mail people anti loli Nazis? maybe they were hoping to find loli and stir trouble because they ovb have no live.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:15 No.1532459
    Ok I'll get to my point now. I have been shopping online and importing since 2003, never lost a package but this is the second package I have had opened and the first one was only 5 months ago.

    In both of those cases it doesn't take a genius to figure out why they opened it. Note how the declariation says "toy", if you chuck this through a xray scanner you'll see nothing but paper. If they read something as ambigious as "toy" and see nothing but "paper" your chances of a search are high.

    I have also imported goods on my body while travelling and I can say that the best way to not get searched is to have a truthful declariation that matches up with what they see on the scanner.

    I really don't want to make a habit of having my packages checked because online retailers often write the most senseless, liability ridden declarations ever. It might not be a issue with americans but customs here is fucking nuts and I hate dealing with them.

    Hobby search is a huge offender of this they write toy for everything no matter what it looks like. If the junior idol anon is lurking about I'm curious to what they wrote on your declaration
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:18 No.1532463

    Does it really matter though? As long as they don't steal and/or damage your goods, who cares if they take a peek?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:19 No.1532464
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    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:23 No.1532469

    It really feels very violating to pick up a package from the post office and seeing that it has a gaping hole in it and already been manhanded by mysterious strangers. This is why I insure all my packages because one of these guys is going to get contents of a package lost one day.


    I have a ring binder folder full of invoices over the years from packages sent from japan, and it is completely full. Two searches out of all of them is still pretty good I guess but seriously this is so preventable and it really is nothing but carelessness from the retailer.

    It's not a problem they can't fix, the antithesis to this would be paletweb. The crazy engrish speaking dude agrees to write whatever you want if you ask nicely.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:24 No.1532471

    hahahah holy hell who shipped that?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:25 No.1532472
    They must think you're a sick bastard now.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:26 No.1532473
    Even that makes me go "what" I wonder what it does to a customs officer.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:26 No.1532474
    Lolis with guns is a threat to the ecosystem of Australia.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:28 No.1532477

    Eh. I've had a couple of packages from Himeya Shop opened by customs and it never bothered me that much. Maybe I'm just weird that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:30 No.1532480

    I doubt that was shipped internationally when it only has stamps and an address. Still jesus I would die if some kind lady handed that to me over the desk where my PO Box is.

    Another complaint about hobby search shipping why do they use boxes big enough to fit my TV for the smallest items? Better then too small I guess but jesus they go overboard.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:35 No.1532484

    What were you buying exactly? Another reason why it bothers me is that customs here outright confiscates most pornography so there's a real fear of god from importers here. You don't know when you're crossing the line and it's a real gamble when some get checked and some don't
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:41 No.1532494
    Pornography is illegal?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:41 No.1532495
    >It might not be a issue with americans but customs here is fucking nuts
    You can get sent to prison in the U.S. for exactly what they've caught you with.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:47 No.1532505
    It is illegal to send anything "obscene" through the USPS, where obscene is defined by "does a jury think it's obscene when during your trial", so in the bible belt, effectively yes.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:49 No.1532508

    are those panties on the ground?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:51 No.1532510
    Seems to be plastic wrap.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:53 No.1532511

    They caught me with pornography?

    I posted this in that other thread but it's worth mentioning again.


    We have obscanity laws too, which are also rarely enforced directly except that restrictions against all pornography are explictly stated in the custom services guidelines here. There is also an undisputed precident for regarding loli and child pornography here, reminder that we have no bill of rights so free speech arguments have no grounding.


    I'm not sure if your customs service has a specific policy of searching out and regulating pornography.

    >seized his collection of over 1,200 manga volumes; hundreds of DVDs, VHS tapes, and laser discs; seven computers; and other materials.

    Also hot damn that collection.


    It's my worn out old chair.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:56 No.1532515
    Hey OP, did you have to pay insanely high taxes too?

    I ordered two DVDs last week and had to pay $30 extra.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)07:58 No.1532519

    huh, taxes for what? Duty free limit is $900 where are you buying from?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:00 No.1532525
    Taxes on imports? They only tax you if you buy things over $1000AUD and this is a combined total.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:04 No.1532528
    So how would one go about getting into working for customs? Seems like a good deal, confiscating porn manga and idol dvds and making copies for "evidence."
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:06 No.1532529
    If I worked for customs I would be very tempted to steal a package/contents from a package.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:09 No.1532533

    I think they have recruitment on their web site, obviously it isn't a job open for unskilled labour though. A girl from my work is aspiring to work for customs, she said something about how her management training will qualify her for some of the jobs or some shit.

    I want to punch her and call her a pig for that fact alone.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:10 No.1532535

    Oh? I thought it was just another menial job. There goes my chance.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:11 No.1532536
    Netherlands. The duty free limit is 20 euros / $25 USD here. I didn't know that wasn't normal. I actually canceled all my other orders last week.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:13 No.1532540

    The tight duty free limits for europe are pretty infamous. Some shippers know this and agree to under declare the vaule for you email them to ask.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:14 No.1532542
    Some shifty guys will mark down the value if you request it, but if it's insured they only insure the amount marked on the package.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:15 No.1532547
    http://archive.easymodo.net/jp/cgi-board.pl/thread/1518718 for those wanting to read the Junior Idol thread.

    Everything I import has been labelled 'gift', it doesn't seem to pose much problems.

    I did freak out when my fleshlight arrived and my sister signed for it, I woke up and found the box outside my bedroom door. I seem to recall customs opening that one up but it could just be my imagination.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:16 No.1532548
    >Includes computer games, computer generated images, films, interactive games and publications that describe, depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime cruelty, violence, terrorist acts or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults.

    >reasonable adults.

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:18 No.1532553
    I also get scared when my packages arrive while I'm asleep. My family usually ask what's in it and if they can see it. ;__;

    This is why I have never bought a sex toy so I can lose my virginity like the rest of you guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:19 No.1532558
    Wow. I thought the UK was bad enough with it's anti-lolicon politicians, but Australia is getting ridiculous.

    Are there any guidelines for what "obscene" actually is? And what is a "reasonable adult"?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:20 No.1532561
    so if I buy a Naruto game I'll go to jail...(which is a good thing)
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:22 No.1532565
    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for next time.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:23 No.1532567
    >sex toy
    >lose my virginity

    Sorry to disappoint but you can't.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:25 No.1532573
    >THE long-running debate on an adult rating for games in Australia may have been shut down by South Australian Attorney-General Michael Atkinson.

    >The debate was renewed last March when the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG) agreed to public consultation on an R18+ games classification.

    >However Mr Atkinson has rejected plans to publish the consultation results, effectively shelving the discussion process.

    >Unlike film, video games can only be classified up to MA15+, and the law cannot be changed without the consent of the Commonwealth and each state and territory attorney-general.

    >A study released by the Interactive Entertainment Association of Australia (IEAA) this week showed 91 per cent of Australian respondents – both gamers and non-gamers – support an R18+ rating for games.

    >It also showed that the average age of Australian gamers is now 30, and only 1 per cent of all games classified in the last year exceeded an MA15+ rating.

    >Mr Atkinson has spoken out against an R18+ rating for games repeatedly, telling South Australian state parliament earlier this year that children needed to be protected from adult games.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:26 No.1532575

    >A spokesperson for Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls, a supporter of the ratings change, told Fairfax while the issue was formally still on the SCAG agenda, "it appears unlikely that there will be unanimity from all jurisdictions to proceed further at this stage with introducing an R18+ category for computer games."

    >Australia is the only developed country without an adult rating for games.

    Excuse the shitty source, it's http://www.news.com.au/technology/story/0,25642,24575896-5014239,00.html . Basically because of the constitution Australia needs all the state/territory Attorney-Generals to agree for new classifications to be introduced. All but one agree, that one religious nutbag is cockblocking all of Australia for getting an R18+ category for games.

    >Australia is the only developed country without an adult rating for games.

    >only developed country


    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:28 No.1532578

    I had a laugh too, but I live in Sydney so I'm better than the rest of you guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:30 No.1532581
    >They caught 私 with pornography?
    In the U.S., it doesn't have to be pornography, only "obscene" to a jury of people they can round up near where you live. In most of the U.S., you'd probably get nailed for creepy + vaguely sexual + girls of indeterminate age.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:33 No.1532584
    Ordering 840 when there are better sequels like 850 and 860. Shame on you.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:35 No.1532589
    The "obscene" thing applies in the U.S., not Kangarooland.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:38 No.1532599
    That reminds me,I am going down under next month, what's the odds of them stopping me to search my laptop which is full of /h/ and eroge?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:39 No.1532605
    They won't do that, just don't bring hard copies of any risque stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:40 No.1532609
    What's your skin colour?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:45 No.1532629
    Unlikely. I think computer and electronic media searches are only in America.

    The ones here are pretty laid back when you go through, really.

    Nowhere near as "funny" as the guys in Canada who misheard one member of my travelling group and we got sent to the lady who dealt with people trying to import organic material. Granted, this same person gets misheard here in Australia too (got a medium rare instead of a medium well!).
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:46 No.1532633
    Install Linux and hide windows and your loli stuff with truecrypt kremlin etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:47 No.1532635
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:48 No.1532639
    You'll be fine. They might ask where the mushrooms are though. Or the dried urchins.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:54 No.1532664
    wtf, I never knew we couldn't import things with pictures of the australian flag on it, or anything with the word 'ANZAC' on it, or novelty erasers for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:54 No.1532665
    not bringing any food there. Thanks for making me hungry anon,i miss eating those.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:55 No.1532668
    Dried squid is pretty good too.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)08:55 No.1532670
    Australians think that Chinese people eat jerky made from homeless orphan boys? What the hell?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:01 No.1532695
    Its because little boys have no melamine
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:13 No.1532754
    >Surplus melamine has been a popular adulterant for feedstock and baby formula in mainland China for several years now, because it can make diluted or poor quality material appear to be higher in protein content by elevating the total nitrogen content detected by some simple protein tests.
    That's fucking cheap. Bastards.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:31 No.1532818
    Lol, australia.

    In my country, there are no customs, piracy isn't punished because fucking EVERYONE pirates their shit, and loli isn't banned.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:33 No.1532822
    Where are you from?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:36 No.1532830

    Some may call it a shitty underdevelvoped country, but for my needs, I call it paradise.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:37 No.1532835
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:40 No.1532841
    arigato gosaimasu, aniki
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:42 No.1532846
    Can someone confirm this? It sounds like a troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:54 No.1532897
    It's true, but it sucks.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:56 No.1532905
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)09:58 No.1532912
    Rebels, drug lords. The usual.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:04 No.1532930
    He has to live in Columbia for one.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:11 No.1532962
    may be of use to you
    I just googled australia laptop search customs. Dunno about Australia, but some places like US and Britain might copy your whole HD for analysis later :)
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:13 No.1532971

    Drug dealing isn't a problem where I live, since selling it over here isn't profitable.

    They make it and sell it on other countries.

    Those rebels lost their leaders and their supporters, they are out of money and weapons, and most of their forces retired.

    To make things better there hasn't been a case of them in my city, so it's a win-win situation.

    Not like it would be a problem since I barely leave my house.

    tl;dr the terrorits are over and the drugs are for the USA
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:18 No.1532995
    Columbia != Colombia
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:32 No.1533053
    Meh, it's all America to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:37 No.1533067
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:37 No.1533068
    It is all America; Columbia is in North America (United States, see: District of Columbia), Colombia is in South America

    kinda different
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:38 No.1533073
    Sorry, clicked too early.

    To the post linked: That's such horseshit. How do they get away with such a blatant violation of privacy? What are the grounds they claim for doing such things?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:44 No.1533090
    Gotta protect people from turrists and child malesters.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)11:19 No.1533187


    >During a search of his baggage, officers examined the contents of a laptop. The laptop was allegedly found to contain hundreds of images of child pornography.

    Laptop searches are actually more widespread then you think. Things like this is what drives technology like true crypt.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)11:31 No.1533208
    Reminder that 100 years ago people travelled around the world without things like passports, and another reminder that the universal declariation of human rights explictly states "freedom of movement with hinderance" as a fundamental right of all humans.

    Just saying, there is literally no reason for border control other then to benefit the powers of a state over it's own people.
    >> ponpo !tC/hi58lI. 10/30/08(Thu)11:33 No.1533211
    Live somewhere near a warring region and see if you willingly accept millions of refugees.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)11:36 No.1533219

    Are you saying people should not accept refugees? That is a even worse violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights then the one I was complaining about.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)11:39 No.1533229
    Yeah, it's great when your country's economy fails because you're so worried about human rights. Everyone can starve together when vital industry and services collapse under the weight of the influx.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)11:47 No.1533259

    Too bad their prices are ridiculous. And I don't mean Himeya-shipping ridiculous either, I mean 90-bux-for-a-new-import-PS2-title which you can purchase at play-asia for roughly around 60-65. Although I did get some touhou stuff from there back in '07. Speaking of, I'm never dealing with Himeya again, given that my Pop'n Music 14 LE's box was all crushed to shit and I still had to pay $45 in shipping.

    I've been buying imports from online stores since '06, and my very first import was Gyakuten Saiban BEST PRICE from Play-Asia. I chose the normal shipping option. 60+ imports later, not a single one opened, misplaced, or gone missing. No point choosing EMS, because they arrive at the EXACT SAME TIME, or so I've found out from testing things. Fun fact: If you write 999999 in the quantity slot of a certain item on Play-Asia, you can find out how much physical stock they have left.

    Also, SMJ have been faithful. Deputy fees out the fucking wazoo, but their EMS items have come reasonably fast and there's never been anything broken, damaged, delayed, or anything.

    So far I've yet to try HLJ but from what I've heard, I don't have anything to worry about.

    Also, don't use UPS. Just don't. If you have to, pass. It isn't worth it. Stay away from UPS. Even if there's something you want to buy, which was limited to a print of 5000, and you'll never see again, but you're forced to use UPS, just don't do it. DON'T. FUCKING DON'T. DON'T USE UPS. I'm telling you, if you aren't going to listen to me, you're on your own.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)11:50 No.1533267
    It's funny because NZ has none of these ridiculously anal system checks like Aus does. Thank god I'm a kiwi.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)11:53 No.1533275

    You got pop'n through Himeya? You seem to be the right person to ask because I'm thinking of buying DJ Troopers LE through himeya because I am sick of PA taking apart the konami style box sets and shipping the posters seperately.

    I also hear most people say good things about Himeya in regards to IIDX confirm/deny?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)11:58 No.1533292
    Also in regards to paletweb I laughed when he got a copy of tsukibako up and started selling it at something like $390, and it sold WITHIN A DAY.

    granted it isn't far from it's usual price but everyone thinks the usual price is stupid and no one buys it.
    >> Heero Yuy !z5d6wPEnIs 10/30/08(Thu)12:15 No.1533341
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    >What was the offending material that could have become a biological hazard to Australia?

    Biological warfare you say?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)12:57 No.1533447

    I don't know, I have IIDX. I only like Pop'n. I've never ordered any IIDX material from anywhere, although I did see the controller for cheap at play-asia. They ship the poster separately because they use an individual poster tube. They did that with my Akumajou Dracula X PSP Konamistyle shit, which worried me because they gave absolutely no explanation as to why they did this, and it didn't arrive at the same time. But they fessed up after I confronted them about it.

    It's not like I'll be buying any more Pop'n stuff since they canned CS releases, so we're never seeing 15+. Himeya is (very rarely) cheaper when it comes to some special editions, but not often.

    Posters are never INSIDE a Konamistyle box so I don't know why you would care if they were shipped separately. Fuck the Dracula X bundle didn't even HAVE a box.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)13:02 No.1533468
    >>Mr Atkinson has spoken out against an R18+ rating for games repeatedly, telling South Australian state parliament earlier this year that children needed to be protected from adult games.

    Wait, what? He's arguing against rating games adults-only on the basis that only adults should play those games?
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)13:09 No.1533492
    Dude, they are the retarded offspring of retarded British criminals, you can't expect a lot from them. Sage for /jp/ - Blogs and Australia.

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